vsag23 ¡ 1 year
That light that fills our lives with emotion, passion and why not… some spice and drama.
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Leo Rising: The noble heart
Natives with a charm and charisma perceptible from a distance. People who seem to have it all, but have come a long way to assert themselves. A strong will and a desire to go far in anything they are passionate about. Friendly personality but unreachable appearance, royal vibes but deep down they hide a perfectionist and demanding essence with themselves. Many times they give the impression of being difficult to approach, and it is that they tend to project themselves as distant, they seem to be very well on their own, but behind that independence there is nothing more than a noble, generous heart and willing to love madly. They may have felt very vulnerable when they were younger, causing them to become independent and defensive. 
They have an incredible eye for detail, especially those related to aesthetics, particularly their own. They can earn the title of models or very attractive people and it is just for Virgo in the 2nd house. This overlay makes them pay close attention to their style, their appearance is very important to them and they tend to be too critical of their body and personality, let's remember that this house also shows self-esteem. It is very likely that they pamper themselves with gifts or go shopping constantly, as this is a way to improve their self-esteem. Their self-esteem may have been damaged in the past, they may feel less strong or capable than they are. At some point in their lives they could question their value as people excessively, if they deserved some things or if they were worth it. Behind that facet of an empowered person there is someone with a couple of insecurities and a self-critical tendency that sometimes seems to be very noisy. They tend to have in mind that they want money from a young age, and many of them can have a very strong ability to earn and manage finances. Finding a mutable sign on this cusp can indicate various economic ups and downs at an early age, but being an earth sign it augurs stability. Increases the possibility of having multiple sources of income. They are very careful people with their possessions, however they can be very generous people, it is very likely that they will financially support those who need it most. They stand out for their attention to detail with others, they love to help others selflessly. They are people who have sincerity, kindness and hard work very much in mind, these values ​​being of the utmost importance to them.
They are excellent and charming communicators, they speak in such an engaging and wonderful way that it seems that you can fall in love in just the first conversation. I welcome you to the paradise of Libra in the 3rd house. These natives love to talk, no matter how serious they are because of other placements, giving their opinion and communicating is of the utmost importance, they love to feel curious about things, they love to learn new things and experiment with new things but that they provide them with a certain degree of comfort. . Although it may be hard for them to admit it, many of them can think of love in a very dreamy way, they dream of finding a partner with whom they connect in every way. And speaking of connections, this overlay makes them be people with many connections or with the possibility of being liked by others more easily than the rest. And it is not that they are necessarily social butterflies [which some are], but rather that they always treat people with respect, and that is what guarantees them a place in the hearts of others. They are very careful with their relationships, particularly friendships. In case of having siblings, this placement can give us one of two scenarios, either having a harmonious relationship with them [since it is ruled by Venus] or having a somewhat subtle type of competition for others, they may be constantly compared and even some tinge of envy from the sibling to the native. They could have an interest or huge ability to appreciate art, and in fact, they can be very talented at it. They have a talent for any creative expression, especially writing, they can become the most moving poets you will ever meet. 
Behind that smile, behind that charm, they hide an emotional intensity that is often difficult for even them to understand. With this Scorpio in the 4th house we see people with lasting emotions, when they know they want something or are sure of something from the bottom of their hearts, there is nothing to stop them. They will seem very carefree, spontaneous, but deep down these natives may fear going deeper into their emotions and even into some experiences of their childhood. They are very afraid of being vulnerable to people, opening their hearts can be difficult. They are afraid of feeling a need to be with someone because their independence and need for autonomy would prevent them, they are afraid of opening their hearts and being ignored or abandoned. Despite this, natives need emotional security, and deep down they crave emotional intensity and durability, meaningful connections, and a devoted commitment to another person in whatever bond. They feel comfortable with direct and totally sincere people with their emotions, who do not make them doubt, who give them constant intense displays of emotions. They hate to doubt, they hate what is not sure and what confuses them. They ask for clarity, because they know perfectly well that they give clarity and honesty in return. They tend to fear this side of themselves, they fear seeing themselves as extremists or very intense, but deep down they are just people who know exactly what they want and know how to get away from what they don't want. Even if they express what they think, being totally open with someone makes them insecure, they don't like that a person knows more about them than they do about the other person, deep down they hold in their hearts a desire of someone loving each part of their identity, of their minds and each part of their body. With them you will not have any doubt. They will give you certainty and they will be there for you. Even if you don't believe it at first, they will give you that security and you will find in them the most loyal and committed partner, friend and person.
Heaven is an experience that can be brought down to earth, and this overlay is the absolute epitome, as Sagittarius in the 5th house gives some lucky mortals a taste of what it's like to be taken to the highest and most satisfying pinnacle of heaven. Heavens. These natives change a lot when they fall in love, they are filled with positivity, they radiate happiness and it becomes practically impossible for them to hide their love for someone. They see love as a learning experience and a way to reconnect with the purest form of their emotions. They intoxicate their partners with the most genuine happiness, with unforgettable and positive experiences and have a devoted way of loving even with spiritual overtones. They are looking for a partner with whom to destroy the routine, someone with whom to have an incredible time talking from the deepest to the pointless, but they not only ask for that, they want a spiritual union that makes them improve as people not only them, but to their partners. They have a great appeal, spread a lot of joy and radiate charm. The fun with them is guaranteed and their confidence makes them unconsciously put themselves under the spotlight of many. They may have great luck attracting people with whom the feeling is mutual. They will always be interested in topics that allow them to delve deeper into themselves. There is a touch of mystery in that daring smile and in that defiant gaze, there is a charm that makes it impossible for you to look away. Their playful attitude can confuse you, since they want to be taken seriously.
If there's one thing they don't get as much credit for, it's their high level of devotion and great work ethic, this is where a beloved Capricorn in the 6th house comes into action. They are stronger and more solid people than they think, they inspire confidence and it seems that they are sure of every move they make, they always have their priorities in mind and they hate wasting their time doing things that are not worth it. Sometimes they will prefer to spend time on their own doing things that genuinely add something to them or they like. When they consider that something is really worthwhile, they will invest all their time and effort in it, hence they can stand out a lot in their work life. This house also governs routines, being ruled by Saturn we can see how difficult it can be for them to do a routine for them, such as being on a diet, exercising or simply scheduling things, but what we can also see is a lot of dedication once you have defined that it is worthwhile or that it will do them good. They are very demanding of themselves, and tend to place high expectations on who they should be and become, and can sometimes be just as demanding of others, especially if they are in a position of authority at work. They are people very prone to low health due to stress, stress that can cause bone pain, muscle pain or headaches. Melancholia and periods of little motivation can be something frequent in them.
They leave a unique and indelible mark on other people, fill your life with novelty and make you feel such a renewed freedom, thus showing their Aquarius in the 7th house. They unconsciously project themselves as very unique people, it is not surprising that they stand out from the crowd more easily. They seem to be very intelligent, to be somewhat detached and to be fantastic with no one by their side. Despite this, they want a lasting connection and one in which they can be totally transparent, reflecting their two rulers, Saturn and Uranus. They may be somewhat fearful of intimacy, the idea of ​​someone being very close to them and then hurting or leaving them. Some of these natives may have an avoidant attachment, appearing to fear getting too close to someone and acting friendly only. Precisely because of this they do not reveal much of themselves to others and remain mysterious to a certain extent. Despite having great social skills and being able to connect with people no matter how different they are, they have a hard time feeling like they fit in with people or that they click with someone. But when they feel that, the intrigue devours them from the inside, and you value very much who they connect with on such a level. Despite their playful and aloof personality, they are among the most loyal once they decide to settle down, since they are ruled by Saturn after all. They need their space a lot, of course, and they are fascinated by people who are the same or more independent than they are, they are usually fascinated by intelligent people and with something unique about them, someone difficult to decipher.
Seduction, charm and a sexy and enchanting nature. Leo Rising people seem to live for the exciting, the fun and the passionate, but is this always the case? Yes. It is. Only that in this sector, it takes on the deepest and most idealizing tints, and this is when we meet their Pisces in the 8th house. They seek to live a romance that allows them to connect and get to know their partner in detail, to be oneself with the one they love. They don't just see sex as something passionate, they see it as something magical, something that allows the relationship to deepen. Love for them is a way to escape with their partner, to take them to a perfect world in which they know only the most pleasant sensations. However, these natives are highly selective with the people with whom they seek emotional and physical intimacy, they can even be seen as picky, this is due to two factors: one of them is their surprising social skills, it does not mean that they are very extroverts, but they know how to read people, both what they really are and the hidden truth of their hearts. And secondly, that they can be somewhat distant to the idea of ​​being very intimate with someone that is just “anyone”. These natives are excellent at making their partner's fantasies come true, they know how to make you feel desired, loved and very attractive. Sex with them can be addictive and they are people who easily become an obsession for you.
Contrary to what could be intuited with this placement, having Aries in the 9th house can be quite a spiritual overlay. Let’s remember that Aries = "I am". This position tells us that the person takes their beliefs, their religion or their faith seriously, they are people who are their beliefs and have them very present in their day to day. They will defend their point of view with skill and endless arguments, they won't let you make them feel embarrassed or bad for having a certain belief, and they can quickly lose interest in people who make skeptical or harsh comments about their beliefs. They are people who can find fun in drama, they may like to spice things up with a friendly debate or teasing. This house also represents travel, so the journeys that the native undertakes can be very beneficial for them, since it will bring more self-awareness and small transformations. At university the native can stand out a lot, he can have the ambition or desire to be either the best in the class or the best version of himself, this thought can make many have a feeling of competitiveness with the native. Something that this placement also affects is that it will cause the native to have conflicts, differences or discussions with teachers. They hate feeling or appearing like cowards, they like the idea of ​​having well-defined ideas and opinions.
Grace, elegance, good aesthetics and a beauty that steals your attention immediately are some of the flexes of Taurus in the 10th house. In the eyes of others, these natives seem to have it all in life, they seem to be too perfect to be true, and they can give the impression of being in the best point of their life or being very stable people. Rich vibes, many of them could give the impression of being people with a high social or economic status. Being ruled by Venus, favors the rapid acceptance and respect of the public, the labor progress can be something easy, fast and comfortable for these natives. They are very hardworking people and dedicated to their work and despite being very loved people, with connections or good relationships with the rest, they can be somewhat reserved with their lives. They share trivial things, but never what is very deep. They can have a touch of mystery in their aura and put some distance. They actively seek ways to feel like jobs, to have a job that gives them all the luxuries they want and the life they deserve. They are looking to finally have a stable point in their lives.
They come to stand out a lot for their intellect and that ease to connect with people regardless of distance or anything else that seems to be a limitation, their Gemini in the 11th house makes them people with great possibilities to succeed in something related to the internet or the networking. They seem to know a lot about many subjects and have the most creative and fascinating ideas, thus earning the title of original people who put things in trend. They are fun and chatty friends, the ones you spend hours texting or calling with, the one you ask for opinions and advice. They value communication a lot, for them it is very important to have constant communication with their friends, keeping in touch regardless of the circumstances is a priority for them. It is very likely that at some point in their life they will face two-faced friendships, someone who behaved very friendly with them but turned out to be envious of them for their brightness or talk about them behind their backs. This placement favors a smarter choice of friends after that kind of event. They usually look after their friends and despite their playful and carefree behavior, deep down they look out for the well-being of their friends.
An internal emotional struggle, needs or fears, feeling or holding back. Is it too much? My emotions overwhelm you as much as they overwhelm me? Cancer in the 12th house makes your inner world make you stop a little bit and think a lot. Projecting yourself as a person who is charming, quite charming in fact, but who cannot be vulnerable in any way. They do not allow themselves to depend on someone, they do not allow themselves to be seen as weak or as someone who needs a lot from others, but at the same time they fear that their needs or requests will be ignored. Past experiences that get stuck in them, ones where they felt ignored, abandoned, disappointed or betrayed in some way. You are afraid to experience all this again, but you wish, you long to find a sense of home, to feel the warmth of someone holding you and saying that everything will be alright, you long for complete acceptance, someone who accepts and is amazed by that sweet heart that you protect from all that you perceive as a threat. They want to finally feel like they can let their guard down and allow themselves to feel without any inhibition. Melancholy can be a recurring enemy, especially on nights when they may have difficulty sleeping because of this and insomnia. The family can be a complex issue for you, you may not feel their support, have a changing and unstable relationship with them or feel little warmth. It is very likely that the words they [family or people you considered special] said to you many years ago are still etched in your mind, phrases that, although indifferent to them, had an intense weight on you. As time passed, you no longer feared being on your own so much, in fact it is very likely that you have found comfort in solitude at some point in your life and have only allowed yourself to be completely vulnerable when the spotlights go out and the eyes no longer are on you, you may not even allow yourself to be vulnerable in the comfort of your loneliness. Take the time to do with your heart what you do with the hearts and lives of others, lighten it up and let it fully express itself. Allow it to be happy, allow you to feel and allow yourself to live.
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vsag23 ¡ 2 years
Moon conjunct Neptune
Moon conjunct Neptune conjures up images of nocturnal sea mist and inky black oceans, infinite and unfathomable. It is the slippery, ethereal mermaid, slipping in and out of the waves, impossible to catch. The moon glistens over her tail as she flashes in and out of view, tantalising, teasing, just out of reach. One can only navigate by sound and feeling because you cannot trust your eyes here. Neptune is musical, but Moon Neptune plays a haunting, ethereal tune that takes one into another world. Of eerie whale song and moaning sirens. One feels euphoric and merges with the landscape. Moon conjunct Neptune has problems with boundaries, where they personally finish and others begin. They are a psychic sponge, so of course this makes them super-sensitive to their environment. This means that they may need to be quite reclusive since they are just too stimulated by everyday life. People may find it hard to trust them as they are so slippery and hard to pin down. Moon conjunct Neptune has the most wonderful imagination, but sometimes it comes so easily they may not actually realise it, consequently they find it hard to distinguish between reality and fantasy.
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vsag23 ¡ 2 years
Your venus sign & your love language
(dark mode recommend)
“What are Venus signs & what do they mean?”
Your Venus sign can represent your love language, what you’re attracted to, how you love, your beauty, how you express your desires, passions, and what you value, and how you relate to and experience pleasure. It can also tell you about your personal traits and aesthetics, as well as your relationship with finances and material possessions.
Energy: Feminine.
Sign: Libra/Taurus.
House: 7th/2nd house.
Venus changes signs every 20 days.
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Venus in Aries:
People with their Venus in Aries tend to fall for people quickly. They like the passion they feel while crushing on people, & love when their partner acts possessive or obsessive with them. They themselves can also be obsessed if they decide that the person they like is “the one” for them. They love really passionately and hard, but they may choose bad partners because they’re attracted to the more intense relationships. Even though they fall easily, their passion burns quickly. Even if they are obsessed, if the passion they feel isn’t on going, they’ll drop the crush or loose interest and move on to another person. They may like a lot of arguments or just verbally/physically aggressive partners or just tend to fall for them more. They can be impulsive when it comes to love because it’s like a rush of excitement for them and they may not treat it as serious. They can be people who love to chase, but I think they should go for someone who is actually invested in the relationship but still keeps the excitement there. They like people who are independent & have their own stuff/business going on because they are attracted to people who are ambitious and powerful. But in the relationship, they wanna be the one who’s powerful, it’s kind of like they want to show off their partners. So it’s kinda like a little bit of balancing. These individuals can also one very bold.. they’re like the type of people to walk up to their crush and tell them they like them. Even though they do care for people, they care about themselves way more. I’m not saying this is a bad thing, but sometimes it can be since it created problems in relationships. They may fear that by being with someone they will loose their power & independence.
Celebrities with their Venus in Aries: Shakira, Marilyn Monroe, Christina Ricci, and Tyler The Creator.
Venus in Taurus:
People with their Venus in Taurus are very wise when it comes to relationships, even if they haven’t been in any. They like to remember certain things that their partner would like, and then perform those actions for them. They’re not really interested in a lot of love type verbal communication, but instead they will perform actions because they know that sometimes words can’t be trusted. They’re going to do things for the people they love just because they love them and therefore the people they care about deserve it because in their eyes it’s very special if they actually love you, which means that you’re worth everything to them. They really know how to make the other person feel appreciated and happy, and they themselves feel happy when they see this. When they see someone they like, they may not do anything about it because they know that the person is going to come to them one way or another. Their energy and time is valuable, which makes other people attracted to them. They’re probably very physically attractive, and they like their partners to be attractive as well because they just love things that look good. They don’t mind waiting for a good, dependable partner who has their life together to enter their life because they’re just patient when it comes to love. They may stay in bad relationships or jobs for the wrong reasons though, like money or other forms of security. They can have some boundaries when it comes to love because they’re a little afraid of what might happen because if they get hurt then it’ll make them feel unsafe in future relationships. When people who like them try to move forward in the relationship, the native will be cautious of them… but even so, they do still tend to invest a lot in their relationships. They love people who are ambitious, and that have money.
Celebrities with their Venus in Taurus: Johnny Depp, Ariana Grande, Kanye West, and Lana Del Rey.
Venus in Gemini:
Natives with their Venus is Gemini are attracted to people who are good at speaking or people who are just good at putting words together, they like people who know how to act in social situations and people who are intelligent and well-liked too. They can be a little blinded though because they tend to follow and listen more to peoples words instead of actions, and this can cause misunderstandings and struggles. They can commit if they really want to but it’s kind of like they’re afraid of the intensity of the emotion, and they don’t want to feel trapped. They can be very cool and suave when showing interest in the people they like, and remember the little things. They want someone whom they can connect to on an intellectual level, not just an emotional one which is why they may seem cold. They like people that can keep up with them in many situations, & are interested in learning about different types of beauty, art, and love styles. They can get a lot of their love from different places like friends, family, themselves, etc. They don’t really need a partner, and having a significant other isn’t always on their mind either. It may even be the last thing they think about. They can be very on and off in love though because they may think they like you one day and then the next you’re not even on their mind. I do have to admit, they are very charming though which makes people drawn to them, or they can just be on the friendlier side. When they spend money, they may be very reckless and naive about it. These people may not have a “type” just because they tend to fall more often peoples minds rather than looks as much. However, they are harder to get to commit because the person they’re dating really has to meet what they need.
Celebrities with their Venus in Gemini: Megan Fox, Jennifer Lopez, Tom Holland, and Margot Robbie.
Venus in Cancer:
People with their Venus in Cancer are very loving. When they fall, they fall hard and are immediately infatuated. In some relationships, they need security and reassurance or else they’ll feel like their partner doesn’t love them. When they feel like they’re secure and their significant other loves them, they are very sweet and wonderful. They’ll remember everything, and I mean EVERYTHING. However, they can get overly obsessed with people they like which can make them dangerous. They’re the type to fall more in love with people that are serious, dominating, protective & just people who make them comfortable. They get very obsessed because sometimes the other person doesn’t like them back, and it’s like they feel very intensely about the other person so they’ll go to great lengths to make them theirs. Their love is so empowering when given to the right people, and they have such angelic and innocent-like beauty. They’re genuinely the best lovers that you can get. They’ll help you heal, nurture you, etc. They want deep emotional connections and bonds with others. It’s tricky for them to tell others how they actually feel because they’re used to having their emotions invalidated or ignored. They will do anything and everything for the people they truly love. They may often find themselves thinking about past relationships which can make they cry tears of joy or sadness depending on the emotion it carries. They can like taking care of people, or are just really good at taking care of people without noticing. They can also have a more motherly energy to them, which might attract kids to like them. If they get married, they want to make sure they have a secure & stable lifestyle. Even if they do get obsessed sometimes, they’re not gonna fall for just anybody & do have some sort of standards people have to meet. When they like you, they will act clingy, caring, and vulnerable. They’re genuinely the type to fall in love at first sight.
Celebrities with their Venus in Cancer: Devon Aoki, Angelina Jolie, Adriana Lima, and Lily-Rose Depp.
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Venus in Leo:
It’s harder to get people with their Venus in Leo to commit to a relationship because they need to know your worth and what makes you beneficial for them. They want the best experience when it comes to love & if they think you’re not going to give that to them, they will most likely disappear. But, they can be gullible to love bombing because when they see that someone is giving them what they need, they’ll get so excited and then ignore the red flags. They can be described as elegant and charming when it comes to their beauty. They really do want to be worshiped and adored. They like people who show them off and people who really take pride in being their partner. They like being won over & having people compete over them because it gives them the sense of power that they need. However, they can be difficult to win over in romantic settings but they are definitely very generous and lovely when it comes to friendships. They can sometimes be very cocky when trying to impress people they’re interested, which can sometimes drive the other people away. They’re really great at planning dates and special days for their significant others though. They really do love themselves though so sometimes they may get a bit egoistical. They really enjoy receiving compliments. They can flirt with other people they don’t really like just for the attention which may mislead some people. But when they genuinely do love you, they’ll be so loyal and will have the biggest heart. They can be so generous in relationships too to the point where they give too much of themselves away. They need people who have that same big, fun loving energy as them to really feel loved. These individuals are really set when it comes to people they like. They don’t have to worry about it because they’ve already made up their mind, so you’re going to know whether they like you or not. They’re also very magnetic and can easily become popular.
Celebrities with their Venus in Leo: Selena Gomez, Monica Bellucci, Lindsay Lohan, and Coco Chanel.
Venus in Virgo:
People with their Venus in Virgo tend to really over analyze their relationships a lot, which then leads to them creating “flaws.” They want partners who are really interested in them, and partners who can see small things and details about themselves that they can’t. They really like their partners remembering small details about them and then bringing it up later. People with this placement really want to provide for their significant other. They want to provide stability and order in any relationship they have. It can take them longer to fall in love because they just don’t really need a relationship. They’re fine on their own however, this doesn’t mean they don’t want a relationship - but it could. They may not get into a relationship unless they think it’s worth their time, and they’re not going to be with anyone unless they will benefit or get something out of that person that they can’t find in themselves. They like to study the people they like to understand why it is that they feel this type of way towards you. They would literally want to learn everything about you, like what you love, what you hate, etc. So, they may not be the most romantic or sensual Venus sign, but they study you so that they can give you the type of love that’s perfect for you. They’re very smart when it comes to love, relationship, and money. They can be extremely selective with who they decide to like. And they usually have a type or just like high standards. They really just need to be seen and need to feel like they’re special with their partner. They can attract a lot of people, but they have trouble when it comes to attracting the person they actually love. They’re really funny and they like more simple, elegant and traditional aesthetics.
Celebrities with their Venus in Virgo: Kim Kardashian, Kylie Jenner, Bella Hadid, and Blake Lively.
Venus in Libra:
So starting off, they are very romantic and just great at talking. They are very beautiful, however they may get scared of showing that side of themselves because they may be afraid to seem weak or vulnerable. They can act really clueless in love when they actually know a lot. When I say they are good at loving people, I really do mean it. They know how to love each person they care about in their life just perfectly. They probably like romance or romantic movies & they truly do want to be treated like a queen or king. They just want to feel that their partner really does love them. They will of course give the same affection back and take care of you too. Honestly speaking, they are like hopeless romantics. They can be really big flirts, but once they find someone who really captures their attention, they will devote themselves and give all their time to that person. They can be motivated by love & relationships. They want things to be fair, especially in their relationships and they know how to make other people feel seen. But they often do need some form of validation (or a lot of it) for them themselves to feel seen. So, this may create neediness or just a clingy character. They have to start finding out who they truly are & they have to start getting validation from themselves in order for them to have healthy relationships and to find good people. They have very eye catching and elegant styles or aesthetic. And even if they don’t, they can still pull off any style. Although, they can sometimes be people pleasers & be taken advantage of just because they want everyone to be happy. They like people who know how to flirt like they do, people who have a good fashion sense, and people who know what they want. They also really like friends or just relationships where the person is down to do anything with them.
Celebrities with their Venus in Libra: Grace Kelly, BeyoncĂŠ, Jeon Jungkook, and Emma Stone.
Venus in Scorpio:
People with this placement tend to go for bad people or just people who are not good for them because they’re insecure. Of course, they might also get attached easily & may just become really obsessive very quickly but in a secret kind of way. While they do fall very hardly, they don’t fall easily. It takes them a longer time to decide if they want to be with someone, but when they do decide, they’ll most likely want to really stay with that person forever and they’ll be loyal. They have a very mysterious, seductive, alluring type of beauty that everyone wishes they had. This often draws others to them too. They’re intense and passionate when in relationships, they’re looking for someone who can give them everything. They also just unconsciously manifest romantic attention without even realizing it. There is some jealousy and possessiveness when it comes to these people though because it’s like they’ve already claimed their territory, but it’s honestly because they just feel really connected to their partner or crush to like a soul-level point & it angers them to have other people try and take that away. They love when their partners try to rely on them for something because it makes them feel needed and they like that. They’re sometimes attracted to more open people, or people that aren’t judgmental for them to feel comfortable (so that they can share their feelings) because Scorpio Venus’s don’t like to expose their emotions too much. OR, they can like people like themselves who are more mysterious & seductive. They need loyal friends who are trust worthy. A Scorpio Venus may also like more darker colors like black. They don’t really like open relationships or their relationships being out in the public, and they have a strong sex appeal.
Celebrities with their Venus in Scorpio: Leonardo DiCaprio, Drake, Avril Lavigne, and Kris Jenner.
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Venus in Sagittarius:
These people are definitely humorous and funny when trying to attract a partner, however they can be too unsure about their feelings for someone. They can be attracted to more obsessive people, however they also like people who show little to no interest in them just to see how charming they actually are. They’re kinda also just looking for that one person that really catches their attention. To be honest, they can be really cocky and full of themselves especially when it comes to relationships and love. This is also somewhat part of their “charm.” They’re also very fun and adventurous when in love. They can be big on commitment, but they’re just wary of who they give it to. However, this isn’t always the case. They need a partner that’s fun just like them otherwise they will get bored. The excitement of love is very important to them, so they may just be more impulsive when in love or in relationships. They don’t like being tied down in relationships either. They like to feel free because they know they don’t truly belong to anyone but themselves. They also don’t really like emotions or emotional people and even though they do want passionate love, they don’t want the commitment that comes with it OR they just want to feel free while in the commitment. They don’t like people who pressure them into restrictions but they do like people who are independent and fun and people who have some type of influence or power. Their emotions really come and go easily. At times, they may even be sensitive to rejection. They’d rather be surrounded by their friends rather than lovers because they find it easier to deal with friends because friends give you more freedom. They can show they truly love you by exaggerating the things they feel are important.
Celebrities with their Venus in Sagittarius: Katy Perry, Nicki Minaj, Kendall Jenner, and Nina Dobrev.
Venus in Capricorn:
Individuals with a Capricorn Venus can find it hard to express their emotional feelings in relationships. They’re the type to not want to show public displays or acts of affection but instead they would invest into the relationship. They’ll think long-term about the relationship. They like to feel needed, and their expression of love is really practical. They kinda just wanna provide and make their partner feel secure and stable. They’re extremely loyal, but they can be scared of love if it’s not secure. If they don’t feel secure in themselves or if they just feel like the relationship is not steady, this will bother them and worry them. They’ll try to be more intellectual when it comes to love, but they do want to be cared for in a nurturing type of way - they just don’t know how to tell this to people. They are extremely dedicated and determined when they find the person they want to be with forever though. They can be very blunt in their words, and sometimes people can kind of just misunderstand their energy. They like to look classy and proper. Professional clothing really suits them as well. They can also be SUPER sexual but people just don’t see this. At times, they can be controlling and VERY protective. When they like people, they can be quiet and shy but they’ll be very polite. They’re also not the type to tell everyone their crush, but instead will keep it secret or only tell their closest friends. They’ll only be secure when they’re actually in love too. They don’t care about people they don’t like, it’s not in a rude way either. They just don’t care. They’re the type to show their love behind closed doors. When they’re rejected, they can also just turn cold & vile just because they put their trust into these feelings and let themselves feel this emotion. They might also attract a lot of friends who have romantic feelings for them.
Celebrities with their Venus in Capricorn: Megan Thee Stallion, Brad Pitt, Britney Spears, and The Weeknd.
Venus in Aquarius:
These people can be very unique when it comes to love. They are attracted to eccentric and “weird” or unique people. But that may also be their preference, so if you’re not at least a bit “weird,” they will not be attracted to you much in a romantic way. They can also be very straight up.. like they will tell you how they feel. They can also be the type to be a bit afraid of love of the idea of loving someone, but they actually do want to love someone. They’re more logical then emotional too when it comes to love because there’s sort of that “detached” emotion to them which makes them more logical. And this trait helps with them actually seeing the truth, and it helps them realize which relationships are toxic, and which relationships are actually good for them. They can explain and say what they want to say without being too emotional. They’re attracted to people who not only like their looks, but who like their personality as well because the Aquarius Venus native wants to know that this person will accept them for who they truly are, not just for what other people see them as. They like people who are genuinely interested in them & their hobbies. They like people who can flirt by asking questions which is stimulating to the native. They’re generally more attracted to having friends than lovers, and may even be prone to falling in love with their friends more often but they just really like the idea of having friends & that sort of relationship. They don’t like people who take their individuality away because they absolutely adore the freedom they have to be themselves. They might also be a little bit of an attention whore, but once they find the right person to get attention from, they are good. They look SO amazing in platform boots & oversized shirts.
Celebrities with their Venus in Aquarius: Paris Hilton, Jared Leto, Harry Styles, and Kate Moss.
Venus in Pisces:
These individuals kind of have an idea of what the person they love should be like, how they should act, etc.. basically like a whole script. But when the person doesn’t play into their fantasies.. they can stop being interested. So they tend to over romanticize things. They like sensitive, stable & creative people who like to take and receive love. They also like people who can hold a relationship but they have to have a certain chaotic aspect of themselves too. They love really deeply and it’s like they overtaken with love to the point of self-sacrifice, but they tend to choose the wrong people to give this love to. They’re usually used to attracting people who don’t give them the love that they need so then they project that onto others because they think it’s normal when in reality they do deserve to love & to be loved even though they may not realize it. They also love spiritual things like crystals, incense, etc. They also do genuinely crave love & can sometimes become child like when in love. However, they’re not really logical when it comes to love. They often miss red flags because they’re only looking for specific traits so they’ll be blinded by the other ones to even notice. They also really like spending money on family or people they love because of their generosity even though they may not have the funds to. They will really be empathetic to their loved ones’ problems, and they’ll really listen and just be there. Pisces Venus’s will honestly just have a crush on someone they don’t know just because they are attractive or fit their ideal type. So overall.. yeah, they can be really romantic but they can move on quickly & act cold as soon as the person doesn’t fit their fantasy.
Celebrities with their Venus in Pisces: Michelle Obama, Kurt Cobain, Kourtney Kardashian, and Kristen Stewart.
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vsag23 ¡ 2 years
~Getting in Touch with Your Mercury Sign~
*may be most helpful to those with Mercury RX, Mercury in the 12th, or with challenging aspects to your Mercury.
Aries Mercury: Share more of yourself in general - especially your interests and personality. Mercury in Aries is known to easily get insulted or may be highly self-focused in their problem solving and intellect, they can benefit from learning to relate to others more and to be objective. With that stated, it may sound counterintuitive but do start to take things more personally. Be braver with your words and creativity. Curse more often. FOCUS ON HONESTY. Never lie to yourself. Introspection can be your friend. Don’t hesitate to stand up for yourself. Allow your mind and your tongue to be quick. Embrace impulsiveness and spontaneous thoughts or sparks of curiosity. Share your side of things and opinions more. Practice public speaking, being the leader of a group or project, or making the first moves at social gatherings - build confidence in the social and communicative sphere. Trust yourself - put faith in yourself. Allow your warm, enthusiastic, or funny side to come out more. Dip your toes into competitiveness, maybe in safe ways through game and sport. Learn more about sales, public relations, psychology, HR, motivational speakers, life coaches, and positive thinking techniques. Listen to your hunches with more reaction and courage. Try not to fear arguments. Be more decisive about what you believe in. The final stage: Fight for what you believe in!
Taurus Mercury: Choose your words more carefully. Try to slow down and approach things in a more methodical or simple manner. Appreciate your intellect, recognize what you are highly knowledgeable in. Practice problem solving with practicality and consistency. Be patient with yourself and others. Embrace any impulse to communicate in a blunt or down-to-earth way. Stand firm in your opinions and decisions. Accept a possible stubborn side, there can be advantages to it. Stick to facts and figures, but if you are more creatively inclined, follow and learn from the experts in the arts. Be around those you find charming and attractive. Eat more mushrooms and root vegetables. Give karaoke a try. Never break a promise to yourself. Practice more active listening. Take your time when making a decision or coming to an opinion. Focus more on your goals or the light at the end of the tunnel - the reward. Don’t let anyone pressure or rush you! Always try to communicate and learn in the most straightforward way. Be others’ reality check, reassurance, or source of sound advice.
Gemini Mercury: Give into gossip more often (hopefully in a non-toxic way). Allow your humor or wit to come out. Stretch and use your observative side more. Exercise your mind with puzzles, riddles, research, or studying. Read and write more. Accept or forgive your restless and impatient side. EMBRACE CURIOSITY. Follow the motto: knowledge is power. Expand your interests or hobbies. Try an innocent prank. Write more handwritten notes or letters. Make up a language or code. Take inspiration from butterflies, small birds, monkeys, parrots, magpies, and ravens. Drink tea, practice breathing techniques, yoga, meditation, listen to relaxing music - whatever can help sooth a restless mind. Hang out in groups more often or with a few friends with a lively dynamic. Take good care of any communicative device aka phone, tablet, computer, etc. Give social media a shot if somehow you aren’t active on it. Remember to give yourself healthy breaks from social media. May find fulfillment in teaching or communication careers. Don’t hold back the urge to talk or share. Accept and appreciate your changeable and flexible side. Explore many forms of self-expression and forgive yourself for being a little all over the place. Embrace social and maybe even emotional intelligence.
Cancer Mercury: Keep a diary, scrapbook, or journal to document and cherish memories. Listen to your intuition. While in general it is good for Mercury in Cancer to practice objectivity, to get in touch with this Mercury Sign allow yourself to be more judgmental, protective, and guarded. Sometimes you need to take things personally. Be around those you trust. Only open up to those who have proven to care about you or can help you. Also practice more emotional sharing. Don’t fear deep conversations. Be thoughtful with gifts, compliments, care, and help. Practice introspection and emotional intelligence. Appreciate and accept your sympathetic, understanding, and sensitive side. Have fun with memory games. Stretch your creative side with crafts, cooking, painting, writing, etc. “Never forget” may be this Mercury Sign’s motto but be cautious about living in the past too often. Indulge in a good ghost story. Be open to the idea of therapy, even if it is just a couple of visits. (this is really something applicable to everyone but Mercury in Cancer is known to struggle a lot with the past and painful memories). Forgive any defensive tendencies while also working on this side of yourself. Take time to reflect on or lay out how you feel and think vs. those closest to you - be careful of mixing up your ideas with the ideas of those you love or admire have. Stay more up to date on politics or news influencing your direct community (but also keep your sanity!). Reconnect with family more often. Indulge your inner child sometimes. Be more gentle with yourself and others.
Leo Mercury: Step into the spotlight and/or entertain more often. Speak louder!!! Flex your creative muscles with any type of art. Believe in yourself and especially your words. Stand by what you say! Know your worth - express it or stand up for it 👏. Give into talking with your hands or using big gestures. While I don’t want to encourage rudeness, interrupt just a little more. Be careful of giving demands but also practice assertiveness. Practice taking the lead on projects or among a group. Give yourself pep talks. Take a moment to admire yourself in the mirror. Own up to and celebrate your wins, even if it means bragging a little more. Indulge in what gives you joy and keeps you at a playful or joyful mindset. Make a scene! Be quicker with decisions. Give the drama club or local theater a try. Wear more flashy or flamboyant clothing or bold colors. Accept any side of you that may crave attention or praise. Be around those who admire you or have a lot of respect for you. Let yourself be the life of the party. Give singing, acting, stand-up comedy, or public speaking a shot. Make up your own slang or use slang that makes you feel more lively or grand. Be a trendsetter by liking what you like proudly. Always try a new approach when trying to persuade or argue with someone. Love your passionate side. Always be brave and creative with your self-expression.
Virgo Mercury: Try journaling more often. Take better or more notes. Spruce up your grammar and/or spelling. Pay attention to the details!! Accept and appreciate your observational side. “Knowledge is power” should be a personal code. Appreciate your quick mind and even quicker tongue. Work on your comebacks. Be patient with others and especially yourself. Trust your judgment. Do more research on topics that interest you. Listen to common sense but follow logic. May find fulfillment by teaching others or flexing your skills in communication and attention to detail. Give yourself a clean, quiet, and organized space to study, learn, or work. Get critical about media and art, food, politics, manners - allow yourself to have opinions and standards. While you are practicing discernment and preference be careful about judging others too harshly or being your own worst critic. Be careful of those who easily stress you out with erratic communication or too impractical of a mindset. Try music, scents, foods, or other substances that can help boost learning or thinking. Stick to plans not only for dependability-sake but for your own sanity. Don’t allow those who don’t appreciate you, value you, or underestimate you get in your head. Allow yourself to have different alter egos - dirty jokes behind closed door and impeccable manners in public. Be careful of burn out. Protect your mind and allow yourself to communicate in the most efficient manner.
Libra Mercury: Dress to impress or at least dress to what makes you feel most confident. Maybe being the life of the party isn’t your style, but having people or even a group engaged in your stories or gossip could be. Flirt more. I know this may be controversial but play devil’s advocate, at least for the learning opportunity and mental stimulation. Tap into your objective side. Always weigh your options. Put yourself in other’s shoes. Always give others a chance to speak or go beyond that and make room for others to share, stand up for the quiet or hesitant person at work or in class. Play more strategy games. Try to lean more towards logic vs. feelings. Appreciate your adaptable side. Always try to play nice or fair, but when being mistreated act with justice or sound judgment. Don’t be afraid to argue but be even more brave towards making peace. Learn to compromise. Hold those you can have open conversations with or even taboo discussions with closely. If you feel disconnected from your charming side examine what you find charming in others and learn from it, even adopt it. Appreciate other’s grace, beauty, or mind and become inspired by it. Share responsibilities more. Embrace the morals or teachings of your favorite stories. Find your voice or self-expression through art 💖. Don’t be shy about discussing or learning more about politics. Science and/or humanity studies can be a good friend. It’s okay to change your mind and be persuaded by others!!!! Balancing your heart and head may be an urge but what is most important is protecting your peace, and maybe sometimes others’ peace.
Scorpio Mercury: Watching and learning from or even becoming a motivational speaker can be greatly beneficial to Mercury in Scorpio. Allow your passion to always show, especially about issues and beliefs. FOLLOW YOUR INTUITION, especially in the world of communication and sharing. Indulge in a good mystery. Ask the hard questions. Privacy or even secrets are sacred, remember this. Allow your mind to wonder to strange or even dark places sometimes. Tap into your sarcastic side. Be careful of having a mean streak. Love your intensity but know sometimes you have to complement it with tact or patience. Some situations call for compassion or gentleness and being a water sign, despite all that vigor and pressure you can conjure this easily. Allow words to heal yourself, maybe this can be done with poetry, journaling, other forms of writing, jokes, etc. Skip the small talk. Appreciate heart to heart talks. Practice giving advice to others, you may be one of the most insightful loved ones. Mercury in Scorpio is known to get obsessive with their favorite subjects, allow yourself to dive deep into what interests you. Take more photos. Recognize the advantage in being withdrawn or guardedness. Don’t underestimate the power of therapy or be open to other’s help and advice, especially in terms of the emotional world. Your words may lay heavy on others - be responsible with this. If you feel disconnected from depth or sincerity, then it may be time to face some inner demons and practice more raw communication. ALWAYS be honest with yourself. Be careful of easily feeling betrayed or hurt by other’s words, try to always focus on real intent or meaning. Be firm with your opinions but also be open to transformations in your mindset. When possible only speak with your heart and solve problems with your third eye.
Sagittarius Mercury: Make more wishes on stars, dandelions, or birthday candles or make a vision board. Question EVERYTHING more often. Embrace your inner comedian or storyteller. Practice positive or optimistic thinking. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Practice more honesty or even bluntness. Allow yourself to get feisty or rebellious. Practice open-mindedness. Visualize or talk about your future plans more. Allow yourself to get excited easily (just try to channel passion or enthusiasm towards healthy or positive things). Forgive your competitive side and even take advantage of it. Give advice or feedback more freely. Don’t hesitate to get philosophical. Are deep or out-there conversations your favorite? If not, maybe you aren’t having those discussions with the right people. Argue and debate more BUT be careful of getting too stuck or reckless with a certain belief, this Mercury sign can go off the deep end with hardcore beliefs and opinions. Watch out for self-righteousness or hypocrisy BUT when disconnected with this Mercury sign it is important to encourage pride and assertiveness in what you believe in and what you say. Problem solve with instinct and maybe a bit of luck. Don’t shy away from those who challenge you or the spicy conversations. Stand up for the underdog more often. This Mercury sign craves learning and heat in the social and intellectual realm, to get in tune with it takes bravery, risk, and confidence. This Mercury sign is about jumping right into things, forgiving foot in mouth moments, and embracing getting to the point.
Capricorn Mercury: Problem solve with practicality and possibly methodically. Indulge in dark humor or dry wit. Appreciate your observational and thoughtful side. Learn to accept constructive criticism but even more so give out criticism with either understanding or an intent to help. Mercury in Capricorn may need to be careful of becoming overwhelmed with a negative mindset or communicating in a too negative, condescending, or critical way. But when getting in touch with this Mercury sign it may be helpful to get more realistic with your thoughts and communicate in a down-to-earth or conventional manner. Stay on top of your manners. Take what you and others say more seriously. Be responsible towards gossip and rumors. Sometimes you have to be the adult in the conversation 🙄, it can be unfair but for this placement it can bring boundaries and sanity. Always be upfront with your boundaries, expectations, and intentions. Mercury in Capricorn can think in black and white or can be strong-headed about their opinions - it is important to stand firm in your thoughts and honor pragmatism but be careful of being too stuck in a belief or pattern. Be patient with others and yourself. Indulge in buying anything that makes you feel smart or confident. Learn more about finances, politics, or business. Be cooperative but also follow your strong sense of right and wrong or self-preserving. Strive to communicate with integrity.
Aquarius Mercury: Surround yourself with the latest technology or good quality tech. Play around with slang, especially if it gets a reaction from others 😏. Brace for misunderstandings and learn how to accept and get over them. Explore politics and science. Allow yourself to fall down rabbit holes of subjects or even conspiracy theories (be safe and watch out for misinformation!). Be supportive of others. Indulge in more gossip and harmless flirting. Be around like-minded individuals. Try to stay objective and practice healthy detachment. Mercury in Aquarius is known to be tolerant yet opinionated - don’t be afraid to form firm or even unusual opinions. It is important to appreciate your individuality and any unique forms of self-expression. Don’t ever restrict yourself in terms of brainstorming, searching out new info, and coming to conclusions, be free-thinking. Learn about those who think differently than you do. Mercury in Aquarius is known for being unpredictable in their communication style, this may mean going from withdrawn to super outgoing in one day or being highly secretive to highly open in a way that may seem random to others. Allow yourself this hint of being temperamental or chaotic, allow storms to come and go. Show off your genius 😉. It may benefit you to join a debate, poetry, writing, newspaper, improv, or other club or organization with a focus on communication and expression. Volunteer your time to places of learning and community. Always get your news from multiple sources (good practice for anyone but especially Mercury in Aquarius with a hungry yet fixed mind). Consider alternative learning for yourself. Give tutoring a try or coaching. Communicate with knowledge and seek knowledge with an open mind.
Pisces Mercury: Cut out the filter between your heart and mouth. However be mindful of what you say - your advice or words can be powerful and/or healing either for you or others. Give yourself space and time to recharge by being alone or at home. Daydream more. Stimulate your imagination with plenty of media. Be perceptive and listen to your gut. Be careful of self-deception or letting people easily manipulate or influence you. Practice sympathy or even empathy. Be more receptive to others feelings. Allow yourself to get carried away sometimes. Indulge in low-key drama. Talk about your insecurities and worries more with loved ones. Communicate more gently, tactfully, or even enchantingly. Be around those who are sincere or passionate in how they share and speak. This Mercury placement usually appreciates manners and niceness but exploring dark topics or messy feelings will always come more naturally. Practice tolerance and forgiveness in the social, intellectual, and communicative sphere. Never apologize for how you feel. Be open-minded towards what gives you social comfort or confidence. Give therapy a shot, even if you feel like you are in a healthy place, you’ll be surprised what insights, clarity, or closure outside influences can bring. Practice hopeful thinking and/or gratitude. Be careful of mixing facts with feelings, but to truly get in touch with this Mercury sign feelings need to be the most important aspect in communication. Speak with impulse and from intuition.
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vsag23 ¡ 2 years
Chiron: Our wounds in the chart
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⚷ Chiron is a comet-asteroid that helps us spot some of our wounds. In addition to that, Chiron usually symbolizes the way in which we can heal, as well as show a little charisma through the chart, however in this post I will only talk about wounds and healing. You can get to know yours on Astro.com in the section “additional objects”.
🟫Chiron in 1st house: The wounds fall on oneself, the natives with this placement may have problems accepting themselves, both some facets of their personality and themselves. Self-esteem issues, dissatisfaction with your body, and a desire for a change in your body. The natives have problems to show themselves as they are, to be themselves when surrounded by other people, they are somewhat introverted. They help others to feel better about themselves, to see their good and positive sides, but many times they cannot see something bright in themselves. They question themselves a lot, they may have a tendency to doubt themselves and be somewhat insecure.
🟤Chiron in Aries: The wound lies in the feeling of not being able to be themselves without feeling judged. Ego wounds. Tendency to repress anger. Feeling that in the past they were very submissive and not wanting to be so anymore. Fear of taking the initiative. Much focus on body imperfections that others do not notice.
🤎Ways to work on this: Make a list of things you are good at. Look in the mirror and say loving or positive words to yourself. Find ways to express yourself. Wear comfortable clothes that allow you to feel good about your body. Do not compare yourself with people and progress independently. Accept yourself little by little and just as you are aware of your flaws, become aware of your virtues. Take the advice you give to others. By helping others you help yourself.
🟫Chiron in 2nd house: Insecurity lies in self-worth and self-esteem. The native can be very critical of themselves, they can feel that they aren’t safe no matter where they are. They feel that they have never known stability, and may have had a life with many ups and downs and a sense of little consistency from others. They may not fully enjoy indulging or spoiling themselves. Fear of becoming too attached to things or people.They may feel empty inside, as if something is missing to be completely happy. These natives always make others feel good about who they are, show them that they are enough, that they are beautiful, and open their eyes to see all the good that surrounds them. 
🟤Chiron in Taurus: They do not feel stability in their life or in their relationships. Feeling of not being worth as much as others. They do not value themselves or their abilities. They may either have a tendency to develop some kind of attachment or have difficulty sticking to something. Dissatisfied with the way your body looks.
🤎Ways to work on this: Look in the mirror and tell yourself that you value yourself. Buy nice details. Organize your space and throw away the things that you no longer use or do not serve you. Try to get some exercise to clear your mind or go for a walk. Find and play with  your style and aesthetic. Sleep when you need to, eat when you need to, listen to your body. Massage your body, your legs and buy essences to purify your environment. Take long showers or baths.
🟫Chiron in 3rd house: The wounds can come from the native's school days, they could have difficulties connecting with others and even difficulties feeling ready or able to learn. They can talk to themselves in a brusque and somewhat insensitive way. Some of them have been judged for their way of thinking and their opinions, people could make them feel unintelligent. They tend to doubt their abilities. You may have trouble connecting with others, feel like you don't make yourself understood, that others don't listen to you, or that what you say isn't important when in fact, it’s really important. You are an excellent listener and an amazing counselor, your words heal and are valuable.
🟤Chiron in Gemini: The voice in their minds can be a bit cruel and overly critical. They don't trust their thoughts. They doubt a lot. Wounds caused by brothers or cousins. Feeling of not being understood when you want to say something. They feel that they are not being heard or that others don’t appreciate what they are saying.
🤎Ways to work on this: Keep a journal where you constantly vent. Writing can be healing for you. Sing. Look for activities to spend your mental energy. Take walks with music to relax. Write the ideas you have. Draw. Talk to the people you love, say what you feel you want and don't care what others think. Write a letter to yourself, either telling how your day was or a love letter to yourself. Learn on your own and don't be afraid to ask questions.
🟫Chiron in 4th house: Yesterday's wounds feel as fresh as the sun through the window of a new day. The native has an excellent memory, so excellent that it makes them remember things that hurt them in the past. Carry many emotional wounds in relation to the family, parents and childhood. Could have had a sad and lonely childhood, feeling left out by family. May not have allowed you to be sensitive or have judged them for being very emotional, so they keep what they feel to themselves and may feel uncomfortable having to talk about their emotions and heaviness. Feeling of having lost home. You make others feel comfortable and safe, you do not judge their emotions and you emotionally nurture like no one else.
🟤Chiron in Cancer: There are wounds caused by childhood and the mother. You may feel that your emotions and needs are ignored or unappreciated. Feeling unloved. Fear of being too sensible or vulnerable in others eyes. Difficulty opening up. Fear of being abandoned or feeling that they were abandoned. Fear of being forgotten.
🤎Ways to work on this: Hug yourself. Cook or eat something you like. Write everything you feel. Watch movies you watched in your childhood. Find activities that nurture your inner child. You can meditate. Sleep when you're sleepy, not when you're bored or sad. Cry if you feel like you want to. Satisfy your needs before those of the rest. Swim a little. Take a long bath. Identify your emotions and look for solutions just as you do with others.
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🟫Chiron in 5th house: The wound lies in the self-expression and the ego. These natives may feel unappreciated or undervalued, and may deal with the feeling of being ignored and judged by others. May be judged for being “not so rational” when young, becoming more reserved and self-conscious. They may have trouble believing in the potential of their talents or even seeing themselves as talented. They are afraid that others will see them as immature, ridiculous or very incoherent. They decide to be guided more by the mind due to the distrust of being guided by the heart and getting hurt or badly off. They help others see their brilliance and be who they really are without fear of public opinion.
🟤Chiron in Leo: Their fears often block their creativity. Fear that others will harm them and make them feel inferior. Lack of spontaneity. Fear of being ignored or being judged by others. An internal desire to shine and to be recognized for their virtues, for being who they are. Desire to be accepted.
🤎Ways to work on this: Express yourself through art, writing, dance, painting, music. Look in the mirror and say that you love yourself and that you are worth it. Recognize your virtues and talents first. Make a list of everything you're good at. Make a list of virtues that define you. Do the things you want because you want to, not to impress others. Get rid of the opinion of others. Become aware of virtues and flaws, value yourself for the good and work on the bad.
🟫Chiron in 6th house: The wound falls in living in the expectations and trying to be perfect. Natives with this placement have difficulty relaxing, they are prone to demanding a lot from themselves and setting very high standards for themselves. Work hard to improve themselves, too critical of what they do and very hard once they make a mistake. Could feel that family or superiors put more pressure on them. They need to feel productive and useful, they enjoy helping others both on a practical and emotional level, but they do not allow themselves to be helped. Make others aware that they don't have to be perfect, that they are great just the way they are and make them treat themselves more gently.
🟤Chiron in Virgo: Excessive desire for self-control and not showing vulnerability. Inability to accept or ask for help. You can help others so much that you forget to help yourself. You feel like you never do enough or that you don't do it that well. They may have overthinking and anxiety problems.
🤎Ways to work on this: Interact with animals, pet a cat or a dog. Clean your room or area where you spend more time. Water the plants. Go shopping. Make lists where you set small goals and reward yourself when you achieve them. Give yourself a compliment in front of the mirror. When you finish doing something, thank yourself for having done valuable work. After helping others, give yourself some time to fix your own problems. Make it a habit to write in a journal.
🟫Chiron in 7th house: The wound falls in relationships and in the way of interacting with other people. Many people may feel that they connect easily with the native, that they are understood and appreciated, but the native has trouble connecting with others, feeling loved or comfortable with other people. You can have problems in your relationships attracting hurt people, with problems or in the worst cases, victimized people. They have a tendency to keep their distance from others so as not to get hurt, they fear the idea of ​​infidelity or that their partner does not trust them. They are people with a lot of tact and understanding of the pain of others, empathetic and people trust them easily.
🟤Chiron in Libra: They have trouble finding a balance between others and themselves. They feel that their lives are out of balance. Trouble opening up romantically or with a partner. Sensation of being alone even if accompanied. Wounds from injustice and betrayal. Feeling that you must always be alert.
🤎Ways to work on this: Get together with fewer people but give you a more positive relationship. Be open to meeting people. Identify what went wrong in other relationships and learn from those mistakes. Go shopping and dress as you like. Analyze and give yourself the time to get to know people before you open up. Do not let others' issues eclipse yours. Practice some kind of art. Give yourself time to heal before opening yourself up to a new relationship [love or friendship].
🟫Chiron in 8th house: The wound lies in the betrayals of the past that are etched in their minds. Tendency to blame themselves for things that weren’t in their control. Fear of generating some type of attachment with another person, since it is not easy for them to trust others and their intentions. When someone betrays them, they prefer to close their hearts with a triple lock and never trust others again. May be issues related to a person who should have been there for the native but never was, a feeling of little support. Wounds related to sexuality or sexual life. Some may judge you based on your sexual preferences or your sex life. They give others intensity and stability, they never judge, they only understand.
🟤Chiron in Scorpio: Some of these natives fear losing a loved one, they fear change or being very close to someone. They don't forget or forgive easily if you hurt them. There is a strong emotional wound related to lies, betrayal, deception, or estrangement. Either afraid or fascinated by death. Fear of being dependent.
🤎Ways to work on this: Shadow work, use esotericism in your favor. Astrology to understand you better and accept you. Swim or do other activities in the water. Forgive, practice forgetting if you can't forgive and stay away from those who don't bring you anything positive. Meditate or do some sport to vent your emotions. Establish healthy boundaries and break down some blocks that you put between yourself and others.
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🟫Chiron in 9th house: The wounds of the native fall on the issue of faith and feeling discriminated. They are people who for things in life have become skeptical, have lost faith that there is goodness in the world, and have even lost faith in themselves and their abilities. People can offend or annoy them because of their way of thinking, because of their beliefs, or because of things like their gender, their religion, or their race. They could have coexisted with people who are intolerant. May have problems with teachers. They make others feel full and happy very easily, they like to surround themselves with people who are different from them and do not discriminate against them for their differences.
🟤Chiron in Sagittarius: Problems seeing the bright side of life, tendency to skepticism and excessive pessimism. They constantly feel judged. Problems for being different or having opinions that differ from those of the family. Lack of faith in life. Feeling that people do not understand your point of view.
🤎Ways to work on this: Look for answers to the questions you have. Write your dreams and things that make you happy. Remember that happiness is moments not eternity, do things that give you happiness even if it is momentary. Travel, physically or spiritually. Learn about a topic that interests you. When you think about the bad, make a list of the good. Try new things and connect with people from other places. 
🟫Chiron in 10th house: The wound of these natives is tied to their need to want to go far and fear of failure. The native's parents could have demanded a lot from them, but at the same time not having valued the achievements that the natives had and simply asking for more and more. The native fears being judged, but wants their efforts to be recognized. They are afraid of failing, making mistakes and that people will point them out for it. It is likely that they grew up in a tense environment and had to learn to have inner peace despite external chaos. Problems with the father and/or authority figures. They give a sense of peace and stability to others, ease to guide them and value their efforts.
🟤Chiron in Capricorn: Feeling of being in the crosshairs and constant judgment of your father. Misunderstandings with him. They feel that much is required of them and that others have results more easily than they do. Lack of recognition for their work. Problems with authority figures. They matured before their time.
🤎Ways to work on this: Reward yourself once you achieve something no matter how small you think it is. Allow yourself to feel angry. Acknowledge your own efforts before wanting others to do so. Write a list of your goals and aspirations. Write your talents and abilities that you have. Be patient with yourself and do not want immediate results. Look at yourself in the mirror and tell how capable you are to achieve whatever you want.
🟫Chiron in 11th house: The wound falls into the feeling of not belonging and being invisible. These natives may have difficulty finding their place in a group of people, they may feel that they do not fit in with people their age because of how they think, with their "friends" or even with their family. Loneliness hurts them but they have already gotten used to it in a certain way. Some fear being themselves and adapt to what is trendy to fit in, many others prefer not to fit in and continue to be themselves, whatever it is, they rarely feel like they belong. They may feel that society or others do not accept them. They have the ability to accept others as they are and make friends with anyone.
🟤Chiron in Aquarius: They feel that it is there for friends but they are not there for the native. Trouble feeling like you fit in and having friends. Friendships that hurt them. They feel judged because others see them as weird. You feel misunderstood, abandoned and ignored. Fear that their freedom will be taken away. Some fear of commitment.
🤎Ways to work on this: Be selective about the people you surround yourself with. Meet people through the internet. In your privacy, dance and sing like crazy. Get rid of the opinion of others. Put creative ideas you have into action. Make a list of what makes you unique. Have a blog. Enjoy your time alone trying new things, or doing what you like the most. Understand that you are not the problem or others, you just haven't met the right people. Get creative and authentic.
🟫Chiron in 12th house: The wounds fall on the feeling that their suffering is ignored or less important than that of others. They tend to hide when they suffer, when they are sad or emotionally ill because they feel that it is not something that others pay attention to, or that they are not very interested in. They have a tendency to solve other people's problems so as not to think about their own. They are more sensitive and understanding with others than with themselves. They may fear looking or feeling victimized by seeing their own problems. They may have been made to think or feel that their suffering was not of great importance. They are sensitive, compassionate and true healers and love to help others.
🟤Chiron in Pisces: They are defensive because they feel very vulnerable. They fear that others will use them and their empathy. They may feel insecure about themselves. They want to help others but they do not help themselves. Some may have faith problems. They put others before themselves.
🤎Ways to work on this: Write what you feel, paint something that reflects how you feel. Balance your time with others and alone. Meditate or do some yoga. Make a playlist for yourself, write yourself positive notes, listen to music, sing. Have creative isolations from time to time, but don't forget to connect with others. Daydream when you have free time. Taking a bath with rose petals or rosemary. Write what you dream.
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⚷ Next we will talk about Chiron's aspects. I limited myself to write about certain planets or angles, making either a positive or tense aspect with Chiron to make it easy to read. 
🟫Making aspects with Sun: These natives quickly identify when others have problems with something about themselves. They know how to raise the self-esteem of those they love and how to help them improve their relationship with themselves. These natives have problems accepting themselves, it is likely that they have made them doubt or be very ashamed of some traits of their personality. The relationship with the father can be complicated. Your relationship with yourself can be complicated. Tendency to self-sabotage. The problems with the father are stronger, since the actions of the father could deeply hurt the native. They are an empathetic and understanding person of others, always willing to support someone who is going through a difficult time. They use their experiences and situations to help others find solutions to their problems. Knows how to listen. Excellent advisers. Make others feel better about themselves. 
🟫Making aspects with the Moon: They easily heal other people's emotions, they are trustworthy and people feel safe with them. They may have problems with the mother, have a mother who has had very difficult experiences por a mother that tends to victimize herself. They can perfectly remember past wounds and take time to recover from them. They feel insecure when it comes to projecting their emotions and prefer to keep them to themselves, it can be difficult for them to form emotional bonds due to insecurities or past issues. It is difficult for them to open up emotionally because of the fear or being too vulnerable or others taking advantage because of that. They are extremely sensitive to the suffering of others, they like to take care of those who are most vulnerable. If they have children, the problems of their children will hurt the natives deeply. They may feel that childhood was somewhat complicated and that their needs were not fully met. 
🟫Making aspects with Mercury: Tendency to constantly remember embarrassments and difficult moments of the past. The relationship with siblings can be either very bad or very healing. They are great at understanding other people's problems and looking for solutions, but not for their own problems. They may question their own intelligence, feel inadequate, or feel that it is difficult for them to learn. They may tell you that their voice is very low [unless it’s in a fire sign], some may have dyslexia or stutter. School life could have been complex. Their wound could cause the native to generate nervousness. Their words have a healing quality and in fact many may like the sound of their voice [especially with aspects like trine or sextile], they help others a lot and their advice is often very welcome by others. They have a lot of knowledge of how to help others and understand them. May have an interest in psychology and anything to comprehend how wounds work and how to heal. 
🟫Making aspects with Venus: The subject of love can be somewhat complex. You can attract or seek to be healed through love or heal your loved one. They seek a relationship in which both heal and fully trust each other. Fear of being cheated on or that your partner is lying to you. Great counselors of love even if they consider that they do not have much experience. They love in a very pure way and may have this tendency to not see the flaws in their partner. They may have issues accepting their beauty or feeling attractive. Art can be very healing for them and their artistic work may be able to heal others. They are perfect companions who always help those they love, and may feel unloved at times. Fear that someone is with them just to use them. Their love has a healing quality, they make those they love feel in a unique and beautiful way. The native may have problems with female figures or embracing their femenine side regardless of their gender.
🟫Making aspects with Mars: They may be afraid of taking the initiative for many things, of seeing themselves as too aggressive, but they are also afraid of seeing themselves as too weak. They are excellent leaders who will always defend those who need it or who cannot defend themselves. They may have grown up or been in a very tense, aggressive, or violent environment, which makes them feel like they must always be defensive or alert. They have very well defined boundaries and will do anything to make people respect them. People feel safe and protected by them. Afraid of being seen as fragile, they cover up their issues, problems and rather deal with it independently. They may have problems with male figures in their life. They learned not to rely on others to save them from their problems and instead saved themselves. They can motivate and encourage others to do the same. Tendency to repress anger or desires for fear of taking risks.
🟫Making aspects with Jupiter: They have a facility for understanding and helping others in their emotional crises, both emotionally and in a practical sense. They are very sensitive people and can be easily hurt. They can grow a lot spiritually after overcoming their problems and helping others to get ahead. You may have trouble trusting your own charm and luck, in fact you may sometimes feel like you're out of luck. They can have abundance and luck once they help heal others. You can put so much focus on helping others that you forget to help yourself. They seek to bring positivity to those in need. These people have a lot of spiritual maturity that allows them to learn from negative experiences and the positive aspects of Chiron-Jupiter makes them overcome problems more easily and makes others overcome things more easily too. With the tense aspects it may cost you a bit and you may not see it that way, but you will have the good side.
🟫Making aspects with Saturn: These natives do not treat themselves delicately, they can demand a lot of themselves even after having emotional issues. They may have problems with their dads or authority figures. They do not like to depend on someone to solve their problems. They are excellent at finding quick solutions to other people's problems. They may have trouble having a little fun for themselves or allowing themselves to enjoy life a little, at the same time they feel that they need to be more organized, rational or methodical. They may have a feeling of abandonment or coldness that comes from a somewhat unhappy or difficult childhood. They may have problems with frequent sadness, periods of depression or little desire to do their daily activities. Cold outside, warm on the inside. They prefer to be on their own and are in constant alert. They have a hard time healing but they manage to be the person they would have liked so much to have in the past.
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🟫Making aspects with Uranus: They may feel that there is a problem with them, that there is something wrong that they cannot connect with others easily. They can find healing through being alone, with friends or on the internet doing other activities. There may be problems with some relatives due to incompatibilities. Despite being well alone, they fear that they will never be accepted, that they will be marginalized and alienated. They make others learn to be fine on their own, to feel proud of who they are. The natives go a long way to find beauty in what makes them different. They seek to heal their group, it is usual to see them as the counselors of a group of friends or of some community. They can be very good at healing the inner chaos of others, but not so good at their own. Once they accept their own quirks, they will begin to attract people who love their quirks as much as they do, and who share ways of thinking.
🟫Making aspects with Neptune: They feel the need to help the other person, here we have the true empaths, people who have a natural healing quality. They are amazing at providing emotional support, perhaps sometimes more than practical. They sense the wounds of others but may ignore or not know how to handle their own. Sometimes they feel other people's wounds as their own, they can be too empathetic and that can harm them. People feel good about your presence and readily accept your help. It is easy for them to know when a person or even an animal is having a bad time. Others may have made them feel invisible and even forgettable. They have a noble and loving heart that they are afraid to show for fear of being deceived or hurt. But there is something genuinely beautiful in them, and it is that their tenderness and good treatment are not easily forgotten, they make others believe that there are good people in the world.
🟫Making aspects with Pluto: There is something very powerful in them, they manage to transform themselves at a deep level, to be reborn after a crisis, whatever it may be. They are really strong and powerful, they take their time to heal, but healing for them does not usually include forgiving and forgetting as such. They can be somewhat spiteful if you hurt them and they never forget how you make them feel. They may have felt some kind of rejection or hatred in their childhood. These people definitely change the lives of those around them, they have a great intuition to know about the emotions and wounds of the other, they know how to understand and heal them like no one else can. If there is something they have, it is that they know themselves perfectly and seek to transform and make something beautiful and inspiring of their pain.
🟫Making aspects with Rising: These natives may have a facility for healing other people and may actively seek to help others overcome their problems and overcome traumas of any kind. They are very observant and aware of the difficulties and problems of others. However, they have problems healing their own wounds, they are very critical and demanding with them. They hesitate before daring to do something, they usually do not show themselves completely for fear of being judged. Perhaps from a very young age they felt attracted to the topic of helping and healing others. Interest in meditation, therapy or psychology. They like to come across as a strong person with whom you can vent, someone kind who understands your wounds. They always treat others as they would like to be treated. They may have trouble accepting the way their body looks and may see flaws in themselves that others don't pay attention to.
🟫Making aspects with Midheaven: These natives can easily gain the appreciation and trust of the people, because they seem approachable, kind and polite. People can see them as a person who has been through a lot and still has a noble heart. They actively seek to be a person who helps people get ahead and heal through work. They may have a job related to helping others, or at least a job where they inspire others to excel. They may have many problems or differences with authorities. They may feel that it is difficult for them to go far and may doubt their abilities to improve themselves. People tend to see in them a good leader, someone who actively strives to improve the emotional state of the people. If the aspect is tense, people will still find comfort and trust in them, but they will also know that the native is not dealing with their own wounds. You can find a lot of academic and professional success once you heal your emotional world.
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vsag23 ¡ 2 years
𝔟𝔩𝔞𝔠𝔨 𝔪𝔬𝔬𝔫 𝔩𝔦𝔩𝔦𝔱𝔥 (h12)
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𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔬𝔦𝔡 𝔟𝔩𝔞𝔠𝔨 𝔪𝔬𝔬𝔫 𝔩𝔦𝔩𝔦𝔱𝔥 H12 is about magic, creative force, psychic ability, hypnotism, drugs, psychic healings, glamour, imagination, charisma and seduction.
♇ asteroid black moon lilith h12 in aries - when it comes to this placement, it is said that their magic is their independence, leadership and their self-expressive self, their creative force comes from their passionate and assertive energy. having the psychic ability of knowing when to charge and be action-oriented or knowing when to set back and observe the situation before doing anything. these individuals have the ability to hypnotise masculine figures, leaders or being able to control a group of people out of authority. they aren't the type of people to try drugs because they want to have extra control of their situations, for them to try anything they need to know everything about it; their intuition is very headstrong and straight-forward, some of them dont even realise they're acting out based on intuition, moving onto the psychic healings, these individuals are very likely to be curious about it and wont think about trying new things to calm their hot-headed mind. along with their glamour, it'll be identified as fierce, adventurous, confident and in your face, the type of glamour you cant miss or avoid. their imagination is direct, and they're the type of people who would want to make whatever they think of become reality due to their passionate devotion, but they're the type to either become ardent about it or get bored of the situation and move onto the next thing, as to their charisma, these natives are people who are influential, inspiring and pioneering which causes people to easily get infatuated with them, along with their seduction, they are people who are certain, assured and daring alluring those who find assertive and dominant people attractive.
♇ asteroid black moon lilith h12 in taurus - when it comes to this placement, it is said that their magic is their perserverance, endurance and grounded self, their creative force comes from their patience, careful and affectionate persona. having the psychic ability of knowing when it's too much or when it's too much or too less, (basically knowing when to stop), the individuals having the ability to hypnotise feminine figures, pets, friends and other men, having the natural ability to attract anyone they want to. though when it comes to drugs, they are the type of people to attempt drugs that allows them to calm down, become comfortable and relax; their intuition is natural and they have the ability to predict things simply, it's like second nature to them, though it could be said that other people can predict these natives actions easily as well. moving onto the psychic healings, they're to a high degree open to do it as meditating is apart of comfortability and relaxation, they're quite stubborn when it comes to trying new things or an unfamiliar thing, so if they havent dont any psychic healings it'll be difficult for anyone to actually introduce them to it. their glamour is organic, raw and charming, they have glamour without even trying. their imagination can be quite close-minded, hence them being very adamant, even though they're already creative people, yet they're stuck on what the already know and dont want to try anything unique which could be self-destructive. however, their charisma includes of them being people who are pleasant, sensual and affectionate, making the people around them appropriate and serene, moving onto their seduction, they are people who are erotic, captivating and ravishing, it's their ability to make the people around them enjoyable and restored fall for them.
♇ asteroid black moon lilith h12 in gemini - when it comes to this placement, it is said that their magic is their analytical, observant, adaptable personalities, their creative force comes from their pacing, clever and quick-witted minds as they have the psychic ability of being able to read the minds of others or just having that perception of what others are feeling quickly. they can hypnotise people by stimulating their minds, knowing exactly what the other person wants making their targets entranced swiftly. though when it comes to drugs, these kins are curious and wouldnt mind trying out unfamiliar things, these people are youthful, but as it resides in lilith they're a dare-devil type of youthfulness that want to try every taboo things in the book. their intuition is soaring and steep, already having the capability to know what someone is thinking or feeling, (keep in fact that they're already anxious and nervous people) this alignment amplifies their dexterity to know what's coming. psychic healings are useful for them because they are people who can get very worried and disturbed, so situations where they can sit and calm themselves down will be very positive and absolute for them. their glamour is rooted in their youth-like energy, their sociable and smart selves, they make the people around them feel like they're in a safe space by how welcoming and communicative they can be. their imagination is energetic and powerful, they have so much to share because they're always coming up with ideas, which could be apart of their charisma, being skilful, a jack of all trades and comical, their seduction containing with them being sexual, cunning and adaptable, being able to fit the perfect lover or companion their endeavours want.
♇ asteroid black moon lilith h12 in cancer - when it comes to this placement, it is said that their magic is their protective, nurturing and hard-working selves, their creative force comes from their ability to reflect, their devotion and imaginative personas, they have the psychic ability to know what other seek and what they want to experience emotionally wise, that could connect to how they hypnotise other people, having the knowledge to comprehend the affection and nourishment other people want, having the capability to fill the hole that was left in other people, causing people to get emotionally attached to people who have this placement. as it comes to the topic of drugs, they are people who are conservative and can be really against it, yet, it wouldnt stop them from trying it when they're in their lowest levels. trying drugs to fulfil that mothering absence that was taken away from them. moving onto psychic healings, these kins are very reflective and thoughtful, so taking a moment to become pondering for their health is a top priority for them, them seeking for inner balance and might do it around where there is a lot of water. their glamour involves with them being pampering, sympathetic and sentimental, making those around them feel protected and cherished, their imagination being of nostalgia, thinking of the past and reminiscing, always wanting to go back in time and relive moments, attached to the good moments of their time gone by. their charisma is them being caring, providing and generous, being there for people who've always been left behind or they can have people who are always there for them. thus, to their seduction includes them fulfilling the "maternal", servicing and doting characteristics people silently yearn for.
♇ asteroid black moon lilith h12 in leo - those with black moon lilith in leo are deemed to have magic of being able to be incredibly talented, glamorous and having great charisma. their creative force comes from their ability to be likeable (is an indicator of having people not like them), opinionated and cheerful, using whatever they have to be their stage. their psychic ability comes from the heart, knowing how to be affectionate and sincere to others; linking to how they could hypnotise other people, having the skill to fill the hole in the hearts that are left in other people, causing them to get emotionally attached to these individuals. (kind of like the asteroid in cancer) thus we come to the context of drugs, it's a more 50/50 with these kins, they could attempt drugs that aid them to feel stronger and confident, or they would be someone who is completely against drugs. people who have this placement are very likely to take part in psychic healings, as psychic healings heal the heart majority of the times and leo rules that organ, though, they might be people who would want to lead psychic healings or do it by themselves. on one hand, these are people who are extremely glamorous, howbeit, with this sign being in the asteroid of black moon lilith, the glam will be paired with a dark and obsessive type of glamour, like a dark sun you cant keep your eyes off and is curious about. their imagination is of them achieving the dreams they set for themselves, or imagining their inner child; they could be people who daydream about being of influence and power. on the other hand, their charisma is them being boisterous, entertaining and enthusiastic, the skill of bringing a smile to someone's face easily, thus to their art of seduction, they are people who are powerful and do things that immensely attracts and distracts their endeavours and makes their prey dominated.
♇ asteroid black moon lilith h12 in virgo - those with black moon lilith in virgo are viewed to have magic of being vastly skilful, adaptable and observant, their creative force comes from their practical, thoughtful and hard work. these individuals have their psychic ability coming from the earth around them, could come from a maternal figure, and could be when they exchange energies from other people. having the ability to make difficult things more simple for them and sacrificing things that are no longer good for them. as to their hypnotism, it comes very natural for them, could imply that they dont realise they could be hypnotic they could be as they think its just a natural trait, when it comes to drugs, they are likely to do plant based drugs, mushrooms etc or even licking the back of a frog. kins with this placement are heavily likely to do psychic healings, like meditation, as they are people who like to be one with the earth. are people who can have a conventional glamour, or knowing how to pursue glamour is like breathing to them. along with their imagination, they are people who conceive of a structured, organised and controlled life, they can be people who are too controlling of their daily life though. as it comes to their charisma, it could be mentally stimulating, as if they search the minds of others to learn what to do or say to charm them, therefore leading to their seduction, they could be about communication, knowing what to say to please the others, being servicing and observant about their person's needs, it comes naturally for them.
♇ asteroid black moon lilith h12 in libra - those with black moon lilith in libra are viewed to have magic of being someone who always wants justice, fairness (could be extreme with it) and being balanced. their creative force comes from their strong will, poise and composure, these people have their psychic ability come from the mind and the air that carries them, as being someone who wants to see all perspectives, it helps them to answer in a cosmically equal way. when it comes to them trying drugs, they usually try it when they feel unbalanced but as these are people who try and keep a harmony composure they can be people who would want to avoid it, though they are most likely to smoke weed. moving to the topic of psychic healings, they are people who are opened to improving themselves, so taking time to reflect and meditate is a good choice and opportunity for them, anything that can cause them to become more equity, which could lead to them being obsessed about perfecting themselves. along to their glamour, dont be surprised when people with this placement get cosmetic surgery, or they could be open to getting fillers, on the other hand, their glamour comes from their ability to want harmony and evenness, their imagination includes of them having a parity in all types of relationships they're in, which could include business ships, relationships, friendships and relationship with the general public, could also articulate in them wanting to have power in those relationships. their charisma contains of them being sociable, or being very open which could open doors for obsessive and stalker-ish people claiming them with no consent; as it comes to their seductions these kins are aesthetically pleasing people, morphing to whatever their significant other wants, could imply them being people pleasers.
♇ asteroid black moon lilith h12 in scorpio - those with black moon lilith in scorpio are seen to have magic of being persuasive, mystical and mysterious, their creative force comes from their passion, power and desire to be creative and talented. being insanely accomplished and gifted when it comes. to their psychic ability, having the clair to know what someone is thinking or what they're about to do, being thousands of steps ahead of someone. leading to their hypnotism, its their dark, magnetic and mesmerising aura, them being perceived as people who know everything which causes them to be alluring. a group of people who are very likely to test and use drugs, can get obsessive and dependent with it if they're not careful. can be people who avoid psychic healings especially when they're underdeveloped, can be suspicious and paranoid about it. though when they do, they become very powerful. they have this dark glamour, being able to be alluring and captivating in places and scenarios that seemed impossible. when it comes to their imagination, they could envision being in destructive power, or being able to control other people, might imagine taking revenge on people all the time. however, with their charisma these people are powerful, hypnotic and erotic when it comes to their charisma making them heavily addicting to other people, which opens up to their seduction of being able to get out of the hidden desires out of people. making them feel like a "safe space".
♇ asteroid black moon lilith h12 in sagittarius - having asteroid black moon lilith in sagittarius can be indicated that they have vast and endless magic, the magic of teaching others, knowing information those have, the magic of being more abundant than the people around them. their creative force comes from their optimism, their outlook on life and their desire to have all types of information. they could have a psychic ability of seeing things others don't see, like a third eye, it is like the psychic ability of seeing beyond and making others do what they want them to do. they are people who won't mind trying drugs, but they should be careful of not indulging with them too much. with hypnotism, it is their charismatic, cheerful and powerful aura, it could make many people want to be devoted towards them. as it comes to psychic healings, these are people who need to meditate and focus on their third-eye chakra, i feel that this asteroid can work really powerfully here. to the point of glamour, people with this asteroid could have this assured, encouraged and fun glamour that makes people around them not want to leave their presence. speaking of imagination, it can be interpreted that people with this placement could have a vast imagination and an imagination that can be perceived as funny and obnoxious. when it comes to their charisma, they could have this God-like charisma that could make many people want to worship them or just be heavily devoted to them. lastly, with their seduction, when you link this sign back to their Greek Ruler, Zeus, and see how many people he seduced, you will be able to note how easily it can be for people with this placement to seduce whoever they want. they have this assured, confident and attractive side to them which makes people fall for them.
♇ asteroid black moon lilith h12 in capricorn - having asteroid black moon lilith in capricorn can indicated that they could have magic that takes long to attain, or magic that can leave them quickly or magic that will remain with them for a long time, their magic is their wisdom, their knowledge and their authority. their creative force comes from their perseverance, superior and imperative nature. they could have the psychic ability of knowing archaic information people dig for, it could be interpreted as them having the psychic ability to use time with their will, as if they're manipulating it. their hypnotism can come from their cold, authoritative and demanding aura, having the spiking and bleak energy that makes people automatically respect them in a spellbinding way. they could be people who might not try drugs like the placement around them, but with astrology it can go both ways, as capricorn is the sign of short and long period of time or just nothing. people with this placement could've tried drugs for a short time, or for a long time or could've never touched it. with their psychic healings, they could be people who learn through it, if they dont really participate in psychic healings they can find themselves being not as mature than how they would be if they did participate in it. with their glamour, they have this classic glamour that can never be replaced, the type of glamour that instantly charms people or they could find themselves having people slowly like them then be enchanted by them for a long time. as it comes to their imagination, they can have a struggle with wanting to further their idea or thoughts. with their charisma, people with this placement have this respectful, balanced and cool charisma that makes people think they dont need to try too hard to be a "cool person". along with their seduction, they have this dominant, domineering and authoritative seduction technique that makes others enchanted by them easily, it's like they dont need to try too hard.
♇ asteroid black moon lilith h12 in aquarius - having asteroid black moon lilith in aquarius could signify that their magic is their uniqueness, their rebelliousness and their originality. their creative force comes from their want to try many things at many times, their authentic mindset and their other-worldly ideas. they could have a psychic ability of knowing the future as their sign is known to be the sign of being ahead of its time, along with having the psychic ability to come up with genius ideas and persuading others to do what they want. their hypnotism can come from their odd, artistic, gifted and outer-worldly existence, which makes people around them become easily infatuated with them. they are the type of people to try drugs, all sorts of drugs, drugs others havent heard of before, could try drugs to see things others dont see. this is the placement of people who don't really try psychic healings, they could have "i have a better option" mindset and do things that aren't necessarily good for them, but when they finally follow through psychic healings like meditating, journaling and manifesting they would realise they will achieve things faster than they imagined. as to glamour, of course these natives have a unique, odd and ingenious glamour that is irreplaceable and hard to find in others. those with asteroid black moon in aquarius would have a common glamour about them, but each of them have something different. it could be agreed that their imagination can be different, distinct and extreme, they need to try and not be too far-fetched and too intense that it contrasts their morals. moving onto their charisma they have this prominent, pronounced either colourful or relaxed charisma that makes them magnetic from the point of view's from others. they have the type of charisma that screams "new kid at school" which causes many other people to be interested in them. along with their seduction, they could have this ingenue seduction that makes others want to dominant them, but it could be described that their ingenue seduction is a facade so they could surprise their targets with another side to them.
♇ asteroid black moon lilith h12 in pisces - having asteroid black moon lilith in pisces could convey that their magic could be their unattainable, otherworldly and alluring presence. their creative force can come from their insides of their mind and heart, being connected with their realm their creative force is endless and with them wanting to help many people. their psychic ability could top many people but they should attempt to not try their psychic ability to find out things that has nothing to do with them, they're a group of people who need to remember boundaries. people here are very intuitive and clairvoyant, can spot out liars or could be the liar. they're people who could hypnotise easily, as people want to see through them so much, they could create a frontage that could make people quickly fall for them, however, these are the group of people who can get hypnotised just as easily too. when it comes to drugs they are people who could use drugs for a spiritual experience, or just to escape, they should try not to get addicted to it. they could be people who try and merge drugs and psychic healings and think its good for them. these are people who are connected to the spiritual world so healing through spirituality is very recommended. to the topic of glamour, these are the group of people who excel at glamour as the sign pisces does represent that theme, they can create illusions for people to get obsessed with their allure and sophisticated style, as it comes to their imagination, these are another mass of people who need to try and not become far-fetched with what they think about, though they can be creative and artistic with it, but they should try and not get too lost in their mind. as to their charisma, their charm could be how they could see through people and know what they want, being perceived as dreamy and unachievable that can create this fun cat and mouse game, one player might get too obsessed though. along with their seduction, their seduction includes them of being someone who is mysterious, misty, fanciful and being someone who is hard to grasp.
♇ asteroid black moon lilith h12 in in the first house - having asteroid black moon in the first house conveys that the kin is magical, they could have a "magical" appearance or their aura is magical, their creative force comes from being a leader and wanting to control their life path. having this asteroid in the first house is a high indicator of them being psychic, they could have random downloads. people could find their presence hypnotic and they could easily hypnotise others, it's also a high indicator of them taking drugs or they could look like they take drugs, could look high all the time. psychic healings revolve around them finding themselves as they could be perceived as glamorous people, they are people who naturally attract others with charm, could go oppositely though. having asteroid black moon lilith in the first house can act as a repellent. these are the type of people who imagine what they do with their lives, they could also look made up, like coming straight from a book or someone's imagination. they are charismatic people but can use their charisma allure to use people. as to their seduction, it's no argument that they are magnetic, mesmerising and seductive people, their dark presence or aura seduces people easily, sex on a stick these people.
♇ asteroid black moon lilith h12 in the second house - having asteroid black moon in the second house signifies that their voice could be magical, they might manifest easily and could have family members specifically immediate family members who might partake in magic. (their magic can also involve them being able to steal easily) their creative force could come from their need to achieve materialistic things and possessions, their need to feel secure. like i said in the beginning of this paragraph; as it comes to psychic abilities they could be people who can manifest well, speaking things into existence, though they have to beware of not speaking bad things into existence. people could find the tone of their voice very hypnotic, siren-like. though as it comes to drugs, these could be people who sell drugs are in a drugs business as well. moving onto psychic healings, they are people who need to focus on their throat chakra, i'm hearing that humming a hymn could help as well. their glamour could be their natural and earthy energy, the pitch of their voice and how sensual they can be. they could be people who normally hear things other people dont hear, like their names being called out and once answering, there's no one there. their charisma involves their passion and steaminess, them being grounded and in tune with those around them, making others feel involved naturally. these are the type of people who can easily seduce others, it comes naturally to them like how a bird can easily fly. these people could've had them eating anything sexualised.
♇ asteroid black moon lilith h12 in the third house - having asteroid black moon in the third house conveys that the way they speak could be magical, their neighbourhood could look magical, they could have a sibling or relative who involves themselves with magic, could have a neighbour who involves themselves with magic too. their creative force could come from their ideas and them doing chores. their psychic ability can manifest into them speaking, they could be speaking normally and say something intuitive out of thin air, this is another group of people who can speak things into existence. could also write things into existence as well. how they say things could be considered as hypnotic to other people. they could have relatives who take drugs, or people who live in their neighbourhood sell drugs, could be in their place of education as well. their psychic healings could involve with them journaling and speaking about how they day went and how they feel, it could aid them to release. their glamour is the way they speak, could allure people very quickly, especially their mindset. this is a group of people who speak about their imagination, it could be said that their imagination is quite fucked up, on the other hand, their charisma could be how they flirt with people. people with this placement will often call themselves natural flirts, they're people who normally have a motive. though, as it comes to their seduction, they like to stimulate the minds of others and share dirty comments or jokes.
♇ asteroid black moon lilith h12 in the fourth house - having asteroid black moon in the fourth house indicates that they could come from a family line of people who partook in magic, their house could feel magical, their mother figure could feel magic or their mother might do magic. their creative force can come from their safe space, when they're around their loved ones or when they want to achieve something for milestones. psychic abilities can run through the family, these people could have an inner knowing of how people feel around them very quickly, they could absorb people's emotions. like an upgraded empath. how they can hypnotise people is by manipulating them into feeling like their feelings are understood, it's like they know who needs to feel nurtured and these kins can quickly spot those people out. it's their choice if they want to use their manipulation in a bad way or to genuinely help the person. an indicator of hypnotising one's minds and emotions, like jasper from twilight. they could have family members who take drugs, an indicator of people in their family taking drugs, there could be a lot of pills in the house. as it comes to psychic healings, they should connect to their emotional walls and look for their safe space, meditate and reflect there. it could be said that their home is very glamorous, they could have a really glamorous mother, family members or even room. they could be the type of people who imagine a better family in the future, could imagine about their forever home a lot. their charisma could be very nurturing characteristics and understanding energies, making those around them feel comprehended. this asteroid in the fourth house have a natural type of seduction, their seduction type could be interpreted as affectionate, devoted and doting. these can be the type of people who prove freud right.
♇ asteroid black moon lilith h12 in the fifth house - those with black moon lilith in the fifth house are perceived to be very talented when it comes to the use of magic, they could've been interested in magical things when they were younger, is an indicator of having children who are very talented with spirituality. these are the people who are deemed to have one of the strongest creative force, as it comes from their ego, they could be people who write about dark things or are talented at the dark arts. their psychic ability could come from what they feel at the heart, along with their wisdom; their confidence and assurance can be hypnotic to people, could even take drugs to make themselves feel better. when it comes to psychic healings, they should tend to their inner child or if they do like children hang around and tend to children, focus on their heart chakra too. these are very glamorous people, being bold, poised and determined, their fiery nature makes people fall for them. as it comes for their imagination, these are people who get animalistic and wild imaginations, can be viewed as child-like as well. their charisma revolves with them being spirit, cool and daring along with being artistic. as it comes to their seduction, they have this feline, predator and inviting nature that gets their preys lewd and sensual.
♇ asteroid black moon lilith h12 in the sixth house - those with black moon lilith in the sixth house are deemed to be very skilful with spirituality or if they do partake in magic, it could be interpreted that they are very skilled with magic. their creative force comes from them wanting to perfect whatever they do, but as this sign is in the asteroid lilith, they need to make sure the perfection doesnt become into fanaticism. they could have the psychic ability of knowing when things are about to go down. as it comes to hypnotism, it is easy for people with this placement to get hypnotised by things around them, or people around them could find them hypnotic. kins with this placement are likely to involve themselves with drugs as well; when it is apart of their routine, they will take part of psychic healings every day, can come obsessed with wanting to "heal" themselves, therefore, it'll take them time to recover because the opposite is going on. their glamour could include them being authentic, servicing and helpful, they have this fairy like energy that makes people intrigued by them. it could give off a dark fairy energy as well, like a fae/fey. these can be people who get lost in their imagination, as they can overthink if what they're thinking is realistic or idealistic, they might beat themselves up for being too delusional. their charisma contains them being beneficial, practical and thoughtful, they're people who are observant, people might find their sassy observations appealing and comedic. their seduction comes in with their servicing nature, they're people who either do the servicing or likes to be serviced, people with this placement might like maid-play.
♇ asteroid black moon lilith h12 in the seventh house - those with black moon lilith in the seven house are signified to have grandparents that could've been apart of spirituality/magic, maybe were in relationships with people who did it as well. im hearing love spells? their creative force could come from the need of building connections, perhaps with wanting to triumph over their open-enemies, or winning over lawsuits. their psychic ability could indicate truth seeking, knowing when to take out accuracy and legitimacy from other people. it could be said that people they get into relationships with are spell-bending, mesmerising and hypnotic; is an indicator of doing drugs with people they're in relationships, being in a drug business as well, like selling drugs for or to people (can go both ways). when it comes to psychic healings they're people who would think getting into relationships will heal them which could get quite toxic, but the best way to heal is to have time on their own and reflect. when it comes to their glamour, they're people who are provocative and flirty, their want to have everything fair and equity around them can come off as charming, but they need to make sure it doesnt become too extreme that they push everyone away by wanting "justice" too much. they're people who might imagine getting into relationships, or imagining themselves with their crushes. their charisma can be their non-judgemental energy/aura, (however, these are people who can become very judgemental), their teasing and dallying ways could be perceived as attractive. as it comes to their seduction, they can be coquettish, kittenish and very playful, these are a group of people who like to entertain with their interests.
♇ asteroid black moon lilith h12 in the eighth house - those with black moon lilith in the eighth house are implied to be interested in dark magic, this could determine someone having a future spouse who is interested in spirituality and magic, could go the same way as the future spouse's family members, yet, it doesnt 100% determine it though. their creative force is intense, it could also aid them to transform as a person, their creative force can also come from wanting to prove people who doubted them wrong. these are a set of people who are considered to have unmistakable, tenacious and powerful psychic abilities, can be able to read people's minds, (perchance work really well with the dead, like a medium), i'm also hearing knowing what people fear. people with this placement can be considered as very poised, charismatic and alluring to the point that people can obsess over them, however, these masses could get hypnotised with wanting to know the secrets of life too much. this is also the group of people who might get into drugs, well are very likely too, might find drugs as a way to level themselves up or see things others dont. this could link to their psychic healings, people who share this placement might've been interested with kundalini but i warn that if you're not ready to do kundalini, DO NOT DO IT. however, another psychic healing could be them cleansing out negative energy that surrounds them, even though everyone is likely to get negative energy, people with this asteroid here are highly likely to attract bad energy. their glamour could be described as magnetic, soothing and irresistible. they're people who tend to imagine about sex a lot, or them getting revenge or about becoming the better version of themselves. their charisma is dark, enchanting and fascinating, could pull people in with their dark and inviting energy. their seduction is the strongest out of all houses, as their enticement could lead people into being obsessive about them, they're sexually pestering and like to lure people in. people just want a bite out of them.
♇ asteroid black moon lilith h12 in the ninth house - when it comes to this placement, they might be interested with travelling to places deemed magical, people might perceive people with this placement having the magic of being able to teach anything. their creative force comes from their need to share their knowledge with other people, being sanguine and wanting to earn more awareness. their psychic ability can come from their third eye, people with this placement might be able to see people's auras better than other people. when it comes to hypnotism, they might want to partake in spiritualities/religion that has a lot of mesmerising and alluring patterns. as this is the house of indulgence, don't be surprised when people with this asteroid in the ninth house take in a lot of drugs; as it comes to psychic healings, they're likely the people to travel to countries to help them to heal, go to forests and mountains will help them a lot. their glamour is how much they put their beliefs in things and people, it'll make the person they believe in feel like someone understands them, their glamour can include their optimistic and intelligent self, their imagination can go vast and wide, they might imagine travelling to different places or helping others gain more knowledge. with their charisma, they have this jock-like energy, chatty and straight-forward persona that surprises the people around them but causes the people to want to speak to them more. as it comes to their seduction, these people are confident, (can be overly confident) with their allure and sexuality, makes people around them impressed and interested with what they can give.
♇ asteroid black moon lilith h12 in the tenth house - when it comes to this placement, their magic might include with them being able to gain authority over many people, these people might be able to age really well as well? might want to partake in jobs that involve magic/spirituality. their creative force could come from their need of wanting to leave a legacy, having a good reputation but as it is the asteroid lilith, they might have some struggles with it and their creative force comes from their need to want the career they desire. their psychic ability can include with them manipulating large crowds, perhaps being able to manipulate older people into getting what they want. this is a very mind control placement; this could link to the hypnotic topic, of them being able to mind control (manipulate) vast crowds. for example, manipulating them into thinking that they're something that they're not, just to keep a good reputation or the reputation they want. this placement reminds me of jennifer's body. people with this placement could've been given drugs by people older than them, they're most likely to stay away from them though. (is an indicator of trying old drugs), when it comes to psychic healings, people with this placements are very likely to feel more recovered when they're around spiritual/religious buildings, saying prayers might help people with this placement. it doesnt even need to be God they pray to, they can pray to an ancestor etc. their glamour involves them being someone who has control, direction, organised and ambitious (people who have this asteroid in the tenth house might be interested in old figures like marilyn monroe, audrey hepburn and so on). moving onto their imagination, they might imagine having their most desired career, a legacy, a will and them managing other people. their charisma includes their mysterious cold selves, them being consistent, determined and "mature", people might see them as someone who knows everything or just knows a lot, which makes masses of people attracted to their energy. along with their seduction, they're people who are dominant which turns a lot of people on, they have this superior energy that arouses curiousity from others to think what has made them feel so greater than others.
♇ asteroid black moon lilith h12 in the eleventh house - when it comes to this placement, it could be described that they could have friends that involve themselves with magic or they're the friend who involves themselves with magic. their creative force can come from wanting to gain more recognition on the internet, within their community and friends, perchance with them wanting to have a change in the world or within their community. their psychic ability is being able to predict things, knowing things before their time, this is a huge prophecy speaking placement. these are the people who try their best not to be hypnotised by anything, as they're the people who want to rebel against, but for those who do get hypnotised, might fall for scams that lie about a better future. they're the type to try and take drugs all because it is perceived negatively by the wider audience, they might think them trying drugs is a way to get "out of the matrix". their glamour includes them being able to be them being able to be "aloof" but still seem cool, their clever, intellect and quick-witted selves is apart of their glamour, they could also have a unique glamour, a type of "never seen before beauty"; they could have a unique imagination, the type of imagination where it could be random but then they would want world peace or world destruction. a future where everything is upgraded. speaking of their charisma, they have the charm of never being able to bore the people around them, could be them speaking about comedic things or taboo things, them being able to come up with something new all the time. which could connect with their seduction, them bringing an idea or method to the table that has been side-eyed or people have not thought about before, they're people who have teasing and unpredictable energy which keeps people on their toes wondering what they're going to bring.
♇ asteroid black moon lilith h12 in the twelfth house - when it comes to this placement, it could be described they're the most magical of all, as they mostly aligned with the spiritual and cosmos world than other people, there's a high chance people with this placement were able to see a lot of things when they were younger, i'm hearing that people with this placement might've had to give up their talents once. their creative force could be them wanting to escape from a place that isnt good for them, or to learn the secrets that has been hidden away from them, could include them wanting to become the better versions of themselves as well. their psychic ability could revolve them being able to see through people, create illusions and delusions, make things appear as it isnt. moving onto hypnotism, they're people who can hypnotise other people or end up being the one who is hypnotised, they can be hypnotised through illusions. people with this placement should be careful around drugs as it can become an addiction to them, reminder, not every drug episode is a spiritual experience. their psychic healings can involve them going to other countries or to places that make them feel safe, i see that people with this placement should be around water more, like the ocean/sea etc. their glamour is like an idol's, they can be times when people who have this asteroid in the twelfth house can become idolised by people because of their prestige and beauty. they also need to make sure that their imagination doesnt go too far-fetched, however these are people who imagine wanting to escape from the place they're in right now, to be free. when it comes to their charisma, they're people who show they can be adaptable, it impresses others, them being able to be emotional and in tune with their surroundings along with their mystic energy. their seduction could be described as mystical, magical and would make people feel like they're elevating to the cosmos, their seduction is divine and mind-blowing, could make people think that what they're seeing and feeling isnt real.
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vsag23 ¡ 2 years
venus 5h
-people with this placement may find themselves often being attracted to people with charming and captivating personalities and a natural charisma/confidence
-this placement may manifest as a person with great taste and creative abilities; they may also particularly like to indulge in the pleasures of life, however there may be a risk that they can overindulge in things such as food, sex, shopping etc
-are often very loyal, caring and affectionate; there is a risk that people with this placement may become too dependent on their significant other, but more commonly they are just particularly devoted when it comes to relationships and may lean more towards long-term love and commitment
-people with venus in the 5th house are usually very social and positive; they tend to be the types of people who love life and love to love, expressing this by expressing themselves openly and creatively, showing love to the people they are close to and engaging in hobbies/interests that show their personality and vibe
-because people with this placement are often quite social, they like receiving attention from others and may wish to have a partner that they can show off to others 
-it is common that they would be the type of people to make excellent parents, as they are often very loving towards children and tend to be very caring and affectionate
-can be very romantic people who love passion and every stage of a relationship; they tend to be very loyal and committed so while they will likely enjoy the excitement of the chase and the honeymoon period, they would also tend to be the type to enjoy a long-term relationship too
-because love and romance is often very important to these people, they are usually the type of always have a crush on someone or always have a romantic interest in mind
-often these people are very charming, entertaining and fun to be around but they can also be dramatic at times due to their lively nature
-it is often very important for people with venus in the 5th house to express themselves creatively as they are usually the types of people to have very original, unique and interesting ideas/concepts
-they are often very good to be in a relationship with due to their affectionate nature, they will likely be very giving when it comes to relationships and will often express their adoration of their partner without limitation or hesitation
-these are commonly the type of people who will really look up to their partner and feel proud of them; they will truly adore them and be devoted to them, but will usually also seek/desire appreciation and admiration in return
-despite these people usually being very devoted, loving, affectionate, loyal etc; they need a partner who will be as caring, affectionate, considerate etc as they will likely end up feeling very lonely and upset if they do not feel cherished, loved or wanted enough by their partner
-one way to impress someone with this placement or make them feel good would probably be to acknowledge them and show that you are proud of them; they often like to be admired for the way they express themselves and their creativity
-there is a risk that people with this placement can become dependent on their partner and/or dependent on praise from others 
-because people with this placement can be very dramatic at times, people may not want to praise them or admire them too much/often incase it feeds their ego but this can leave them feeling insecure and undervalued 
-generally, this placement can manifest as a person who is very devoted in love and unlikely to cheat; however, if negatively aspected, this can manifest as someone who is very promiscuous 
-despite usually being very loyal and devoted to their partner, they will often turn heads and gain a lot of attention from others who will likely be interested in them; they will often have many admirers [whether they are in a relationship or single] and if single, they may be the type to take advantage of this so may not necessarily be the type to wait around for ‘the one’ and instead indulge in romance/pleasure until they do settle in a loving, committed/serious relationship
-people with this placement tend to be very expressive, generous, creative, well liked, social, charming, flirty etc; they also may be particularly sexual due to the influence of venus
-they may enjoy partying and going out as they love to make the most out of enjoyable experiences and the pleasures life has to offer; they will likely be the type to be able to go out and stay out all night long because they love to celebrate life; they may also be the type to host the best parties themselves
-although people with this placement often seemingly have the ability to go hard all the time and do everything they enjoy nonstop, it is important that they learn to set some boundaries, have some limits and adhere to some rules because too much of anything can become a bad thing in the end; even if it is fun, enjoyable etc at first
-because they often love praise, admiration, recognition, acknowledgment etc, there is a risk that people with this placement can care too much and be too dependent on the opinions of others; especially in times where they are not feeling their usual confident selves 
-if those with this placement experience the feeling of being unable to express themselves or utilise their creative abilities in some way, they may end up being the type to project the lives they wish they had or experiences they wish they lived through onto their children
-people with venus in the 5th house may be lucky or seem lucky to others; usually this is because they tend to be very positive/optimistic most of the time and this may manifest into other areas of their life
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vsag23 ¡ 2 years
Astrology Notes 💌
Hai loves! These astrology notes are in my own personal opinion so it may not resonate with everyone out there! Feel free to comment your placements, I’d love to hear! I’m just venting my feelings and thoughts in regards to all of these notes below. Take these notes with a grain of salt💌
Thank you loves so much for 2.7k followers!! This blog has reached so many people and I love it! I’m so grateful! It warms my heart so much and thank you all so much🥺💖 I appreciate my followers love and support.💞
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Aries Moon & Aquarius Moon natives give off a dominate kind of energy. You cannot simply put an Aquarius moon in a box, they will destroy that shit faster than you can imagine and poof they’re gone.
Speaking of Aquarius Moons, I am TIRED of y’all saying how Aquarius moons are detached af all the time. They genuinely do have feelings and may even be very emotional within, but they do not show it out to others. Aquarius Moons prefer to deal with shit on their own, but that doesn’t make them “detached”. Every Aquarius moon I’ve met just processes emotions in a different manner and they may choose to not ask for help so they can fully work on themselves with no interruptions. Not every Aquarius Moon will agree though. Stop hating on Aquarius Moons for being the literal “devil”. If you have an issue with a specific zodiac sign, that may be an area of life you need to look into on your birth chart. 🤷‍♀️ It’s funny how y’all say it’s Aquarius Moons who are detached but have you met a Pisces Moon?
What I admire about Pisces Sun, Moon, Rising and Mercury natives is how they just don’t really give a damn as to how a certain outcome will play out. Like when Pisces are taking drugs or magic mushrooms, they just go for it. No measurements or anything. They just want to ✨transcend✨
Okay so from what I’ve noticed from individuals who have their Mercury placed in the 8th house tend be good communicators and are actually really good at telling sexual stories/role playing. Sexting basically. I know it’s an random observation, but take it anyway.
So is it just me or do Air Risings like Gemini, Aquarius and Libra tend to have problems with having cold hands and feet? I’ve noticed that every air rising native I’ve met has a problem with warming themselves up and tend to wear gloves/mittens on their hands for that reason. Just me? Maybe. Sincerely, A Gemini 🤠
Aquarius Suns will forever have a resting bitch face, but it’s okay you guys. It’s okay to smile, it won’t crack your face🥴 I said what I said. All of them just look like they are ready to fight someone lol. Although I admire how quick they are to snap back at someone lol
Aquarius Risings are very intimidating individuals. The way it looks like y’all are forever having an existential crisis is unmatched. The kinds of people who would stare you down for staring at them first. It’s a way of asserting their dominance in a sense.
Water Grand Trine within the 3rd, 7th and 11th house can indicate someone who is known for their compassionate endeavors and way of being. This person may receive good fortune by being recognized or acknowledged for the things they do in life whether it’s career or anything they can come up with themselves authentically.
I feel like Leo’s are truly some of the most underestimated individuals out there. Leos with cancer placements know how to hide their emotions when they truly feel in control. They can actually be masters at not showing their true feelings and you’ll never know what they are actually thinking. Leos do have tempers, but they go about it in a subtle way. What I’m saying is that they can either be that bitch that exposes everyone at a family reunion or will keep everything to themselves with all the receipts knowing they hold a certain kind of power over the situation. Leo and Cancer mixed together can bring upon a compassionate and understanding person, but it may not come off that way to others. Like you have to truly get to know them in order to see that they have good hearts at the core.
Let’s talk about square/opposition/Conjunct aspects in regards to Mercury, Pluto and Chiron. When we have Mercury-Pluto aspects, this can indicate an individual who has a beautiful and expansive mind. They choose to see the world in a different way, perhaps in a raw way. These people more than likely heard conversations or were told certain things by other people that could have impacted them in negative ways of thinking and expressing. Usually, these people had parents who cursed or had a sailors mouth around the native regardless of their age. These people choose to see the good and bad within every situation. They may have a more aggressive or blunt way of communicating which may not be for everyone. As a child, these people realized that they are not everyone’s cup of tea. They could have been the kid who preferred to be alone or may not have spoken at all. Such as that one quiet kid. Mercury-Chiron aspects can indicate someone who may face issues when it comes to expressing their most authentic and true feelings. They are the types of individuals who will drop the f bomb all the time and sometimes in all of their conversations. And when these people are mad? Hell no. Get out. They KNOW how to make people doubt themselves especially when that person is in the wrong. They can truly hurt someone with their words, they are individuals who will observe every detail within a situation and will come at someone when they in fact have all the receipts.
Individuals who have Virgo in their big three are definitely something else. In a good way. They know how to put people in their place and will actively show you that. When you fuck up with a Virgo, it is very hard to make way back into their life. Virgos will analyze someone to the bone and in all honesty, they can easily sniff out snakes from miles away. Virgos can be quite prideful and a bit of an overachiever, but they just want to know everything. It seems like Virgos just truly want to have all knowledge and will analyze it regardless. They can truly do some mental gymnastics type shit and sometimes it can be hard to keep up with.
In my personal opinion, I think that Earth Signs have a much more difficult time handling anger than compared to Fire Signs. Now hear me out, Fire Signs can have really bad anger issues, but I think that they have an easier time moving on and getting over it than compared to Earth Signs. Earth Signs don’t get anger easily, but the grudges these people will hold over someone is immaculate. They can stay angry at someone for months or even years if it’s something that truly made them angry or even traumatized. Fire Signs can scream their feelings out for a few moments and will then be eating pizza or pickles an hour later. Earth Signs are the kinds of people who will plot something deep down if they cannot get that certain person out of their life. They will also cut a bitch out of their life quickly especially if you pissed them off enough.
Air Signs are my favorite zodiacs in my personal opinion, but here’s my take on all Air Signs. Libras are some of the most loving individuals out there, but can also be the biggest shit talkers. Geminis will talk about how much they love being single, but will complain in private how they really want a long term romantic and adventurous relationship.🥴Aquarius…. Aquarius individuals definitely have a reputation for not being the best communicators and it’s true. It’s probably because they’re thinking of so many different situations and theories to the point where they just forgot to text you back. I think Aquarius individuals prefer to talk in person because their attention span is just not there when texting😭
Written with so much love! ~ Em💞🍒
Do not copy, reword or plagiarize my work without giving credit!
ÂŽ toastmyrolls
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vsag23 ¡ 2 years
Heavy Lilith energy in women
By lunar liyah
Do not steal/copy my work.
Lilith in Aries, Sagittarius, Aquarius, lilith trine/conjunct sun, lilith conjunct Jupiter, lilith conjunct/trine/quincunx ascendent ❤️‍🔥
Heavy Lilith aspects in a woman can make a woman easily disliked by women but desired by men. The odd thing about this is, these are the women who stick up for women’s rights and could be the women who don't care for male attention at all. These are women who roll their eyes at men. The type of women to say “i know” to compliments from men. The type of women who look at ‘pick me’ women in pure disgust. These women are very powerful because they are never influenced by males. These could be true rebels who go against the norms of finding the perfect man to be submissive. These are women who’s standards don’t fluctuate for anyone by any means. They may not understand the ‘hype’ of marriage. These are women who see straight through the bullshit of men. These are women who point out misogynistic traits in men. These are women who are not afraid to stick up for women. These are women who may believe in protecting themselves from men who are suspect. These are women who warn other women to be safe and always protect themselves. Women who influence other women to get protection like a gun license , tasers, sprays, pocket knives, etc. These women do not feel honored when lusted by men at all. It’s like a true bad bitch placement as far as not being moved by men in a society that pushes women to want to be desired by men. A society that teaches women that you have to alter yourself to fit in a man's standards. Whether that be personality wise or look wise. Whether that be how women make their money or their mannerisms. These are women who say what they want when they want to. These women often shock others. People are often appalled by their views. People may say that they are insensitive to men. Whereas these women respect real men who mind their business and understand that a woman is the prize. Take it or leave it. Either way this woman will be fine, type of mentality.
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vsag23 ¡ 3 years
Venus aspecting Saturn🪐
This post is mostly about the hard aspects(conjunction, square and opposition)
They feel an extreme need to be popular and well liked by others. They are usually social climbers. They have a need to be accepted by people they consider to be “important”.
Some of them are extremely vain and judgmental when it comes to other peoples appearance because of the insecurities they have within themselves.
They are late bloomers and you can see a big difference in their appearance, as the years go by. Especially after their saturn return. They are the “milfs”.
They might be ashamed of how shy they are which is especially hard since they feel a need to get to know a lot of people.
They believe in perfection and most of them spend a lifetime trying to reach it. A life long battle with their appearance.
A lot of them might have gone through a period where they spent thousands on skincare and clothes to make up for how they feel about they appearance. They might feel like they have to have the latest clothes because they feel like they are not naturally beautiful.
They usually either chase after those who are considered “better” than them both in relationships and friendships OR hate on those people, never inbetween.
They think a lot about all the mean comments they got when they were younger. There was usually something the other kids picked on them for.
Most of them had parents who commented on their appearance, even if the parent didnt mean anything bad it came across that way to them. They might have had features that reminded one parent of another parent.
They feel like they are not good enough for anyone and therefore want money and status to feel worthy.
They might experience powerstruggles in relationship especially when it comes to status because they are attratcted to those who are considered “better” or “less” than them and never in between. They might be attracted to those they know they have no chance with and spend a lot of time trying to reach that level.
They feel like they dont have enough when it comes to everything venus related.
Spending hours at they gym.
Feeling like you are not as succesful as others and might even compensate by trying to outdo everyone around them, they might feel like they have to be the first one to buy a car or have the most expensive bag.
They can feel envious towards those who easily attract others and who are naturally beautiful.
They usually feel like they have to work harder than everyone else for money. What others get for free or are born with they have to work hard to get. This is the “what you reap is what you sow” aspect.
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vsag23 ¡ 3 years
Hey there! Love your blog. I saw an anon ask about Air signs in Venus. Can you make a post about Sagittarius in Venus, and the other fire signs?
Ofcourse love!
I'll be more than happy to:) Let's talk Fire Venusians:
— Aries Venus🏹
Not that much of a surprise but Aries Venus tend to love taking that first steps. Aries Venus is the embodiment of fire, of lust and of passions so great that one needs to be strong to take them all in. They are very honest with their crushes and with their feelings most of the time and usually there's a sense of wanting to take on another conquest here when it comes to romance. Despite their need to chase and to pursue, they don't just see love as a conquest. More than anyone, they truly value independence and individuality so for an Aries Venus to give up their freedom and settle down means you did what most couldn't. Aries Venus loves with all of themselves, with every cell in their body. Interestingly, they like to own up to the fact that they truly love themselves a lot and at times they can be blunt with their selfishness. They won't hide it. So for them to say that they actually love someone? That means they will love you more than they love themselves at one point or another, where you find the more you try to run, they will always be right behind you. They have a harder time letting go once they get attached. Sincere and exciting lovers. Be ready to be reminded of your first love. Pure physical attraction is so important. Aries Venus loves pretty people and they actually adore brave individuals. Will never fail to make you feel appreciated.
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— Leo Venus🏹
Are you sure you're ready to take in all the love that a Leo Venus can give? Leo is a fixed sign, meaning that they struggle with letting go more than any other fire signs, yet it is their pride and laidback nature that will fool you into thinking they have moved on. Leo Venus loves people who bring them a perfect balance of fun and stability. For them, they can perhaps be some of the most traditional lovers ever in the sense that what they're ultimately demanding from you is trust and loyalty. Leo Venus don't play around when it comes to jealousy and their territory. They won't be afraid to show people how proud they are of their loved ones either. Will kiss you in-front of everyone and enjoy looking at you all flustered and shy. Leo Venus despises people who try too hard to ground them though. They love you yet that doesn't mean they want you to always be with them. You have to be successful on your own and achieve something as an individual. Leo Venus wants something concrete at the end of the day but don't scare them away by initiating commitment too soon! Show them you're invested, but hold back on the whole label thing! They're more realistic than they seem and they would rather you love them for who they are at their worst rather their best self they put up at the first stage. Also don't give in too easily, Leo Venus are big flirts and they have a lot of people after them so they will drop you if you gave in too early on. The longevity of things are what increase the intensity in them. Will spoil you and will sweep you off your feet:)
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— Sagittarius Venus🏹
Sagittarius Venus are very spacey people by nature lol. They place themselves very highly and they're all about expansion so just like a little kid, they would want to go out and meet new people all the time! So for a Sagittarius Venus to become grounded and a true simp means that you got great games haha. They're changeable and just like Gemini Venus, they care about variety a lot. However, partners with an certain grace and class will be able to chain them down. They don't mind fights and arguments since they know its ultimately pushing you both to grow. I see them being with people who are darker than them and have a very good sense of self-awareness though! Insecurities might freak them out a lot too haha! The heartbreakers of them all. When they fall they fall hard and if rejected, they physically and mentally can't take it though. Meeting a heart-broken Sagittarius Venus and a flirtatious Sagittarius Venus is like watching a rom-com. They would turn inward and take like 2 days to themselves before putting up a front and ready to go out after a fall out w a love interest. They will remember the smallest thing about you and would want you to pay attention with them a lot! They're super picky and their standards are insanely high too so for them to be crazy attracted to someone for long is rare but wholesome. Ups and downs and a sprinkle of attachment will make them simp so hard for you tbh, make sure to appreciate their honesty and ability to ease anyone out!
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So up there are some thoughts on the fire venuses🤎 I hope this helps baddie!
saint jenx🪐
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vsag23 ¡ 3 years
Don’t know if you’ve gotten this question before but what Mars signs do you think are the most sensual ?
Hey cutie,
I love your question:) I honestly think every Mars signs have their own charms! While I'm bias in my own ways as I do have my favourites, I have to admit that all of the signs have different kinds of magnetism to them
Let's go through it shall we? 💞🥳
—ᴍᴀʀꜱ ꜱɪɢɴꜱ & ꜱᴇɴꜱᴜᴀʟɪᴛʏ
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Aries Mars: They're sensual in terms of how far they're willing to go to get what they want. Very passionate people in general and can be very loyal once you earn their trust, if not they'll just be nice to you but never go to great length to please you. Most Aries Mars I've met all have exceptional people skill and naturally overachiever energy haha, they're extremely good with handling their emotions and interestingly most of them don't get mad that often, but once they do its simply too hot to handle. Sensual with their partner and can be come a schoolgirl around them and very giggly.
Taurus Mars: They define the word devotion. Laidback and seemingly very gentle people or very "motherly" in some way. Cares a lot about how they come off and they actually get angry easier than Aries Mars! But their anger die down slower. Once they're invested in someone or something they look at them with starry eyes and can't keep touching them by accident. They live for intense body language and their energy is usually so precious. Very homey people once settle down, more realistic than they look and are very reliant people.
Gemini Mars: Interesting people. Sensual in the sense that they really know what to say and when to say it. Very careful with saying what they think out loud. More considerate and introverted than how they're portray in the mainstream. Likes to read people a lot and can be amazing at it. Understanding their thoughts process is like learning an art for their partners. Beautiful minds.
Cancer Mars: Protective and subtly demanding people. Usually very in tuned with their emotions and may not like the feeling of being angry to others that often. Charm people by showing their softer and nurturing side. Sensual in the sense that they love listening to people and are very seriously with eye-contact or hidden tells. Territorial and can seem very defensive but they usually go with their gut feelings a lot of the time. Instinctive individuals. Partners should be expecting to be pampered and spoiled.
Leo Mars: Amazing eyes for the art. A true artist within. Sensual in the sense that they have the ability to defend themselves and their loved ones when they're fully bloomed. Confident kind of sensuality. Yet its not as flashy as described most of the time. Leo Mars usually have this silent yet apparent self-awareness energy. They're extremely resilient and are very passionate with things they consider theirs and they love to hype people they love up. Once a Leo Mars reach that stage of confidence, they often are extremely laidback and always seem that they're having a good time. No bad vibes here.
Virgo Mars: Virgo Mars individuals are hella intimate and bright. They do everything with so much dedication and hidden meaning in ways that normal brains can't normally contemplate tbh. Sensual in the way that they always seek to please you and have this larger than life energy that makes other very intrigue. They have a good grasp of reality but are also lowkey dreamers:) Very physical people. Usually look innocence and relaxed but are lowkey freaks, the element of surprise is never missing.
Libra Mars: Also have a sense of being very relaxed much similar to Virgo Mars but for them its also a tiny hint of fairy tale romance. Big hearts but also fragile ones. Braver than they look and softer than they seem. Wants to be loved and will give love back as they find their one true partner. Sensual in terms of they seek to please themselves and others and find pleasure everywhere they go. Comfort is essential. With them you will never feel uneasy and know how to make you feel welcomed. Addictive presences.
Scorpio Mars: Magnetic charm. Everything they do radiate ethereal energy and seems so casual but also very calculated. Their beauty lies in the way behind their eyes it seems like there are thousands of things go unsaid. Sensual in terms of how they feel the need to shelter and protect you. Also very territorial but they expect you to understand this nature too. Humorous and a lot of humility.
Sagittarius Mars: Excitement. Their charm lies in the way they have a forever young manners to them thats so refreshing and unique. Very bright minds but may come off as less bothered than they really are. Knows how to cheer people up in ways others don't fully understand. Spectacular jokester but can be very lonely deep down. Their own sensuality is the fact that they can be real loners in disguise. Their go-getter personality fool people from thinking how they actually are very deep and emotional individuals.
Capricorn Mars: They live another day with their sets of morals and values that they hold close to heart. Their beauty is their consistency and dare to dream big. They put down the foundation for anything and everything. Perfect blend of domineering and understanding. Usually very grounded, they like to fell secured and will reciprocate any energy coming at them. Their sensuality is the kindness and the thoughts they put into everyone and everything. Honourable people.
Aquarius Mars: Their ability to stay objective no matter what is admirable. Hearts usually yearn for humanity and are true empaths deep down. They experience sensuality in an intellectual level where the softer sides of them make perfect sense with the logical, rational self within. A lot of self-acknowledgement but also major esteem. They are insanely confidence when properly enabled and are not afraid to go against the norms. A wild card to others as they never fail to surprise.
Pisces Mars: They're not at all predictable individuals. Their minds are maddening and theres always a charm in any mad rebel. Surrounded by people but will always stand out by their unique energy. Extremely compassionate and yielding towards those they care for, they are never going to give up on something despite seeing a small spark of hope. Hard to pin down but their sensuality lies in the way they can love one's unconditionally.
Here are some thoughts of mine on the Mars signs and sensuality💕 I hope this helps you in one way or another beautiful!
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saint jenx🪐
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vsag23 ¡ 3 years
“Psyche in Scorpio, the most introspective and intense of the Water signs, implies deep empathy. You can be very empathic towards those you feel connected to, and they will feel like you can read their minds when you’re with them. You sense their emotions and sometimes react in your own way as though they are your emotions, even though they are emotions reflected upon you. In relationships: You yearn for a deep understanding from a partner, his desires must meet yours on a level that you will feel love-making as soul-union. You tend to feel things to the core, and you react with all your being. You want to share a meaningful unity with your partner. Your intense emotions are often tempered with a secret shyness and a respect for you partner, provided he treats you with equal respect. The Soulmate union that you seek and offer is one that is beautiful, transcendent and cosmic in nature. A connection with you gives them a sense that you blow their mind! The love that you need is not found in those who are just physical or material. You need depth, understanding, meaningfulness and love from a person who would be able to offer you emotional safety and security, equality, true love and fulfillment. You wish for someone who would be able to dream with you, be awake with you, hold you when you’re feeling weak, support you in emotional ways to keep you strong and focused. A person strong enough to be your equal. A mate strong enough to stand naked in their soul, meeting your true self behind all your façades. Don’t deny your hidden true self, or wait for someone to give you permission to be who you really are. The answer to the question of you cannot be someone else’s job to answer, it’s yours. Your secret heart desires to be found, accepted, loved, cherished, adored and embraced. Be it in friendship, in love or in marriage. This is also where you are strongest and most vulnerable; because your ability to feel or know” what people are thinking, they might consider you someone to be feared or avoided once they feel you know them too well and they wouldn’t want you to see too much into them. The lover who betrays her trust to even the teensiest degree is out that door, forgotten in a moment. She knows her journey is to find ‘the one’”
—  God I love astrology! It’s a wonderful way to find out why you are what you are or find out who you really are.   If you have anything you’d like to know from your natal chart, drop me a note. 
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vsag23 ¡ 3 years
Retrograde Planets
(Source: Tracy Mark’s “The Art of Chart Interpretation”)
Retrograde planets are functions of the personality which operate in an inward, indirect, subconscious, and delayed manner. They generally indicate energies which we were not encouraged to express outwardly when we were young, and which, as a result, we must develop for ourselves, in our own way and in our own time. Most people have two or three retrograde planets; zero, one or four retrogrades is unusual but not extraordinary. People who have no retrogrades develop most of the important life skills at an early age and rarely need to explore their own psychological process until one of their planets turns retrograde by progression. People with four or more retrograde planets usually feel alienated from society and struggle more than most people to find their “niche” in the world. Turning inward when very young, they experience a need to define for themselves their own unique value system, philosophy or aim in life. Complex, reflective and individualistic, these people usually have to set their own standards and forge their own paths, even if doing so means eccentricity or isolation. Regression, inhibition and withdrawal may characterize retrograde planets, but they also have considerable constructive potential in regard to self-understanding, self-directed activity and openness to unconscious and superconscious energies. Students familiar with secondary progressions should note whether retrograde planets in the natal chart have turned direct by progression, or direct planets have turned retrograde, because such changes will have a significant impact upon the personality.
Keywords for each of the retrograde planets are as follows:
contemplative, inner-directed mind
self-analytical and self-critical
awareness of psychological subtleties
absentminded, not attuned to external details
literary interests or abilities
learns through absorption
self-conscious speech or communication
enjoys own company, not inclined toward small talk or casual interactions
difficulty translating perceptions into words and making contact
feels misunderstood or disconnected from others
develops own unique social and aesthetic values
undemonstrative, difficulty communicating affection
self-loving, narcissistic
fearful of intimacy and love
seeking the perfect love, unrealistic ideals
continually developing own value system
ill at ease socially, reclusive, unwilling to play social games
aesthetic sensitivity and talent
tends to form unconventional relationships
inhibited action, lack of outer initiative
noncompetitive, competing only with self
explorer of the psyche, internally directed
solitary or unconventional action
repressed or explosive anger, passive-aggressive
self-destructive, continually battling self
tends to invite aggression
doubts own capabilities, fears risk-taking
alternately self-driving and lethargic
sexual inhibitions or compulsions
highly philosophical and meditative
psychologically attuned and insightful
outwardly withholding but inwardly expansive
attuned to inner meanings and purpose, self-guiding
nonmaterialistic, seeks inner wealth
develops own attitudes and belief systems
alternately overly optimistic or pessimistic
socially reclusive, prefers ones own company
rejects conventional and parental belief systems
inner stamina and endurance
resistance to personal change, rigidity
overly self-controlled and self-denying
demanding of self, repeatedly tests and “beats” oneself
self-doubting and self-critical, feels inferior
inclined to negativity or depression
unambitious, doubts own capacity for success, fearful
prefers to work alone, solitary
considerable self-motivation and perseverance
difficulty coping with authority, weak father figure
alternately overly defended or undefended
outwardly conventional but inwardly unconventional
experiences alienation from society
psychologically minded, progressive thinking
inwardly rebellious, tends to rebel against self
highly developed intuition, original and inventive
capable of following inner direction
needs internal freedom to follow own path
nervous tension, high level of internal excitation
makes unexpected changes for the sake of change
vivid imagination, creative inclinations
difficulty translating inspiration into action
lives in a dream world, escapist tendencies
self-deceiving, easily lost in inner chaos
capable of devoting self to an ideal
psychically and physically oversensitive
self-sacrificing or martyr-like temperament
needs quiet and meditative retreats
suppressed desire and anger, explosive tendencies
alienated, antisocial, misfit tendencies
self-destructive, turns energy inward
easily loses contact with one’s own depths
courageous explorer of the psyche
deep psychological insight and perceptiveness
withdrawn, private, reclusive
compulsive or obsessional temperament
capable of powerful, transforming emotional slates
endurance, considerable resourcefulness under stress
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vsag23 ¡ 3 years
Hi darl, a silly question has been running through my head and I think you're the best one to answer so here it goes... what's the difference between Saturn rx and the normal saturn?Âż (idk how to say it properly sorry) I mean how it affects the chart anddd also I wish you could explain why some astrologers say that when Jupiter is retrograde in a chart it's better bc the planet can expand itself the most ?Âż or something like that.
hope u can understand the tongue twister i just did up there hahah and thank u sm in advance💗💗.
pd: english is not my first language so sorry if there's any mistake :D
Good morning love!!
I hope you're doing okay:D And ofcourse, don't worry about it at all you explained what you wanted to ask very clearly and I'll be more than happy to answer it for ya🥰
🪐Natal Saturn rx & Natal Jupiter rx 🪐
— Saturn, like the other planets, moves backwards at times. The term "retrograde" refers to the fact that the planets appear to be travelling backward in the sky, therefore we count degrees backward instead of forward until Saturn changes course and returns to direct. Our counting is slowed as a result of this. Retrograde motion can extend for months and has an impact on the time of your Saturn Return. It also has an impact on how many times your Saturn will be hit during your reincarnation. Let's assume that Saturn is in Aquarius at 27 degrees, at the end of the sign.
During Saturn's two-and-a-half-year transit through Aquarius, Saturn is unlikely to move from zero to twenty-seven in a straight line. Saturn will reach a particular degree, then pause, go retrograde, pause, and then resume its onward motion through the sign until it reaches the finish. Because this process takes months, you may experience your Saturn Return more than once every twenty-eight years! Therefore, your Saturn rx will manifest a result of Saturn Return as such:
First Saturn Return: ages twenty-seven to thirty-one
Second Saturn Return: ages fifty-six to sixty
Third Saturn Return: ages eighty-four to ninety
But how does Saturn in retrograde manifest its affect on one’s life? 
When Saturn is retrograde in your chart, you may feel more sorrow and self-doubt than normal. Others won't know how you're feeling since you like to keep your worries to yourself. Instead, you are too cautious out of dread of disappointing others. It generally refers to a situation in which the father was either absent or only available to administer discipline rather than encouraging.
It may make you feel uneasy in situations that aren't bothersome to others. Saturn retrograde people may find social situations incredibly tough. Saturn retrograde people have a hard time recognizing when they should agree or disagree with anything. Limits are governed by Saturn, and their understanding of them is distorted or undeveloped.
Saturn retrograde might indicate a "late bloomer," indicating a later success in life. You work for years without success until, as you grow older, you begin to be rewarded and can become extremely successful.
A Saturn rx person is a knowledgeable spirit who has mastered many important life lessons via prior incarnations of responsibility. Learning to relax and enjoy yourself may be a part of your current life's job. 
Saturn Retrograde in the natal chart may also indicate that the individual would deal with their karma privately, rather than outwardly, through meditation, therapy, and prayer.  
There may also be a strong fear of disappointing others or failing to meet one's responsibilities, in other words, of making the wrong judgments. Being disciplined and orderly as a child was not always simple. In some ways, having Saturn retrograde in the chart is comparable to having a strong Uranus in the chart, where the native feels uncomfortable with a highly planned or disciplined lifestyle. Individuals with  Saturn rx may feel especially uneasy or apprehensive in situations that require etiquette or certain sets of rules and conventions.
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— A powerful Jupiter, in my opinion, makes one religious and devotional, whereas a retrograde Jupiter does the contrary. It may not necessary make a person an atheist, but it does cause one to have extreme beliefs that differ from the person's familial traditions.
Jupiter represents the instructor or professor; they are a supporter of endeavors that advance consciousness. Jupiter represents the higher intellect, bringing one beyond acquired limitations, whether exactly or symbolically, and into an investigation of the riddle, which anticipates a rebound of faith.
Retrograde planets, according to astrology, represent an internal, contemplative cycle, which corresponds to the nature of the planet and the constellation it is crossing. In Jupiter's case, this manifests as a process and length of intense spiritual and intellectual development on a personal level. Jupiter's retrograde in natal chart signifies deep inner transformation. Individuals frequently reconnect and realign with their internal guidance, intimate inner truth, and enormous, all encompassing conscious experience foundation inside.
A person born with Jupiter rx has a sense of integrity, honesty, faith, and knowledge that is beyond their age. One will put up with a philosophic methodology while paying attention to the connotations of that home in order to find a more in-depth truth. In the chart, Jupiter retrograde stresses attention, kindness, tolerance, explaining action, a basis for life, and a profound understanding of the advantages of their role as an inner pleader.
Individuals may find it more difficult in their initial years to share their advantages with the rest of the world owing to factors such as a lack of chances, consciousness, and self-doubt.
However, Jupiter will deposit immediately through progression in the native's later years of life, honoring a point when the wheel of success is turning, necessitating a huge leap of faith. This may appear to be a complete 180-degree turn or an unimaginable endeavor. However, it is likely to be accompanied with a sense that one's entire life experience has been in preparation for this moment.
As a person's internal trust is restored, it becomes simpler to share one's advantages with the community without worrying about how they are received—or returned. Natives will realize that they are a conduit for a tremendous amount of energy that the universe transmits via them. 
They typically thrive where others have failed in the workplace. When others fail, those with Jupiter rx start working and succeed. These people are well-known for their excellent managerial skills. Closed projects come to life when you put your hand in them. The individual is a visionary who does not believe in hurrying through life.
Above are some thoughts I have for Saturn rx and Jupiter rx:) I have always been very fascinated when it comes to the outer planet and I deem them to have a major effect on our lives, the same way that our inner planets do, yet in a vastly different way:D
I hope this helps and hopefully provide you some insights love<3
saint jenx🪐
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vsag23 ¡ 3 years
In my own words
Mercury in Scorpio sooo in my natal chart I have this position. Mercury is actually a really important planet to me as it is my chart ruler. With mercury being pretty prominent in my chart and it also ruling the way in which we humans communicate and our communication style, intellect, logic etc the sign that my mercury is in is also of great importance. I have mercury in scorpio conjunct pluto and I definitely feel the influence of this aspect in my day to day life. Mercury in Scorpio people are private people by nature. We don’t like to disclose personal information about ourselves to people we don’t know. For me, i definitely like to keep some things about myself to myself and that may make me a bit mysterious to some peope because I don’t always say what I am thinking. I am a very deep person naturally but I am also a pretty deep thinker. I can ponder things for a very long time and once I have made up my mind on a decision I don’t really change my mind until the goal is completed. One of the blessings of having a scorpio mercury is that we can focus and see things through to the end and we are not satisfied with superficiality. I personally hate it with a passion. I agree with these quotes about MIS people “Mercury in Scorpio is not the chatty type. They don’t waste time on chit chat. Communication is serious to them and they are careful about what they say. They don’t reveal much about themselves. They are private and introspective, but if you open up to them about yourself, you will completely engage them.”
“Mercury in Scorpio has a finely tuned intuition that helps them notice the cracks in a story or inconsistencies in reasoning. They also have the determination and patience to take the time to uncover the truth. As a water sign, Scorpio can read people. They understand emotion and notice even the slightest odd movement in body language that indicates something is awry. They will notice that subtle movement of the eyes that gives a person away or the way a person fidgets a bit too much. Beyond what they can see, they will FEEL the discomfort of someone who is lying. Because they are also a fixed sign, they have the patience to pursue a full line of questions to get the answers they are looking for.”
“Deep thought processes that focus on intent and underlying forces are the essence of Mercury in Scorpio. Mercury in Scorpio can go into the deep, dark corners of a person’s mind and accept and understand what they find there. They have the utmost respect for people who allow them into their worlds and open up to them because then they can help them accept the reality that life isn’t always pretty, but by working through things and having compassion, even the darkest things can be brought out into the light.”
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vsag23 ¡ 3 years
mercury conjunct pluto ? 🐇
🤔 very introspective
🤔 penetrating words who can kill - be careful with what are you saying to other people
🤔 powerful and tempting mind - you are the alive example that sex and the seductive and alluring art of sexual actions and instincts starts often from mind - u need to understant in order to perform
🤔 you can manipulate people without their knowledge and sometimes, in a bizarre way without even your knowledge
🤔 your power of reserch is absolutely amazing - you can stay on one subject for hours or even days at least if you are fascinated by something
🤔 obsessive mind
🤔 《 WARNING - don't read this part if you are not into "death related topics" 》 - this aspect often sugest that you have a dead sibling (-s) or a twin (-s)
🤔 you love/write erotical, psychological thrillers
🤔 you are aware of the power of conscious and subconscious mind and the unconscious actions that can start from here
🤔 you observe things that others don't
🤔 people with this aspect work/manipulate secret informations like those who work for FBI/international or national security service, they can be detectives, spys, astrologers or they can be pshychologists/psychiatrists who observe/study criminal behaviour or study the human mind in general
🤔 you can gain power only with the help of your mind or with the infos that just a few people own
🤔 you can easily discover the weak or strong points of people and with this information you can do good or harm them
🤔 your mind can be a blessing and also a curse cuz sometimes you don't want to know certain things
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