waawiy · 10 years
below the cut are some very important screencaps from the kamiaso manga, where anubis is introduced to everyone for the first time
I know the website says no reprinting but I'm only borrowing them for a second okay
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(at least anubis didn't try to scratch his eyes out like he does in the game)
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oh my GOD that is so CUTE STOP IT
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anubis is a fan of thor apparently
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imagine turning around and seeing That around the nearest corner
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waawiy · 10 years
Anubis startled at the sound of a voice, his knee jerking up in surprise and striking sharply against the metal of the dumpster. He quickly scrambled away and slipped into the slim space between the garbage and the wall, hoping against logic that he wouldn't be pursued.
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She walked past him at first, then turned back around to watch him for a  minute, a confused look on her face.
"Uhh…’scuse me…what are you doin’?" She asked, taking a cautious step forward. 
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waawiy · 10 years
So that was how it moved! Anubis raised his ears in obvious interest, though his body remained cautiously low to the ground as he slunk around the bicycle in a tight circle, reappraising it. It was still a scary-looking contraption by his standards, but he could see why it might be more convenient than walking -- pushing those pedals was less strain on the legs than stepping on stone, and it was probably much faster, too.
Of course, if his powers were unlimited then none of this would be a problem in the first place. There were times when he missed being able to take on his jackal form and run without the risk of exhaustion.
He stopped a few feet away from Dorian and pointed at the bike with a single black fingernail, his carefully-constructed body language almost accusatory in nature. Convenience was one thing, but how was he supposed to balance on something that looked as if it could topple over in so much as a slight breeze?
"Sit?" The god requested, pointing twice more for emphasis. "You... Sit?"
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You do it first, Dorian.
At least he wasn’t being turned away at a glance. That was a start. As for interpreting his gestures… Dorian tilted his head a little. “The wheels…” He murmured to himself, considering what he might be trying to get at here. Once again he moved closer, this time to kneel next to the contraption.
"If I’m not mistaken…" With one hand he lifted the tail end of the bike, so the wheel would lift off the ground. With the other, he grasped a pedal and started to turn. Sure enough, the wheel turned with the movement. "See? Like this." Not that it exactly showed him how to ride it. "And to make it stop…"
He pulled back the other direction to demonstrate, nodding when the wheel stopped in place. Satisfied, he set the thing back down, then stood back up.
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"Only.. you have to do it with your foot." He gestured to his own foot when he said the word, just in case the point didn’t quite get across.
Well, if nothing else, maybe Anubis would become a professional bell dinger.
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waawiy · 10 years
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A certain funerary god is digging through the trash of the local butchery. The strays he rescued from the week of sunlight have more or less settled into his apartment (with no objections from his roommate,) so he's unwilling to kick them out; unfortunately, money is finite for the someone as unemployable as Anubis. Not speaking any human languages with fluency has a poor effect on his resume.
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waawiy · 10 years
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// this dog is too dang quiet
who wants to start a thread??
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waawiy · 10 years
Indeed, Anubis was the person who crashed the play. He would apologize to Thor about throwing Loki at him and toppling them both, but he wasn't sorry at all, so the point would be moot.
He looked down at himself when he saw the much taller god observing his state of dress, his ears raising slightly. He felt disinclined to lie, mostly because Thor's presence wouldn't be entirely unwelcome -- in his opinion, the other gods were much noisier, and thus became infinitely more difficult to tolerate. It wouldn't be the end of the world if he had some company along the way.
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"Yes," he confirmed (in plain English, no less!)
He assumed the footfalls belonged to just a random passerby, but the particular vocabulary of the individual caught Thor’s attention. When he turned his head to face the other, his suspicions were confirmed.
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"… You’re the one who crashed the play."
It was then that he noticed the Egyptian’s attire. With a quick glance from Anubis to the flyer and back again, He asked something he knew he’d more than likely get a (seemingly) nonsensical answer to.
"… Are you going to the beach party?"
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waawiy · 10 years
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Anubis peered around the corner at a familiar (and very tall) individual, caught between rushing over to greet him and staying hidden. Seeing as he was acquainted with both organizers of the party, he figured that attending such a large gathering wouldn't be too awful -- but shyness still got the best of him once he spotted Thor, anchoring him to where he stood.
Eventually he padded out from behind the building, his bare feet tapping against the pavement. He was already dressed for the beach, clad only in a pair of black swim trunks and his jewelry, so his destination was obvious enough.
"... Kabara?"
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The tiniest of smiles appeared on the Nordic god’s face. He had heard that there was an event the entire city had been invited to attend, but he wasn’t really that interested until he read the flyer.
The last time (and only other) time he had been at a beach “party,” a sudden and unnatural weather change had left the group unable to do anything but watch fireworks. Hopefully this time, things would work out better.
There also seemed to be a familiar name listed as one of the hosts of the event…
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waawiy · 10 years
Anubis jolted at the sound of a voice but didn't remain bristled for long, his perked-up ears slowly relaxing against the dome of his head. The approaching man was, in fact, a familiar face! Granted, it was a vague familiarity, but spotting an acquaintance was preferable to encountering a complete stranger. Those were scary.
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"Ka... Bara." He looked from Dorian to the new bicycle, his shoulders hunched with caution. Slowly, as if he feared the contraption might spring up and bite him, he slunk over to its wheels and gestured to them with an accusatory point of his finger. Wheels usually made things go, but he wasn't sure how to go about making it happen; at this point, aid was welcomed, even if it was from someone he didn't quite trust.
"Baraba?" He asked helplessly, reaching over and giving the bell on the handlebars another flick. Ding.
Now this was an amusing sight. How long did Dorian stand there, exactly, watching from across the street? No one could really say. One thing was certain, he was quietly chuckling to himself. At first, he had stopped just because he recognized the man from a brief encounter during the sun’s..rather long reign. Now it was amusement, wondering how long it would take him to try and ride the contraption.
Maybe, though, a little nudge would help things along.
Stepping across the road, he stopped several feet short of the still-stranger, enough to at least keep a safe distance. One could never be too careful.
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"If you’d like, I could show you how it works."
How well the other might take to it, well, that was anyone’s guess. But boy was he curious to find out.
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waawiy · 10 years
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There's a human invention awaiting him outside of his apartment. Its metal frame is coated in shining black paint, and it has a bell affixed to its front that clanged when he flicked it.
Anubis is only sure of two things: 1) The presence of wheels means this contraption is meant to be ridden, and 2) it belongs to him now.
While he appreciates this gesture of kindness -- a gift which apparently honors his one month anniversary of arriving within city limits -- he's never ridden anything like this before. He circles the two-wheeled thing cautiously, his ears flattened against his skull, and ponders growling at it before he realizes that it's definitely not alive.
After two more passes around it yields no changes, he instead plops down into a squatting position, staring blankly at its motionless state. Maybe he should just give it to his roommate... Does she have one of these things yet?
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waawiy · 10 years
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神あそまとめ3 | うら Please do not remove source
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waawiy · 10 years
That was a good question, but Anubis didn't have to look hard in order to find the answer -- he could sense a lack of spiritual energy nearby without even searching, though he did a brief visual scan in order to confirm his suspicions. It seemed that most, if not all of the spirits left over from the Sun Incident had since departed, possibly due in part to his own intervention. (Luckily he'd managed to wash the blood from weighing hearts off his hands before his roommate returned home!) 
Of course, there were many bodies which he didn't get to in time; human bodies, specifically, as he'd kept his focus on deceased animals for the most part. Human spirits were sometimes malevolent, so it was likely for the best that none of them were still awaiting passage into the afterlife.
"Ba," he declined, shaking his head lightly. No spirits here, though he was sure some of them could still be hiding and lying in wait.
The treat sure was delicious but he made sure to keep an ear open while he devoured his tasty snack. It sounded like important stuff, spirits and the long day. He remembered that. It was so hot and he’d had to hide from the sun to keep from being burned. Also the sword guy looked like he was having a rough time and then just.. vanished. it was enough to make the princess worry and then the ninja came back sad. All ended well though.
Spirits? He cocked his head. He doesn’t normally see spirits though he thinks he’s seen some on some particularly eerie nights. Also he was 99% sure that there had been a ghost at really shiny place where his master worked. Who knows maybe he concentrated real hard and focused he could start seeing them more often.
"Were there any around now?", he oinked.
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waawiy · 10 years
"I stole someone's lunch and when they tried to get it back, I bit them."
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And it was delicious.
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waawiy · 10 years
"I stole Dionysus's 'juice' and wrecked the school play."
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He’s immensely proud of himself for all of the above things.
"Ka bara!"
And he’d do it all again, too.
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waawiy · 10 years
What kind of "charactershaming" sign would you hang around my muse's neck?
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waawiy · 10 years
Anubis listened intently to the yarn his pig-friend was spinning, nodding along to show that he was interested in the story. The appearance of the corn caused eating to take priority, however, so the funerary god made himself comfortable by sprawling out on his belly and began sharing the stories behind his own adventures.
He told Herman of the Long Day's aftermath and spoke of how many restless spirits he'd attempted to quell, his kicked-up legs calmly swinging behind him as he spoke. It was strange, he continued, that most people couldn't see the spirits that walked this earth, trapped between life and death -- to him, they were plain as day.
"Ka baraba?" He asked, rolling onto his side and stretching. Can you see them, Mr. Pig?
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Ah yes good company and nice head scratches. This was turning out to be a lovely trip out, though he wondered if the ninja and sword guy of the princess would be grumpy about him getting out again. Oh well, he’d cross that bridge when he got there.
Herman carried on squeaking and grunting happily at the pets, telling him all about his latest exploits. Like how he’d met a nice lady and a move star horse! The corn certainly grabbed his attention though. All this ninja-ing made a pig hungry! Oinking an enthusiastic ‘Thank you!’  he set about devouring the tasty gift with much gusto.
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waawiy · 10 years
Ah yes, Herman the Ninja Pig. His exploits are famous around these parts.
Anubis dropped the act and sat beside his oinking companion, extending a hand in order to scratch the little creature between his ears. As usual, the Egyptian god was poking around in search of something interesting -- only this time, it seems the interesting thing found him instead!
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"Kabara," he chirped happily, pulling a half-eaten cob of corn from his pocket and offering it to Herman. He'd forgotten all about the remnants of his lunch until now, but he wasn't particularly hungry.
Yessssss, it had been a total success! He couldn’t wait to tell his teacher all about it. She’d surely be impressed. He beamed and oinked some more trying to calm down his obviously terrified friend. No need to worry it was just him, Herman the ninja pig.
Then the porker tilted his head and snorted questioningly. What was his friend up to over on this side of the city?
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waawiy · 10 years
Naturally, Anubis both smelled and heard Herman long before the 'hidden' pig decided to jump out and ambush him. He knew that it was an attempt at a sneak attack, however, and feigned ignorance until his four-legged friend leapt out with a noisy little oink.
"Ba!" The god pretended to be frightened, placing a hand over his heart as if to still its rapid beating. "Bara kabara!"
Herman was practicing his stealth skills from the few lessons he’d had with the princess. It was hard to tell if it was paying off. He was quiet enough but his hiding spaces were… poor. Behind a small potted plant poor.
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That didn’t stop him from trying to surprise his new animal loving friend, however, as he gave a joyful hop in front of him and oinked! Had it worked, had he surprised him?
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