vulturetm · 5 years
Since the ocean has meat, salt, and veg in it, it is technically a big thing of soup. (source)
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vulturetm · 5 years
So animal misinformation is very common within society so I thought about making a list of a couple of things that you probably should know about animals:
Do not flip rabbits upside down (it can literally kill them)
While we’re talking about rabbits, do not bathe them in water
Rabbits can’t eat lots of carrots, they have too much sugar
75% of their diet should be hay
that cage you bought for your hamster is most likely too small
Any tank or bowl under 5 gallons is way too small for anything unless you are keeping snails
Your aquatic animal needs a filter
Yes, your beta fish needs a heater (as do all tropical aquatic animals)
No, fish are not decorations
Goldfish and koi are pond animals, goldfish can live in some tanks but they need to be big
You can not just buy 2 fish that school (like guppies, neon tetras, etc)
Trust nothing that petsmart or petco tells you about fish they actually know nothing
When you purchase a reptile you need to be willing to take care of it for it’s entire lifespan (some of the common reptiles sold at the store can live up to 50 years)
Your reptile needs a heater
Live feeding rodents actually isn’t that good and can harm your snake (only do this if the snake refuses frozen)
your reptile needs a water dish
Your turtle can’t live in a fish tank that just has a floating log for them to rest above water on
Most birds are social and should have companions
If they do not have a companion you need to make sure you spend enough time with them daily to make up for that
They can’t live off just seeds
You can’t cohabitate large and small birds
You should not put bedboxes or encourage nesting for tropical birds unless you plan on becoming a professional breeder and taking care of the babies yourself when the parents are incompetent
On the opposing side, domestic birds like pigeons and chickens need a nesting box because they will lay eggs reguarly (although these eggs will be unfertilized)
The chicken eggs you buy at the store are not unhatched baby chickens
Chickens legit don’t care if you take their eggs, they will eat the unfertilized eggs if left in the coop for too long, the eggs have a lot of nutrients that can help them, but do long as the chickens are getting a good diet they won’t need to eat the eggs
Honeybees make way too much honey and taking it from them prevents them from swarming (something that most of the time ends in the death of the entire colony)
You know how your neighbor/farm down the road/etc has horses? Yeah it’s fun to pet them and all but do not feed them random stuff you bring, you don’t know if they have special diet regulations or what is/is not poisonous and sending a horse to the vet is very expensive if you want to feed them something ask the farmer beforehand
I shouldn’t have to say this but do not enter any cow/horse/large animal pasture without the owners permission
Cows aren’t as sweet as the media makes them out to be, never let your guard down around a cow
Pigs are not herbivores, they are omnivores, they eat meat and basically whatever else they can
The same applies to chickens
Do not release domestic or domestic raised animals into the wild. Ever
You shouldn’t declaw your cat (get those rubber claw covers instead!)
Also don’t let your cat be an “outdoor” cat
That doesn’t mean don’t let your cat go outside, but when they are outside it should be under supervision and on a leash
If you don’t want to leash train them, get a catio!
Your omnivorous or carnivor animals CANT BE VEGAN
Feel free to add more to this list!
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vulturetm · 5 years
love those little tomatoes that you keep your sewing pins in. why did they make them tomatoes?? we'll never know
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vulturetm · 5 years
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vulturetm · 5 years
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volunteer perks (deluxe addition)
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vulturetm · 5 years
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vulturetm · 5 years
Doctor: [singing 'Come and Get Your Love' by Redbone to oneself]: Tka tka tooh, do do do do do do, de do do do do do beow beow beow beow beow beow buh nuh, bah dah buh buh buh buh, hey!
Someone else: Hey!
Doctor: What?
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vulturetm · 5 years
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i’m sure i’ve missed a few things, but i can’t stand to look at it any longer. i present to you: the good, the bad, and the ugly of tumblr throughout the decade
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vulturetm · 5 years
I’m Mod Silver ! please !!  I’m also  !! Me and my friends ( they all do not hate me !! its okay though, I have my friends… haha .. ) made this blog and I’m so excited to start .. I don’t know how to do introductions,, so I hope this suffices !
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🌼 Mod Silver
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vulturetm · 5 years
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these are the guys that live in my magical brainscape and control all of my emotions like in that pixar movie
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vulturetm · 5 years
disney concept art: the most beautiful dynamic original thing i have ever seen
disney finished project: rubber same face minimalism regurgitated plots 
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vulturetm · 5 years
remember when you were fifteen and you were convinced you were evil and irredeemable and completely insane but it turns out you were just fifteen
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vulturetm · 5 years
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vulturetm · 5 years
we all make fun of Zuko for “that’s rough buddy” but like. how the fuck are you supposed to respond when someone just nonchalantly says “my girlfriend turned into the moon”
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vulturetm · 5 years
“she-ra is queerbaiting” oh ladies we are Not doing this today
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vulturetm · 5 years
pov: you’re a small woodland creature sitting on a moss-covered rock, listening to the stream without a worry in the world
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vulturetm · 5 years
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This kid is awesome
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