vxnenatis · 10 years
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He set bottles on the wooden table, clinks of glass and various colours blooming from the light, ingredients potent and waiting. His  student had been progressing well, and after learning the truth of her predicament, Oberyn felt her skills had finally evolved enough in  order to practice a higher level of alchemy. He had learned much from his time in Essos so long ago, dark arts chemical and addictive; he'd learned many things, but he refused to pass them onto her if he could help it.
The truth was, he was concerned for her; if this man who chased her ever found her, she would die. He'd lost far too much; everyone that he'd ever loved had withered away or  perished violently. Kajsa was something special; she had become like a daughter to him and the thought of losing her evoked a pang within him, a bitter feeling of loss he had not felt since the death of his sister. He needed to teach her how to defend herself should the need arise; she  couldn't be discovered before they found the key to severing her from her fate.
"Please sit, estrellita."
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vxnenatis · 10 years
that-wendy-bird said: IF YOU DO THE THING I WILL LOVE YOU EVEN MORE THAN I ALREADY LOVE YOU. *sobs* i ship darling fire so hard. i could rant about them for ages.
......aaaaaahhhhhh okay you've sold me!!! :D <33 I've been waffling about this for so so so long but omg darling fire is one of my weaknesses!!
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vxnenatis · 10 years
Sorry I'm being really slow, I'm bouncing everywhere haha ^^; Starters and drafts being worked on <33
Also Hollieeeeeeee stop making me want to make a Nealfire muse DDDDDD: He was my first muse in a group and I have feelings now and and- *sobs into pillow*
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vxnenatis · 10 years
Ugh, I'm sorry for being away longer than expected. Again. My sickness decided to have a second go and I swear to god I better be done being sick for like a year at least -_- Oh well, better now than when uni starts again I guess. I'll reply to threads and asks tomorrow; @_@ right now I don't even know what day of the week it is. ^^;
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vxnenatis · 10 years
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"And did you?" "Did I what?" "Fuck him like it was his last night in this world?"
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vxnenatis · 10 years
"If you could pick anyone, male or female, of Game of Thrones to portray, who would you chose?
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vxnenatis · 10 years
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"I couldn’t very well refuse a royal escort." "No, you couldn’t."
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vxnenatis · 10 years
300+ Follow Forever!
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kingofthelannisterpride, est. 11th June 2014
Wha? What’re you quality blogs doing here? Some of you are RP blogs, others aren’t, but I thought it’d be a good chance for me to thank all of you lovely people, who really make this blog possible - I smile when I see each and every one of you on my dash, and I hope that you’re at least able to bear mine by now!
♪ Follow forever under the cut ♪
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vxnenatis · 10 years
He had to smile; he wasn't really  surprised at her apathy. But then he had to wonder if he was the only Titan left who cared about being overthrown, and some of them punished and forced out for Kronos' crimes.
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❝ ------ I would advise you to care,    cousin. Because if they choose    the wrong side, who knows what    will happen to them. Considering    neglect of Persephone, I do not    think Zeus cares for much but his    own power. Whether they are on    his side or not. ❞
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"Oh, my dear cousin, I could care less about the outcome of this war.  I simply go where my children go.  I have not come here to quarrel at all."
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vxnenatis · 10 years
You think I’m not a  g o d d e s s ?
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vxnenatis · 10 years
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It was an interesting conflict in morality; And for once, the all knowing sun didn't have an answer.
He'd witnessed her kidnapping, had been riddled with guilt ever since. And in a fit of irony, hadn't wanted to help spark the war in which they all teetered on now, even if he had been lying in wait for revenge on Zeus. He might have been the titan sun itself, but even darkness had its virtues, and he wasn't prepared to handle consequences of Hades' wrath. He had a responsibility to the mortal domain, and powerless, he'd been forced to settle for informing her mother of her daughter's disappearance. The feeling of responsibility to Persephone and her mother had not faded. And now look where it had gotten them all. He should have lit up the underworld while he had the opportunity.
Helios didn't envy her position. Two that meant so much to her on opposite sides of what was guaranteed a blood bath. Nor did he blame her for not returning to her father's side. Oh how he loathedthe Sky King and his arrogant need for control. Even his own family wasn't free.
❝ ------ So tell me then, my Lady. What is            it that you do see in him? ❞
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❝Helios, I can not explain what it is    that draws me to him. Perhaps it    was because he has freed me from    the life of hiding I was forced into or    it is because I see him for who he is    and not the monster he is believed to    be.❞
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vxnenatis · 10 years
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myers-briggs personality types
↳ ESFP (The Performer)
ESFPs live in the moment, enjoying what life has to offer. They are especially tuned into their senses and take pleasure in the sights, sounds, smells, and textures around them. ESFPs like to keep busy, filling their lives with hobbies, sports, activities, and friends. Because they’d rather live spontaneously than plan ahead, they can become overextended when there are too many exciting things to do. An ESFP hates nothing more than missing out on the fun.
Although they are characteristically fun-loving, ESFPs are also typically practical and down-to-earth. They are grounded in reality and are usually keenly aware of the facts and details in their environment, especially as they pertain to people. They are observant of others and their needs, and responsive in offering assistance. ESFPs enjoy helping other people, especially in practical, tangible ways.
more likely to use emotional coping techniques over spiritual or physical resources
tend to look to authority in education rather than expressing intellectual curiosity; prefer hands-on learning
among most likely to stay in college
more likely than other types to watch more than 3 hours of television per day
second highest in all types in marital satisfaction
among types with lowest income
at work, tend to be satisfied with co-workers but dissatisfied with job security, stress, salary, and accomplishment
Personal values include home/family, health, friendships, financial security, and spirituality
Overrepresented in healthcare, teaching, coaching, and childcare occupations
famous esfps: elizabeth taylor, ronald reagan, marilyn monroe, and paul mccartney 
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vxnenatis · 10 years
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Even the strongest god must fight for his right to Olympus
                                          O L Y M P U S - Wαr oғ тнe Godѕ                                                 A Greeĸ Myтнoloɢy Groυp Verѕe
Zeus isn’t the only one with a claim to Olympus. Hades has had enough of his younger brother having all the rights and glory, raising an army of the undead to march on Olympus. A battle of good vs evil. Where the other gods stand is by their own power. The only thing for certain is the war is bound to tear the seams dividing peace and chaos in half. Who will stand behind Zeus to keep Olympus from darker times and Who will fight along side Hades and take the father of Gods for everything he is worth? Scandals and lies will form their own way into the war. 
                                                          R U L E S  
1. No duplicates! Sorry but we don’t need any confusion with characters. 2. Limited to accepting only  30 people. 3. Anyone can apply just contact me Here. 4. Track the tag  v; war of the gods to have interactions with other group members.  5.If you’re inactive for longer than a week without letting me know then the character you have chosen will be reopened for others. I chose this rule because the last time anyone was allowed and the roles went unused. 6. Do try to interact with everyone in the group, if someone posts an open don’t ignore it. 7.Follow everyone in the group 8. Reblog this to your blog at least once to let others know of it. 9. Just try to have fun! That’s what htis is all about.
                                      P A R T I C I P A N T S 
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vxnenatis · 10 years
Knowing someone isn’t coming back doesn’t mean you ever stop waiting.
Toby Barlow   (via drapetomania)
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vxnenatis · 10 years
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Game of Thrones: season 4 bloopers x
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vxnenatis · 10 years
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❝ It is strange that you all quarrel    and speak of war for something    that doesn't rightfully belong to     any of you. ❞
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vxnenatis · 10 years
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❝ Apologies then, for the misunderstanding.   Your reputation for jealousy proceeds you   cousin. I meant no offense, only that your   husband and I are on friendly terms. After   all, we are on the same side now, I dare   not anger you. ❞
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"Insult? And why should I do such a thing? No, what is discussed with my husband on the council of war, shall remain behind such doors. However, there is little that goes on within our kingdom of which I am not aware. You are not the only one he shares with.”
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