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INDIVIDUAL ASSESSMENT For my first approach on the project, i thought about the musical elements in Greek Mythology. Some examples of myths related to music and sound are Odysseus and the Sirens, the myth of Narcissus and Echo, Polyhymnia etc. I found the most intriguing to be the one of Orpheus and Eurydice. Orpheus managed to charm Cerberus, the Underworld’s gatekeeper and the ferryman of the river Styx , Charon, just with his skills in singing and playing. Hades, the king of the Underworld was moved by Orpheus’ music and grief , so much, that decided to allow Eurydice to return back on earth. He set as a simple condition to Orpheus not to look back at Eurydice during their journey back on earth. Orpheus could not resist not to look his beloved one and Eurydice vanished forever. After remembering this myth, I was able to slowly formulate a possible idea for our project. Firstly, I tried to think about a possible explanation of how Orpheus charmed the Underworld with his music, for the sake of its visual representation in our film. Another term that I stumbled upon through my research was “ universal music”. A philosophical concept that regards proportions in the movements of celestial bodies, as a form of music. Further scientific exploration has determined specific proportions in some orbital motion, described as orbital resonance. An orbital resonance occurs when orbiting bodies employ a regular gravitational influence on each other. This relationship is most commonly found for a pair of objects. Combining universal music with the myth gave us the idea of employing a spacey element in the soundtrack of our film. Jo composed the final soundtrack of the film creating different melodies for each scene (more information can be found on his blog).  In addition, Jo had recently ordered the tachyon+ and proposed to use it for the visual effects. After some further discussions about the locations, the characters and the technical resources we pretty much had a script and a shot list ready to shoot. For the needs of our project, we rented from the university the Black Magic Ursa mini, the Canon 5d mark iii along with further filmmaking equipment (tripods, mounts, slider, kit lens etc.). The sony a6000 was also used for multiple shots. Last year I used the canon c-100 and the Black Magic Pocket camera for one of my projects but never before the mini Ursa with multiple Samyang cinematic prime lenses. Having to work with multiple people on set using a professional cine camera was challenging but also extremely educative and satisfying. All of the shots used in the film were shot in 4 days of filming. Our shooting locations were all in Stanmer Park but we had plenty of walking to do between them. The weather was rarely in our favour so having to transport the cameras and the equipment in the mud while raining was exhausting and at times frustrating. After collecting all of our footage, we spent many hours in the editing process giving our idea a first look. In order to record the tachyon effects, we needed an analog tv on which we filmed the effected shots. Filming in a high resolution and then importing the file to be played on an analog tv was really interesting to us firstly because of the final look and secondly for the different mediums we used to achieve it. All in all, I find the final result really satisfying, after many hours of work and communication between Jo and me, I believe that we both did our part, and saw our ideas take form. Maybe one of the hardest things in a collaboration is not to compromise your vision due to the different ideas. I believe we managed to be good team players, expressing our ideas and thoughts and in the end to have a project we are both proud of.
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Filming at Chattri, Stanmer Park, East Sussex
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Tachyon+ Testing
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Stanmer Park, Brighton
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Possible Characters
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Ulysses and the Sirens
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