vvormtails · 10 years
Peter looked at Rabastan long and hard. He was scared shitless of the Slytherin. He was powerful and wild and yeah, he could take him out if he wanted to right there and now. Peter had to think fast like he always did. Rebastain Lestrange. How would his prestigious family feel if he was caught doing hexes out in the open and not acting like the gentlemen they raised him to be? Peter had to play his Aristocratic status against him and also had to decide something for himself. He was a Gryffindor, and bloody Marauder for fucks sake! Was he really going to let himself be pushed around anymore? Courage wasn't about being fearless, it was about pushing through the fear and he was a goddamn lion. And even on the other hand, if he was going to get into the Dark Arts, he had to be feared and respected by the people he might join. He couldn't have them think he's a weakling. 
"D-Do it Lestrange." He stammered, his body starting to shake a bit. He didn't know what he would do but it wouldn't be good. "There are witnesses. Someone is bound to see you." His voice steadied a bit and he went for his want, shaking hand tightening around it. "And even if they aren't, what ever lie you make up, no one is going to believe you. Who would take the big bad Slytherin side over sweet innocent Peter?" Adrenaline started to take over and he leaned closer to Rabastian. "You know as well as I do Dumbledore favors Gryffendor tremendously so where does that leave you? A letter send home to mummy and daddy and some public humiliation. Sure I might be in the hospital wing, or even worse, but because you cant control your temper, you might end up making a scene and disgracing your entire family name. The Black are very proper, the might not want a monster like you with their daughter after that little incident. People will talk." 
Proud of himself of the possibility very foolish speech he just made, Peter sat back and smirked, really unsure of himself and his actions. "We wouldn't want that now, would we?" 
“What are you doing? Trying to figure out what words to spit out to me?” Rab laughed whilst crossing his muscular arms over his chest and leant back on his wooden chair a little bit , he was firmly enjoying himself right now and believed that little Peter Pettigrew could become a massive form of entertainment for the Slytherin boy. However, the way that Peter spoke back to him annoyed Rab, he wasn’t use to someone basically not listening, and bowing to every word so after glancing over to check the Librarian was otherwise engaged, he took out his wand and pressed it into the boy’s side under the cover of the table. “I wouldn’t be too cheeky if I were you, I don’t take too kindly to people making a fool of me” 
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vvormtails · 10 years
Peter smiled to himself softly. He was able to make Dorcas laugh and brighten a dull situation. Generally Peter felt pretty useless and dull compared to his best friends but in that moment he felt useful and needed. He always thought of himself as the "useless" or "extra" marauder that didn't really have a niche, but maybe he was the one that brightened peoples days, the one that could make them smile. Maybe he wasn't so useless. 
"I wish." He said. "I'm decent at charms but not that great to make every book dance. Maybe if we had help we could!" 
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Dorcas grinned down at the bare parchment as across the table Peter began to giggle wildly, clearly finding her joke far funnier than it had seemed at first. She couldn’t help but snort in response to his laughter, clamping her hand over her mouth to avoid making too much noise. 
But then she heard him mutter a spell and immediately, the book was dancing in the air above the table, dust fluttering from its pages and settling on the table. She cast a glance around the nearly empty library and jokingly muttered, “Now if we could only figure out how to get all the books to dance….” 
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vvormtails · 10 years
Peter looked at her with a dumbfounded expression. "I was just uhh..." He looked down at his homework then looked back up and her a shrugged. "Slacking off I guess?" He regretted it the moment he said it. He should have said something more interesting. He was never good with talking to girls like the other were. 
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Emma continued to glared at the boy, she knew him, he was one of the marauders. She however stopped glaring when she heard him stubble over his words. He had certainty didn’t expect it to be her, she crossed her arms and studied his movements. “What are you doing anyways?”
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vvormtails · 10 years
Peter started to giggle madly once the word left Dorcas. He tired to keep quiet and in reality, he shouldn't have laughed as hard as he did, but he just wasn't expecting it. It was nice to see he wasn't the only one who thought it and he was even more glad that she was the one who said it. The tension needed to be broken and that was a good way to do it. One he calmed down he nodded his head. "Horribly dreadful." he agreed. He sat back, looked around and asked himself what he could do to make all this more enjoyable. He picked up his wand and did a quick swish and flick. "Wingardium Leviosa." and with that, the books around them lifted up and started to dance a bit. It was good practice for charms and a nice way to lighten the mood. 
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Dorcas did her best to remain focused on the book, her eyes squinting at the tiny words on the page, but she could not help but allow a smirk to flit across her lips as she quietly snorted, “Dung.” She shook her head, glancing up at Peter to see if he had been thinking the same thing, which judging by his chuckle, he had. 
She sighed, returning to the book quite forcibly, “This is dreadful….”
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vvormtails · 10 years
Peter stopped when he realized it was Emma Vanity who was walking by. His face went red and his babbled a little. Emma was certainly one of the more pretty girls here at school, at least Peter thought so. "Uhh, um! Sorry! No my fault. I shouldn't be doing that anyway!" He scrambled to put his wand away into his book bag. 
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Em stopped short at the sound of the boy next to her, she had been lost in thought, singing her favorite song at the moment. She turned to the boy with a slight huff, “I didn’t mean too, it’s not my fault your easily distracted!”
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vvormtails · 10 years
Peter nodded in agreement and chuckled a bit to himself. Bung really did sound like dung but he didn't say it out loud. Dorcas already seemed to be annoyed with his antics, just like everyone else, so he didn't go on. And besides, he wanted this over with a much as she did. "Yeah sure, foot each sounds good to me." He shrugged and got out his quill. The book she handed him was dreadfully boring and he was struggling to stay awake. 
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"Yeah, I reckon you looked like a real professional," Dorcas suppressed the urge to roll her eyes as she opened the book, a cloud of dust rising from the relatively unused pages, "I don’t see why this is necessary either; I doubt reading about Zygmunt Bung is going to provide us with any wisdom. A few name-related puns, maybe, but hardly anything to do with Potions. So-er- should we each take half and half? You do a foot and I do a foot?"
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vvormtails · 10 years
Peter glared up at Rabastan. If this was this way of a formal introduction, then he needed some lessons in basic manners. At first Peter didn't say anything. He looked down and played with his wand a little. Rebastan had only said a hand full of words to him and had already hit him where it hurts. He shook the thought and looked back up trying not to seem like he was afraid. "No they haven't. I didn't know I had to be with them twenty-four seven to be considered their friend still, I'll keep that in mind." He tired to sound confidant but his voice shoot slightly. He knew Lestrange was an animal and could fly off the handle on a moments notice.
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The truth was that Rab had been spying on Peter for a long time now, waiting for the best moment to introduce himself properly. He firmly believed that out of the Marauders Peter was the weakest and would be the easiest to manipulate, so as soon as he saw him sat alone in the library he made his way over, pulled out the chair opposite and made himself comfortable. “Well isn’t this a sight – I don’t think I’ve seen you without those joker friends of yours … Have they finally dumped your sorry ass, realised what a liability you are?”    
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vvormtails · 10 years
"I know, I know, I was just doing so well." Peter sighed. He grimaced at the book and let out a groan. Dorcas was right, they should get on it, but Peter was feeling particularly lazy at the moment. All he wanted to do was lay out in the sun by the Black Lake and relax. "Alright lets get going, But I still don't see why the history of potions is going to help us make them." 
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"Don’t get your knickers in a twist, Pettigrew," Dorcas sighed, plopping the enormous textbook that she held in her hands down onto the table before him, "Figured you’d better quit while you’re ahead. And if you’ve forgotten- which you seem to have- we’ve got to finish that project for Slughorn by tomorrow. Unless you intend on having me do it all myself." She raised one brow, sitting down across from him. It wasn’t that she was upset that they had been made partners. She had just much rather he be Lily or Marlene.
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vvormtails · 10 years
Peter sat at table in the Library, books and notes laid out in front of him. His head was tilted back with his wand balancing between his eyes. The noise of someone approaching made him jump and lose to balance. "Aw, I was doing so well! Why'd you do that for?"
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vvormtails · 10 years
For real? You, no soul? I can't believe that. Muggles are so batty! Honestly, how have you lived among them for so long? Yeah, the zoo! That was it. I would like to go to a zoo, see an actual lion at least once in my life. 
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I’m not kidding, the only reason I’ve been safe is because I’m a ginger, they don’t believe I have a soul, so there is no point in sacrificing me. I think you’re talking about a zoo, they have cooler animals than just goats, but you can’t really pet the exotic ones. You should go check them out, quite fun actually.
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vvormtails · 10 years
Peter bit the inside of his lip to keep his smirk down. He didn't really think that would work as well as it did. The slight doubt was planted and that was all he needed to do. Now the doubt was there and with help of Sirius' irrational actions, it wouldn't go away. 
"Y-Yeah. He's not!" Peter said enthusiastically, then promptly put his hand over his mouth. James and Sirius were still working and he didn't want to attract attention. "We're here for him." he said more quietly, "Like how we're here for you Moony. We're all here together and no matter what." He beemed at Remus with the best smile he had. This was honestly the most he's ever lied to a Marauder directly. He scared himself a bit at how easy the lies came out. 
"Sorry I brought it up, it was just something on my mind, ya know?" He shrugged a little, his smile fading into a softer one. "He's going to be okay and so are we right? As long as we can avoid detention after this one." He figured the least he could do was make Remus laugh a little after dumping all of that on him. Peters intentions are never to hurt Remus, but it was bound to happen from time to time. He loved Remus dearly and wanted him safe especially if this war was really going to happen. 
Lookout Point
Remus frowned slightly, trying not to let it show. “Sirius? Doing something reckless? Why, the world would end,” he said, but his usual well-delivered sarcasm sounded odd even to his own ears. Peter’s intuition was usually very good, as he always seemed to be observing and Remus knew better than to underestimate his friend like many did.
He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He didn’t want to admit that he was seeing it too. “I don’t know… I mean, yes, we should keep an eye on him, but I’m not going to expect him to do something… worse than usual. It’s just precaution,” Remus said softly, biting his lip. He didn’t want to think of possible bad outcomes for that situation. Although it was inevitable, he’d been taught to look for the best in everyone and nourish it to overcome their darkness.
It was what he should do, yes, but what Peter said also made sense and now Remus was having a hard time trying to push those pessimistic thoughts away. He shook his head as if the trick would do it. “It’s no use to keep talking about it. He’s not alone in this and he knows it. At least I hope he does…”
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vvormtails · 10 years
Peter nodded in agreement (not that he particularly agreed). He didn’t know what exactly happened in the House of Black, but he could assume by the horror stories Sirius told them late at night by the Gryffindor fire. Even though Sirius could be quite the dramatic, Peter feels the truth wasn’t stretched very far.
“I just-- I have a bad feeling.” His voice dropped and he leaned in closer to Remus. Since fifth year, Sirius’ hearing seemed to have improved tremendously and Peter didn’t want to risk him hearing. “I think we should keep a close eye on him. I feel like he’s going to do something really reckless soon.” He looked over his shoulder to make sure no one had heard.
Did Peter really think he was going to do something reckless? Nothing more than usual, but that didn’t matter. All he had to do was make Remus think he was going to do something. Remus was the logical type and Peter figured he’d think about and even over think the statement. He wanted Remus and James to doubt Sirius’ greatness, if only for a little bit. He wanted to seem like the smart one, foreseeing something bad to come. He wanted to be the hero for once, was that so bad? 
Lookout Point
He opened up a big smile and couldn’t help but preen a little. Peter was always the one throwing around compliments and making everyone feel good about themselves, which was something Remus was grateful for sometimes. He’d just wished his friend would be less harsh on himself, although he couldn’t say much on the matter of self-depreciation. Nonetheless, he admired Peter’s simplicity; he’d never seen it as a bad thing. They needed it to counterpart the overly dramatic ways of people they knew.
Almost as if the universe was trying to prove a point, they heard familiar laughter coming from inside the room. It brought a smile to Remus’ lips, that he quickly covered up at that question. “If I worry for Padfoot? Constantly,” he said, trying to play it off as a joke. It was incredibly close to the truth, though, especially under the light of recent events. He sighed softly and went on, “I know what you mean. I tried talking to him, but…”
He’d been thinking a lot about his talk with Sirius the night they came back to Hogwarts. He got his answers and it only proved that he was right to be worried. He wasn’t surprised that Peter had noticed it too. “He’s been through a lot and even though it was a change for the best, I can’t imagine it was easy,” Remus mumbled, absent-mindedly staring at the door. “He’s dealing with it the way he knows and he says he’s okay. All we can do is to make sure he can really be okay. He deserves it.”
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vvormtails · 10 years
"Sometimes the person that you’d take a bullet for is behind the trigger"
Miss Missing You, Fall Out Boy (via the-hotel-california)
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vvormtails · 10 years
You're kidding me. I-I dont believe that. Doesn't sound like a muggle thing, too exciting. I hear you have a place where you just pet animals like goats and stuff and eat a lot of sweets. Actually that doesn't sound terribly boring. I think goats a pretty neat honestly and well, i love sweets. 
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Of course you love hanging out with them, they are your friends, too bad they don’t understand how to respect other peoples friends. Oh? You’ve never been to a carnival before? Well, it usually starts off with a virgin sacrifice to the Greek deity of your choice, and then everyone sacrifices something they love into a giant bonfire. [Bites down on her lip, trying to keep from breaking out into a smile.]
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vvormtails · 10 years
Peter smiled at Remus. “I know we joke on you a lot for it but I think you being a prefect is really cool. Proud of you Moony!” He patted his friend on the shoulder. Remus was a good person, a kind soul. He was one of a kind and someone Peter cherished very much.
A noise from inside the room caused Peter to switch his attention from Remus to the door. Both James and Sirius laughed but Sirius’ laugh stood out much more then James’s. Hearing Sirius laugh made Peter’s insides twist sometimes. He loved Sirius, he really did! And even thought he would never admit it out loud, he was jealous of him, envious really. Sirius was everything he wanted to be; good looking, smart, funny, outstanding presence. If Sirius was in the room, you knew he was there, unlike Peter who was the equivalent to an unlit candle in the corner on the first day back from Summer Holliday. Everyone had an opinion about Sirius, they love him, they hate him but no one was indifferent about Sirius Black like they were Peter Pettigrew. There was no talk of him in the halls or during class. He was nothing compared to his friend.
He broke himself out of his trance and looked back at Remus. “Do you worry for him?” He asked. “Padfoot I mean? I feel he-- ya know.” Peter shrugged and looked down a bit. He couldn’t help feel a twinge of guilt, talking about his best friend behind his back. “I feel like he’s losing it a bit Moony. Ever since he want to go live with James. He’s always been a little batty, but he seems… worse…” Peter looked up with concern in his eyes. Peter questioned himself for bringing this all up. Maybe, subconsciously, he wanted to make Sirius out to be not as wonderful as people think. 
Lookout Point
Remus laughed whole-heartedly. “In his defense, he had to deal with James and Sirius creating trouble from the moment they stepped into the castle, I don’t think we can blame him for being harsh on us,” he said, smiling at the memory of their first days at Hogwarts. They’d gone a long way and he was glad to have let his friends into his life, like no one else before.
Between the four of them, he was close to Peter because they shared many qualities and often did what they were doing now – standing back as the other two took the upfront. He was a lot easier on Peter, knowing that the blonde boy cared too much about what people thought of him and sometimes struggled with his self-esteem. Remus not only related to that, but also took it upon himself as a friend to be sensible towards those issues.
"It’s not that bad. Gryffindor kids tend to be loud and adventurous, but most of them are so amazed by the castle that they don’t cause much trouble. And if they do… well, I have enough experience with that," he answered sincerely. He knew the question was meant to tease him, but in the end the only one he could get back for any comments about being a prefect was James, as Remus could talk about all the time he spent with Lily.
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vvormtails · 10 years
Peter sighed in relief from being let go of the dreadful conversation. He turned on his heels to head out the door, but something stopped him. It was a little voice in the back of his head that rarely scolded him for doing bad things. He stood at the door way and rocked on his feet. The little voice was telling him to turn around, go back and say something. Give her a message to give Mary.
Gryffindor was always his home and he was proud to be a lion, but he had never questioned his house placement more in his life. Giving her a message to relay instead of telling Mary to her face was cowardice, but so was saying nothing at all. He always seemed to find himself backed into a corner and either taking the cowardice way out or a slightly less cowardice way out.
He turned back around to the prefect who was making her tea. “E-Emmeline.” His mouth felt dry as he forced the words out. He started to play with his fingers, intertwining them and rocking on his heels. “Tell-tell her I-I’m sorry. Please?” He have a small nod and turned away. He hurried out of the Great Hall and up the stairs. He was a coward. A yellow-bellied, no-good coward. Maybe he wasn’t cut out to be Gryffindor or even a part of the Marauders. 
Red Handed Rat // Emmeline & Peter
It was getting harder and harder to keep the conversation going with him. Emmeline was almost ready to just give up and get what she came down here for and return to her studying, her and Peter weren’t friends anyway. Why did she care so much? Mary, that was why. Emmeline never really cared about much, or anyone, unless they were her close friends or family. This was probably one of the reasons why Emmeline didn’t have many friends.
She shrugged, “yeah I guess so.” As much as Emmeline wanted to point out that not all Ravenclaws were studious, she didn’t. As far as she knew, no one studied as much as Emmeline had studied the past week and would study this year. She needed the grades, to make up for her god awful year last year. “She just said she was worried,” Emmeline stated, not wanting to elaborate. “You know, I don’t know what the hell is going on between you two but just sort it out, okay? Because right now it feels we’re back in third year, it’s ridiculous.” Throwing her arms in the air in defeat, Emmeline sighed, not really seeing anything else to say in the situation.
"Fine, whatever. Have a good night, Peter." She replied curtly. She needed a drink, too much teen drama already and it was only the first week back.
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vvormtails · 10 years
Exsactly! We'll be ahead of the game Moony! We can have nice cup of tea while they work their arses off. 
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And then we’ll be chilling as Padfoot and Prongs try to find a way to do their work on time.
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