vverithinn · 4 years
Britney H.
    Name: Britney Anne Honeycutt
    Nicknames: Brit, Cut O’ Honey
    Age: 16 - 27 (Depends on rp)
    Gender: Female
    Birthday: 3/13
    Height: 5′7
    Weight: 147 lbs
    Hair: Long, thick and curly dark ash brown hair
    Eyes: Green
    Skin Color: Evenly tanned
    Voice: Mid to high pitched
    She is considered likable to some, because she is very outgoing and social. She is a natural enertainer, and there is never a dull moment when she’s around. Howver, she can sometimes take a joke too far, or be a bit pushy and annoying.
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vverithinn · 4 years
Ethan Barnes (OC)
     Name: Ethan Jason Barnes
     Nicknames: -
     Age: 16 - 24 (Depends on rp)
     Gender: Male
     Birthday: 12/14
     Height: 5′11
     Weight: 176 lbs
     Hair: A middle shade of brown. Smooth, and if styled it appears straight, otherwise it’s a curly mess. 
     Eyes: He has bright blue eyes, and freckles.
     Skin Color: He is somewhat tanned, but his face stays red. 
     Voice: Low-ish.
     On the surface, Ethan seems like a pretty simple guy. When he gets comfortable with someone (albiet slowly, because he isn’t very trusting of others), he gets rather attached and is needy for attention. He is usually very social, and finds himself getting into situations he didn’t plan. 
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vverithinn · 4 years
Updated Plot List
1.) Muse A is a fresh mechanic, and is taking an apprenticship underneath a well known mechanic in a small town. This place was usually a stopping point for people traveling. While it was a convenient stop for gas and snacks, the hotels here were nonexistant. Muse B has to stop here due to breaking down, but Muse A is able to get them up at running by at least tomorrow. In the midst of having to miss their flight and vacation, Muse A offers a place to spend the evening if Muse B chooses.
2.) Muse A is unhappy as they take their seat in the youth section. They find this life of listening to their father preach every Sunday morning and evening boring, but one thing about this place that was enertaining was Muse B. Muse B tended to act out, and Muse A digged it. It was obvious Muse B would rather be out partying and drinking with their friends other than here, but are forced to attend by their parents. One day, Muse B comes and says that their parents demand the be baptized, but doesn’t want to. Muse A offers their support, but ends up joining Muse B by ditching that day.
3.) Debate class is Muse A’s sore spot, though there is one reason they still take it. Muse B is Muse A’s crush, but they can’t seem to agree on any subject! This time the subject is (insert subject), and Muse A finally decides to not let Muse B bother them, and this time it’ll be the other way around.
4.) Muse A is your corny and cleche high school bully. The school can’t seem to get a good grip on them, no matter what they punish them with. This always leaves them on a tear, and the weaker minded students are usually in fear of them. Today, Muse A decides to target Muse B, who is the school’s band’s drum major. When Muse A makes a nasty remark, Muse B is quick to make one equal to or worse back. This would start an unlikely friendship between the two.
5.) Muse A doesn’t go to college during the summer out of personal choice. During this time, they work at the water park nearby. Muse A is a tad childish, and finds themselves hanging out more with the teenage volunteers rather than co-workers. To Muse A’s luck, one of the volunteers are related to Muse B. Muse B works there also, but she dresses as a mermaid and engages the kids. Muse A finds Muse B rather attractive.
6.) The library is a nice, quiet place Muse A goes after school. They can chill out, and not deal withh social pressures as being ‘the funny sidekick’ to one of the most popular guys at school. Today, Muse B is sitting in their spot. Muse B wouldn’t know anything of Muse A, is quiet, and seems very simple. This person is perfect for Muse A, and they will try anything to get in good graces with Muse B, albiet with challenge.
7.) Muse B is the highlight of Muse A’s trips here. Muse A models for (insert company), and and had to travel, but most of her business is here. Muse B sits at the front desk, and is much more regular than Muse A. When Muse A finds out for herself she has feelings for Muse B, and decides she’d ask them out on a date. How will Muse A react to first time rejection?
8.) Muse A is barely scraping by in college, and falls deeper into dispair. They have put their money into useless English degrees, and is now tapped out. Though. Muse A is a very skilled writer. Muse B one day approaches Muse A with an unusual task, to write a page that would make a young child laugh.
9.) Muse A is dead set on impressing Muse B. Muse A is naive and is a sucker for Muse B and their friends, and this usually backfires on A. This time. they are tasked unknown to Muse B to set fireworks off in the neighbour’s mailbox, resulting in a nasty burn. Muse B is found with no choice but to baby Muse A.
10.) It’s senior year of high school, and the path to valedictorian is easily in Muse A’s reach; at least that’s how it was supposed to be. Muse B switches to Muse A’s school this year as well, shaking Muse A off their totem pole. How will they get along?
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vverithinn · 4 years
Celeste Fox (OC)
♚ G E O M E T R I C S ♚
↬ Full name ↫
Celeste Mayella Fox
↬ Nickname ↫
↬ Age ↫
16 - 23
↬ Birthday ↫
August 17th, xxxx
↬ Birthplace ↫
Long Beach, CA
↬ Zodiac ↫
↬ Height ↫
↬ Gender ↫
↬ Orientation ↫
Bisexual (Leans towards males)
↬ Species ↫
↬ Social Class ↫
Low middle class.
↬ Wealth ↫
A bit below average
♚ A P P E A R A N C E ♚
↬ Skin color ↫
Medium tan, rosy undertones.
↬ Eye color ↫
Greyish blue
↬ Hair color ↫
Light brown
↬ Hair style ↫
High ponytail that comes down midway to her neck.
↬ Body Type ↫
Slender and petite
↬ Scars ↫
↬ Piercing ↫
Two standard lobe piercings in her ears, one industrial piercing in her left ear.
♚ P E R S O N A L I T Y ♚
↬ Normal mood ↫
Rather serious.
↬ Temper ↫
She’s short tempered, and very impatient. The main things that will set her off are other people’s attitudes or don’t take her seriously.
↬ Discipline ↫
She barely has any self discipline, as she does what she wants, WHEN she wants.
↬ Strengths ↫
She is a charismatic and a natural leader. She is also not one to back down easy, and will stand in what she believes in. She is good at decision making, for she rather listens to her head most of the time. 
↬ Weaknesses ↫
She isn’t very nice, and is rather aggressive. She is dull when it comes to booksmarts as well. She is also very set in her ways, and is not willing to change easily. She is also brutally honest with people, not really caring if it hurts them or not. 
↬ Drive/dreams ↫
She would like to be able to settle, and maybe even start a family someday.
↬ Fears ↫
Needles, being alone for a long period of time, tight spaces, failure, airplanes/flying
↬ Likes ↫
Archery, cooking, social events, incense, complaining, sincerity, competition, people watching, bad puns, napping.
↬ Dislikes ↫
The rain, writing, disappointment, attitudes, laundry, sitting still, the quiet, staying inside, waking up early, routine. 
↬ Soft spot ↫
Bentley (Pet rabbit), her little sister
↬ Habits ↫
Tends to pick at teeth, tends to zone off, cracking knuckles, unconscious pen clicking, tends to fall asleep with makeup on.
♚ R A T I N G S ♚
↬ Psychological strength ↫
↬ Physical strength ↫
↬ Close quarter combat ↫
↬ Distanced combat ↫
↬ Leadership ↫
↬ Wisdom ↫
↬ Intelligence ↫
↬ Confidence ↫
↬ Endurance ↫
0 notes
vverithinn · 4 years
Rules and shit
*I’m having to add a fucking codeword so I know people read my shit. Just tell me it in the chat. Seriously, it’s not that hard to read a few damn sentances!*
Hello, fucktards. If you’re reading this, odds are you’re being a considerate human being by taking time out of your day to read my rules, and if you’re really sweet, look at my plots too! I will warn you, I can be quite picky and I have a certain method so we can start roleplaying faster and less chit-chat. 
1.) Please for the love of anything holy, no askerisks ‘*’, and use quotes “. If you are thinking of/recently switching off askerisks for greener pastures, I might not be a great roleplay parter for you.
2.) Write a minimum of 3 lines. Even that’s not ideal, but hey, it’s not a dealbreaker.
3.) Please come with an oc with a minimum description of name, age, gender, personality, and looks. I’m not gonna bother if I give you a well thought out OC and you reply with, “GeRoMy”. It’s the easiest way to get under my skin.
4.) I will leave chats if you do not reply in a week!! I seem to get a lot of partners. If I like the roleplay, i’ll tack on an extra day and give you a warning. If not, when the week is up I will leave with no warning. I am not your father, and I am simply not going to hold your soft-soft snowflake hand over this and preach this. 
5.) I am so fucking TIRED of playing as a gang leader/member I can honestly curl up and die.  Please if you care for my sanity, try to refrain from those plots. If you’re dying to use one, make sure i’m not playing that role.
6.) Answer these questions:
     a.) What oc will you play?
     b.) What plot (Out fo yours or mine), and what muse/character/role?
     c.) Do you have any triggers, or themes you’re uncomfortable with?
     d.) Are you over or under 14? (To make sure i’m avoiding possible smut with someone 3 years younger than me. I’m 16.)
(C0dew0rd is any of the two all caps words at the bottom quote)
“he was RIGHT. thits shit’s lasting FOREVER” - Jeff, ‘sweet bro and hella jeff’ #14 
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