waddledeely · 2 years
wob wednesdays start NOW ! ! !
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waddledeely · 2 years
minor tumblr user's carrd: over 25 dni!!
25 year old who was going to prey on this minor: oh damn 😔 here I was planning to groom them but i can't because of their dni 😔 what a shame 😔😔😔😔😔
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waddledeely · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
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waddledeely · 3 years
How do you (“how does one”) shop for a therapist?
Can you call up a therapist and be like “hi, I’m therapist shopping”? Can you schedule an appointment with a therapist and then be like “actually I have some questions and I want to spend part of this appointment talking about your practice and whether or not it is garbage?”? Are you expected to phone interview/screen your therapists if you are shopping around for a therapist?
If you’re seeing one therapist are you supposed to/not supposed to tell them if you start seeing another therapist? Is it possible to cheat on your therapist?
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waddledeely · 3 years
Dealing with a new fucking eczema flare and realizing I legitimately have ptsd from dealing with this shit. Was legitimately triggered into a panic attack once I saw it spreading across my torso. Wild how some people really think this disease is just a superficial inconvenience at most when for some of us it’s a serious disease that causes extreme pain and discomfort and affects every aspect of our lives and is literally traumatizing to deal with.
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waddledeely · 3 years
i need a fuckening wheelchair
and insurance wont cover it, because they suck. i found a cheap and barely used powerchair thru facebook marketplace for $350 and i already have $250 for it but i need another $100 to actually buy the chair outright and then another $150 for gas + food there (i convinced my mom to drive me there, thank goodness). so that makes my overall goal $250 and i would really really appreciate it if i got help with this as i am tired of being stuck in the house and unable to live my life <3 love you all thanks 
paypal | cashapp: $asteronaut | venmo: @asteronauts 
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waddledeely · 3 years
it’s been said before and it will be said again but i’m begging you all nicely to restrain yourselves from being so casually aggressive and rude and obnoxious in the tags & reblogs of a complete stranger’s posts. no one wants to know that you hate [tv show that op giffed]. no one wants to know that you hate [character that op drew]. no one wants to hear you being ugly and negative for no reason. say what you want to say in your own post. don’t hit the reblog button. blacklist relevant tags. unfollow or block relevant accounts. log out. shut down. get help.
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waddledeely · 3 years
Saw a post where someone made fun of another persons atypical way of typing and when they were then told that the person in question type like that because of a disability, they went “how was I supposed to just know that?” - and in case anyone wasn’t aware the answer to that kind of fuckery is: 
“You’re not supposed to know that, you’re just supposed to not make fun of anyone’s harmless differences regardless of whether they’re disabled or not. You’re not supposed to be able to tell “weird” abled neurotypicals and disabled/mentally ill people apart, you’re just supposed to treat people with respect generally speaking. It’s not that hard. “I didn’t know they were disabled” is just not the excuse you think it is cause you’re not supposed to make fun of anyone for completely harmless differences regardless of whether said differences are related to a disability or not.
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waddledeely · 3 years
im so frustrated. ive been making and remaking these posts since early september and now tumblr seems to be mostly hiding my main blog because of that. im remaking this post on here because it's meant im not getting traction, donations and commissions anymore. im a bisexual non-binary woc in university. i need a functioning laptop to get through university especially since my country frequently has loadshedding i can't have a laptop that frequently dies on me. it's made the last semester difficult for me and it'll make my upcoming final exam hard to get through in the given time frame. i had something lined up to help me with over half of it but it's just not working out :(
i have commissions open to write fic and make carrds, i can help with editing essays and writing as well, you can purchase from my depop, or you can donate straight to my paypal if that works better for you!
$5/$365! please help me out! and please just block me if you don't like posts like this.
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waddledeely · 3 years
I found this really important tiktok about what to do if a Jehovah's Witness or Morman missionary comes to your door:
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waddledeely · 3 years
i just think if youre a teenager and legitimately considering doing a fast food job because of the restaurants desperation to undercut their employees and ignore safety updates to their locations so they can continue killing their workers in a streamlined fashion
then you have to be a bitch
im sorry but you literally cannot be a nice helpful kid even if thats who you are
your boss isnt your friend and wants to eat you alive sucking away any time off you can get. forcing you to do more and more jobs that arent your responsibility. and they will continue to do it if you are not a bitch
do not freely offer to do things that arent your responsibility. do not come in every time they ask you to when you arent supposed to be working. do not trust them when they butter you up to tell you how smart and competent you are just so they can get you to do things you shouldnt be doing
sorry but thats what working is like. they will hollow you out until there is nothing left of you. do not be kind.
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waddledeely · 3 years
if you call a nonbinary person cis bc they don't perform androgyny to a level you approve of i'm omw with a big hammer to shatter your kneecaps
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waddledeely · 3 years
please help a childcare worker pay for their rent & groceries
hello everyone! i don’t usually make posts like these, but the past few months have been incredibly difficult financially. between fixing my car, vet bills for my cat, and paying my own medical bills (i dislocated my knee 2 months ago and had to take an expensive trip to the E.R. ), i’m looking at not having enough money to pay my rent or provide myself with food and gas.
i work as a paraprofessional/lead teacher in an early childcare center, as well as babysit in my free time. sadly, early childhood care does NOT pay well. i’m looking for a third job, but until then, i desperately need help this month.
all i’m asking for is $300. i think i can manage the rest, but this money would go towards the rest of my rent, as well as some money to buy myself food and gas to travel to work.
if you could spare anything at all, my cashapp is $glossire and my venmo is peymeplease
thank you so much in advance, even if you simply liked or reblogged this post. have a good day!
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waddledeely · 3 years
if anyone is able to help me with my upcoming rent, groceries, bills nd basics it would mean a lot pls i would really appreciate it, i dont get paid until two weeks. i’ve been applying for second part time jobs but i haven’t been hired yet :( pls help me out until i land a second job! thank u in advance, reblogs r much appreciated 💗
pypl / cshpp: £bbhsgirl
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waddledeely · 3 years
If y’all were curious, yes, white gays were harassing a black trans person over this & misgendering her with fingers in their ears
Edit: heads up that TERFs have found this and are clogging the replies with blatant transphobia + misgendering the person in the video. Free blocklist.
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waddledeely · 3 years
“We chose the term “asexual” to describe ourselves because both “celibate” and “anti-sexual” have connotations we wished to avoid: the first implies that one has sacrificed sexuality for some higher good, the second that sexuality is degrading or somehow inherently bad. “Asexual”, as we use it, does not mean “without sex” but “relating sexually to no one”. This does not, of course, exclude masturbation but implies that if one has sexual feelings they do not require another person for their expression. Asexuality is, simply, self-contained sexuality.”
— The Asexual Manifesto, Lisa Orlando and Barbara Getz, 1972
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waddledeely · 3 years
stop fucking using the word psychotic to describe bad behaviour and violence already god fucking damn it
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