vxvxan · 3 years
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✧ vivian’s outfit for casino night ✧
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vxvxan · 3 years
         the  night  was  young  but  she  felt  anything  but  and  in  her  tight  little  black  and  rose  dotted  dress,  she  had  the  time  of  her  life  dancing  with  any  man  or  woman  that  came  her  way.  there  was  a  reason  that  she  liked  to  go  out  alone…  she  was  able  to  cut  loose  and  forget  about  the  world  knowing  nobody  was  waiting  up  or  trying  to  hold  her  back.  the  air  is  thick,  the  room  is  dark  and  her  lips  taste  like  vodka  when  she  hears  a  person,  she  instantly  recognises  the  voice  -  how  could  one  forget  their  mortal  enemy  ?  the  words  spewing  instantly  recognisable,  that  tone  not  found  anywhere  else  on  gods  green  earth  than  from  those  beautiful  yet  venomous  lips.  
normally  she  was  quite  the  antagonist  but  with  alcohol  flowing  through  her  veins  she  butted  a  person  out  the  way,  eyes  narrowed  in  utter  disbelief,  "  as  if  i  would  be  stalking  you  of  all  people,  vivian,  "  she  says,  the  thoughts  of  her  dare  long  forgotten  with  the  blur  of  alcohol  running  through  her  veins  that  had  her  wondering  whether  her  sister  azra  had  a  runner  up  for  the  biggest  bitch  she’d  spoken  to  that  day.  after  some  badly  received  news  from  her  mother  blackmailing  her  to  return  home  or  else,  she  squints  before  she  speaks  next,  "  i  know  you  think  the  world  revolves  around  you  but  this  is  a  night  club.  i’m  surprised  your  big  head  fits  through  the  door,  "  she  isn’t  shying  away,  no  wilting  flower  afraid  of  stepping  up.
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vivian had hoped that she’d been mistaken in her drunken fit and that the person standing before her wasn’t cecilya, but in fact a hot brunette she could hit on. but no -- of course it was cecilya. of course it was the very last person she wanted to see on such a treacherous and exhausting day.  “who else would you be stalking, weirdo ? ”  vivian asked, not waiting for an answer,  “you’re fucking obsessed with me.”  she rolled her eyes in dramatic fashion and turned back to face the bar, attempting to drink her tequila soda in relative peace. if she willed cecilya away hard enough with her mind, maybe the pest would leave. the fact that this irritating nuisance of a human being was invading a place that vivian held so dear to her heart - a place she could normally blend in with a hot outfit and fake name, no stress of school or family or anyone else - pissed vivi off immensely.
cecilya didn’t disappear. instead, she stood there berating vivian like the menace she was. at her words, vivian whipped around, drink in hand.  “yeah, this is a nightclub, but they usually have standards,”  she insulted, implying that cecilya wasn’t attractive enough enter the club, which was a boldfaced lie and she knew it.  “i’m surprised your ass fits through the door,”  they countered, finishing off their drink and slamming the glass on the bar counter, waving the bartender over for another. cecilya had picked the wrong damn night to invade her space, whether it was intentional or not. vivian was completely on edge and there was no stopping the trajectory of her night. as the bartender brought over a fresh drink for her, she crossed an arm over her chest and glared at her target.  “can you get the fuck away from me now ? ”
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vxvxan · 3 years
closed starter for @ofsilvas​   /   vivian looked at the ground in her hotel room where glass was smashed into tiny pieces in the walkway between the bedroom area and the bathroom.  “ fuck ! ”  she yelled, too exhausted, too drunk, too fucking irritated to be bothered to clean it up. she knew she had to, though, or it she would be stepping on it in the morning. it was her own fucking, stupid fault for throwing the fragile dish in the first place. frustrated beyond belief, she picked up the phone on her bedside table and threw it at the floor with unnecessary force. it crashed loudly on the carpet, bottom half now cracked and hanging from the wall; handheld part dangling stupidly from the dresser by its cord, swinging back and forth and hitting a wooden drawer over and over again. 
she could feel her blood pumping through her arms, her heart thudding in her chest uncomfortably. had she been sober enough to see herself in a mirror, she would see her cheeks were flushed and the mascara she’d worn out that night was smudged erratically around her eyes. a strap from her black dress hung over her shoulder where it had fallen and there was a tear in the fishnets she’d not taken off yet. anger and disappointment and resentment was coursing through her body. there was so much overwhelming aggression she’d pent up inside her for so long and it needed to get out, but vivian had no idea how to make that happen. just as she was about to throw herself on the bed and cry, she heard a knock at her door. it had to be security. it had to be. not wanting to get arrested for the second time that night, vivian quickly fixed her dress strap and tried to gather her composure, running to the door. when she opened it, there stood cassidy.  “not fucking now cass,”  she groaned with complete annoyance, nearly slamming the door in his face. 
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vxvxan · 3 years
“if you insist on thinking that’s what i am, that’s fine,” they smirked for a second, the side of their lips tugged a little before they let it go. when vivian opened the box, they couldn’t help but watch as she tore it open without a second thought and they eyes moved over to the owner who still hadn’t paid no mind or at least they were pretending to. “sure, as long as you’re paying for it but i know it won’t taste the same unless it’s free,” it wasn’t really her thing but what the hell, she’ll try it. she tilted her head back as she opened her mouth as if she couldn’t just reach over and do it herself.
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“i just call it as i see it, babes. i’ve yet to see anything on the contrary, so that’s what i’ll choose to believe for now.”  vivi smiled very faintly as victoria tried some of the chocolate.  “weirdly decent, huh ? ”  vivian asked, confirming her own taste for the candy. they noticed an aesthetically pleasing lollipop and decided they wanted it, so they grabbed it and tucked it in their pocket.  “is there anything else we need for our haul ? ”  vivian’s eyes scanned over vic and her bag of candy, trying to determine if they’d left anything out. 
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vxvxan · 3 years
𝚝𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚝𝚘: Vivian & Troy
Troy: I didn't know it was a boy thing. I thought it was just an I like food thing. ALSO an I wasn't going to let seafood ruin my treat.
Troy: Cool, what are you doing later?
vivi: being gross is a boy thing
vivi: good. seafood needs to be kept separate. none of this mixing shrimp and chicken bullshit indecisive restaurants are trying to push
vivi: hopefully someone or something interesting
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vxvxan · 3 years
𝚝𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚝𝚘: 𝚊𝚗𝚢𝚘𝚗𝚎
Jude: bold of you to assume i think i'm a 7.6 in my mind
Jude: selena gomez told me to kill em with kindness and it seems to be working in my favor here 🙏
vivi: well you asked if youd get up to a 7.7, so i could only assume
vivi: oh is that the move here? fine! ill bring my regularly scheduled bitch fests back
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vxvxan · 3 years
closed starter for @cecilyaxo​  /   to put things in blunt terms, vivian was trashed. today she was supposed to meet her parents but she’d cancelled because it seemed ... too soon to face them. it made her stomach sick; her heart ache to think of seeing them again. they hadn’t had a proper conversation since vivian had left for ss university and she hated that of all the land locked destinations the school could’ve taken them to, they took the students to vegas. there was really no escape from her parents’ grasp, no matter how hard she tried to struggle against it. so here vivian was, posted up at the omnia nightclub bar at midnight. what had started out as a few drinks quickly turned into a bender and vivian was on another level tonight. her true, trashy self was able to appear in the city more familiar than anywhere on earth, much different than the put-together persona she displayed at school. 
“are you fucking kidding me ? ”  vivi asked rhetorically, her voice raised as she tried to yell over the thumping music, as she eyed the next-to-last person she wanted to see that night: cecilya. “don’t come fucking near me,”  she warned, sighing impatiently while she waited for the overwhelmed bartender to finish her tequila soda. “you’re such a stalker,”  they accused cecilya, voice strained and clumsy from all that liquor she’d downed that night already.
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vxvxan · 3 years
open starter !   /   “i fucking hate it here ! ”  vivian yelled to no one, tequila soda lifted up in the air above the mass of people dancing around her. was she talking about the nightclub or the city ?  honestly, she wasn’t sure. normally, the omnia nightclub was one of her favorite places in her hometown: a giant, bombastic over the top club filled with anonymity, strangers, liquor. it was just her fucking luck that the dean had decided to put all the students she wanted to be free of in the very same resort the club was located. the more she drank, the less she cared and the more she hated. thankfully she hadn’t run into anyone she knew ... yet. but it was there in the back of her mind as she grinded her ass against some guy whose name she’d already forgotten who she’d met at the bar just minutes ago. as she pulled her arm down to drink from her glass, it was knocked from her hand and fell to the ground.  “fuck,”  she cursed, yelling over the music. 
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vxvxan · 3 years
𝚝𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚝𝚘: 𝚟𝚒𝚟𝚒  +  𝚌𝚊𝚜𝚜 .
cass: that's ... rude... i'm honestly hurt? heartbroken? never the same? forever shattered into pieces
cass: what do i have to do to get in the lucky graces? do i have to do something? i don't have many limits, you know this.
cass: that might be better. less clean up, less catfights
cass: that's what they all say, vivi
vivi: youre ...... so..................... dramatic
vivi: you cant force it. it just happens naturally. not for most people, and unlikely for you ... but ... we will see
vivi: LESS CLEAN UP...... what do u think would be happening here
vivi: if they ALL say it, maybe you're the problem
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vxvxan · 3 years
“well, i’ll tell her you said hi,” they smirked over at the other as they continued to finish their gummy, “now, how did you know that was my favorite thing to be called?” they half teased as they went back to grabbing more of the candy and she had let the other go freely, which was a good on her part after whatever that little interaction was between the two of them. she actually didn’t mind it as long as vivian wasn’t about to rat her out for eating the candy first. victoria walked over to the other just as she picked up the box, “i would’ve never guessed you would like that kind of combination.”
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“i’m not surprised. good girls like to be called good girl,”  vivian shrugged, unfazed by the situation. praise and flattery was the quickest way to someone’s heart. vivian had learned that long ago, though she rarely gave it out. they grabbed the box of chocolate and ripped open the side carefully, jiggling one of the mini chocolate bars out and putting it in her mouth. surprisingly, it was actually pretty good, the tangy mix of raspberry with the sweetness and bitterness of dark chocolate. the held the box out towards victoria.  “want a piece ? ”  they offered. she shook it softly.  “don’t worry. i’ll actually pay for this one.”
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vxvxan · 3 years
𝚝𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚝𝚘: 𝚊𝚗𝚢𝚘𝚗𝚎
cooper: hey don't talk to me like that, the last thing you see will be mellow yellow
cooper: i guess that depends on your definition of normal
cooper: hmm, might need someone else to verify that claim. lmao in your dreams, there's only one human that i fantasize and it's not you babes
cooper: given the amount of childhood trauma and lots of nice people in white coats, i'm gonna say therapist. i doubt monty the moose would have been as helpful
vivi: as long as it's not your face ill be fine
vivi: my definition of normal is things that are normal.
vivi: i have plenty of references, bub. you dont get access to that list tho
vivi: in MY dreams?! what a fucking joke lmao. youre the one that brought it up
vivi: huh. well. rip monty.
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vxvxan · 3 years
。゜  *   🌙     𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧,  𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑟.  @seasstarts​
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            with  the  semester  over  and  the  debate  of  staying  onboard  or  visiting  her  parents  weighing  a  bit  too  heavily,  sanne  decides  to  spend  her  time  at  waves  nightclub.  skin  covered  in  a  thin  layer  of  sweat  and  glitter,  the  sudden  desire  for  a  fruity  cocktail  finds  sanne  at  the  bar,  attempting  to  get  the  bartender’s  attention.  ‘  god,  am  i  invisible  ?  ’  she  visibly  pouts  and  turns  to  he  person  closest  to  her,  dramatic  written  all  over  her  face.  ‘  can  you  see  me  ?  just  checking,  because  this  guy  is  seeming  to  ignore  me.  ’
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during her finals hours on ss university, vivian decided to go to waves nightclub, as if a three week trip to sin city wasn’t going to be enough partying for her. the truth was, she would do absolutely anything to forget the fact her parents lived in vegas and there was a looming reunion between vivian and them in the near future.  hearing the person beside her, vivi glanced over and sighed.  “you’re not being persuasive enough, babe,”  they answered, tugging at her own low cut shirt to pull it down even more. vivian leaned forward on the bar, pressing her arms in the right position to show a bit of cleavage to the bartender. within a minute, he was in front of them asking for their order.  “tequila soda,”  vivian told him before gesturing to sanne.  “what’s your drink ?  it’s on me this time.”  after he went off to fetch their order, vivian leaned her side on the bar and rolled her eyes. “boys are so simple.” 
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vxvxan · 3 years
𝚝𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚝𝚘: 𝚊𝚗𝚢𝚘𝚗𝚎
logan: not until i've gotten a few drinks in me
logan: thats when the chaotic energy really comes out
vivi: luckily we're about to visit a city overflowing with liquor
vivi: my hometown. sigh.
vivi: all these ss university freaks in my beautiful city. sad time for me
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vxvxan · 3 years
📲 … ⚠︎ 𝚜𝚖𝚜 : 𝚟𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚊𝚗
miles: wow, vivian. i always knew you're a different breed
miles: but i didn't know you're this kinky
miles: um?? and where will i get that?
vivi: you didnt, huh?
vivi: youve got lots to learn then
vivi: thats a you problem, miles.
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vxvxan · 3 years
𝚝𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚝𝚘: 𝚟𝚒𝚟𝚒  +  𝚌𝚊𝚜𝚜 .
cass: can u pls... bring me some food sometime? i'll share, because sharing is caring. fine, you get priority this time. i'll bring u food. what do u want? sweet or savory?
cass: he might pick you.. 'cause you're prettier than me but i'd somehow brainwash him into choosing me. bribe him with weed. that's what people do to get people to love them right? beg.. ew, i wouldn't wanna watch :/
cass: it's ok i know u can't live without me.
vivi: no i wont.
vivi: but if youre lucky i may order ubereats to your hotel room in vegas on my parents' credit card.
vivi: lets just have a fucking bong circle with deany boy instead
vivi: i lived plenty of (happier) years before i knew you existed
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vxvxan · 3 years
𝚝𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚝𝚘: 𝚟𝚒𝚟𝚒  +  𝚌𝚊𝚜𝚜 .
cass: maybe sometimes i wanna be the one receiving the food instead ...
cass: so we'll just be standing on opposite sides of the room and the dean will be in the middle? we see who he chooses first?
cass: if you say sooooooo
cass: i'm in tune with my emotions
vivi: then you have to ask for it. im the one who demanded food first this time. i get demand dibs.
vivi: ..... no. you know he'd choose me and that wouldnt be fair to you. it would just turn into exhibitionism with you watching
vivi: emotional people. cant live with em, cant live with em.
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vxvxan · 3 years
𝚝𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚝𝚘: 𝚊𝚗𝚢𝚘𝚗𝚎
cooper: possibly? i can't tell you that, i signed an NDA. you already know too much.
cooper: that's what i thought! but hey, don't look a gift horse in the mouth. they also have shot glasses for some reason, my sister bought like three.
cooper: that's a bold faced lie, your tongue probably doesn't even work. fake news.
cooper: who says i can't? :P as my childhood therapist said, two conflicting thoughts can exist at the same time.
vivi: oh yea? what are you gonna do about it wimp? send the mellow yellow goons after me???
vivi: yeah but like, people collect those! thats normal
vivi: you know damn fucking well my tongue works just fine. just admit you wanna fantasize about my tongue and move on
vivi: was it a therapist or was it just a stuffed animal you talked to
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