walkeredsblog · 1 year
'Who did you lose?' She asked, wiping away her tears and turning to face daryl who had a hand on a white chiped doorframe. Tears blured his vision. He didn't know what to say. His words failing him. Insted of saying what the deepest parts of him wished to say, he said:
'My brother'
The woman had her hand to her neck, red puffy eyes from crying.
'How?' She choked out.
'It was an accident,' daryls deep southern drawl rasped, answering her question. He brought his bottem lip between his teeth then finished the sentence.
'Never found the body' now, the cup overflowed with salty water. Tears trickled down his cheeks.
'And you thibk he's still out there?' Leah questioned. That was her name, leah. Leah was the woman who invited him into his home. The woman whom he would soon sleep with.
'I dunno ... but I ain't gonna stop till' I find out.' He told her.
'Your always the hero, huh?'
He scoffed. Finding it funny how she thought that not actually knowing who he was apart from his name and that he lost his brother. Yes, he lost rick, but he also lost you, his wife. Mabie not lost but rather left.
When rick died, daryl went out looking. He thought you wanted daryl to go away, to leave you alone. You didn't. You isolated yourself because your brother had just died and your husband was chasing ghosts for almost 3 years. You needed daryl and he left. He left you. So, when he came back from time to time you avoided him like the plauge.
Then, leah. He fucked her. That's as simple as it gets.
'You are dead to me daryl. Fucking dead'
Those words engraved themselves into his brain after what he told you he'd done.
So, he never came back.
A/N: idk wtf this is but I was bored. I need to start properly planning out that fic yall are waiting on! Sorry it's gona take a while :(
Any prompts or anything u want me to write???
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walkeredsblog · 1 year
imagine this....
"Where do you belong, daryl? Out there in the river? With the family you left behind? Or here with me?"
The woman said, turning to face daryl. He had his face down, staring down at the plate of food, one hand nuging a pice of carrot with the fork, the other resting on the wooden table with his fingers slightly gripping the grain. It started to slowly sink in, the thought he had to make the decision. The decision to ither go home or stay. If he stayed, he'd be miserable. At first, daryl told himself that he loved her. Over time, he released how much pain he put you through, what you two had been through, what you two had done together. He had known you for almost 9 years, but he knew her less than 7 months. It just happened, no love just two people fucking each other.
"Daryl, answer me!" She yelled, now standing at the opposite end of the table. Still, daryl didn't answer.
Would you guys like me to finish? It would be a slow burner, around 20k word and smut ;)
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