vvhiskeyneat · 15 hours
Her affirmation did quiet a few worries in his head, and the answer to his question also caused him to nod as if her answered lined up correctly in his head. "Yeah, that tracks." He muttered, only to purse his lips and tilt his head.
"I mean, I don't think it changes anythin', really. You are quote unquote allergic to the sun. And... you haven't hurt me, and I doubt you ever would. Unless you're tellin' me because you want to feed on me or somethin' kinky like that." Matias chuckled, squeezing her hand. "There are worse things you could've admitted to me, I'm sure."
She had... fangs. Okay. So she was definitely not pulling his leg for a laugh. The good news was that if she was going to drain him and leave him for dead, she definitely would have done it by then. So he didn't really need to ask if he was safe around her.
"So when you stay over, it's because... yeah, that tracks." He nodded to himself, working through the one million thoughts buzzing around his skull at that moment.
He narrowed his gaze and pondered for a moment before looking at her. "Did you use my job as a hunting ground? Like they do in the movies?"
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vvhiskeyneat · 19 hours
She had... fangs. Okay. So she was definitely not pulling his leg for a laugh. The good news was that if she was going to drain him and leave him for dead, she definitely would have done it by then. So he didn't really need to ask if he was safe around her.
"So when you stay over, it's because... yeah, that tracks." He nodded to himself, working through the one million thoughts buzzing around his skull at that moment.
He narrowed his gaze and pondered for a moment before looking at her. "Did you use my job as a hunting ground? Like they do in the movies?"
Matias was waiting to hear something atrocious, like that her sunlight allergy was terminal or something. A fact almost confirmed when she mentioned said allergy. His heart was hammering in his chest.
And then...
"A... huh?" He looked dumbfounded, and that turned into disbelieved amusement for a moment, where he chuckled briefly. But then he realized the weight of what they'd just been speaking of, and he doubted she would lie to him or make a joke directly after that.
"That uh-... Vampires are real?" He asked with genuine bewildermemt.
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vvhiskeyneat · 20 hours
Matias was waiting to hear something atrocious, like that her sunlight allergy was terminal or something. A fact almost confirmed when she mentioned said allergy. His heart was hammering in his chest.
And then...
"A... huh?" He looked dumbfounded, and that turned into disbelieved amusement for a moment, where he chuckled briefly. But then he realized the weight of what they'd just been speaking of, and he doubted she would lie to him or make a joke directly after that.
"That uh-... Vampires are real?" He asked with genuine bewildermemt.
Matias had just been about to get himself up from the bed when she called him back, sitting himself back down and clearing his throat. Oh boy, that was certainly a transition. They'd just had what he considered a serious talk and now there was something else her needed to tell him.
"Sure thing, babydoll. You can tell me anythin'." He assured softly, taking one of her hands in his to kiss the back of it.
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vvhiskeyneat · 20 hours
Matias had just been about to get himself up from the bed when she called him back, sitting himself back down and clearing his throat. Oh boy, that was certainly a transition. They'd just had what he considered a serious talk and now there was something else her needed to tell him.
"Sure thing, babydoll. You can tell me anythin'." He assured softly, taking one of her hands in his to kiss the back of it.
Matias appreciated her patience, nodding at the sentiment before averting his gaze downward for a moment in thought.
"You know I don't give a fuck, right? About... your gender an' all that?" He very gently spoke up, only to look up at her to correct himself, "Not that I don't give a fuck, like that, you know. But like, it isn't an issue for me. Never has been, never will be. You're a fuckin' gorgeous woman, anyone who's got an issue can get bent." He assured her, reaching up to stroke his free hand across her cheek and into her hair.
"And if men ain't trippin' over themselves fallin' for you, then they're blind idiots. You're a whole ass meal and then some, babydoll." That wry smirk returned to his lips as he leaned in to take another kiss from her. "Speakin' of, I was thinkin' chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast. Sound good?"
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vvhiskeyneat · 2 days
There was a brief pause, where he asked himself if he WAS truly sure. But the answer was yes. It had been for quite a while now. Even though he knew she could handle herself, Liam didn't like the idea of her having to go hunting to feed.
If vampires were real, then vampire hunters had to be real, too, right? What if one spotted her? She wasn't dumb or anything, but there was always that chance in his mind.
Besides, he was... curious to know what effects her venom would have on him. From what she had explained to him, it was euphoric.
"Of course. I know you would never hurt me. Not without a safeword." He lightly teased, smiling at her as he smoothed his hands over her hips. "It would only make sense for my vampire girlfriend to have tasted my blood, right? I'm sure you've been curious all this time, and I have been too, if I'm honest."
Liam leaned forward to peck her lips once more, "I want to take care of you in all ways possible. Including this one."
Intoxicated wasn't strong enough of a word to describe how he felt when he kissed Bella. Occasionally, he damned his need to breathe, if only because it stopped what felt like euphoria.
His bottom lip pulled with her teeth, causing his heart to thud against his ribcage, his eyes watching her intently until she released him.
Liam found himself swallowing harshly, his excitement apparent in the rushing of his blood. "You could... if you wanted to, you know?" He insinuated softly, "I trust you."
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vvhiskeyneat · 2 days
Matias appreciated her patience, nodding at the sentiment before averting his gaze downward for a moment in thought.
"You know I don't give a fuck, right? About... your gender an' all that?" He very gently spoke up, only to look up at her to correct himself, "Not that I don't give a fuck, like that, you know. But like, it isn't an issue for me. Never has been, never will be. You're a fuckin' gorgeous woman, anyone who's got an issue can get bent." He assured her, reaching up to stroke his free hand across her cheek and into her hair.
"And if men ain't trippin' over themselves fallin' for you, then they're blind idiots. You're a whole ass meal and then some, babydoll." That wry smirk returned to his lips as he leaned in to take another kiss from her. "Speakin' of, I was thinkin' chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast. Sound good?"
It was... something. Something he'd not been brought before in the past. To be so genuinely wanted for more than his body, to believe that it wasn't for some sort of manipulation or gain on the other party's part. Billie wasn't like that. He knew she wasn't like that. Everything in him told him she wasn't.
And yet he still felt so... vulnerable.
Placing a hand over one of hers, he laced their fingers and brought her hand down to his lips so he could kiss the back of it. "I'd be a real fuckin' dunce to say no to that face, wouldn't I?" He lightly jested, giving her a sheepish half smile.
"You're more than I could ask for, Billie. Of course I want you."
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vvhiskeyneat · 3 days
It was... something. Something he'd not been brought before in the past. To be so genuinely wanted for more than his body, to believe that it wasn't for some sort of manipulation or gain on the other party's part. Billie wasn't like that. He knew she wasn't like that. Everything in him told him she wasn't.
And yet he still felt so... vulnerable.
Placing a hand over one of hers, he laced their fingers and brought her hand down to his lips so he could kiss the back of it. "I'd be a real fuckin' dunce to say no to that face, wouldn't I?" He lightly jested, giving her a sheepish half smile.
"You're more than I could ask for, Billie. Of course I want you."
Why was she asking if he thought that way? Of course, he thought that way. He wasn't the guy who got the pretty girl at the end of the movie. He was the guy she fucked and realized he was a mistake to GET to the guy at the end of the movie. Attractive, a good time, but not meant for much further than character development. And he accepted that.
Billie reached for him and Matias relented, moving to sit himself on the edge of the bed beside her, exhaling a heavy breath. "I like you too, babydoll. I really do. But you don't want to get sappy with a guy like me, do you?" It wasn't meant as an insult, he genuinely couldn't see why she would saddle up with him. He was fun to mess around with for sure, but a relationship?
He couldn't even remember the last time he'd had a clear cut commitment with anyone.
"I'm... I'm not used to someone wantin' more from me. It doesn't usually go that way."
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vvhiskeyneat · 3 days
Why was she asking if he thought that way? Of course, he thought that way. He wasn't the guy who got the pretty girl at the end of the movie. He was the guy she fucked and realized he was a mistake to GET to the guy at the end of the movie. Attractive, a good time, but not meant for much further than character development. And he accepted that.
Billie reached for him and Matias relented, moving to sit himself on the edge of the bed beside her, exhaling a heavy breath. "I like you too, babydoll. I really do. But you don't want to get sappy with a guy like me, do you?" It wasn't meant as an insult, he genuinely couldn't see why she would saddle up with him. He was fun to mess around with for sure, but a relationship?
He couldn't even remember the last time he'd had a clear cut commitment with anyone.
"I'm... I'm not used to someone wantin' more from me. It doesn't usually go that way."
Were they in a cartoon, there would be sparks and the sound of cogs grinding in a jam coming from Matias' skull. He looked like a deer caught in headlights. One joke about making him coffee had turned into an argument worthy of her risking getting herself sick to leave? What in God's name?
"A trade? Billie, you're not some fuckin'... arrangement to me. This isn't some deal we made." He gestured between them, his brow furrowed. "I like being around you, I like spending time with you, I like fucking you. All fuckin' thee above." He went on, combing his fingers back through his hair.
"I try to keep it light. I don't want to bog you down. Shit. I'm just some bartender from uptown and you're a whole ass woman. I'm sure there's a million dudes who make my salary in two minutes kickin' down doors to bend a knee at you and yet you choose to spend your nights with me. I don't wanna take that shit for granted and bother you by gettin' touchy about it."
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vvhiskeyneat · 3 days
Were they in a cartoon, there would be sparks and the sound of cogs grinding in a jam coming from Matias' skull. He looked like a deer caught in headlights. One joke about making him coffee had turned into an argument worthy of her risking getting herself sick to leave? What in God's name?
"A trade? Billie, you're not some fuckin'... arrangement to me. This isn't some deal we made." He gestured between them, his brow furrowed. "I like being around you, I like spending time with you, I like fucking you. All fuckin' thee above." He went on, combing his fingers back through his hair.
"I try to keep it light. I don't want to bog you down. Shit. I'm just some bartender from uptown and you're a whole ass woman. I'm sure there's a million dudes who make my salary in two minutes kickin' down doors to bend a knee at you and yet you choose to spend your nights with me. I don't wanna take that shit for granted and bother you by gettin' touchy about it."
"What is happenin' right now?" Matias seemed a bit dumbfounded. This was not the easygoing thing they had. This was some kind of read between the lines sort of bullshit, and he wasn't built for that.
"I was jokin', babydoll. Pokin' fun, that's all. I don't expect anythin' more from you than you give me." He assured her, "I'm just glad to be the bed you come to at night. Beyond that, everythin' is fuckin' icin' on the cake."
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vvhiskeyneat · 3 days
"What is happenin' right now?" Matias seemed a bit dumbfounded. This was not the easygoing thing they had. This was some kind of read between the lines sort of bullshit, and he wasn't built for that.
"I was jokin', babydoll. Pokin' fun, that's all. I don't expect anythin' more from you than you give me." He assured her, "I'm just glad to be the bed you come to at night. Beyond that, everythin' is fuckin' icin' on the cake."
Stopping in the doorway, Matias turned to look at her sitting in the bed, a bit confused by the sudden need to bounce. "Somethin' wrong?" He spoke up, walking back over to the bed, "Won't you get sick? It's bright as fuck out there, babydoll."
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vvhiskeyneat · 3 days
Stopping in the doorway, Matias turned to look at her sitting in the bed, a bit confused by the sudden need to bounce. "Somethin' wrong?" He spoke up, walking back over to the bed, "Won't you get sick? It's bright as fuck out there, babydoll."
"Not intentional, my ass." Matias snickered, taking her by the jaw to kiss her again before sitting himself up and combing his fingers back through his hair with a wide yawn. "If you're out to jump my bones this early, you could at least get a man some coffee." He teased, looking back down at her with a smirk.
Reaching over, he teasingly tweaked her nose, "Light and sweet, right, babydoll?" He rhetorically inquired, leaning down to peck her lips once more before getting himself up to head for the kitchen and make them some coffee.
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vvhiskeyneat · 3 days
"Not intentional, my ass." Matias snickered, taking her by the jaw to kiss her again before sitting himself up and combing his fingers back through his hair with a wide yawn. "If you're out to jump my bones this early, you could at least get a man some coffee." He teased, looking back down at her with a smirk.
Reaching over, he teasingly tweaked her nose, "Light and sweet, right, babydoll?" He rhetorically inquired, leaning down to peck her lips once more before getting himself up to head for the kitchen and make them some coffee.
It was becoming a common occurrence. To wake up to the scent of her perfume, the warmth of her body pressed against his side. One could say he was getting used to it. Growing comfortable with having her around always.
They hadn't exactly expressed what they were, per se. And Matias certainly wasn't going to be the one to push anything, especially not when things were going fine just as they were.
Hell, she could've had a string of men she was seeing. But that wasn't his business. And regardless, she was coming back to him at the end of the night. All was well.
Groaning as he stretched himself awake, Mattie's eye reluctantly creaked open to be greeted by Billie's gorgeous face. "I ever tell you that you look like a god damn angel when you wake me up?" He mumbled, still half asleep.
There was a low, pleased hum that escaped him when she connected their lips, his hand coming up to cup her face. Bright and early, and she was already driving him crazy. "Tryin' to work me up this early, babydoll?" He muttered into the kiss with a wry smirk.
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vvhiskeyneat · 3 days
Intoxicated wasn't strong enough of a word to describe how he felt when he kissed Bella. Occasionally, he damned his need to breathe, if only because it stopped what felt like euphoria.
His bottom lip pulled with her teeth, causing his heart to thud against his ribcage, his eyes watching her intently until she released him.
Liam found himself swallowing harshly, his excitement apparent in the rushing of his blood. "You could... if you wanted to, you know?" He insinuated softly, "I trust you."
@vvhiskeyneat sent biting your lover’s lip amidst a kiss .
If she were human, Bella's lips would be pink and kiss swollen. Liam's certainly are, even as she continues to kiss him, tongue exploring his mouth when he opens for her. She remembers every so often to pull away and allow him to breathe - and this time when she does, she takes his bottom lip between her teeth, biting it gently. She's not hungry, per say, but there is the barest hint of fang present before she lets him go.
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vvhiskeyneat · 3 days
It was becoming a common occurrence. To wake up to the scent of her perfume, the warmth of her body pressed against his side. One could say he was getting used to it. Growing comfortable with having her around always.
They hadn't exactly expressed what they were, per se. And Matias certainly wasn't going to be the one to push anything, especially not when things were going fine just as they were.
Hell, she could've had a string of men she was seeing. But that wasn't his business. And regardless, she was coming back to him at the end of the night. All was well.
Groaning as he stretched himself awake, Mattie's eye reluctantly creaked open to be greeted by Billie's gorgeous face. "I ever tell you that you look like a god damn angel when you wake me up?" He mumbled, still half asleep.
There was a low, pleased hum that escaped him when she connected their lips, his hand coming up to cup her face. Bright and early, and she was already driving him crazy. "Tryin' to work me up this early, babydoll?" He muttered into the kiss with a wry smirk.
@vvhiskeyneat sent kissing your lover lazily first thing in the morning .
Billie stretches languidly, one hand coming to pass over her hair and make sure her wig is still in place. She's not at her loft, but she's comfortable here anyway - rolling over into Matias' side just as he starts to stir awake.
"Good morning, baby." She murmurs, voice still a bit thick with sleep. She waits another moment for his eyes to blink open and him to smile at her before she leans in to kiss him, long and slow.
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vvhiskeyneat · 3 days
Leon liked to think he'd had some sort of effect on Isaac in their time together. Before, when he would dance in the rain, Isaac would stand back and watch. More and more, he had encouraged him to join him, to feel the rain on his skin and let go, if only for a passing shower.
It seemed like nature wanted to encourage it just as much.
Walking through the orchard with Isaac was one of the times he felt most at peace, the safest, the most comfortable. That was probably why he hadn't heard the trees whispering of rain the entire time.
The blond could only laugh alongside the other as they were utterly soaked to their cores, standing probably a mile away from the house at that point.
Leon felt his heart flutter when Isaac kissed him, leaning into the taller man's chest and caressing his face with one of his hands.
When their lips parted, Leon looked up at him with an adoration like no other. Pure, genuine love.
"You are my everything, Isaac Norman."
@vvhiskeyneat sent sharing a kiss in a heavy downpour of rain .
They'd been walking through the orchard - how neither of them had noticed the black clouds rolling in before the heavens opened Isaac didn't know. Maybe they'd been too wrapped up in each other.
In any case, Isaac has to laugh - the both of them drenched to the bone, and him inspired by another movie moment like all of them have been so far, leaning in to kiss Leon sweetly as the rain poured around them.
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vvhiskeyneat · 3 days
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"Why, you got an idea?" Matias turned to face the other, fully intent on hearing them out. His ex had convinently stopped by his job to have a drink like it wasn't out of her way and there weren't a million other bars in town.
If anyone had a rebellious streak, it was Mattie. And he was more than willing to hear someone out who wanted to help piss off his narcissistic ex.
"That obvious that her laugh is pissing me off, huh?"
muse : michael tullis. incubus with a seductive aura.
open to : male / female / nb muses!!
plot : michael is an incubbus who has it easy to seduce and destroy. he realizes your muse bothered by someone else in the room so automatically he wants to offer them a little hand on this.
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“ want to make them jealous? “
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vvhiskeyneat · 3 days
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