vvrathbound-blog · 6 years
pls know that if my account disappears from your dash, it is not tumblr and it was entirely intentional. and also  a belmont could never hack into it and destroy my reputation by reblogging st//even uni//verse discourse posts. this is something that will never happen, for i am the architect of my own fate (even tho if i do die, neo-mall goths will resurrect me 100 years later)
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vvrathbound-blog · 6 years
today in class we were talking about young adult fiction and my lecturer asked ‘are we over vampires yet? i think we’re over vampires’ and i’ve never yelled ‘no’ in a class with as much conviction
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vvrathbound-blog · 6 years
In a sea of faces, in a sea of doubt In this cruel place, your voice above the maelstrom In the wake of this ship of fools, I’m falling further down If you can see me Marian, reach out and take me home I hear you calling Marian Across the water, across the wave I hear you calling Marian Can you hear me calling you to save me Save me, save me from the grave
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vvrathbound-blog · 6 years
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DORÉ, Gustave (1832-1883)
Fallen Angels Edd. Origg. (x x)
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vvrathbound-blog · 6 years
immediately  alerted  to   the knock at his door, adrian’s eyes flew open and flooded with the color blue. pools of moonlight draped over him from the skylight at the center of his ceiling, touching wooden floors and woven rugs and toys that had long-since been neglected due to age. he’d outgrown them, much like the hand-painted blocks and charts of english and enochian letters that were hung upon his walls. yet, even as he poured over texts of a more mature nature, he could not bring himself to be rid of them.  from the woven stuffed wolves in his baskets to the book of old, greek myths. they were a part of this room, and not something he would soon want to discard. 
he wiped at his face with the back of his hand, turning at his desk to meet the giant standing in his doorway. he looks exhausted, having lost track of time. he cannot recall the last time he had eaten anything that wasn’t brought to him by lyudmil or one of their armored servants.  the devil familiar scurrying around on the back of his chair soon reminded him that he was being asked a question, and his little screech prompted him to answer. 
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“  if i am a filial son, then i would be hard-pressed to deny her request.  ”       his response was soft-spoken and even, hands rested in his lap. there was unspoken tension inside of him, like a balloon ready to burst. his calligraphic scribbling was littered across hundreds of pages scattered in books, across his desk, a few fallen to the floor. all with the same unanswered question, unable to break a hypothesis.       “   …i do not understand how there is so little known about my condition.  ”     he admits,     “   however, with so little reference i am left with few resources on vestigial subject matter.           perhaps, father, you may know the answers ?  ”
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IRREMEDIABLE concern is what draws his father’s brow together, smile -- elicited by his son’s initial reply -- fading, wrinkles from endured centuries deepening as he considers Adrian’s confusion. He can sympathise with such a crisis; the transformative passage of both adolescence and a sombre reflection on his condition which separates himself from the human and inhuman all at once. But Adrian ------ oh, Adrian ---- the boy would not meet another kindred soul to truly empathise with his plight, wherein both night and day are married, at least not unless he travelled so far to find someone, footsteps carrying him through continuous cycles of time.            It is the ever-present, hopeless hope of a parent to have all the answers, to alleviate even the slightest possibility that his son may be in pain from such an alienating identity, but Vlad has no definitive source to draw upon and regurgitate as assured doctrine. He steps closer into the room, impeding upon the pensive silence, and his piercing red gaze softens when he looks upon his son’s face -- expectant.            “Unfortunately I have only encountered footnotes, simple acknowledgements...  it is a field that both your mother and I scoured for, attempting to find sufficient enlightenment before you were even born but...” His justification for not providing the answers his son seeks falters, eyes averting to the window. The stars remain in their natural place, each hung by unseen string and Vlad remembers the wooden mobile that once orbited above Adrian’s cradle, an elaborate geometry of astronomy where opalline crystals shone in slow, cyclical patterns while their son slept ; his parents even measured the far-off projection of this moment in the future, but never could they formulate a solution to the question Adrian now poses.           And so Vlad looks back at his son, asking in return;            “Is there something about the way you are that troubles you?”
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vvrathbound-blog · 6 years
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“ What you must  remember, is that the only thing necessary for EVIL to triumph is for good men to do NOTHING.          an independent adrian (ALUCARD) fahrenheit tepes roleplay!    divergent canon / heavy game-canon & netflix fusion.  (psd by kxousei)
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vvrathbound-blog · 6 years
What is Vlad's most intimate or treasured memory?
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Any sentiment Vlad harbours for the past wholly revolves around his family; all he has, since he lost his wife and his son’s departure, is memory. There are many moments in time he reflects upon with gratitude, thankful that he was able to experience joy in an unlife otherwise built upon destruction, where pain is the trigger, catalyst and end-all. The time valued with his family is only a fraction in his century-spanning immortality but even a single atom has the ability to destabilize a molecule… 
Keep reading
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vvrathbound-blog · 6 years
slewfirst replied to:  my new favourite hobby as of one hour ago is...
this just makes me want an au where the belmonts and dracula don’t have to throw down bc i love happy stuff and the tepes family is equally impt sheds a tear ok a lot
hjkjgjg au where the tepes’ and belmonts are next door neighbors from the very beginning and alucard & trevor grow up as childhood friends playing hide and seek in their massive homes while their parents have brunch and get tipsy on bloody marys
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vvrathbound-blog · 6 years
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my new favourite hobby as of one hour ago is imagining lisa walking down the wedding aisle to this...............
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vvrathbound-blog · 6 years
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vvrathbound-blog · 6 years
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ADRIAN’S room is in a state of blue, as if the boy himself currently exists in the synonymous colour of both the evening sky and tiding sea; one ------- a home to the moon which guides the inevitable rise of the night, and the other ------- its rippled reflection which pulls the shore to the earth, then recedes back into safe waters. It is this suspension of space that his father enroaches upon, the door creaking open after a brief tapping of two knocks, a set of pallid fingers enclosed around the gilded door handle. His voice bounds through the room lowly, like the toll of a grandfather clock striking the hour.           “Your mother wants to know if you will be joining her for supper. You have been devoted to your studies for... a while, Adrian.”
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vvrathbound-blog · 6 years
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You died when my mother died, you know you did. This entire catastrophe has been nothing more than history’s longest suicide note.
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vvrathbound-blog · 6 years
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hey so uhhh .... i was resurrected by a dracula worshipping cult after finishing season 2
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vvrathbound-blog · 6 years
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Unknown Artist | (student of H. Bosch) christ’s descent into hell 
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vvrathbound-blog · 6 years
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vvrathbound-blog · 6 years
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Bride by TaKe-bamboo
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vvrathbound-blog · 6 years
@gothamsbruja replied to your post “conducting important research[[MOR]”
this just makes me think dracula in the modern era just wears a ridiculous trenchcoat and just surveys his approval rating everywhere
forces alucard to interview children w/ hidden mic & recorder bc last time a kid forgot who dracula was for 5 seconds he ate their ice lolly and choked on the stick
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