vposey · 6 years
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*Calvin in the middle of making a facecam video*
You: Cal help me!
Calvin: …just a sec you guys my girlfriend fucked up *gets up*
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vposey · 6 years
Take a break.
“ Pls i need crying calvin. Like not a seriously sad fic, just like sobbing sad calvin that gets comforted? Pls ily “
THIS WAS THE CUTEST THING TO WRITE. I hope you enjoy it! Sorry for it being so short??  
Balancing my laptop on my thighs, I groan, stretching my right arm out to reach for the bag of chips on the floor beside my bed. I grab the bag between the tips of my fingers, pulling it up to me. I place the bag next to my laptop, pressing play on the anime I was currently watching. The screen goes black before the theme song plays. My mind wanders off to thoughts of Calvin, he was currently in his room making a facecam, well, trying to, and by the sounds of it, it doesn’t sound like it’s going very well.
Keep reading
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vposey · 6 years
Reblog if you still like leafy
Hey everyone I know I did this a while ago but since our numbers are decreasing even more after current events. Reblog if you still like leafyishere. You may not watch his content a lot or at all but if you still support him reblog
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vposey · 6 years
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vposey · 6 years
“Ex Leafy fans”
 (My english is not perfect, so please excuse any mistakes. I’m trying :)
Recently I’ve seen some “ex leafy fans” try to belittle and insult people in this community and I wanted to point some things out about that.
First I need to clarify that what they are criticizing about Leafy himself is not what I want to focus on. I don’t agree with a lot of what they are saying, but I’m sure all of us current or former fans can agree that there are a lot of valid reasons to dislike him.
It is totally ok not to enjoy him anymore and obviously nobody should have an issue with that.
What bothers very much is when people try to get over an, in their opinion, embarassing part of their life that way. Of course it’s natural to feel this way about some stuff in your past, especially when you’re younger, which I’d assume most of us are. I used to really like some stuff that makes me cringe nowadays.
But what I’d never do is go back to the people I used to associate with and tell them that they disgust me or that they need to grow the fuck up. If you do that you lack basic empathy. Because the people you are insulting are exactly as your were not too long ago. It should be very easy to relate.
I really don’t get that.
I mean your were a Leafy fan. It’s not like you used to be a neo nazi or something. It’s not that big of a deal.
What also bothers me is that they say (amongst other things) that him being insulting and mean makes them hate him. I don’t need to point out the hypocripsy in that.
It’s actually quite funny. They claim they’ve matured but when you are an adult you don’t need to tell everybody: “Hey, I don’t like this guy I used to like when I was young and stupid. Actually I hate him. Oh and everybody that likes anything related to him. Because I’m an adult!”
If you really want to leave that part of your life behind (which is ok), don’t come back to start fights. You come across desperate for attention, immature and quite similar to the guy you apparently hate.
(Ok, I had to mention this. Isn’t it funny that everyone who is doing this now, used to be toxic and start drama a lot, when they were still part of this community … and as far as I know they were all friends :))
Well, that’s it, I probably forgot half of what I was going to write, but I hope it was coherent enough.
I appreciate anyone who is still a part of this small “fandom”. Thanks for reading and have a good day :)
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vposey · 7 years
ten second facecam
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vposey · 7 years
Leafy: *rolls over in bed at 4 am*
me, lying inches from his face: so i was - stop screaming it's just me - i was thinking you could post a fucking facecam thanks
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vposey · 7 years
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Happy 22nd birthday Calvin! Even though your channel and fandom is pretty dead, you’re not dead to me. You’ve been a huge part of my life and I’d like to thank you for that. You had helped me out when I really needed someone to cheer me up in my darkest days. Thank you so much and have a wonderful birthday! Don’t do drugs and don’t get super drunk, stay safe Cal! 🎂😊💕
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vposey · 7 years
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happy birthday mr. calvin wheee
i’m grateful that he’s still making videos despite everything, his videos really helped me a while back and always picked me up- also heck his taste in music is amazing, he’s introduced me to a ton of new artists that i love listening to now haha- anyways happy 22nd birthday leafster! here’s a lazy drawing, hope you a have a good birthday celebration and whatnot c:
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vposey · 7 years
Happy Birthday!
It’s been a rough year with your channel but I never will stop watching you even if I’m the last one doing it. You’ve helped calm me down when I’ve been having a rough time recently, and you do it to more people then you think. Hope you have a good day :)
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vposey · 7 years
Dating leafy would include
- your first kiss being interrupted by you hitting your head on his snapback - asking for your input on his videos - taking bad pictures of each other - roasting you every chance he gets - always ordering takeout - him being the big spoon and putting his hands under your shirt -spoils every show you watch - always tries and succeeds at grabbing your ass - staying up with him when he can’t sleep - skyping him while he travels - calvin always trying to scare you - finding his doodles all over the apartment - every time you kiss you feel his chapped lips
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vposey · 7 years
me: says something genuinely risky and borderline problematic yall: me: uses a leafyishere reaction gif yall: im fucking doxxing you as we speak you little bitch. fuck you youre disgusting. im blocking you and spreading awareness about how awful you are
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vposey · 7 years
Not gonna lie, Leafy is fucking cute lol
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vposey · 7 years
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❣️ what a babe wtaf ❣️
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vposey · 7 years
All I see on Youtube trending these days is Jake Paul, diss tracks on other YouTubers, and did I mention Jake Paul?? What happened to the good old youtube days where PewDiePie made let’s plays on rpg games (ie mad father), and YouTubers discussing about life and giving helpful tips? Now it’s all about drama regarding irrelevant ppl :/ 
At least talk about drama involving more interesting people (ie the Leafy and Keem drama was rather captivating IMO). 
But I guess watching a grown ass adult acting/being retarded is the new “trend” these days… smh :/
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vposey · 7 years
Every time Leafy touches his cute lil nose, I level up
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vposey · 7 years
“ can you write a fic with lots of little kisses and cuddling and flustered calvin pretty please <3 “
I loved this request so much! I hope you enjoy this. Sorry for it being so short, and it kind of got a little smutty? Oops. (: 
Cuddling with Calvin was my absolute favourite thing to do. The way his arms would tighten around my waist as he would fall into a deep sleep. Or, the way he would place little kisses in the crook of my neck as I’m telling him about my day. I loved Calvin more than anything, and he was one great cuddler.
I’m cuddled up against him, watching some old horror movie. His arm is slung over my waist and his head is resting on top of mine. I feel his chest rumble every time he laughs at something in the movie. At least someone was paying attention to it. “(Y/n), are you even watching the movie?” he asks me, chuckling because he already knows the answer. I giggle, turning around in his arms.
“Totally am, such a good movie, I rate it ten stars,” I smile up at him.
He laughs, leaning down and placing a kiss on the end of my nose. I scrunch my face up, smiling because he knows how much I hate that. It tickles, okay? I scoot closer to him, his arm tightening slightly holding me close to his chest. I rest my head against his hoodie, nuzzling my way into it, trying to get as much warmth as possible. I tilt my head up slightly, kissing the underside of his neck near his adam’s apple.
I hear Calvin groan slightly, so I place an opened mouthed kiss to his adam’s apple before kissing my way up to his ear. I run my tongue along the side of his neck very lightly, smiling at the effect it has on him. He tilts his head a little, giving me more access. I reach his ear, gently taking his earlobe between my teeth and biting at it with an incredibly light touch. His groan is louder this time, making me smile wider.
“Stop teasing me, fuck, this isn’t fair (Y/n),” he states, whining a little.
I just giggle and looking into his dark brown eyes. I run my hand up his arm, to the side of his neck before I move my head up a little bit, planting my lips against his. His lips are working slowly against mine, and I can’t help but let out a little moan at the intimacy of the kiss. His hand slowly moves from my waist to my ass, grabbing it and squeezing softly. I bite his bottom lip gently, pulling back with a mischievous smirk. Looking at him, I notice how flustered I’ve gotten him. A rosy tint to his cheeks, nothing but lust in his eyes.
Before I know what’s happening, I’m being lifted up from the couch. I’m in Calvin’s arms and he’s walking us towards the bedroom. His lips are leaving little kisses along my neck, accompanied by a few hickeys here and there. I’m moaning out softly, knowing exactly what’s to come.
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