walking-hazard · 9 years
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walking-hazard · 9 years
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Official release date announced!! *activate headless chicken mode*
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walking-hazard · 9 years
Thank you love. I’m fine now, but it was just a massive shock. How could anyone think that was okay? 
You know I’ve always admired people who can stand up against this kind of stuff. And after reading some of the tags, I’ve felt lucky that nothing like that had ever happened to me. But now I’ve got one of my own. 
#INeedFeminismBecause Calling my Betty, reaching for my arm and asking if you can follow me home should not be acceptable whatever the situation. 
I am a human being. Just because I have breasts, a vagina and long hair does not allow you to make me uncomfortable and actually make me scared to walk home. 
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walking-hazard · 9 years
You know I’ve always admired people who can stand up against this kind of stuff. And after reading some of the tags, I’ve felt lucky that nothing like that had ever happened to me. But now I’ve got one of my own. 
#INeedFeminismBecause Calling my Betty, reaching for my arm and asking if you can follow me home should not be acceptable whatever the situation. 
I am a human being. Just because I have breasts, a vagina and long hair does not allow you to make me uncomfortable and actually make me scared to walk home. 
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walking-hazard · 10 years
I think men overall just don’t understand that we cannot stop the blood. If there’s nothing to collect it, it’s going everywhere. Everyone can hold a shit, can hold a piss, and can hold back sex, until it’s convenient. When we bleed there is just no stopping...
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walking-hazard · 10 years
So when I was getting off the bus after work, the driver refused to open the doors until I showed him my day ticket again. I literally had to dig into my bag, pull out my purse and show him the ticket that I showed him not even twenty minutes before, for him to utter “Student, yes” then open the doors. Seriously. Why? 
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walking-hazard · 10 years
It’s currently half past one in the morning and the company who owns the train tracks right outside my flat have decided it’s the perfect time to SHRED TREE LIMBS AND DRILL INTO THE GROUND.
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walking-hazard · 10 years
sorry guys, now sober. I apologise. 
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walking-hazard · 10 years
Drunkity Drunk Drunk Drunk, I'm so drunk, I can't remember what happened an hour and a half ago but Shiiiiiiitttt, so much injustice in this world. And fuck, if i know that when 10 sheets to the wind what the actual fuck is up with the worlds judicial system. 
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walking-hazard · 10 years
watching friends and one present keeps on being wrapped and unwrapped and I don't know if i can continue watching. Is that weird?
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walking-hazard · 10 years
Not always right
I get that Christmas is a stressful time for everyone but I'd like to just say that retail staff are people too. And they have to deal with your shit. And they remember. EVERYTHING. 
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walking-hazard · 10 years
One of the things I hate most about working in a chocolate shop is when people ask me what I would get someone based on gender. What kinda shit is that? It's like the Kinder Eggs all over again. Like sorry, you can't buy that chocolate - someone decided it best goes with a side of dick? Shit, soz man. That bars got strawberry in it - therefore the colour is slightly pink. Don't want you to get confused with your gender.....
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walking-hazard · 10 years
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walking-hazard · 10 years
I  work for a company that owns it's own plantation and we, as staff members, are educated on the buying system we use in comparison to the system that other companies use. The amount of money that a company can make from the production of chocolate is disgufaisting in comparison to what the farmer makes.
First of all, imagine your chocolate bar, the one you pay about 60p for. There is  little to no cocoa in that bar of chocolate. Check the ingredients of your generic store brand chocolate next time you are in a store - it's about 27% cocoa solids max for dark chocolate. That means that the other 73% of that stuff is sugar, shellac and other random shit.
Second of all, the way most companies treat cocoa farmers is disgusting. The way some companies work is that they tell a farmer they want so many tonnes of cocoa. The farmer then grows and harvests said cocoa and presents that amount to the buyers. The thing is cocoa is tricky - only so many pods have decent beans in them. So the company will offer a number to the farmer that is ridiculously low, saying that they will only take about half the cocoa they have requested, leaving the farmers in panic. Then the companies will "conveniently" take the cocoa from a farmer and "dispose" of it without paying for those beans and use them anyway. So that 60p bar of chocolate you eat? Only between 3 to 10p of that actually goes to the farmer depending on the company. 
And I know we often think fairtrade is better - but remember the fairtrade system is a middle man - and they need paid too. So really, if you want to be fairer to the farmers (at least cocoa farmers) check out a companies ethics about buying cocoa. Look for companies that employ an ethics program that cuts out that middle man. 
Granted there are great things about fairtrade, but fairtrade isn't always better. 
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walking-hazard · 10 years
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walking-hazard · 10 years
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walking-hazard · 10 years
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