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Rounding of the face from the Calves and a nice fawn nose.
A nice mixture of calf and doe eyes!!
So unique! Work of art.
#calf #fawn #babyanimals #gorgeous #beauty #nose #eyes #fur #soft #softfeatures #calfeyes #fawned #fawneyes
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The first time I rembered you it was tumultuous. Music was intense as fuck up and down! Really took me for a spin. My lawd 😂
twin flame v.s soulmate
I’m back with another original most, wow! before I jump in, I just want to make it clear that these labels should not define or confine the relationships we encounter in our lives. at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what type of soulmate someone is. these labels only exist in the 3d, they’re a way for our egos to organize and comprehend the experience. so don’t get too obsessed or freaked out over which label fits your connection! 🌟💗🌟
the main difference lies within the purpose of each connection.
our twin flame will come into our lives to be a catalyst for change and personal growth. they show up where we’re truly ready to step into our power but have been hesitating or holding back. they’re the push that forces us to uplevel our lives and become the person we’re meant to be. the twin flame connection is much more than a love connection! in some cases, our twin flame might not even be a love interest. a twin flame can be a friend, a sibling, or even a rival. 
our soulmate comes into our lives to provide us with an external source of unconditional love and divine harmony. before we meet this person we usually have to have a strong sense of internal love before we can be a vibrational match for them. they’re our perfect vibrational match! everything feels light, airy, joyful, and peaceful when we’re around them. it’s less shocking than the twin flame energy. spiritually, our soulmates serve the purpose of raising our vibration and being the person we can be most authentic around. 
how can you tell the difference? 
the soulmate meeting will likely feel easy, free, and effortless. the twin flame meeting will likely be unexpected, tumultuous, and intense. twin flames usually come into our life when we’re unprepared while soulmates come in at the ‘perfect’ time when our vibration is hight. 
your twin flame will likely be very similar to you but opposing at the same time. your soulmate will feel like they just ‘fit’. 
there’s usually something keeping twin flames ‘apart’. in reality, we are all connected and never truly separated but twin flames tend to have barriers. either distance, age, religion, or third parties interfere during the relationship. this is a way of the universe ‘testing’ the relationship to see if both souls are willing. 
your life will be completely uprooted during a twin flame connection. 
which one is better? 
- there’s a lot of stigma in the spiritual community that insinuates the idea of twin flames being more desirable than soulmates. I haaaattte this haha. both are incredibly important and valid connections! we decide, before incarnating, what we want to experience and we choose our relationships for a reason. every single connection we make is just as important than the last. not everyone is meant to have a twin flame. not everyone is meant to have a soulmate! and that’s perfectly okay! 💕💕 
alright loves, that’s all I have for you! I’d love to hear your experience with these two relationships! 🌟🌟🌟
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You did so much. Never be under appreciated.
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You, me a blunt and the moon..
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For real though 👌🏽
always follow what raises your vibration. anything that sets your soul on fire, makes you excited and gives you those goosebumps is in alignment with your higher self. that is your destiny, everything else will fall into place after
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For the future!
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Somethings fishy 😬
Seen her blood lust video Mother Daughter ?
Bunnies, *******piranha, vipers, pike
Out of 1** she went a lil crazy with predatory fish
#miley #mileycyrus #pirahna #sheiscoming #fish #blood #bloodlust #reincarnation #amazing #beauty #flesh #attractivenessheight #bunnies
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