w--h--o--r--e--o · 3 years
“We’re making steady progress here folks! I’m very proud of each of you, albeit with your negative tendencies, but still proud nonetheless. Now, everybody get some rest and I’ll see you all at the edge of this world tomorrow!” Everybody erupted into a round of applause before patting each other in the back whilst congratulating each other and going to their residences.
I never thought that I would go through with this pipe-dream of mine, but after spending an eternity in the fiery pits of H-E-double hockey sticks, even its great ruler would want to see some change. I grabbed my suitcase, spread my wings, and flew back to the great looming castle in the middle of this hellscape.
“Welcome back, sire. Your chambers are ready.” Asmodeus greets me by the door and reaches for my belongings.
“Thank you, Asmodeus.” I fly tiredly to my room, wondering why I had made my own home so unnecessarily huge and empty.
I get into my room and retracted my wings, plopping down on one of the beds I had the humans made for me. Who knew that their technology would advance to a point that they would have enough time to conceptualize and create a soft bed yet provide enough support for one’s back? Never would I, nor any of my cohorts would have thought of this, considering that we spent our days punishing said humans. I reach around for the remote of the television set that I also had the humans set up in my room. Again, never would I have thought.
I rose from the comfort of my bed and stripped myself of my clothes, which comprised of slacks, a polo, a tie, a coat, and undergarments, which, again, I had the humans made for me. I walk into my bath, feeling the steam hit me like a wall, and entered the hot water, listening to the television drone on.
It’s been a long century. A century full of renovating, planning, supervising, and all sorts of rehabilitating work. I knew that at one point, I would grow tired of my daily chores, but I didn’t know that that time would be nearer than I thought. The humans opened my eyes to the wonders of their innovations and technology, to the point that I found them useful, which led to the current state of Hell today. Gone are the days of tormenting the damned in the fiery pits, we use these pits now as pools for swimming or as hot springs. Whipping the damned? More like getting whipped into shape. The screaming in the distance? That’s from the amusement park not so far from here. With all these changes happening around me, who knew that even my personal goals would change?
The current project that I’m working on is not so far from my original purpose. Yes, the damned will be taught their lessons, but it does get quite redundant teaching them for millennia on end, and that’s why we demons asked what the humans wanted in lieu of eternal damnation, and they said that they wanted a “Second Chance.”
A “Second Chance.” Sure I have always thought about it, but never a chance in this place would I have considered it. If I ever flew up there to talk about it, those brutal angels would just smite me down back here, but they wouldn’t dare do that to me if I had one of their precious humans in my arms, right? And right I was. We held a civil conference between us demons, angels, and the damned humans and ended up with an agreement. If the powers above can distinguish a positive change among the humans, they can either enter purgatory and roam around for the chance to be able to enter the pearly gates of Heaven or go back into the cycle of life to live out their second chance at it.
And thus, centuries of rehabilitation occurred. It took us some time, considering that the people who ended up here are the lowest of the low when they were alive, but we finally did it, and we’ll be seeing the fruits of our labor tomorrow. Hopefully. Heh, who knew that the King of All Hell and Evil would have hope, but I do. I’ve seen how earnestly these measly humans worked to better themselves, despite every nasty temptation we’ve thrown at them. I really do hope that they get this second chance that they slaved for.
I close my eyes and let the heat of the water take my worries away.
A second chance.
I wonder if I’ll get anything like that.
Satan stopped the whole “eternal torture” schtick centuries ago. When he realized being kind to the scientists, artists, and mathematicians sent to hell could help further his goals.
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w--h--o--r--e--o · 3 years
You’re the most recognised and internationally praised superhero, but you don’t fight any crime. Instead, you use your powers over stone and metal to repair the damage caused by the catastrophic fights other heroes get into.
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w--h--o--r--e--o · 3 years
Performed by Pride Knight @captain.vogel Lyrics by Pride Knight @erikathena_83
We are the Pride Knights, and this is our battle cry No enemy can shake us, as hard as they can try There’s a fire in our eyes that no hatred can kill A passion in our hearts that’s as strong as our will
To our fellow queers who fight their battles on their own  We promise to fight with you, you are never alone To our fellow queers who have fallen with the pain We thank you for your courage, your fight is not in vain
We are defenders of the right to be proud of who you are To love who you love and to accept every scar We are your knights, protectors of our pride Together we stand, together we ride
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w--h--o--r--e--o · 3 years
I think the universe loves to f*ck with me
I honestly do think that the universe loves to screw me over every time I think something good will happen to me. Or maybe I just need to stand my own ground when it comes to making decisions in life, but then again, it's hard when those decisions are major ones that involve money. Can't wait to finally get a job.
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w--h--o--r--e--o · 3 years
Do you have any advice for creating characters? I find the hardest part of when I'm writing the prompts is what kind of character I want them to be. I always have so many ideas of what happens surrounding the character and the prompt but I have trouble with deciding on very basic aspects of the character like their personality, would it be in character or things as simple as their gender and appearance.
Here are some of my favorite random character generators which should help with quick ideas if you can’t decide on how you want the characters to be:
Chaotic Shiny has a lot of great random generators both for characters and worldbuilding but these three are for random characters: 
Simple character creator 
Fantasy character creator  
Modern character creator
Springhole.net has a whole page for random generators for character details, from interests to personality to secrets.
Seventh Sanctum also has a whole page of various random character generators which are more simplistic but still useful to spark ideas.
And here are two fill in the blank character sheets that might help:
Ultimate No-effort Character Sheet for Writers
Fiction Writers Character Chart
And hopefully in the next week or two I will start compiling resource pages over on my advice blog @writingadvice365 and one of which will be for character creation and development so stay tuned for that.
Hope this helps! =)
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w--h--o--r--e--o · 3 years
Cliffside Picnic
It was before sunrise when Lucas and Nathan settled down on their usual picnic spot. The picnic bench was a good few meters away from the cliff edge, just enough to see the full view of the vast plains as the sun rose. They noticed that there were more people than usual today and silently agreed to themselves that they might need to find a new spot for themselves soon. As they both waited for their coffee to drip down they kept themselves busy with menial tasks, Nathan on his phone scrolling through social media and Lucas on his laptop typing down a report for work.
Finally, the sky was slowly illuminating, but the two were still busy. Families around them were enjoying themselves in their lovely festivities, the birds busy chirping away, waking any sleepy bodies up, and some roosters from the plains down below can still be heard cawing from the cliff edge, yet the two stayed silent.
Then, the first ray of sunlight appeared, illuminating both of their faces. Lucas lifted his gaze up to see Nathan do the same. They sat there in silence, staring at each other before Nathan broke into a grin and stood up to kiss Lucas on the forehead.
“Coffee?” He asked Lucas.
“Good to go.” Lucas replied as he poured two glasses of coffee. “Sandwiches?” He asked.
“Right here.” Said Nathan as he pulled out the sandwiches he made out of their lunch bag.
“Perfect.” Lucas exhaled as he closed his laptop and put it aside while taking a bite of his sandwich.
“We always are.” Nathan replied as he lifted his cup in agreement.
And as the noise of the world played a wonderful symphony, the two ate in silence, happily enjoying each other’s presence as the sun’s warm light envelops them.
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w--h--o--r--e--o · 5 years
we all know pokemon was made by an autistic person but consider the idea that it was made for autistic people as well:
1. absolutely nothing in the entire game requires dexterity or quick reaction time. you can beat the game with no problems even if you have the reaction time of a shuckle
2. game mechanics based on categorization, things placed neatly into categories that are easy to memorize
3. there are multiplayer elements but the game itself? completely single player. no social interaction required to enjoy the hell out of this game
4. you are not only encouraged but expected to have empathy for and form an attachment to these virtual creatures that do not actually exist, which is very easy for an autistic person with hyperempathy to do
5. the whole point of the game is collecting things. autistics will understand this one
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w--h--o--r--e--o · 5 years
Competencies understands the principles and uses of a reaction paper/ review/ critique – Addendum forms opinions based on facts/topics- CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Id-f-11
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w--h--o--r--e--o · 5 years
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w--h--o--r--e--o · 5 years
overcoming ur anxiety to go out with friends
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w--h--o--r--e--o · 5 years
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This Top Four.
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w--h--o--r--e--o · 5 years
my Odd(ly) queen !! 
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I’m Yvie Oddly and oddly enough…
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w--h--o--r--e--o · 5 years
my queen !! also, i s2g if she doesn’t appear on as5 i will fLIP
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That’s how you go viral, take note!
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w--h--o--r--e--o · 5 years
im the gay brother
Reblog if you’re the gay sister
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w--h--o--r--e--o · 5 years
i want to go swimming then proceed to drown and just hope that my crush knows how to do mouth to mouth :))
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w--h--o--r--e--o · 6 years
Teachers and professors that accept late assignments and allow you to retake exams deserve nothing but the best in the world.
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w--h--o--r--e--o · 6 years
i “love” how im in my teenage years yet im buried under all this stress, all these problems i shouldnt care about, all these responsibilities im not ready for, yet people expect me to still live up to their expectations even though they’ve seen me crash more than a million times
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