vxkswonderlxnd · 2 years
ambivalence part twelve: love is easy - rafe cameron
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a/n: hi my sweets! sorry this took so long. i'm so happy to be writing again consistently. hope you love this, please let me know what you think xoxo
Summary: Rafe being away proves harder than he initially planned.
Warnings: swearing
Word Count: 4.2k+
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my writing
By the time Thursday rolls around, you feel like a zombie of some sort. Getting ready for a dinner you knew Rafe wouldn't be present for made you sad, to the point where you didn't bother getting dressed up in the slightest. It reminded of you of when you first broke up with John B and gave up on trying to look decent. Although, this time, you felt comfort in knowing that Rafe is only a phone call away.
"I'm sure he wishes he was here, too," Scott whispers to you at the table when he catches you staring at the empty chair beside you.
"He's probably golfing," you joke, trying your best to give Scott a convincing smile.
"Oh, God, help those people," he teases. Scott knows Rafe could beat him at a golf game blindfolded, but refuses to admit it.
You smile, then turn back to where your mother is attempting to pass you the casserole dish. You frown, just for a moment, realizing Rafe isn't here to pass to you. You brush off the expression and accept the dish from her, portioning out your food and then handing the dish to Scott. You reach for your phone, which is tucked under your left leg, and check it. No missed messages from Rafe. You sigh lightly, frustrated that you haven't heard from him since this morning. It had been a short 'Goodmorning, busy day, miss you,' text. You try to remind yourself that just because he isn't texting all day doesn't mean he isn't thinking of you, then you type out a new message to him.
I miss you.
"Have you heard from Rafe, Y/N?" Rose asks, attempting to be friendly. Your eyes flutter up to her, tucking your phone away quickly.
"Yes, a bit," you reply with a small smile.
"I bet he's missing you," she grins.
You just nod and smile, then pick up your fork and pick at your food. You can't help noting how your back feels cold without Rafe's arm tucked around your chair, or hand wrapped around your thigh under the table.
"When do you think you'll plan a visit, Y/N?" Ward asks, the same sympathetic voice you'd heard on the tarmac ringing through your ears once again.
"Um, I'm not sure," you say, noting how your voice sounds hoarse.
"Visit? In the Bahamas?" your father speaks up, "Y/N, you're in high school. You're not traveling out of the country to visit a boy, no offense, Ward-"
"No, I understand," Ward nods, gesturing toward Sarah, "It was just something Y/N and I had discussed-"
"Dad, come on-"
"I said no. That's final. Scott, pass the green beans," he mutters.
"Can't we at least discuss a visit? Just a weekend?" you protest, feeling your heart start to race in your chest.
"Not at the table," he counters, leveling you with a glare.
You sigh audibly and collapse back in your chair, glancing at your mom for a look of reassurance and instead finding nothing. You know instantly that she agrees with him. Unbelievable, you think.
You don't say another word at dinner. When the adults rise from the table for their usual wine and chit chat in the living room, you collect a few plates and make your way into the kitchen to start the dishes. As you rinse them off, you think about the night Rafe came in to help you. The night that started all of this, you realize. You're too caught up with the memories and the scrubbing to notice her until she speaks.
"Here's the rest," Sarah speaks slowly, sheepishly setting down a stack of the remaining plates on the counter beside you.
Your eyes flutter up to meet hers, but you don't speak. She stands there awkwardly, hands folding and unfolding on the counter top as she stares at you.
"If you're waiting on a thank you, I wouldn't hold your breath," you remark.
"I'm not."
You nod your head, trying not to roll your eyes. You continue to scrub, trying your best to ignore the fact that she's practically staring holes in the side of your head. After a minute or two, you finally look over at her again.
"Want me to dry?" she asks before you can speak, her voice quiet.
You're taken aback by the offer, noticing only then how she's not wearing any makeup and how tired she looks. Although, you figure you probably look the same. You swallow and silently hand her the plate you'd finished washing, watching as she tries to smile when she accepts it.
"So, how's Rafe doing, being away and all?"
She steps away and tucks the clean, dry plate into the cabinet the same way Rafe had done every time he helped you with the dishes. Envisioning his tall figure opening up your cabinet makes you smile.
"He's your brother," you say. keeping your gaze in the sink.
"We don't talk much," she admits.
"Wonder why."
Sarah sighs and throws her dish towel down on the counter, letting the silence linger for a moment before she speaks again.
"John B broke up with me."
You snap your head up to her, immediately knowing she's telling the truth when you catch her expression. She presses her lips into a line and moves her glance down to the plate in your hand, gesturing for you to hand it to her.
"He broke up with you?" you repeat, eyes wide.
She nods, "Apparently, my behavior at the wedding was less than mature."
You snort, picking up another plate, "That's the understatement of the century."
"You needed to know the truth."
"And that was the best way you thought I should find out?" you raise your voice without meaning to, glancing to the doorway as if to ensure nobody was coming in.
"Why are you even in here? I mean, I hope you weren't counting on me to be your shoulder to cry on, just because I've been through a Routledge break-up."
"I wasn't counting on that," she informs you, "I just thought you should know. And, I don't know, I thought, maybe, we could start over-"
"I don't think that's possible at this point."
Sarah goes silent. You raise your plate up in the air, not bothering to make eye contact as she accepts it. You dry one hand off and pull your phone from your back pocket, finding no messages from Rafe. You try not to be hurt by that, although you'd do anything to hear his voice right now.
"I just thought, you know, Rafe loves you, and my parents talk about you all the time-"
"So, what?" you groan, "You think you can come in here and dry off a few plates and we'll be even?"
"I just thought-"
"Well, don't," you snap at her, grabbing the rest of the dishes and setting them in the sink before you shut off the water and storm out of the kitchen, leaving Sarah alone.
Between your dad saying no to a trip to visit Rafe, not hearing from Rafe all day, and now Sarah bringing up the past, you just feel too overwhelmed to do anything. Your parents don't say a word when you hurry through the living room and up the stairs, slamming your bedroom door for full effect.
You collapse on your bed, phone ringing in your pocket. Quickly, you pull it out, not sparing a split second when you see Rafe's goofy contact picture smiling at you.
"Hey," you greet, plastering a smile on your face even though he can't see you.
"Hi, sweetheart," he replies, voice loud because of the background noise.
"Where are you?" you wince when someone on Rafe's end cheers loudly in the background.
"Oh, I'm just - hey, man, you promised you'd wait - no! Five minutes! Tequila!"
"Tequila?" you repeat, "Who are you with?"
"Baby, I'm crushing it down here," he says, his voice louder in the phone as he holds it closer to his mouth, trying to prevent the guys he's with to hear, "Yes, tequila, but it's business."
"I'm glad you're doing well," you say, voice weak.
"Yeah, well, I just wanted to check in. But, I actually have to - I'll be right there!"
"You should go," you frown.
"Anything pressing I should know about?" he asks, although his voice is chirpy, so you know he can't tell you're upset.
"No," you lie, keeping your voice light, "Nothing."
For half a second, you think Rafe knows better. You think he might stop, step outside, and ask what's going on.
"Okay. Call you tomorrow," he says quickly.
You take a deep breath, withholding your sigh, "Okay."
The sound in the phone muffles, and you hear a faint, 'Jesus, Cameron!', on the other end. You can hear Rafe's voice after, but can't make out what he says.
"All right, sweetheart," he comes back after a minute, "Love you."
"Love you, too," your voice is strained, but he doesn't seem to notice.
"Okay, bye."
You groan and throw your phone down on the bed, wishing more than anything you could just call him back and tell him everything. But, you know he's working, even if he is drinking, and the last thing you want to do is get in his way when he seems to be doing so well down there.
Just as you start to doze off, you hear the Camerons exit the house. Minus your favorite one, of course.
"Oh, thank God you're here. Marco has me on way too many tables and we're down a busser again. I have had it, I swear, and if I wasn't going to college a million miles away, I would quit."
Topper follows you into the locker room, noting your expression and your silence in response to his rant. You open your locker and shove your bag inside, busying yourself with tying your apron to avoid his lingering stare.
"Okay, you realize he's not dead, right? Just away for work," Topper remarks. You send up a glare, knotting the last tie on your apron.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Just - I don't know. The look on your face. You look upset, so I just assumed it was Rafe."
"You assumed Rafe upset me?" you challenge, raising an accusing brow at him.
"Okay, let's dial back the attitude for a minute," he holds his hands up in defense, "And start over. What's going on with you?"
You frown, "I'm sorry. Last night was just..."
"Oh, God," Topper says after you trail off, "Fill me in. But do it quick."
"All right. My dad forbid me from going to visit Rafe, then Sarah asked if we could start over-"
"-then, Rafe called, and I was upset, and he was at a bar, or something, and I barely got to talk to him. He's busy all the time down there. I barely hear from him, and when I do, the calls and texts are short. I don't want to be that needy girlfriend, y'know, but I miss him."
Topper's mouth is hanging halfway open by the time you finish, and you watch as he struggles to figure out which part of that to respond to first.
"Wow," Topper says after a minute, "I'm gonna get you a mai tai. Hang tight."
"No, Top," you reach out, grabbing his arm to keep him still, "I don't want a drink. I just want-"
"Rafe," he finishes, "I figure. I'm sorry, Y/N. I'm sure he's just wrapped up in the clients and the pressure from his dad. He would never intentionally brush you off."
"I know that," you argue, "I mean, jeez, Top, it's been less than a week and I already feel like I'm falling apart without him. This is crazy."
"You're starting to sound like Rafe himself. Do you remember when you and your family went to California last summer on vacation? You were gone for two weeks, and he acted like he was going to check himself into a mental institution. I really thought he was gonna book a flight out there."
"I didn't know that," you say quietly.
"All I'm saying is, you're not crazy or whatever for missing your boyfriend. And I'm sure he misses you just the same."
You nod your head, smiling slightly when he sets his hand on your arm to comfort you. He gives you a small smile in return.
"Thanks, Top."
"Tell me more about Sarah, now," he insists, watching as you smile and shake your head.
"You should've seen the look on her face when I told her I wanted nothing to do with her."
"You don't even understand how much money I would pay to have been a fly on the wall for that conversation," he grins.
"You should've taken my place," you roll your eyes.
"Mhm. Come on, we gotta get out there," he places his hand on your shoulder, spinning you around toward the door.
Later on in your shift, once everything slows down, you spy your boss in his office. You swallow and approach the door, silently repeating your request over and over in your head to try and perfect it. He moves his glance up to you when you enter, taking off his reading glasses.
"Hey, Marco," you greet him, trying to keep your voice friendly.
"What can I do for you, Y/N?"
You take a deep breath, "Um, well, so, my boyfriend - he's on an extended business trip for his job. Anyway, I was hoping to go visit him and I was hoping to get next weekend off so I can fly down there and-"
"That's a little short notice," he frowns, "What days will you need off?"
"Thursday to Sunday," you say quickly.
"The weekend is our busiest time, you know that. And Hannah already requested off that weekend, we're gonna be down a hostess, I really don't think that's going to be possible."
You feel your anxiety start to rise, feeling the same way you felt at dinner with your dad last night. You thought that if you could convince Marco to let you have the time off, you could handle your dad, too. But, now, you're feeling as if everything's spinning out of control.
"Okay, I understand. The following weekend, then? That's more notice-"
"It won't work, either. Maggie and Ben are both off, so I'm going to have to have you and Topper working doubles as it is. I'm sorry, Y/N, but requests off are first come, first serve. I wish I could help."
He doesn't look like he means what he says, as he straightens his back in his chair and puts his glasses on again. You frown, swallowing the lump in your throat as you back out of the office. You're trying to keep yourself calm as best you can, but every part of you just wants to cry. And call Rafe.
You wipe underneath your eyes as you exit the back again, spotting Topper instantly. He drops what he's doing and comes over to you, no goofiness present on his voice.
"What's wrong?" he asks, voice gentle.
"Marco just informed me that it's impossible for me to go see Rafe," you say, feeling the tears starting to well in your eyes.
"I'm so sorry," he says, pulling you into his chest. You let the tears fall, just for a moment, then pull back.
"I have to check on my tables," you tell him, pulling away and wiping your eyes as you walk off.
"Y/N," he calls after you, "It's gonna be fine."
You just nod, no part of you believing him. It certainly didn't feel like everything would be fine. You still have three weeks to go before Rafe comes home, and you're already feeling as if your world is coming down. To make matters worse, you'd barely heard from him today, either.
Your parents call for you when you walk in the house, finding you looking like a mess. Your bag is hanging off your shoulder, ready to fall to the floor, and your eyes are red from crying on your way home. Your mom frowns but doesn't discuss it, and your dad doesn't seem to notice.
"What?" you ask them, not bothering with the formalities.
"Good day?" she questions you, eyebrow raised so far up it's practically in the air.
"My boss denied my request for time off, and a customer yelled at me for not bringing him Diet Coke. Great day," you mutter, voice sarcastic.
"Why were you trying to get time off?" your dad asks.
"Um," you hesitate, looking down at the floor, "To go see Rafe."
"Y/N," he frowns, "I thought I told you that wouldn't be happening. You're not going to the Bahamas, unsupervised-"
"Thanks for reiterating, Dad, but I'm really tired of people telling me that."
"There's no need to be disrespectful," he snaps.
"I'm going upstairs."
"I'm sorry, honey," your mom says, voice quiet, "But, your dad's right. You're still in high school. But don't get us wrong, you know we love Rafe-"
"Yeah, I get it," you say, already halfway up the stairs, "Thanks so much."
The second your bedroom door closes, you dial Rafe. The line rings once, twice, three times, before you hear his voicemail message. You can't believe his voicemail is the most you've heard his voice today. You hang up before leaving a message, not wanting to tell him this over the phone.
An hour goes by before he finally calls you back. It's FaceTime, rather than just a phone call. You frown at the time, ready to go to sleep and not wanting to have this conversation with him, now. Getting yourself all worked up again sounds like hell.
"Hi," you greet, quickly glancing at yourself to ensure you don't look like a total mess.
"Hi, sweetheart," he smiles, looking tan and happy, "How are you?"
You try your best to give him a smile, letting his voice comfort you, "I'm good."
Rafe frowns quickly, giving you a pouty look, "You're lying. Is something wrong?"
"No," you say quickly, groaning when his frown only deepens, "Rafe."
"Rafe, what? I'm not the one lying. What's going on with you? I feel like we haven't talked in a bit. Tell me what's up."
"You're saying that like it's my fault we haven't spoken," you say before you can help yourself, sitting up in bed.
"Are you saying it's mine?"
"I don't know," you look away from him, not able to watch his blue eyes soften in the camera. He sits up, too, expression completely transformed from what it had been when you picked up.
"Talk to me," he insists. You're surprised when all you see on his face is concern.
"Rafe, I-"
You stop abruptly, letting the silence linger for a moment. He shifts again, squirming out of anxiety for whatever you have to tell him.
"Sweetheart, if you don't start talking soon, I'm getting on a plane," he says, and although you know he's joking, he looks serious.
"No, it's fine," you say quickly, "I just have to tell you something."
"Okay," he says slowly.
"So, last night at dinner, my dad caught wind of the fact that I'm trying to come see you and-"
"And he said no," Rafe finishes for you, frowning.
"Yeah," you nod, looking down again, "And then, today, I asked Marco for time off, and he basically told me it was impossible and I got really upset-"
"Marco made you cry?" he says urgently, shifting yet again.
"Top was there," you say, as if that's supposed to make it better.
"There to comfort you," he guesses.
"Nothing," he mutters, "So, you aren't coming."
It's a statement, not a question. You sigh, taking a deep breath before you nod. Rafe swears under his breath, rubbing his free hand over his face. You stay quiet, not knowing what to say.
"There's no way you can convince your dad? Like, no way he's budging?"
You shake your head, "My parents are both in agreement."
"And you didn't think to request the time off with your boss before today?"
You note the annoyance in his voice, crinkling your nose up at it. He watches as your eyebrows furrow, but he doesn't acknowledge it.
"It wouldn't have made a difference, Rafe."
"You don't know that for a fact."
You fight the urge to roll your eyes, replaying your conversation with Marco in your head to be sure. All of those people who had requested off, you're sure it wouldn't have mattered.
"I'm sorry," your voice is weak.
"I just don't understand," he says after a minute, "I mean, I thought we were good to go, and it's been less than a week and I feel like I have no idea what's going on with you, and Topper's comforting you because I'm not there."
"Okay, well, I barely hear from you, so it's hard to keep you updated when you're calling me from loud bars and not returning texts for hours," you inform him, watching his lips part before you continue, "And what does Top have to do with any of this?"
"Nothing, all right?" he groans, "And, I'm sorry about last night. You just texted me saying you missed me and I wanted to call you. Maybe I shouldn't have."
"What does that mean?" you ask, accusation heavy in your voice.
"Shit, no, I just mean, maybe I should've waited until I got back to call," he covers, and you watch as he visibly swallows.
"It would've been late."
He doesn't respond to this, just frowns. The call goes silent for a minute, both of you staring around your respective rooms instead of at each other. You want to ask if he's mad at you, if he's as frustrated with this situation as you are.
"Baby," he says, finally, earning your attention, "Is there anything else?"
"I yelled at your sister," you volunteer, watching his eyes go wide.
"You did what?" he questions, scooting the phone closer to his face.
"She came into the kitchen while I was doing the dishes and told me that John B broke up with her-"
"-and then asked if we could start over, and I was so frustrated because my dad had just said no to me, and I hadn't heard from you, and I snapped at her and walked out."
He shuts his eyes as he processes your words, "She was trying to make amends with you, and you shut her down?"
Out of all the things you thought Rafe would say, that's not one of them. You open your mouth to speak, then close it when you realize you don't know what to say. You think for a moment, then start again.
"It's Sarah, Rafe-"
"So, what? She's not worth redemption? Is that what you would've thought about me back in February, if you had known?"
"Whoa, what?" you say, practically gasping at him, "Why would you go there?"
"Why would you? I know a lot about second chances, Y/N, and although my sister can be the biggest bitch on the planet, she deserves one just as much as the rest of us."
His eyebrows are furrowed and his jaw is clenched, but he's moving around too much in the camera for you to tell much more about his expression. You take a deep breath, trying not to screw this up any more than you already have.
"I didn't mean it like that, Rafe. Of course, I believe in second chances. I just didn't know if she meant it."
He pauses, considering your words before he speaks again, "I get that."
His voice is quiet and he doesn't say any more than that. You lay down again in your bed, your gut telling you that this phone call is going nowhere. When you don't speak after a moment, he starts again.
"I have an early meeting in the morning. I should get some rest."
"Rafe," you stop him, watching his eyes move back to the screen, back to you, "I don't want to leave it like this."
"Like what?" he's playing dumb and you know it.
"You're frustrated with me," you inform him, as if he's not already aware.
"I'll get over it."
You frown, "I'm sorry I can't come. Believe me, I want to see you more than anything in the world."
"It is what it is, Y/N."
No baby. No sweetheart. No smile. You swallow the lump in your throat once again, getting tired of doing so.
"Okay," you say weakly.
"I'll text you tomorrow," he says, shifting in his bed and reaching for his charger, no longer paying attention to you.
"Okay," you repeat, quieter this time.
"All right," he counters, glancing at you once his charger is in, "Goodnight."
Your tears start to well when he doesn't say he loves you, which he always does when you two are starting to hang up. You pause and take a deep breath, then try it for yourself.
"I love you," you practically whisper.
"I love you, too. Goodnight."
The phone disconnects before you can speak again, but you breathe in his last words before throwing your phone down on the bed. If someone would've told you a week ago that this would be how you feel now, you wouldn't have believed them. You fall asleep, cursing your boss and your father, missing Rafe more than anything in the world and wishing he was wrapped around you entirely.
Tags: @hollandsour @flowerkidlxrry @kookkyra @pogueslandia @sarahwasfound @fuzzyhumanpersontrash @rafecameronn @rafeswh0ree @outerbankies @morganwilliams @lilgoddesshines @proactivetypeofperson @abrunettefangirlnerd @the-chaotic-cow @absolute-fcking-chaos @dontstopxx @kaatelyyynn @hayley1623 @riseabovetheexpectations @divanca2006 @jordynsharum @dudinhahoff @anonymousobxfan @blue-4-55-readinglist @premixed-margarita @444f4iry @alularae3 @toolateformcrtooearlytoleaveemo @hopebaker @welcometomyworldwithoutrules @sk8rcal @ims0golden @princesspogue @gasolinesavages @outlaw-abby @samcaniglia @marveloussensations @igotmajordaddyissues @babeyglo @dr3aming0utl0udx @beskar-boba @billowingbanshee @thisisthewayrose @iammirrorball @layazul @cremextart @thesimpletype @fashphotolife @notdisneychannel @gillybear17
*if you would like to be added/removed from my taglist at any time, please send me an ask!
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vxkswonderlxnd · 2 years
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DOCTOR WHO • S05E10 ❝Vincent and the Doctor❞
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vxkswonderlxnd · 2 years
Ride with me again (6) (Epilogue)
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Summary: He used to be the bad boy and you the good girl. Jax would never admit he never forget the girl that got away until you come back to town, your own secrets in your luggage.
Pairing: Jax Teller x fem!Reader
Characters: Gemma Teller, Clay Morrow, Opie Winston, Tig Traeger, Robert ‘Bobby’ Munson, Happy Lowman, Filip 'Chibs’ Telford , Piney Winston
Warnings: past abusive relationship, angst, language, scared reader, protective Jax, protective SoA, hurt & comfort, fluff, talk about character’s death, mentions of gore, blood, rape, mentions of murder and suicide, mentions of accidents
A/N: PLEASE HEAD THE WARNINGS FOR THIS CHAPTER. I can’t name every detail or else I’ll spoil the story. So, please proceed with caution as I mention blood, gore and what they did to Paul in the last chapter. 
Divider by @firefly-graphics​
Ride with me again masterlist
<<Part 5
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“Careful. One step after another,” Jax helps you walk toward the bedroom at his house. Since your husband attacked you a few days ago, he didn’t leave your side. Always afraid someone could hurt you again. “You’ll have a rest, and I’ll get some things for you, Y/N.”
“Please don’t leave me alone,” you sniffle, afraid Jax will leave your side. Please…”
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vxkswonderlxnd · 2 years
Ride with me again (2) - Past mistakes
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Summary: He used to be the bad boy and you the good girl. Jax would never admit he never forget the girl that got away until you come back to town, your own secrets in your luggage.
Pairing: Jax Teller x fem!Reader
Characters: Tig Trager, Gemma Teller, Clay Morrow, Juice Ortiz
Warnings: angst, protective Jax, implied abuse/abusive relationship, language, hurt reader, hurt & comfort, pining, soft Jax
A/N: Series is not canon compliant.
Divider by @firefly-graphics​
Ride with me again masterlist
<<Part (1)
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“There you are,” Tig grumbles. “You went off on your own. We had a meeting, Jax.” Tig tugs at his jacket eyes following Jackson as the biker stops his vehicle next to Opie’s bike.
Jax doesn’t even look at Tig. He holds out his hand to help you get off his bike, smirking at Tig’s pissed expression. “I see, you found a new girl.”
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vxkswonderlxnd · 2 years
My Girl
Jax Teller x F!Reader
Request by Anon: I’m thinking that Jax and y/n are life long friends, and she has always crushed on him but never said anything in fear of ruining their relationship and the fact that Jax isn’t really a one woman man. But one day he comes over to her place fuming talking about how there was another man in her house and getting all jealous about it. After going off on her about it she asks why it matters, it’s not like they are together. And he says something like “you know you have always been mine, darlin’” and it’s super cute and fluffy!
Warnings: language, light angst
Word Count: 2.2k
A/N: I had so much fun with this! I got a little carried away with the buildup but I got really into it haha. Hope you enjoy! xo
SOA Taglist: @garbinge​ @masterlistforimagines​ @adela-topaz-caelon​ @mijop​ @chibsytelford​ @xladymacbethx​ @i-just-read-stuff​ @kkim120​ @everyhowlmarksthedead​ @toni9​ @unicornucopia-fuckers​ @mayans-sauce​ @shadow-of-wonder​ @punkgoddess-98​ @paintballkid711​ @black-repunzel99​ @lexondeck​ @jitterbugs927​ @mrsstevenbuchananstark​ (If you want to be added just let me know!)
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vxkswonderlxnd · 2 years
Badass (Steve Harrington Imagine)
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Description: Could you do a Steve Harrington x reader were the reader is Dustin’s sister and she’s the one that beats up Billy not Steve, but Steve is like head over heels for her now and Dustin can see that so he gives Steve the talk about what would happen if he was to hurt his sister
A/N: I changed a few things up from this scene to make it more believable, because I don’t think Steve would just stand by and let a girl take on Billy so I hope that’s okay!
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vxkswonderlxnd · 2 years
Grand Gesture (Steve Harrington x reader!) S4 SPOILERS!
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 Description: REQUEST! Steve Harrington x Reader where the reader is seeing how close Nancy and Steve are and the looks they give. When the Reader goes to Eddie Steve gets confused and a little jealous because he actually has feelings for her. It is a fem reader x Steve as that's how I normally write and it wasn't in the request!
NOTE*** This DOES CONTAIN SPOILERS for season 4 the ENTIRE season! If you do not want to see a spoiler DO NOT read. I also tried to be as neutral as I could in the writing with trying not to use descriptions of appearance. If I slipped up at any point I sincerely apologize!
 ‘’I mean it’s like he doesn’t even care that I am around,’’ You say, flinging your hands in the air. ‘’I may as well be nothing compared to her, I try so hard to get him to notice me and all he does is play this game with Nancy.’’ You tell Eddie. ‘’Like am I not good enough?’’ You ask him completely laying out your feelings. 
 Eddie and you had history but not the romantic kind. You used to live right next to each other and would hangout from time to time when you were still in highschool. He would try to explain D&D to you but you would never fully comprehend that game. When Max told you about Eddie being with Chrissy the night she died you knew he was innocent, you knew enough about Eddie to know he could never do such a thing. 
 ‘’You’re great Y/N,’’ Eddie assures you. 
 ‘’He’s been giving me such mixed signals, when Nancy isn’t around I truly think he likes me and has feelings for me but with all this happening it’s like whenever she is around I am like-It’s like he doesn’t even see me.’’ You tell him. ‘’I make it pretty damn obvious that I like him too,’’ You tell him. ‘’Am I talking too much do you want to talk about, well uh your situation?’’ You ask gesturing to the boat house you were in. 
 ‘’Yeah I know you do,’’ Eddie says teasingly. ‘’And not really, kinda nice to get it off my mind for a bit.’’
 You glare at him, ‘’Hey you said I could talk to you, you’re not suppose to judge me while I do it.’’ You tell him and begin to pace around again. ‘’I mean what else can I do?’’ You ask him. ‘’Like how can I compete with Nancy Wheeler?’’ 
 ‘’You don’t compete with her,’’ Eddie says to you. You were confused an opened your mouth to yell at him that he was being absurd but he beat you to it holding a finger up to you, ‘’Here me out, you and Nancy Wheeler…’’He pauses, ‘’Two different ballparks.’’ He says bringing his hands up crossing them over one another. ‘’Think about you and Nancy what do you have in common besides this,’’ He says waving his hands all over the place, ‘’Whole thing.’’ 
 You cross your arms over your chest trying to think about what he was asking. You and Nancy were completely different. ‘’I don’t know,’’ You admitted to him. 
‘’Steve has already dated Nancy right?’’ Eddie asks and you nod. ‘’And she left him for the Byers kid right?’’ He asks. 
 ‘’Jonathan yes,’’ You answer by clarifying the name. 
 ‘’So there are unresolved feelings, he doesn’t know what could’ve happened had they stayed together.’’ He tells you. ‘’So you just need to show him that you are the better option.’’ 
 You groan your head falling back in response, ‘’But I do Eddie!’’ You say walking over to him, ‘’I literally do everything I can to get that boy's attention, I take extra shifts for him, I clean the bathrooms at work,’’ You pause. ‘’Both bathrooms,’’ You emphasized to him. ‘’Both.’’ 
 ‘’Have you ever done anything with him outside of work?’’ He asks you. 
 ‘’Well no,’’ You tell him and he gives you a look, ‘’But we did last night.’’ You tell him. ‘’When we came here and found you.’’ You tell him. 
 ‘’So the first time you hangout outside of work is when you go to hunt the accused town killer?’’ He asks, ‘’Not exactly an environment for a budding romance’’ He gestures around to the dirty boathouse. ‘’Let me tell you exactly what you need,’’ Eddie says, pointing his finger at you, ‘’A grand gesture.’’ 
 You sit down in the nearby stool and rest your elbows back against the counter watching Eddie, ‘’A grand gesture? How do I even do that?’’ You ask him. 
 Eddie gestures for you to come closer to him, you groan getting up walking over to him. When you finally step in front of him he grabs both sides of your arms and stares at you straight in the eye as he says it, ‘’You look that son of a bitch straight in the face,’’ He begins to say and you begin to laugh breaking eye contact with him, ‘’Straight in the face Y/N!’’ He tells you to shake your arms only to make you laugh more. ‘’And then you-’’ He begins to say but he’s cut off by the door slamming open, startling you both. 
 Dustin walked in first bags in his hands as he looked to where you and Eddie stood, everyone else followed in just after him and you noticed the look of shock on Steve’s face as he saw Eddie with his hands gripping the sides of your arms, both of you standing pretty close to one another. Eddie immediately drops his hands against his denim jeans. ‘’Delivery Service!’’ Dustin says cheerfully. 
 ‘’Are we uh-interrupting?’’ Steve asks his eyes specifically focused on you, he glances at Eddie a moment after. 
  ‘’No!’’ You and Eddie both yell simultaneously.  ‘’No we were just talking,’’ You explain walking over to Steve. 
 ‘’About what?’’ Robin asks, giving you an amused look. 
 ‘’Ya know, stuff.’’ You say realizing how much of an idiot you sounded like. As Dustin walked over to Eddie opening the grocery bag you found yourself standing next to Steve. ‘’Hey,’’ You say simply, your fingers intertwining behind your back.
He nods his head, ‘’Hey,’’ He says simply. You purse your lips unsure of what to say next watching Eddie and Dustin exchange words over one of the things Dustin got him to eat. ‘’I went to your house this morning to pick you up, your mom said you left already?’’ He asks you. 
 You turn your head to him shocked by what he had said, ‘’You went to my house?’’ You ask him and he nods, ‘’And talked to my mom?’’ He nods again. ‘’I have a car, you know?’’ You tell him. 
He shakes his head acknowledging the  fact, ‘’I know, I know.’’ He pauses. ‘’I just thought we could ride together.’’ He tells you. You nod your head accepting that he had wanted to actually pick you up first and talk with you. ‘’Your mom was really nice.’’ He mentions it to you. 
 You roll your eyes at him, ‘’Yeah she probably said something embarrassing about me didn’t she?’’ You ask resting your hand on your hip staring up at him.
 ‘’No,’’ He says a sort of mischievous smile on his face, ‘’She didn’t say a thing,’’ He says but you could tell he was lying out of his ass with the smile on his face. He takes off walking over toward everyone else who was sitting around Eddie who was completely submerged in the food he was eating. 
 ‘’Steve!’’ You yell at him jokingly wanting to know exactly what your mother had said. 
 Before you could say anything else to Steve, Dustin interrupted. ‘’Alright Eddie do you wanna hear good news or bad news first?’’ 
 ‘’Bad news, always bad news first.’’ He says taking his hand and scooping up another handful of honey comb cereal. 
 ‘’Well we tapped into the Hawkins PD dispatch with our Cerebro, and they’re definitely looking for you. Also they’re pretty convinced you killed Chrissy.’’ Dustin tells him. 
  Max speaks up next, ‘’Like a 100% kind of convinced.’’ She tells him. 
 ‘’And the good news?’’ Eddie asks. 
 ‘’Your name hasn’t gone public yet,’’ Robin tells him. ‘’But if we found out about you, it’s only a matter of time before others do.’’ It was true, it wasn’t going to be that hard and all your calls all over town to find him probably didn’t help. ‘’And once that gets out, everyone and their shallow minded mother is gonna be gunning for you.’’ She admits to him. 
 ‘’Hunt the freak, right?’’ Eddie points out. 
 ‘’So before that happens we need to find Vecna, kill him and prove your innocence,’’ Dustin says as if it was no big deal. 
 It was only a few seconds later after Steve had explained to Eddie that El was a girl who normally helped us when things came up in Hawkins that the police sirens got closer. ‘’Get under the tarp!’’ You yell to Eddie pointing at it, ‘’Tarp!’’ You tell him. Eddie quickly pulls it over him sinking into the bottom of the boat pulling the tarp over him. 
  With everyone else you ran over to the windows looking outside, they completely ignored the gravel driveway you had anticipated them coming down zooming down the street to wherever else. It was only a few second later two more cars came down the same road, ‘’Why would there be so many cop cars now?’’ You ask. 
‘’Another murder.’’ Robin says. 
‘’Woah, woah Nance. Nance!’’ You hear Steve call out pausing as you open the car door. ‘’Where you going?’’ He asks her. 
 She turns around to face the rest of you, ‘’There’s just something I wanna check out first.’’ She says vaguely. 
 ‘’Something you maybe wanna share with the rest of us?’’ Dustin asks. You all look at Nancy expectantly waiting for her to tell you exactly what she was heading off to do especially with whatever this thing was going around killing people. 
 ‘’I don’t wanna waste your time. It’s a real shot in the dark.’’ She says. 
 ‘’Yeah, okay. Are you out of your mind?’’ Steve asked, sounding bewildered she would even try and leave the group alone. ‘’Flying solo with this Vecna on the loose? No it’s too dangerous. You need- You need someone to-’’ He begins to say and you watch him expectantly becoming more hopeless the more he talked with Nancy. 
  Turning around to you Steve takes his keys throwing them to you, you fumble as they hit your hand confused as to what was happening. ‘’I’ll stick with Nance.’’ He says and it felt like a punch in the gut. ‘’Take the car, check out that shrink.’’ He says staring straight at you. 
 ‘’You want me-’’ You pause. ‘’To drive? Steve I don’t-’’ You start to say but Max cuts you off. 
 ‘’I can drive!’’ She says casually. 
 Steve had an immediate reaction, ‘’No, never again. Please anybody but you, no.’’ He says pointing at her. 
 Robin looks back at you and so does Dustin. Both of them noticed how flustered you were by the situation. Why would Steve want to stick with Nancy so willingly? ‘’This is ridiculous.’’ Robin says, grabbing the keys from your hands and walking over to Steve putting them back in his. ‘’We will stick together and you four stick together, Unless you think we can’t handle that?’’ Robin asks Steve. 
  You watch as Steve and Nancy glance at one another as if they were both slightly disappointed that they couldn’t do whatever it is she needed to do together. ‘’You just gonna stand there and gawk?’’ Dustin says to Steve as he watches them both walk away. 
 Steve groans turning back to Dustin, ‘’Shut up.’’ He says and you just wait at the passenger side door unsure of what to do next. ‘’Shut up and get in the car.’’ Steve says simply. 
 ‘’What was that?’’ You ask him as he sits down in the driver's seat. He looks over at you confused. 
 ‘’Nothing?’’ He says defensively. ‘’It was nothing-’’ He explains. 
 You don’t bother acknowledging him, you just turn your head to the road putting on your seatbelt. You knew you weren’t the only one thinking Steve was being weird around Nancy but you weren’t sure how much more you could stand to watch. 
 Abandoned houses weren’t creepy. Abandoned houses weren’t creepy. That was what you kept repeating to yourself walking around the old Creel house. It was something about this house that just made you on edge, the story behind it was just eerie. 
  Everyone for the majority split up but you stuck with Robin not wanting to be alone in the house, ‘’This place is cobwebs galore.’’ You tell her ducking under another one, ‘’This house probably used to be so beautiful.’’ You say running your hand along a wooden piece of furniture, the dirt sticking to your hand, you quickly wipe it off on your jacket. 
 ‘’Yeah,’’ She says, turning her flashlight up toward the ceiling, taking in all the cobwebs above. For a moment you and Robin stay in one of the rooms upstairs, both of you inspecting different items trying to find anything that could help you. ‘’You okay?’’ Robin asks you shining her light at you. 
 You shrug your shoulders, ‘’Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?’’ You ask her. She gives you a knowing look, ‘’I’m fine really he can be with who ever-’’ You begin to tell her but the sound of breaking glass and a cry aloud made you both stop your conversation. You look to one another and then both head to the door walking in the hallway. 
 Steve and Nancy stood in the hallway upstairs, she had her hands pulling out cobwebs from Steve’s hair. ‘’Don’t go in there.’’ He tells you and Robin both. You nod still staring at Nancy picking the webs out. 
 ‘’If there's a spider in there you’re never gonna find it. Not till it lays eggs and the babies spill out.’’ Robin says so casually as she walks past them just a few feet behind her. 
 ‘’What’s wrong with you? Steve says not missing a beat. You walk next to Steve making eye contact with him before quickly breaking it. ‘’Robin, seriously.’’ Steve says. ‘’She’s got problems,’’ He says, referring to her. 
 Their voices get quieter but you can still hear them in the next room. You hear the conversation between him and Nancy as he assures her that he and Robin are just friends, and then she asks him about you and he says the same thing. ‘’We just hangout at work and I’ve known her for a while.’’ He says. 
  You could see how close they were from in the room you and Robin had just walked into. ‘’Y/N.’’ Robin says, calling out to you. You look at her humming in response, ‘’You’re staring,’’ She says her voice hushed. You glance back up at them and then back to her muttering an apology. 
 ‘’I think I am gonna head out-’’ You tell her. She looks up at you immediately. ‘’My mom- she’s gonna be worried if I’m not home.’’ You admit. It wasn’t completely a lie but it also wasn’t completely the truth. ‘’Plus I might swing by to give Eddie some food.’’ You admit to her and she nods. 
 ‘’What’s going on?’’ Steve says walking in the room. 
 You glance up at him, he had a worried expression on his face looking from you to Robin. ‘’I’m gonna go home.’’ You tell him. ‘’My mom, she'll be worried.’’ You tell him. ‘’And I was gonna bring Eddie dinner.’’ 
 ‘’Oh,’’ Steve says. ‘’Well- you shouldn’t- How are you gonna get home?’’ He asks. 
 ‘’Well my cars outside- I met you here remember?’’ You ask him. You had gone home last night to get your car then went and stayed at the Wheeler house all night helping keep watch of Max. ‘’It’s not that far of a drive.’’ You tell him walking toward the doorway, ‘’I’ll just see you guys tomorrow?’’ You ask and Robin and Nancy both nod. 
 When you turn to leave an arm catches your wrist gently. ‘’Be careful going home,’’ Steve tells you. ‘’Just go straight there, don’t make any stops.’’ He sounds serious. 
 ‘’Aye aye Captain,’’ You say to him. He gives you a half hearted smile but he still looked as if he was worried. 
   You did exactly what Steve said you went home and didn’t stop. You ate dinner with your mom and after she fell asleep tired from her shift at work you slid up the window in your room with a plate in hand as you speed walked to your car. You put the plate in the passenger seat, throwing your backpack which had a big blanket for Eddie in the back of the car. You were careful to not turn on your light when you pulled out of the driveway to your house scared the lights would wake your mom up. 
 It wasn’t a long drive to the boat house, when you pulled onto the gravel road you noticed an unfamiliar car parked outside. You parked off to the side near the trees not exactly next to the car but still close enough in case you needed to get out quickly.  Noticing there was nobody around, you warily got out of the car making your way to the boathouse whose door was wide open. ‘’Eddie?’’ You whisper out into the open. ‘’Eddie it’s Y/N.’’ 
 As you were about to step in you felt a hand clasp around your mouth preventing you from yelling, you thrashed against the body realizing they were soaking wet. ‘’Shh,’’ the voice says, trying to calm you down. ‘’Shhh.’’ You finally push yourself away from the body with all your strength turning around to see a bewildered Eddie, his eyes wide with panic. You were about to say something but he again put his hand over your mouth stepping closer to you, he shook his head at you taking his other hand and raising it telling you to be quiet. ‘’Not here,’’ He says just barely a whisper and you nod. He takes your hand and pulls you with him through the dark woods. 
  Out of all the things that had happened in the past few years there was a lot of scary shit. But seeing Y/N’s car parked at the boathouse with cops surrounding it was one of the scariest feelings for Steve. Steve listened closely, holding his breath practically the entire time that the cops made their statement, they had found a body. A body that could be Y/N’s. Steve got as close as he could to hear the statement, ‘’Patrick Mckinney.’’ The officer said. A wave of relief flooded knowing it wasn’t you. ‘’We found a vehicle belonging to Y/N Y/L/N. Right now the reason is unknown as to why she was here but we have not found her and police are actively searching for her as we speak.’’ He says. ‘’We are doing everything we can to find her and bring her home safely.’’ 
 ‘’We have also identified a person of interest. Eddie Munson.’’ He announces. ‘’Anyone with any information should please come forward.’’ 
   Steve couldn’t handle what they were saying anymore he walked away putting a hand over his eyes as he could feel the tears coming on. He should’ve checked on her last night, he should’ve drove by and seen if she was home when they left the creel house. He walked away crouching on the gravel road before him holding his hand in his head unsure of how he should feel. 
 ‘’Dustin?’’ A voice calls out through the walkie. ‘’Can you hear me? Wheeler?’’ Steve recognized the voice as Eddie. 
 Dustin fumbles with the walkie pulling it off his back pack. Steve stands up walking over to where Dustin was. ‘’Eddie holy shit!’’ Dustin says into the walkie. ‘’Are you okay?’’ Dustin asks him. 
 ‘’Nah, man. Pretty..pretty goddamn far from okay.’’ Eddie says, answering truthfully. 
 ‘’Where is he?’’ Robin asks. 
 ‘’Did he see Y/N last night?’’ Steve asks, looking down at Dustin. 
 ‘’Where are you?’’ Dustin asks him. 
 ‘’Skull rock, you know it?’’ Eddie asks him. 
 Steve takes the walkie out of Dustin's hands, ‘’Eddie is- is Y/N with you?’’ He asks. There's a moments pause from when Steve asks, ‘’Eddie is Y/N with you?’’ He asks again, speaking as clearly as he could. 
 ‘’Steve?’’ You say into the walkie. ‘’I’m here, I’m with Eddie, I'm fine.’’ You tell him. The words were like a relief to Steve he let out a deep breath the second he heard your voice through the walkie. ‘’Just hurry.’’ You say to him. 
 ‘’We’re coming just-just stay there.’’ Steve says his hands are already fumbling in his pocket for his keys. 
 It was just a little while later that Steve navigated the way to skull rock. ‘’In your face man. In your stupid cocky little face.’’ Steve says to Dustin slightly out of breath, he had practically jogged here wanting to see for himself that you were okay. ‘’Even with it staring you right in the face, you can’t admit it.’’ 
 The thud of the ground made Dustin and Steve turn around, ‘’I concur. You Dustin Henderson are a total butthead.’’ Eddie says. 
 ‘’Geez man, we thought you were a goner.’ Dustin says walking over to Eddie giving him a hug which Eddie reluctantly but eventually gives him back muttering he also thought he was a goner.
 ‘’Steve?’’ You call out. The blanket was wrapped around your shoulders, Eddie had insisted you take it after he heard your chattering teeth throughout the night. Steve turned around immediately, the relief of seeing you was proof enough but he walked over to you embracing you in a hug. It took you a moment to register what he was doing, but when you did you gave in hugging him back with an equal if not greater force. 
 ‘’We got the the boathouse and your car-’’ He began to say pulling away from you hug his hands still touching the sides of your arms, ‘’Your car was there and they found a body.’’ 
‘’I found Eddie after-’’ You pause glancing at Eddie ‘’I’ll just let him tell you.’’ You sigh completely exhausted, Eddie had explained it to you when you made it far enough away from the boathouse but you didn’t want to have them miss out on any details that weren’t important. 
 With Eddie's explanation and Dustin's connection with the compass and something about mordor you found yourself once again fleeing through the woods. Steve had stayed behind with you the entire time, ‘’So you and Eddie?’’ He asks you. 
 ‘’Me and Eddie what?’’ You ask him confused as to what he was insinuating. 
 He gestures up to Eddie with a nod, ‘’Are you two a thing now?’’ He asks. ‘’You just seem to spend a lot of time with him.’’ He points out his eyes looking anywhere but you. 
 You let out a sarcastic laugh, ‘’Me and Eddie?’’ You ask him. ‘’Never.’’ You point out. ‘’He just needs someone right now,’’ You point out to Steve. There was a log in front of you and Steve steps over first pausing as you take your step over. ‘’Nothing going on.’’ You tell him. ‘’What about you and Nancy?’’ You ask him the same question. 
  He shrugs his shoulders in response, ‘’Jonathans not here I am, I’m not really sure what’s going on.’’ You could tell he was being truthful with his response. 
 You wait a moment before asking the next question, ‘’Do you still have feelings for her?’’ You ask him. 
 ‘’It’s complicated.’’ He tells you. ‘’I don’t think I do.’’ You glance up at him muddled by his response. ‘’I’ve had this thing for another girl for a while and I don’t wanna mess that up anymore than I already have.’’ He tells you. 
 You didn’t know what was worse, him liking Nancy or him liking whoever the other girl was. ‘’Do I know her?’’ You ask him. 
 ‘’I think so,’’ He says, readjusting his backpack. ‘’She’s really cool, has a good sense of style, a decent sense of humor.’’ He begins lifting off attributes. 
 ‘’Sounds like a winner,’’ You say your voice comes out more harsh than intended. 
The daylight had surpassed and it was already dark again, the woods becoming more and more eerie as it got later in the night. ‘’Holy shit,’’ You say, stopping behind everyone else your flashlight illuminating off the water of lovers' lake. 
 ‘’You’ve gotta be shitting me,’’ Steve says aloud, 
 ‘’Lover’s Lake,’’ Robin points out. ‘’There’s a gate in Lover’s lake?’’ She asks. 
 ‘’The demogorgon always left an opening,’’ Nancy points out. ‘’Maybe Vecna is the same way.’’ She says. 
 ‘’Only one way to find out,’’ Steve says. 
 Five minutes later you, Steve, Robin, Nancy, and Eddie were paddling out along Lover’s lake to Dustin's displeasure. It was about halfway out when Robin noticed the compass going absolutely crazy. ‘’Dustin, your compass is going berserk out here.’’ You say talking into the walkie. 
  You were too busy looking at the compass to notice that Steve had begun to remove his clothes, ‘’What the hell do you think you’re doing?’’ You ask him as his eyes meet yours. 
 He says like it was the most obvious thing in the world, Someones gotta go down and check this out.’’ He says. ‘’Unless one of you three can stop being a Hawkins High Swim co-captain, and a certified lifeguard for three years.’’ He pauses taking off another sock. ‘’It’s gotta be me. No complaints, all right?’’ He says not really asking. 
 ‘’Like hell you are, we don’t know what’s down there!’’ You say to him. 
 ‘’Exactly why we need to find out.’’ He says standing up. He lifts his shirt over his head exposing his back and you couldn’t help but Gawk at him, and not only you but Nancy as you caught her looking as well. 
‘’No complaints here,’’ Eddie says, pulling out a bag. He stuffs a light in it handing it off to Steve, ‘’Goodluck.’’ 
 Just as Steve turns around bracing himself for the water, ‘’Steve?’’ You call out to him. 
‘’Be careful.’’ You say staring straight at him, the tone of your voice as serious as it could be. He just nods in response, turning back to the water. A moment later he had dived in, it was pitch dark across the lake you couldn’t see a thing. 
 ‘’Robin let me see your flashlight,’’ You tell her and she hands it to you, trading you for the compass. You move around the boat making it rock small complaints from everyone else. 
‘’What are you doing?’’ Nancy asks you. 
 You sigh completely unsure, there was no way the light would help you see down that far in the murky water but you wanted to make sure if Steve came up quickly you could help. It felt like forever waiting for him to come back up, you waited and waited until finally you saw the bubbles coming up from below. ‘’He’s coming!’’ You tell them trying to prepare yourself for him to break the surface. 
 You jumped when his hands grabbed the edge of the boat, almost pulling you forward into the water, Steve hung on the edge of the boat. ‘’It’s more of a snack sized gate than a mamma gate. But still, it’s pretty damn big.’’ He explains.  
 It was that moment that Steve’s head dunked underwater, everyone being rocked by the boat. ‘Steve get up here,’’ You tell him cautiously, scared to bring your voice even barely above a whisper. A split second later he was completely pulled under his body not coming back up. Everyone began screaming as the boat was rocking back and forth and you pushed yourself back closing your eyes. You squeezed them tightly unsure of what to do, you had to go get him, and you had to do it now. 
 ‘’Y/N,’’ Eddie says seeing you stand up, ‘’Y/N what do you think you're doing?’’ He asks, watching you unbutton your flannel exposing the worn down t-shirt below it. You wrap the flannel tightly around one arm before securing it tightly. 
 ‘’A grand gesture,’’ You say and before Eddie or anyone could protest you jump in. The cold water meets your skin and you can still hear them yelling from the surface. You can see Steve being pulled down just as he makes it to the red entrance way, his arms wailing around terrified. You push with your arms down further and further into the lake until you reach the bottom of it, the red glow illuminating your face. You had no idea where the hell this thing was going but you knew for certain Steve was on the other side of it alone and that terrified you more. 
 You take your hand pushing it through the red opening and like a vacuum you felt the rest of your body being jerked through, it wasn’t as gentle as you hoped and you shot up out of it landing on your shoulder groaning. 
You heard the screeching from the air which made you pull yourself together realizing where you were as you glanced up at the clouded sky. You could see Steve a few yards away his body flailing as he was trapped by his neck with one of the tentacle-like structures. ‘’Steve!’’ You yell out pushing yourself off the ground, you run toward him but stop just before as the bat-like creature slams its face into his side. You look around trying to find anything to use as a weapon, on the ground next to you lay a broken Oar but it was just long enough that you think you could use it. You run over to Steve careful trying not to slip on all of the vine-like things on the ground. 
 You swing the bat once and it hits a bat knocking it away from Steve, just for the other one to bite down on the other side. Steve screamed out in pain as the bats just kept swarming his body. You took the oar once again hitting the bat with it and just when you went to hit the other one another bat knocked it already. You turn to see Nancy next to you with a bat in her hand, more and more bats are coming surrounding the area. You kept hitting the bats so they detach from Steve and eventually they do. You didn’t even recognize Robin and Eddie had shown up as well, both of them with weapons of their own in hand. 
 ‘’Steve,’’ You whisper running over to him, throwing the oar down to the ground. You lean down on your knees noticing the fleshy wound along his abdomen. It wasn’t much longer that you heard more of the creatures screeching in the sky, they swooped down quicker than you had anticipated. Steve gorans pushes himself up and you reach back grabbing the only weapon you had, and you just start swinging, hitting a bat that had swooped down dangerously close. Everyone was fighting off the bats; they just kept coming out of nowhere. You knocked a bat to the ground slamming the oar into its face, blood splattering around the ground. The moment you stop you look over to see Steve pulling apart the creature, blood spilling out of his mouth as he spits out the taste. ‘’We need to get out of here, we need to find a place to hide!’’ You tell them and they all agree. 
 Steve was limping slightly clutching his side, you couldn’t imagine which hurt worse since both sides were gushing blood. You all ran as quickly as you could. You stayed behind Steve in case another attack was on it’s way. You found solace in the tree lines heading into the wooded area where you could probably find better coverage. 
 ‘’Under there!’’ Robin yells pointing to the large rock, it was an open area but from above the bats wouldn’t be able to see you. You glance behind you, noticing there were hundreds swarming the sky now, ‘’Come on! Come on!’’ She yells running. You move forward quickly sliding your body under Steve’s shoulder, he glances down at you doing so a small smile at the gesture was all he gave. You doing so helped quicken his pace just enough to make it under the rock. 
   Steve hissed from the pain in his side as he rested his back against the rock, ‘’Gosh Steve,’’ You say your hand touching his abdomen just above the wound. You unwrap your flannel from earlier around your arm, ‘’Sit up a bit please.’’ You tell him. You rewrap the flannel around your hand using it as a glove of some sort, ‘’We need to stop the bleeding.’’ You tell him your voice laced with concern, your hands pushing against his abdomen and Steve jumps his hand resting on your arm squeezing it tightly. 
 ‘’Nancy,’’ You call out to her needing more than just the thin flannel you had. ‘’Do you have anything we can use?’’ You ask, turning your head, everyone's attention was now on you and Steve. 
 Robin looked terrified and her mouth formed an O shape as she saw the wound on Steve’s abdomen. She walks over crouching down as she sees Steve’s open wound. ‘’So the good news is I’m pretty sure dizziness is not a symptom of rabies?’’ Robin points out the odd fact. ‘’Do you feel Woozie?’’ She asks and Steve squirms as you put more pressure on the wound. You notice Nancy pulling at her pants getting more fabric to secure the wound. 
 ‘’Yeahh,’’ Steve says letting out a rigid breath, ‘’I do.’’ He says. Nancy hands you the fabric and you tell Steve to stand if he can, he pushes himself up and Robin and Nancy come to his side helping to hold him up. You ask him if he’s ready and he agrees reluctantly, ‘’Just do it,’’ He says, holding his breath, he flinches when the fabric touches him. 
 ‘’I’m sorry,’’ You tell him. Trying to secure it. You finally get it tied and he breathes a sigh of relief, ‘’You okay?’’ You ask him.  ‘’He needs to rest for a minute,’’ You tell them both and they agree. 
    ‘’Yeah, yeah.’’ He says his breath is still rigid. You glance over to everyone else who had moved away from you and Steve looking out into the forest of the Upside down. ‘’Are you okay?’’ He asks and you look at him confused. ‘’You were here right after me, right after.’’ He says. The conversation behind you was going on but neither of you were engaged in it. 
 ‘’Yeah, yeah.’’ You repeat his word verbatim, making you both laugh slightly. He clutches his side as he laughs, ‘’Sorry,’’ you say to him. He stops laughing and looks at you just for a moment, both of you not saying anything, you smile softly feeling his eyes on you. ‘’We have to get you home, get you back to that girl.’’ You say trying to avert his mind something more positive.  
 ‘’That girl?’’ He asks you confused. 
 ‘’The girl you told me about,’’ You tell him looking down at his torso adjusting the wrap once again. ‘’The one you have a crush on?’’ You say it as more of a question. 
 For a moment he doesn’t say anything and you just fixate on the wrap, the sounds of bats screeching from overhead, ‘’The girl,’’ He says, making you look up. ‘’Is you, it’s you Y/N.’’ He says. 
 You stare at him completely shocked, it was you? How was it you? ‘’Me?’’ You ask him. ‘’I don’t understand.’’ You say puzzled. 
 He takes a deep breath, ‘’The girl I have a crush on is you,’’ He tells you. ‘’It’s been you for a while..’’ 
  ‘’But you and Nancy?’’ You ask him confused, your tone much lower, scared she would hear you. ‘’You guys have been- you seem like.’’ He tells you. 
 ‘’You and Eddie seemed so close, I was jealous and Nancy was giving attention. I thought it would get yours if I played into it a little,’’ He says and you nod understandingly. ‘’It was dumb. Immature I should've just told you. 
 ‘’Steve this entire time I’ve been talking to Eddie about you.’’ You emphasize ‘’I’ve been trying to get your attention for months.’’ You tell him. ‘’Eddie has had to hear all about it the past two days,’’ You admit, making him laugh once again. 
 ‘’Then when we make it out of here,’’ He pauses, ‘’We’ll go on a nice date? Whatever you want.’’ He tells you and you nod smiling at him. You push yourself forward planting a quick kiss on his cheek, if you were going to kiss Steve Harrington for the first time it was not going to be in the upside down while he was bleeding out it was going to be a real kiss on a date. ‘’Deal?’’ He asks as you pull away. 
 ‘’Deal,’’ You say to him. 
 You hear feet thump on the ground and it finally grabs both of your attention looking back, everyone smiling at the two of you, even Nancy. ‘’What did I tell you?’’ Eddie asks. ‘’Grand gesture.’’
Thanks for reading! I am sorry if it felt like I skipped around a lot I started writing and got so far in and when I Read it back I was like omg I skipped around too much but I have a bad problem with doing request and never posting because I re-read and hate them too much. SOOO here we are I hope you liked it and didn't hate it haha! Again sorry for any mess ups!
Please send more S4 request! Also if you request and want it outside of the plot of season 4 PLEASE let me know I have such a hard time making scenarios in my head that don't follow the plot.
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vxkswonderlxnd · 2 years
Girl Crush 2
part 1 | masterlist
pairing robin buckley x fem!reader, steve harrington x fem!reader
note - pls read part one before you read this one ! :)
type - angst, fluff
summary - while dating steve, you develop a crush on robin
warnings / includes - language, steamy make out session, fighting, cheating, very messy 😭
*gif isn’t mine*
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You slam the door shut, holding your face in your hands while you pace back and forth. “Shit, shit, shit.”
Robin nervously chews her lip, fiddling with the belt loops of her jeans. “T-This was an accident, right? I mean, we were caught in the moment.”
A waterfall of tears stream down your face. You put your back against the wall and slide down, curling up in a ball. “I’m so fucking stupid. God, I’m such a horrible girlfriend. I’m a horrible person.”
Robin sits down across from you, putting her hand on your knee. “You’re not a horrible person, Y/n.”
You look at up at her, your eyes already bloodshot. “I am, Robin. I just hurt Steve. This is the second time he has been hurt by a girlfriend. I swore to him that o would be better than Nancy, but I’m actually worse. I kissed his best friend. I-I ruined everything. I-It’s all my fault,” you sob.
Robin sighs, debating on what to say. Seeing you break down like this breaks her heart and leaves her a little speechless. You’re always so put together. In the couple of years she’s known you, she has never once seen you cry. But now that she has, she wants to do everything in her power to stop it.
“So what, you kissed me?” Robin asks. “Doesn’t mean anything. Especially since you’ve never been with a girl before, right?”
You hiccup and shake your head. “That doesn’t excuse anything.”
“If you just explain to Steve that it was a mistake and you didn’t like it, then —”
“Robin,” you say, your voice suddenly low and unwavering. You look her in the eyes and sit up. “Do you really think I “got caught up in the moment” and that I didn’t like it?”
Robin looks away, biting her lip anxiously. “N-No. But I don’t want to mess up your relationship.”
“The only person who messed up my relationship was me. You did nothing. You were… perfect.”
“Still, I feel bad,” she mumbles. “I’m sorry for doing this to you and Steve. To you and I,” you say.
Robin chuckles a little, shyly glancing at you. “Are you kidding? That kiss was the highlight of my life. If you weren’t dating Steve, I would have asked you out.”
You give her a watery smile. “The kiss was amazing for me, too.” Your smile diminishes as you continue speaking. “But… I can’t focus on that. I have to figure out a way to make this right with Steve. If he hates me forever, then fine. That’s fine because I deserve that. But I need him to know that I loved him so much and that everything I did and everything I said to him wasn’t a lie.”
“He’ll know, Y/n. Hell, he already knows. You have no idea how much he talks about you at Family Video. And he’s not only saying how pretty you are. He’s always saying how much of a good girlfriend you are, how thoughtful you are, how loving, supportive, funny you are.”
“Oh, Robin,” you sniffle, another cycle of waterworks flooding. “H-He says all of that?”
She nods with a little smile. “Every damn day.”
Your heart breaks more. “That makes me feel even more terrible.”
“No! I’m so sorry. I-I thought it was going to be nice to hear,” Robin apologizes. “I didn’t mean to make you cry again. I’m so sorry.”
“I-It’s okay,” you take a deep breath. “Just makes me realize how great of a boyfriend he is.”
“I hate to admit it, but he is. It makes me really jealous, actually,” Robin chuckles. “You’ll find someone Robin. It’s so much easier to find someone out of high school. I just got lucky,” you say.
She shakes her head. “No, it’s not like that. He makes me jealous because he makes me want you more.”
Your eyes widen and a little “oh” leaves your lips.
“Yeah,” she sighs. “But it doesn’t matter.”
You frown and offer a comforting hand on her arm. “Robin, it does matter. I —”
You two are interrupted when the door opens. Your heart races as you see Steve looking down at you two.
“Hey, what’re you guys doing?” he asks. You panic and look at Robin. You open your mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. You feel like you’re about to throw up.
Robbin’s eyes slowly look away from you and to Steve. “She got her period,” she blurts.
Steve raises his brows. “O-Okay. Are you… in pain?”
“No. She was just really upset because she wanted you two to have sex tonight, but obviously, you guys can’t, and she feels bad. And you know, periods make us gals insane and really weepy, so…” Robin trails off.
You’re surprised by how fast Robin made up that cover story, but there’s no room for you to tell the truth.
“Oh, baby,” Steve chuckles. He sits down on the floor next to you and puts his arm over your shoulder. “Don’t worry about that. We can spend the night cuddling and watching movies and eating so much ice cream we explode.”
You can’t help but laugh at his words. You stare into his eyes, feeling the bridge of your nose burn in attempt to hold back tears.
You realize that no matter what happens, he will always make you happy. He’ll always be that one person that just gets you. The one person who still gives you butterflies past the honeymoon phase. Who makes you feel special, loved, supported, and satisfied with everything in life.
But he won’t be the person who gets to be with you forever. Not after tonight.
“Honey, don’t cry.” he cups your cheek with his hand, wiping away the tears with his thumb. “It’s okay, okay? I’m not mad or sad, so you shouldn’t be. Plus, I use condoms anyways,” he smirks.
You laugh again, your whole face lighting up. Robin stares at you two, guilt overcoming her. She knows the cheating is your fault, but she can’t help but blame herself. She looks at you with Steve and all that’s written on your face is joy. How could Robin be so stupid? You are meant to be with Steve, not her. No matter what exciting, new feelings you may have for anyone else, including Robin.
“I’ll leave you two.” Robin gets up and grabs her belt. You stare at her as she leaves, “I’m sorry” on the tip of your tongue. Your heart sinks as she avoids your gaze, roughly pulling the door open.
“What’s up with her?” Steve asks. “She’s just hungry. She gets hangry,” you lie.
Steve nods. “Me, too. Well, do you want to keep the party going or do you want to just chill out?”
“Doesn’t matter to me. It’s your birthday,” you say.
“But your my girlfriend who generously set this all up,” he smiles. “It’s my job,” you shrug.
Steve put his thumb on your chin and holds your head up to look at him. “I know I don’t say this much, but I am so thankful for you. I’m sorry I don’t remind you enough. I need to do that more.”
“Oh, Steve,” you sigh. “I already know all this. You do more than enough to let me know. It’s okay.”
He shakes his head. “No, it’s not. You’re always saying how great I am, I need you to know how great you are.”
All you can do is smile through the pain. You hug him tightly, burying your face into his neck. You let a few tears shed, squeezing your eyes shut as you enjoy his comforting arms. You don’t know how many times you’ll be able to do this so you promise yourself to cherish whatever time you have left with him.
“I love you so much, Steve,” you whisper. “So, so much.”
“I know you do, baby. I love you so much. You’re the best,” he mumbles into your neck.
“No, you are,” you whisper it like a promise.
He pulls away to kiss you. You want to cry harder, but you keep your composure. You tangle your hand in his hair and push yourself up against him, kissing him so hard you might bruise his lips.
Steve pulls away, a little breathless. He looks into your eyes, noticing they still look a little sad. “Are you sure you’re okay? Did anything else happen?”
Your heart pounds and you can barely swallow. You know you should tell him right now, but it’s still his birthday. You didn’t want to be an even worse girlfriend.
“No, nothing else happened. I just hate my period,” you lie.
He nods, “understandable. Do you need me to get anything for you?”
You shake your head. “No, thank you. Let’s go back to the party.”
“Okay. If you’re done with it, just let me know.”
You nod and stand up, a little wobbly. Steve wraps an arm around you and walks you out. Max and Lucas look at you blankly while Robin is still avoiding your gaze. You shake your head at Max and Lucas while Steve leads you back to the dance floor.
You put your attention back on Steve, smiling at him as he sets his hands on your waist. He looks at you with stars in his eyes, making you melt on the inside. You naturally wrap your arms around his neck, clasping your hands together as you two sway to the beat of the music.
You two spend the rest of the night dancing with the kids, Robin standing in the corner and reading for most of the night.
“Happy birthday, old man!” Dustin smiles at Steve. “Just wait. You’ll be 20 in no time,” Steve smirks.
“Don’t remind me,” Dustin rolls his eyes.
“Bye, guys,” you smile at the kids as they leave. Steve goes over to the snack table for more pretzels, allowing Max and Lucas to come up to you.
“Obviously you didn’t tell him,” Max says. “I wasn’t going to tell him tonight. It’s his birthday,” you scoff.
“How long had this been going on?” Lucas asks. “It was only that one kiss!” you exclaim in a hushed voice.
“Better not be another one. You know how badly Steve was hurt after Nancy,” Max glares at you.
You sigh and nod, putting your hand on your forehead. “Yeah, I know. It won’t happen again. I hate hurting him and I already know I did, even if he doesn’t feel it yet.” You glance at him again. You can’t help but smile as he tries to be a walrus with the pretzels.
“He’s a great guy. He doesn’t deserve this. Especially since you were kissing a girl,” Lucas states.
You glare at them. “I know! Do you think I wanted this to happen? You guys know how much I love Steve. You guys know that he… he’s my one and only. I have our wedding planned out.”
“Then why did you kiss Robin?” Max asks. You slump against the doorframe and state at Robin as she nibbles on a snicker bar. “It’s different with her,” you say truthfully.
“That doesn’t mean it’s better,” Max says. “Yeah, I know,” you frown, lowering your gaze at your shoes.
Max sighs and puts her hand on your shoulder. “We know you love Steve, but you have to decide if you’re in love with him, or if you’re in love with Robin.”
You nod, “yeah. You’re right.”
“Good luck,” Lucas sighs. “Thanks,” you roll your eyes.
“We’ll see you soon,” Max says. She interlocks fingers with Lucas as they walk out of your house.
“Is that the last of the rug rats?” Steve asks. “Yep,” you nod.
“Hey, Robin. Want to watch a movie with us?” Steve suggests.
“Um, no.” Robin shakes her head. “I have to go home. Great party, Y/n. Happy birthday, Steve.”
“Thanks,” Steve says as she walks out. He closes the door and turns to you. “She’s acting more weird than normal.”
You shrug, “I don’t know what’s wrong. Maybe she’ll tell you tomorrow during work.”
Steve nods, “Yeah, maybe.”
Turns out, Robin did tell him what was wrong. She told him the truth, but not the full truth.
“She’s my girlfriend, Robin!” Steve exclaims. “I know, I’m sorry!” Robin sighs.
“And you’re supposed to be my best friend!”
“I know. I said I’m sorry.”
“I know it’s hard to find girls in Hawkins, but that doesn’t give you the right to steal mine,” Steve glares.
“I-I know. You have no idea how terrible I feel! B-But at least I told you, right?” Robin asks.
“Yeah,” Steve scoffs. He sets his hands on his hips and paces around Family Video, realization occurring. “That’s why she was acting so weird.”
“Yeah, she feels so bad, Steve,” Robin nods. “Why didn’t she tell me?” Steve frowns.
“It was your birthday. And plus, I’m the one who made the move,” Robin lies.
Steve nods. “Yeah, makes sense, I guess.”
“I’m so sorry, Steve. I promise it’ll never happen again,” Robin says, looking him dead in the eyes.
Steve searches her eyes, his heart strings being tugged. But he can’t forgive Robin. Not yet. Not when it’s so fresh. “Yeah, I… I need to go see Y/n. I can’t be here right now.”
Robin sighs helplessly. “Please, Steve!”
But he’s already out the door and on his way to you. You’re asleep on the couch when he knocks. The sound jolts you awake and you panic. 
“Y/n, it’s Steve!”
You sigh in relief, but a different type of panic sets in. “Coming!” you shout. You throw your blanket off of you and open the door for him. You gasp as his eyes are red and watery. “W-What happened?”
“Robin told me what happened.”
Your stomach drops to your feet. You suddenly feel nauseous and numb. “W-What did she say?”
“She said how she kissed you and how she’s in love with you,” Steve explains.
Your brows rise. “She said what?”
“Yeah, can you believe it?” he scoffs. He walks into your house and sits down on the couch. “I mean, I understand that it’s hard for her to find someone that’s out and a girl that likes girls. But, she chooses you? My girlfriend. That’s so… disrespectful. Don’t get me wrong, I can see why she likes you. I mean, look at you. You’re stunning, but my girl? I just… I thought she was my best friend.”
You sit down and holds Steve’s forearm. “Steve, she’s still your best friend. I don’t —”
“No,” he shakes his head. “Not after this. You know, if she wanted my help she could have asked me. I could have gotten her a girl, or tried to. But she picked the one person that is unavailable. And you don’t even like girls, so it wasn’t even worth it.”
You open your mouth to speak, but he keeps talking.
“I’m so mad,” he seethes. “And you,” his head snaps to you. “You were so kind and thoughtful last night. Not telling me because you thought it would ruin my night. And I mean, it definitely would have, but it just shows even more how you’re the perfect girl.”
“I’m not the perfect girl,” you shake your head. “I let it happen. I didn’t stop… her, and I just let her kiss me. I’m the worst,” your voice breaks as you begin to cry again.
“Baby, you’re not. Maybe you just got caught in the moment, or you were so shocked that you didn’t know what to do. It’s happened to all of us.”
You nod, “yeah. It was definitely one of those things.”
Steve sighs and lays back on the couch, thinking for a few moments. “I don’t know if I can ever forgive her.”
You look at him, sitting up straighter and looking him in the eyes. “Steve, there’s something you should know.”
He gulps visibly. “W-What is it?”
“I…” you look away at your coffee table. “I… I like girls, too.”
Steve’s heart jumps up his throat. “Y-You do.”
“Yeah,” you look back at him. “But that doesn’t mean I like you any less. It just means…”
“You like boobies like I like boobies,” Steve says.
You chuckle softly. “Yeah, you could put it that way.”
“That’s… good to know. Now I have to watch out for both guys and girls,” he jokes.
You feel a little bit hopeful at his reaction. “So, you’re not mad or anything? You don’t love me any less?”
He smiles softly and sits up. He rests one hand on your thigh and reaches the other up to your cheek, stroking your cheekbone with his thumb. “Of course, I’m not mad. Nor do I love you anymore. It’s a little surprising, of course, but I don’t see you any differently.”
You cry again, this time in relief. “Oh, thank God. I-I’ve been so worried you would break up with me over this.”
“I never would,” he shakes his head. “And why would I? I’m fine with Robin being gay.”
“Yeah, but people are more offensive to people who like both genders.”
“Well, you chose me out of the billion people in the world, so I’m lucky,” he smiles.
You gaze into his eyes and you can’t help but grin. “I’m so lucky, too.” you rest your forehead against his and press your lips to his. He hums happily, wrapping his arm around your back and pulling you close. His other hand grabs your leg and swings it over his lap. You breathe out as you sit on his lap, open-mouth kissing him and slipping your tongue into his mouth.
His hands slip down your thighs, toying with the drawstring on your sweats. You smile into the kiss as he unites it, gently tugging on the elastic to loosen your pants. As he slips his hands in, a chill goes up your spine. You pull away to look at Steve, shocked to see Robin in his place.
“Hey, baby,” she smiles, her raspy voice enticing you. Her hands move up your body and under your shirt, skimming the underwire of your bra. She takes a handful of your tits in both hands, massaging them over the cups of your bra.
You hum in pleasure, rocking your hips with hers. She begins to kiss your neck, sucking on the spot that makes you whine. You feel her lips curl up into a smile and you smile with her.
“It’s fun, isn’t it?” she asks. “Mmhmm,” you nod, focusing more on how good it feels to have her hands on you.
“It’s fun lying to your boyfriend. It’s fun breaking his heart and causing him to not have a best friend anymore.”
Your smile quickly diminishes and you pull away, confused as to why she’s not there anymore. You look around the room, your heart jumping out of your throat as you see a big grandfather clock. You can’t hear anything else now but its merciless ticking.
You’re frozen in place. You can’t seem to bring yourself to move and run away. You’re so shocked and scared. All you can do is hope that you wake up.
Meanwhile, in reality, Steve is trying to shake you awake. He noticed something was off when you pulled away and smiled at him differently than usual. Now you’re staring into space, not moving, speaking, or even breathing.
“Baby, wake up,” Steve panics. “C’mon, you’re stronger than him. Wake up, please.”
You wake up a couple seconds later, eyes jolting across the room and your chest heaving. Steve sighs in relief, hugging you close to him.
“God, I thought I lost you,” he mutters.
You do nothing but break down in his arms.
“Sshh, baby, it’s okay. You’re safe now,” he rubs your back.
You shake your head. “I-I’m not. I-I’m going to die soon.”
“No, you won’t. Max survived it and you will, too,” Steve says.
You hiccup and pull away to face him. “S-Steve, there’s something I need to tell you.”
He furrows his brows. “Okay, what is it? Is it about something you saw?”
“N-No. It’s about Robin. She —”
“Yo!” Dustin’s voice shouts form the outside. He pounds on your door. “I know you guys are here! I can see your car. Stop having sex! We can’t have Y/n pregnant while Vecna is still out there!”
Steve rolls his eyes and looks back at you. “You can tell me later, yeah?”
“O-Okay,” you swallow harshly.
“Guys! We need to get Eddie food!” Dustin yells.
“Alright, I’m coming!” Steve groans. He gently rolls you off of his lap, giving your forehead a kiss before he opens the door. “Thank you for disturbing half of the neighborhood.”
“The neighborhood loves me!” Dustin grins. “And it took you long enough. Were you two getting dressed or — oh.” Dustin stops as he sees you crying in a ball. “Oh, shit.”
“Yeah, douchebag,” Steve glares at him.
“What’s wrong? Did you make her cry?” Dustin gasps.
“What? No! Of course not! She…” Steve sighs. “She saw Vecna. Or the grandfather clock. Or one of those two.”
Dustin’s brow raise and his jaw drops. “Oh, shit.”
“Yeah,” Steve sighs. “W-Well, we’ve beat him before. I mean, maybe we can get her to listen to her favorite song ahead of time to stop him?” Dustin suggests.
“Yeah, that’s a good idea,” Steve nods.
“Hey, Y/n,” Dustin says softly. He walks over to you, putting his hand on your shoulder. “I have Oreos if you want some. They’re double stuffed.”
You let out a little laugh. You wipe your nose and look up. “I’m good. Thanks, Dusty.”
“You sure?” Steve asks. “You haven’t eaten since breakfast.”
You look off into the distance, not being able to get Robin’s words out of your head. She was so real. You reached out and touched her, you kissed her. But it was really Vecna.
You feel disgusting. Your skin feels dirty and your chest hurts. You shoot up from the couch, not saying anything as you walk to your bathroom, immediately stripping off your clothes and turning on the shower.
Dustin and Steve watch you slam the door in confusion.
“Is she okay?” Dustin asks. Steve rolls his eyes. “She’s seeing Vecna. Do you think she’s okay?”
“It just doesn’t make sense,” Dustin says, sitting down next to Steve. “What could she be guilty about? She’s the most innocent person I know.”
Steve sighs and nods. “I know, that’s what I’m thinking, too. I mean, she just told —” he stops himself, Dustin’s brows raising in question.
“She just told you what?”
“Nothing, it doesn’t matter,” Steve shakes his head.
“Are you sure?” Dustin asks. “It could be important.”
“Trust me, it isn’t,” Steve says. He looks at your bathroom door, trying to rack his brain for what it could be.
You couldn’t be guilty about the kiss with Robin, could you? Robin said it herself that it was her fault. That it was a mistake and that you didn’t even like it.
A horrible thought entered Steve’s mind. What if you did like it?
He erases the thought from his head. Just because you came out to him doesn’t mean that it has anything to do with what happened with Robin. It’s just a coincidence… right?
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part 3 coming soon!
taglist form
@rootbeerfaygo @murdockcastleslut @bluebberrypie @milkiane @mitskimybelovedd @munsaniac @sapphic-girl @ariianelle
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vxkswonderlxnd · 2 years
fuck, i'm lonely | r.c
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pairing: rafe cameron x pogue!fem!reader
summary: the pogues are starting to couple up and by doing that, they sort of forget about you. maybe you just need to find someone else to hang with while they're busy. maybe that someone is a certain blue eyed kook.
warnings: fluff and me not knowing anything about surfing.
wc: 1.8k
a/n: two fics in one day? hell yeah! i hope you liked this, it took me hours to write. anyways enjoy bitcheeeesssss!!!
♡ part two ♡
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"Seriously? What the hell even is that?" I asked my best friend, John B, as he loaded up the twinkie. I just asked him to hang out for a little bit but he told me that him and Sarah were celebrating their "first-kiss-anniversary". Like what the hell is that? They kissed in the rain on a dirty dock but, hey, that's not the point.
"Look, y/n, I'm sorry. Maybe another time." He shoots me a apologetic look before hopping in the beat up van and driving off. The worst part about all of this, the rest of the pogues were busy too. JJ and Kie were on a surfing "hangout" -- it was a date but, they wouldn't admit to that -- and Pope was on a actual date with some touron he met at a party. So, now it's just me, standing in the heat, feeling lonely as hell.
Today was a me day, that's what I told myself as I was walking through the main part of the island. Strolling through different shops and freeing my mind of my friends. Unfortunately, it only last for so long. I stopped by the beach to try and clear my mind again. As the sand hit my feet and the light beachy breeze hit my face, I took a deep breath and thought deeply about all of it. Why do they keep turning me down?
I mean I know they don't have to spend every waking moment with me but, spending some time with me would be nice.
"Fuck, I'm lonely." I groan, rubbing my eyes.
"That makes two of us." I hear I deep voice say from behind me. Turning my head I'm met with the face of Rafe Cameron. I scoff a little then turn back to look at the view.
"Why are you hear Rafe Cameron?" He chuckles before coming to sit next to me.
"Well first off, it's a public beach. Second, same reason you're here." I laugh at his response.
"Wow, kook king is lonely? Kind of unrealistic." My hands are planted in the sand behind me as I lean back. He hums and looks away.
"So because I'm a kook I can't feel lonely?" Rafe's hand comes up to rest under his chin as he studied me.
"I didn't mean it like that. I'm just saying, you have friends, a family, all the money you could want. How are you lonely?" I turn to look him in the eye and he looks like he's in deep thought.
"Well...My family doesn't really care about me, I doubt my friends do and money only keeps me happy for so long." His gaze falls from me to the sand as he starts to run his hands through it. My face softens a bit at this. Rafe Cameron, Kook King, admitting money doesn't make you happy?
"Didn't know about that..." I trail off looking down at the sand as well.
"You and I are a lot more a like than you think." He meets my gaze again, this time a small smile painted on his face. Rafe's smile is contagious, so my lips curve into one as well. I've never looked at him in any way other than a stuck up s.o.b but, he just gave me a new perspective on things. Rafe seemed shocked that he was having the same feelings as a pogue. I look around for something to start a conversation about.
"Have you ever surfed?" I asked with a smirk. He breaths out and leans back in the same position I am.
"That would be a no." Rafe's eyes meet mine and he sees the look I'm giving him. A groan escapes his lips and his hand comes up to rub his eyes.
"Pleas tell me you don't wanna teach me how to-" I cut him off before he can finish,
"I wanna teach you how to surf!" I squeal jumping up on to my feet. His head falls back as if he was annoyed -- he probably was but who cares -- and I kick his leg.
"Do I have a choice?"
"No, so suck it up buttercup!" My hand reaches out for his and he grabs it. I help him up onto his feet and I do stumble back a little. Look, he's 6'2 and probably weighs a lot more than me...what did you expect? Besides that, maybe today isn't gonna be too bad. I get to teach Rafe Cameron how to surf.
"Alright so, you just keep your hands like...yep there you go." I direct as Rafe stands on my extra board practicing how to stand on it. I had gone to my truck to get my two surf boards for us to use and came back to Rafe in his swim trunks, awaiting his painful time learning how to surf.
"I look so stupid right now." He rolls his eyes before glaring at me.
"Yeah you do." I giggle. He had the board on the sand and was pretending to surf it. That's basically what I made him do for his "lesson". Hey, that's how my dad taught me.
"Alright I'm good, we've been doing this for almost an hour and I'm pretty sure you're only doing this for your own amusement." Stepping off the board, Rafe makes his way over to me with his normal cold look on his face.
"True, but if you think you can do it then come on." I pick up my board a d start towards the ocean.
"Come on big boy! These waves aren't gonna catch themselves!" I yell over my shoulder before turning back. With my chest pressed against the top of my board, I paddle out about halfway waiting for Rafe.
"One, never call me that again. Two, god damn you're fast." He says finally meeting me in the water.
"Well sorry Mr. Grumpy. Are you sure you're ready? It took me years to learn not hours." I see him scan the ocean, eyes catching the sweet waves that kept crashing in the distance. He bites his lip before turning back to me.
"Yeah I'm ready but, if I crash you owe me." He points before starting to paddle out. I follow behind him but separate a little bit so I can enjoy it as well. Standing up I immediately catch a big wave and start catching more as I progress. Glancing over I see Rafe, surfing, like he had done it a million times before. Feeling proud, I go back to enjoying the waves I was surfing.
"Shit!" Rafe cursed. When I turn, I can't see him.
"Rafe?!" I call, no answer.
"Rafe?!" No answer. That was enough for me to paddle over to his abandoned board. When I get there, I see no sign of him.
"God damn it Rafe!" I jump off my board and dive under water. Feeling the cold salty water hit my skin, I open my eyes to search for any sign of the blonde kook. I can't see anything but, all of the sudden, I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around me and pull me up. Coughing and catching my breath, I turn around in the person's arms to see who grabbed me. To my surprise, I'm met with the face of Rafe.
"You scared me!" I yell and slap his shoulder. He just laughs before swimming is over to our boards.
"Sorry, that was just too easy." With his arms still wrapped around me, one of his hands come up to brush my hair out of my face. I feel a swarm of butterflies fill my stomach as I stare into his gorgeous blue eyes. His hand rests on where my neck meets my jaw and we just sit there.
"Don't drown while surfing...forgot to tell you that." I break the silence, eliciting a laugh from him. Rafe's head comes to rest on my shoulder.
"Yeah I got that." He says into my skin. My hands come up to brush through his hair and we just sit there for a second. In peaceful silence. I wish everyday was like this. Surfing and laughing with someone. With Rafe. I didn't know what I was feeling but, it was a nice feeling. As it got cooler, I started to shiver a little bit.
"You cold?" Rafe asks into my skin. Humming, his hand grab my hips and lift me up onto my board. They stay there for a second and he stays between my legs.
"I hate to admit but, I had a good time." I hide my face in my hands and laugh.
"Me too." My eyes meet his again and I fell that warm fuzzy feeling again. We both start to lean in.
"We should probably get out." I change the subject and he shoots back.
"Yeah uh..." He coughs before swimming back to his board. We both make our way back to the sand. Once we're there we sit the boards down and grab our towels. As I dry myself off I feel a pair of eyes on me. I turn to see Rafe, arms folded, and studying me.
"You are...nevermind." He says as he finishes drying his hair. My mind wandered to what he was going to say but, I just brushed it off.
"So, my lessons seemed to pay off big boy." I tease reaching over and shoving his shoulder.
"Ah ah, don't get too cocky. I might get you confused for me." He teases back.
"Well what if we're a lot alike?" We're now stepping closer to eachother.
"Then I might have to ask you to do this again sometime."
"I might say yes to that." A smile takes over my face and he launches towards me. In a blink of an eye he grabs my waist and tosses me over his shoulder.
"AHH RAFE PUT ME DOWN!!" I yell as I try to wiggle out of his grasp. Our stuff starts to get farther and farther away. Before I can think about it, I feel a cold liquid engulf me and salt fills my eyes and nose. I come back up to the surface to see Rafe laughing his ass off.
"You asshole! I just dried myself off!" Rafe just keeps laughing and I take it upon myself to pull him into the water with me.
"Fuck you, Y/L/N!" He laughs.
"Fuck you, Cameron!" I shoot back.
Soon enough, we're both having a water fight and pushing eachother into the ocean. Today wasn't that bad, in fact it was probably one of the best days I've had in a while. For once in a few weeks, I don't feel lonely.
What you didn't see as you and Rafe we're having the time of your lives, was a certain blonde in the distance. His jaw clenches at the sight of his best friend cozying up to Rafe Cameron and he swears that if he could, he'd march right over there and give you two a piece of his mind. He couldn't though, he had to wait, see if it ever happens again.
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vxkswonderlxnd · 2 years
Carving, Or Not So Much
Nancy Wheeler x reader
warnings: knives/guns
prompt: @imaginesbymk: “could you do an imagine with Nancy Wheeler with the prompt “They’re not allowed to have knives.” <3”
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“The whole gang’s here!” Steve announced as you, him, and Nancy walked through the front door of the Byers’ residence, also known as “neutral territory.” All the kids were sprawled among the couch and floor, this included the one and only Jonathan who couldn’t get up because Eleven had already fallen asleep on his arm.
“Mike, gimme a hand?” Jonathan asked and waited for his brother’s best friend to gently lean El towards him instead, nervously watching her stir afterwards. “Okay, good.”
“Are we gonna carve pumpkins or what?” Steve clapped his hands together and was immediately shushed by the daycare kids. “Sorry, sorry...”
“The pumpkins are in the backyard, my mom didn’t want any dirt getting in the house.” Jonathan explained as he stared at three pairs of shoes tracking dirt inside. “Anyways, let’s go carve some pumpkins.”
“Except for y/n,” Nancy added as you followed Jonathan out the backdoor, you couldn’t help but roll your eyes at her upcoming reminder, “they aren’t allowed to have knives.”
“What are you, my mom?” You rolled your eyes before she laced her fingers in between yours and brought the back of your hand to her lips, kissing your cool skin.
“Just looking out for you.” She defended as the four of your reached the pumpkins outside, all ready to go thanks to Jonathan.
“Why isn’t y/n allowed to have knives, Nancy?” Jonathan stuffed his hands into his pockets as the cool breeze overwhelmed you all, Steve couldn’t help but keep licking his lips. You told him that was just going to dry them out faster, but he never listened.
“Well, Jonathan, that’s a good question.” Nancy playfully peered over to you and watched you attempt at ignoring her gaze, but you couldn’t ignore her head resting on your shoulder or her arms locking yours down tightly in a loving embrace. “Y/N is a danger to themself and others, isn’t that right, babe?” You muttered in response. “Butterfingers.”
“Well, more for me, then!” Steve tried to call dibs on your pumpkin, but you broke from Nancy’s grasp and smacked your hand on the solid orange fruit and pulled it near you defensively.
“If I can’t carve it, then I have other plans.” You ominously warned, causing your friends to watch your next moves very carefully as you lifted the pumpkin and distanced yourself from Jonathan’s house. They were curious as to why you were walking through the woods, but they wouldn’t ask just yet, all they did was follow. Leaves and pinecones crunched under your feet, you couldn’t count the amount of times you nearly tripped on downed twigs, but you were almost to the clearing.
“Y/N, why are we out here?” Nancy crossed her arms and stood behind you as you set the pumpkin on a stump, brushing your hands together to get all that extra dirt off of you.
“You’ll see.” You smirked and took a couple dozen steps back, a safe distance from your target. All rightfully worried eyes were on you as you reached into your jacket and drew Smith and Wesson revolver that made the crowd go wild.
“Y/N!” Nancy gasped while you pried the hammer back.
“Oh, I like where this is going.” Steve chuckled, but that didn’t change his sense of impending doom just being here.
“Plug your ears, babe. You, too, boys.” You planted your feet on the ground and aimed at the center of the pumpkin, your finger slowly pressed the trigger until the sound of a crack alerted you and all of the birds in the area that you’d just fired a shot. The pumpkin had been knocked over, but not quite obliterated like you’d hoped.
“Why do you have that? Do you always carry that?” Nancy marched up to you with a stern look plastered on her face, you could tell she wasn’t happy.
“Can you blame me? It’s self defense from inter-dimensional monsters and evil scientists, it’s not like you don’t use guns, too.” You shrugged and holstered your weapon.
“Yeah, but I don’t carry it on me.” She raised her eyebrows at you, but you were distracted by how cute she looked when she was upset with you over things like this.
“It’s concealed, Nance. I promise I won’t shoot anything that doesn’t ask for it.” You brushed the hair out of her face, which distracted her from her anger. Then you sniffled a little bit, realizing your nose was running from the cold. “We should get a move-on with this pumpkin shit, though. I’m cold as all hell, I might go make some hot cocoa for the lot of kids in the house.”
“Wait, can I see that for a minute.” Steve held out his hand and you slapped it away while pulling Nancy closer to your chest. The sound of your hand hitting his skin may have been louder than the initial gunshot. “Ow!” Nancy couldn’t help but laugh.
“Serves you right, Steve.”
taglist: @locke-writes // @queenofthehairharrington // @bonniesbabybunnie // @lotsoffandomrecs // @wolfish-willow // @captainshazamerica // @ravenmoore14 // @thisetaernallove // @thereagles // @imaginesbymk //
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vxkswonderlxnd · 2 years
Cheerleader Pt. 2
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Pairing: female reader x Eddie Munson
Summary: Y/n and Chrissy are best friends, but when she dies, she knows things aren’t as everyone seems to think. Maybe Eddie is innocent.
Warnings: SPOILERS for ST4, teen drinking, partying, drugs, death, violence, cursing, fluff, potentially more
A/N: There's no Eddie in this part but don't worry guys!! I'm writing as fast as I can (this is unedited if you can tell) so you guys get Eddie as soon as possible. Don't fret! Next part Eddie should show up!! Requests open (Stranger Things, Marvel, Harry Potter), taglist open, inbox open! Please like, comment, and reblog!
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Oh god. You knew it. You felt it. Why Chrissy? Why? She was the sweetest girl you knew and you had been best friends since your freshman year. She of all people didn’t deserve to die. She had been there for you in hard times, she was your shoulder to cry on, and you hers.
“Y/n?” Jason asked. You had completely forgotten that you were even on the phone. “Do you know anything? Anything at all?” Your mind swirled. You did know something, something that Jason didn’t know. Chrissy had gone to Eddie Munson’s house after the game. Is Eddie a suspect? Did Eddie kill Chrissy? Could Eddie kill Chrissy? You didn’t think so. Maybe you were crazy, but you just didn’t think that Eddie did this. But maybe he knew something or who did it.
“I- I don’t know. Did they say who did it? Is there a suspect?” you asked.
“You cannot repeat this to anyone, got it?” he asked.
You nodded, then realized he couldn’t see you. “Yes. I got it.”
“You know that freak Eddie? The police think he did it. It happened at his house. They think Chrissy is some drug dealer,” he spat. “We’re gonna find him though. The police don’t know where he is but we’ll get him.”
Without thinking you said, “I’m coming too.”
“I don’t think so. You need to stay at your house and stay safe.”
“Jason. Chrissy was my best friend. I. Am. Helping.” He didn’t need to see the facial expression you were making to know that you were serious and weren’t going to budge. You gathered some things and then met him thirty minutes later where the party was last night. Aiding in the search were two other basketball players, Andy and Patrick, and Lucas Sinclair, the freshman that scored the winning point last night. He seemed uneasy but who wouldn’t be with what just happened? So many thoughts were running through your head and you didn’t know what to focus on. You were so… confused.
“Do we have any leads?” you asked Jason. So far all you had done was sit around while Jason called people that might know where Eddie was. You didn’t know where Eddie was, but you wanted to know. You needed to talk to Eddie. Alone. You weren’t going to be able to if Jason and his goons beat him to a pulp. A plan was what you needed. You were going to have to find Eddie first. But how? You were no further ahead in the search than they were.
“We need to talk to his little freak friends in that cult. The one he’s the leader of. They’ll probably know where he is,” Chance said.
“You’re right. Let’s go boys.” He looked at you, “and girl.”
A couple minutes later you were pulling up to someone’s house. There were three people inside the garage, playing drums and guitars. You stayed near the back of the group with Lucas when you guys walked up to the garage.
“Show’s not till next week,” the drummer said, standing up and walking over.
“So that was music you were playing?” Andy asked sarcastically. You rolled your eyes. Basketball players at Hawkins thought they were the absolute shit.
Jason ignored his friend and told the three guys why we were here. “We’re looking for Eddie Munson. He’s in this band, if that’s what you can even call this.”
“What do you care?” the drummer asked. He looked at Jason with narrowed eyes.
“That’s our business.” Jason stood there like a stone wall, unmoving and unwilling to give up.
The drummer looked past Jason and set his eyes on the person standing next to you. “Lucas. What are you doing with these douchebags?”
Jason turned around and looked at Lucas. “You know these freaks, Sinclair?”
He hesitated and looked at the three guys. “Uh, they know my sister,” he said defensively. You didn’t believe that for one second, but you weren’t about to call him out. He continued with disgust, “They tried to recruit me to their club, cult.”
“Lucas, what the hell?” one of the guitarists asked. They were obviously shocked at how Lucas was acting. If you were in their place, you would be too. If Lucas truly was friends with them then he was being a pretty fake friend.
“We’re just trying to find Eddie, man,” Lucas finished.
“Well, you have eyes, don’t you? He’s not here,” the drummer said. There was a moment of silence before Jason suddenly lunged forward and punched him. You took multiple steps back, appalled at the behavior.
“What the hell?” you yelled. The two other basketball players that had come with Jason grabbed the other guys, while Jason grabbed a fistful of the flannel the drummer was wearing. You and Lucas stayed back and watched while the basketball captain questioned them. “Where is he?” Jason yelled.
“I don’t know!” he yelled back. Jason punched him again, this time in the stomach.
“JASON!” you screamed. “STOP!”
“Let him go man!” one of the guitarists yelled. He was being restrained and couldn’t do anything. Jason of course didn’t listen and threw the drummer into the drumset. Lucas stood next to you in distress, holding his hands behind his head watching the scene unfold.
“Jason, stop!” you yelled again as he put his foot on the guy's hand and started stepping down.
“It’s gonna be hard to play drums with a broken hand!”
“Ah! Dustin!” he yelled out.
“What?” Jason asked.
“Dustin Henderson!”
“What?” he asked again.
“Dustin Henderson! Man he was calling around looking for Eddie. Maybe he found him!”
“See now? That wasn’t so hard was it? Now where would we find this ‘Dustin?’” Jason finally let up on the drummer’s hand, and he let out a breath. Beside you, Lucas was looking very nervous. You could tell he was worried about something.
“Hey,” you whispered to him. “Do you know him?”
“Huh?” he jumped.
“Do you know that Dustin person?” you asked again.
“No. No I don’t.” His eyes darted around and he couldn’t seem to look you in the eye.
“You can be honest with me. I’m trying to find Eddie without these guys. I need to ask him some questions about last night. I know something that no one else knows,” you explained. It was a risk letting him know all these things, but if he was friends with Eddie’s friends then maybe you could trust him. Hopefully he wouldn’t betray you.
“What do you know?” he asked.
“Do you know Dustin?” you countered. You weren’t giving up any more information until he let you in on what he knew.
He stayed silent for a second and glanced at the group that was in the garage. He was obviously scared of them. You were too in a way, but you knew they wouldn’t physically hurt you. Drag your name through the mud, yes. But as long as you figured out what happened to Chrissy it wouldn’t matter.
“I’m not going to tell them. I just want to find out what happened to my friend,” you said softly.
He kept thinking for another moment before he finally gave in. “Fine. Yes, I do know Dustin. And this isn’t good. This isn’t good at all. I need to tell him.”
You nodded. “We’ll find a way.” You shut up whenever Jason and his lackeys started walking towards you.
“Looks like we’re going to Henderson’s house.”
You all piled into Jason’s Cherokee and drove across town to Dustin’s house. You and Lucas stayed in the car while the other three guys went up to the door.
“It doesn’t look like anyone's home,” you said.
“Yeah I don’t think so either. There’s a way to get in though. Around the back of the house. Dustin keeps his window unlocked. I can get into his bedroom and he’ll probably have his walkie-talkie with him so I can contact him,” Lucas said.
“Well what are we waiting for? Go!” you said, urging him out of the suv. He opened the door and you both scrambled to the side of the house. Lucas found the window and you helped him climb up and open it. You heard him fall to the floor when he got inside.
“Are you okay?” you called.
“Yeah!” he called back.
You could hear Lucas talking inside, presumably to Dustin. How, you weren’t entirely sure. Something about a walkie-talkie.
“Sinclair! Y/l/n!” you heard Jason yell.
“Fuck,” you cursed. Him and his goonies rounded the corner to the house and stomped towards you.
“What the hell are you guys doing?” he asked, crossing his arms and looking you in the eye.
“Lucas found a way in,” you explained.
“Uh-huh.” He walked up to the window, “Sinclair! Get out here!”
Lucas climbed through the window and jumped down onto the leaf covered ground with a crunch.
“What the hell were you doing?” Jason asked.
“I was- I was looking for clues,” Lucas answered.
“Clues?” Patrick, one of the basketball players, asked. “Does the freshman think he’s Sherlock Holmes or something?” Andy gave him a high five as they both snickered.
“You guys have such a great sense of humor,” you said dryly towards the two idiots.
“What crawled up your ass y/l/n? It was just a joke,” Andy said.
“A joke. Yeah. Are you aware that my best friend just died? That she was murdered? Do you think it’s the time to be making stupid jokes? Lucas was trying to help, so shut the hell up,” you snapped back. Andy glared at you but shut his mouth, just like you told him to.
“Let’s go guys,” Jason said. He was getting tired of standing around and getting absolutely nothing done. And so were you. You hadn’t had the chance to ask Lucas what he found inside Dustin's room. He must have gotten in contact with someone from all the talking he did. And how nervous he was acting now.
You started to walk away with the three basketball players but Lucas hesitated. “I found one,” he blurted out. You whipped your head around and stared at him. If he did find something he wasn’t really going to tell them was he? What happened to them trusting each other? “A clue,” he said, stepping forward and gaining some confidence. Internally you were glaring at him. Externally you just looked at him expectantly. “I know where Eddie’s hiding.” He looked between the three guys. “This little fucker,” you thought.
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vxkswonderlxnd · 2 years
Eddie Munson x reader
Eddie Munson x fem!reader
word count: 3.1k
warnings: {STRANGER THINGS SEASON 4 SPOILERS} anxiety, age gap (i do not promote minors dating adults), mentions of alcohol, mentions of divorce, erratic driving, new student in a new school, mentions of smoking, negative comments about reader’s looks, awkwardness, mostly a fluff piece if anything. IM WORKING ON A PART 2 DONT @ ME
a/n i love eddie with my whole heart. hands will be thrown if anything happens to him. 
summary Y/N is a new student at Hawkins. She attends Hawkins high school with her cousin, Robin and meets a mysterious man her in her english class. 
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read time: 11 mins 17 seconds
Part 2
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A chill went down your spine as the cool Hawkins air blew past you. You picked at the chipped black nail polish on your fingers as you waited for your cousin Robin to come outside. Today was the first day of school, your first day as a senior at Hawkins High School. You had moved here over the summer after your parent’s divorce had uprooted your life. 
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vxkswonderlxnd · 2 years
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vxkswonderlxnd · 2 years
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— the phantom menace —
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vxkswonderlxnd · 2 years
Protective (j.m)
Requested: Yes Pairing: JJ x reader Summary: JJ goes missing for several days and you go to his house looking for him. Warnings: Slight angst, allusion to domestic violence ———————————–
Three days. 
That’s how long it has been since you’ve heard anything from JJ and to say that you’re worried about him feels like an understatement. By no means are you a helicopter girlfriend that has to know her boyfriends whereabouts twenty-four-seven but radio silence from JJ for an extended period of time is most definitely something to worry about. 
Stalking up to the Chateau, you’re hoping to see your boyfriend run outside to greet you, but you’re left without any sort of greeting as you invite yourself into the house. 
“Hello,” you call out, placing a few grocery bags down on the counter.
“Hey, Y/n,” John B responds , groggily walking into the room with a lazy smile etched onto his face. He pulls you in for a loose side hug before focusing his attention on rifling through the bags of food you brought with you. “I told you that you don’t have to keep bringing groceries over. I’m managing just fine.” You nearly snort at his statement, taking notice of how his stomach growled as he dug through the bags. 
“Sure you are,” you chuckle, rolling your eyes at him. “JJ offering me a moldy-bread sandwich every time I come over has me completely convinced that you keep up on your own groceries when I don’t bring any around.” He grunts in response, taking a bite out of the apple he pulled out of the bag, shoving you away jokingly before he moved to put the new gallon of milk in the fridge. Your eyes subconsciously trail to the spare bedroom where JJ typically sleeps. 
“Hey, are you alright? You look a little out of it,” John B’s voice cuts through the silence, pulling your attention back to him. He looks at you with genuine concern, frowning at the fake smile you sent his way. 
“Yeah, yeah. I’m fine, I just-,” you sigh, glancing at the vacant room again before continuing. “Have you heard from him at all? He’s never this quiet. It makes me nervous.”
“No, I haven’t,” he admits, shooting you a sympathetic look. “But don’t worry too much, okay? He’s done this before. Sometimes he just needs to disappear for awhile. It’s really nothing to worry about, JJ can take care of himself.” 
“Yeah, okay,” you nod, shaking unconvinced thoughts from your mind. “You’ll call me if he shows up though, right?” 
“Of course,” he agree, shooting you one last reassuring smile. “I’ll let you know if I hear from him.” 
“Thank you,” you breathe, giving him a friendly hug, which he gladly returns. 
“Are you hanging out with us today? Kie’s uncle said that the waves are supposed to be the best ones we’ve seen all season, so we’re planning on spending the day surfing, if you want to come,” You can’t help but smile at his offer, wishing that you could go, but you promised a coworker that you’d cover for them.
“I would love to, but I’ve got a shift at the Wreck in an hour. Your groceries aren’t free you know,” you joke, giggling as he shoves your shoulder.
“Oh get out of here,” he rolls his eyes, chuckling at your retreating figure as you head towards the door. 
You figured that work would help get your mind off of the blond boy clouding your thoughts, but it only seemed to make the situation worse when JJ’s typical booth was vacant all night. He always makes a point to visit you when you’re at work, knowing that your nights spent waiting tables could get exceptionally long due to rowdy Tourons. 
The boy had yet to leave your mind, your lips droop into a frown due to the lack of notifications on your phone when you clock out. You sling your purse over your shoulder, waving goodbye to your coworkers before clicking on JJ’s contact. 
The dial tone rings in your ears as you impatiently wait for the line to cut off, subconsciously holding your breath.
“Hey, it’s JJ, sorry I can’t come to the phone right now I’m busy creating chaos elsewhere. Leave a message and I’ll get back to you if I feel like it,” his voice rings through the phone making a frustrated groan fall from your lips as the phone beeps for you to leave a message. You hang up, shoving your phone into your bag before hopping onto your bike, speeding towards the only place you haven’t checked. 
Your bike skids to a halt in JJ’s driveway, right next to Luke’s truck. A shudder rips through your body at the sight of it. You’ve only had one interaction with Luke, you ran into him at the grocery store with JJ a few weeks prior, his carefree demeanor immediately dropped at the sight of his dad.
“I didn’t expect to see you here,” Luke smirked, a six pack of beer clutched in his hand as his eyes fell on the two of you. “And with a girl, no less. I’m Luke, JJ’s father.” His voice was sickly sweet making JJ tense up beside you.
“Y/n,” you responded, politely shaking the mans outstretched hand. You shot JJ a questioning glance before continuing. “I’m JJ’s girlfriend.”
“Girlfriend,” Luke exclaimed, his eyebrows raising in surprise as his hand gently clapped against JJ’s chest. “Well good for you, son! You should bring her over for dinner, let me get to know her a little.”
“We’ve got plans with John B, but I’ll think about it,” JJ spat through gritted teeth, his hands tightening around the blue basket full of groceries. 
“Another time then,” Luke dismissed, clearly ignoring his sons attitude, shooting another smile your way. 
“Yeah, another time,” you agreed, a light blush forming on your cheeks at JJ’s behavior. 
You’re brought back to reality by the sound of the front door slamming shut, watching as Luke comes stumbling out of the house with his keys clutched tightly in his hand. The man remains completely unfazed by your presence until his body nearly collides with yours as he rounded the car. 
“Shit,” he gasps, the keys falling to the ground as he stares at you in surprise. “Who the hell are-Y/n right?” Realization washes over his face as your name rolls off of his tongue. 
“Yeah,” you confirm, reaching down to grab the keys for him. He smiles when you drop them into his hand, but looks at you quizzically. 
“What are you doing-,”
“I’m looking for JJ,” you tell him, your words meshing with his as you guys speak at the same time. “Is he here?”
“He’s holed up in his room, as usual,” he scoffs, gesturing towards the house. “I’m not sure he wants any visitors, but if you want to deal with his attitude, be my guest.”
“I think I’ll manage, thank you.” He simply nods, waving as you step out of the way so that he could get into the truck. You watch him pull away, shooting him an uneasy smile before letting yourself into the house. You subconsciously grimace at the sight of beer bottles scattered around the living room aimlessly, the kitchen doesn’t look much better as you walk the short distance to JJ’s room. Your knuckles knock against the door gently, your body jolting backwards as the door swings open immediately.
“I told you to leave me alone-,” JJ’s voice cuts off, his face contorting into confusion at the sight of you standing in his house. “What the hell are you doing here?”
“You’ve been missing for three days and I was worried about you,” you explain, choosing to ignore the bitterness in his tone. “Your dad said you were in here so-.”
“You saw my dad,” he cuts you off again, the angry expression on his face immediately shifting into one of concern. “Did he hurt you?” He doesn’t let you respond before he grabs your arms, his eyes worriedly scanning over every visible part of your body. 
“No, JJ, I’m fine what-,” 
“I don’t want you to come here looking for me again,” he states with a serious look on his face. “I’ll bring you here when I want to but I don’t want you to come here without me, do you understand?” 
You stare at him in shock, guilt flooding your system at the desperation in his expression. That’s when the bruises littering his face register in your brain, your heart dropping at the sight as you slowly piece together why he’s always so tense when Luke is around or gets brought up in conversation. “JJ, what happ-.”
“Promise me, Y/n,” he demands, cupping your face in his battered hands. “Promise me that you won’t come here anymore.”
Your eyes search his, the blue orbs pooling with an unreadable emotion as they stare back at you. “Okay,” you nod, your hands moving to rest on his chest. “I promise.”
“Thank you,” he breathes, relief flooding his system as you pull him against your chest protectively. His head dips down to hide in your neck, a heavy sigh falling from his lips as he nuzzles into you.
“God, JJ,” you murmur, cradling him in your arms. “I’m so sorry.” He wordlessly pulls you closer, his body slumping against yours in defeat, due to the understanding that your apology went deeper than just showing up to his house unannounced. Tears wet the fabric of your shirt as he fell apart in your comforting embrace.
A/n: This turned out a little differently than I planned (but are we surprised? that’s literally the story of my life at this point), but here it is! It’s also unedited, so I apologize if you read this and catch any mistakes.
I’m sorry if it strayed from the request a little. I hope that you enjoy it nonetheless! Thank you so much for requesting! 
taglist: @outcrbanx @thelocalpogue @kitluvs1 @maaybanks @thatsme-johnbookerroutledge @drewstarkey @maybankdreams @ssjiara @bluebirdsbluebells @spilledtee @lavenderpope
(tagging people makes me feel really shy..oops) If you want to be added to my taglist, let me know! 
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vxkswonderlxnd · 2 years
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So In love !
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vxkswonderlxnd · 2 years
ambivalence - rafe cameron series maserlist
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welcome to the ambivalence masterlist! thank you so much for reading and supporting!
*each chapter title is the name of the chase atlantic song i think matches up with the chapter best, i thought it would be fun bc rafe cameron gives off chase atlantic vibes for sure
warnings: swearing, underage drinking, mentions of drug use, drug addiction , most specific warnings are in the beginning of every part!
friends - part one
swim - part two
right here - part three
lust - part four
slow down - part five
into it - part six
her - part seven
talk slow - part eight
keep it up - part nine
numb to the feeling - part ten
devilish - part eleven
love is easy - part twelve
heaven and back - part thirteen
consume - part fourteen
falling - epilogue
Pre-Series Blurbs
obsessive , moonlight , i never existed , empty , meddle about , slide , escort , 17
In/Post-Series Blurbs
okay , church , first christmas , paranoid , new years , dancer in the dark , valentines day
Post-Epilogue Blurbs
too late , call me back , paradise , nostalgia , don't try this , hit my line , you too , 23 , why stop now , tidal wave , phases , please stand by , june 30th , i don't like the darkness , moving day
gravity , the letter
ambivalence hcs
y/n's insta stories part 1 , part 2
rafe's insta stories part 1 , part 2
topper's insta stories part 1
maggie's mood board!
sydney's mood board!
taylor's playlist!
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