vubibliaunav · 4 years
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vubibliaunav · 4 years
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“Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? Do all possess gifts of healing? Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret?” (1Cor 12:29-30). Greek uses μή as a negative particle to introduce questions expecting a negative answer. Therefore, these rhetorical questions, obviously expecting the answer no, show that there is no one charism which all should expect to have. Significantly, this includes the gift of tongues. It is sad, however, that in some literature of the “Charismatic renewal movements,” the impression is given that everyone should expect to receive the gift of tongues, and they do these frequently based on a one-sided interpretation or understanding of 1Cor 14:5, where Paul says, “Now, I want you all to speak in tongues.” But this wish on Paul´s part is expressed in exactly the same way as his wish in 1Cor 7:7 that all might have the gift of celibacy: “I wish that all were as I myself am [that is a celibate].” Click on the bio to continue reading... https://valentineumoh.com/2020/06/10/saint-paul-digest-with-vu_biblia-10-06-2020/ #biblicalstudies #saintpaul #stpaul #unavdoc #unavestudiosbíblicos #motivation #jovenes #youths https://www.instagram.com/p/CBQDrXpiI63vYELgbde0xIViB56QofNrzEvFDI0/?igshid=rj6b9oz16yn3
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vubibliaunav · 4 years
Humanity is one Blessed are the peacemakers; They shall be called sons of God (Matt 5:9) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBK-2Z-gnXGSlOq4Ud-VpRWsHGc9mKbvKnck_s0/?igshid=1u6luuxsdtieq
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vubibliaunav · 4 years
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Saint Paul Digest with vu_biblia 05.06.2020 We are all gifted differently affirms Saint Paul in 1Cor 12: 8-11, 28-30, Rom 12: 6-8 also see Eph 4: 11-16) There is no one who is not gifted but like the parable of the talents in the synoptics it depends on us to develop what's in us. Gifts and talents when no developed or utilized amounts to no talent. We are all gifted because as affirmed Pope Benedict XVI "each one of us is a product of the conscious thought of God," no one comes into being by accident. So instead of dissipate energy running down another person who is putting some efforts to develop his talents and so efficiently puts it into use; instead of gossiping about someone's else efforts unnecessarily; instead of criticizing endlessly and aimlessly, use that same energy and zeal to develop your own God-given talents. There is never a time when it's too early or too late to develop that talent you have. Any time is a good time but NOW is a better time. In addition, Pope Francis says that you and I are the "Now" of God. Never feel it's too late... You've got to try something... #saintpaul #stpaul #paul #biblia #bible #youths #jovenes https://www.instagram.com/p/CBCKLxKC3ftdjQ6SC8UDmDZW-rxX2wS9AE7sPo0/?igshid=1mqwapeksnq90
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vubibliaunav · 4 years
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The month of May springs sparks of hope, healing and recovery... There are signs of light at the end of the dark tunnel... May God heal our world and restore us... Amen Happy May day! @vu_biblia 01.05.2020 https://www.instagram.com/p/B_n5Guti5eh/?igshid=tkvo5fnd6cfm
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vubibliaunav · 4 years
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vubibliaunav · 4 years
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vubibliaunav · 4 years
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vubibliaunav · 4 years
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Happiness is purely by personal choice https://www.instagram.com/p/B_YclmIqXGZ/?igshid=1rruq2dp7dt5a
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vubibliaunav · 4 years
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vubibliaunav · 4 years
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¡Cristo ha resucitado! ¡Verdaderamente ha resucitado! ¡Alleluia! ¡Felices pascuas a todos! https://www.instagram.com/p/B-2_YHxqd_G/?igshid=1j2ejc3utjnx
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vubibliaunav · 4 years
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It's another April 10! I, my siblings and our friends are happy to see you celebrate another beautiful year, Mummy! You are the best mother we could ever have wished for. For all your care, for all your sacrifices, for all your selfless love, for all your sleepless nights, we can neither recall them all not thank you ever enough... We give you our prayers and promise to be the best of ourselves... We wish you a long, happy and joyous life. A life of fulfilment and contentment, living to see the fruits of your labours... Happy Birthday Mum! May the Passion of Christ bring to you peace and love... Feliz cumpleaños mi mamà preciosa! https://www.instagram.com/p/B-zNI9gonEi/?igshid=jekyv9semt5
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vubibliaunav · 4 years
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Victoria, Tú reinarás. Oh cruz, Tú nos salvarás. El verbo en Ti clavado, Muriendo, nos rescató. De Ti, madero santo, Nos viene la redención. Extiende por el mundo Tu Reino de salvación. Oh cruz, fecunda fuente De vida y bendición. Impere sobre el odio Tu Reino de caridad. Alcancen las naciones El gozo de la unidad. Aumenta en nuestras almas Tu Reino de santidad. El río de la gracia Apague la iniquidad. Brilla sobre este mundo, Que busca hoy la verdad. Oh cruz, fuente fecunda de Amor y libertad Devuelve la confianza al Que sufriendo esta Eres nuestra esperanza A Dios tu nos llevaras Que todos los hermanos Un dia puedan llegar A la sombra de tus brazos A la patria celestial La gloria por los siglos a Cristo libertador. Su cruz nos lleve al cielo, la tierra de promisión. #MiercolesSanto2020 #cuaresma2020 #lent2020 #HolyWednesday2020 https://www.instagram.com/p/B-uJI9FIcG3/?igshid=4p50lx0u4set
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vubibliaunav · 4 years
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Ambas coronas estan separadas por solo cinco dias de la Semana Santa Both crowns are separated by only 5days of the Holy Week. The Holy week celebration that begins with the "Hosanna" of Palm Sunday leads to the "Crucify Him" of Good Friday. But doesn't end there. The "He is Risen" of Easter morning breathes so much hope that amidst the sorrow and Tunnels of the dark night, joy comes with dawn. That after the scourge of the Coronavirus pandemic there is brighter future for humanity. A future that will be determined by one humanity engaging in the things that really matter separating substances from accidents. @vu_biblia 05.04.2020 https://www.instagram.com/p/B-mc3VioJ7g/?igshid=wodhytrvx0qk
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vubibliaunav · 4 years
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It's Holy Week! Make it Holy ~Pray ~Meditate ~Read and Reflect on the Scriptures ~Give alms ~Reflect on the Passion of Christ ~ Forgive ~ Repent I wish you all a refreshing and spirit-filled Holy Week 2020. Pax vobiscum! @vu_biblia 05.04.2020 https://www.instagram.com/p/B-k_Z3louyc/?igshid=1ihh08dmnrnpr
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vubibliaunav · 4 years
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Welcome to April May God guide your going out and your coming in. May God shield you from this ravaging pandemic. May God order your days in His Peace. May your days never be cut short neither by human accident nor by scientific error. May you fulfill your dreams and aspirations. We are more than conquerors because the God of Jacob is our stronghold and our shield. Save us, O Lord And put an end to this monstrous pandemic, May your people come out of it stronger and better. Save Italy Save Spain Protect the whole world From this ravaging scourge Happy New Month of April... https://www.instagram.com/p/B-b-VAjCIkB/?igshid=8xbzfcbv3omu
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vubibliaunav · 5 years
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#lent2020 #cuaresma2020 Lenten season continues... El tiempo cuaresmal continua... God does not abandon us ¡Dios no nos abandona! We keep trusting No dejamos de confiar Everything passes Todo se pasa But God never changes ¡Pero Dios nunca cambia jamas! Never stop believing ¡No dejer de creer! https://www.instagram.com/p/B9sP3shAjDr/?igshid=1pndczot0zlaz
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