walkingzooman-blog ¡ 6 years
His eyes widened as he saw him shift, “come on!” he exclaimed as he flew a bit faster to fly after him. “You’re such a fucking show off, y’know that?” he asked with a groan. “And no, I don’t have a plan. I don’t do plans, I’m one of those ‘I’m going in ready to fight’ type of things”
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Gar laughed brightly flapping. “I know!” He said brightly as he flew with the super kid. “DUDE! You need a plan! Those are good. You gotta like... have an idea. Like are you gonna land or keep flying and talk. Hit first and are you gonna take them out or just round them up?” He pointed out. Granted Gar hadn’t had a plan but he didn’t lead he was usually support and a follower.
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walkingzooman-blog ¡ 6 years
Kara let a small grin cross her face at the mention of her winning. Not that she would ever want to test the theory, but she appreciated the compliment. “Obviously, don’t let Cap know if you see  him, but… I think you’re probably right. Hulk is like… the 2nd coolest green guy I’ve met.” She nudged him slightly with her elbow. Gar was going out of his way to make her comfortable; the least she could do was return the favor.
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Gar smirked and laughed “I wouldn’t dare! Swear!” He assured laughing and tilted his head. “Only the second?” He asked and got a jokingly cocky smile on his face. “Am I the first?” He joked waggling his eyebrows knowing full well it wasn’t him. Still she was surprised to know there was another green guy walking around out there. He smiled bumping her arm back.
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Haunting Halloween||Event
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walkingzooman-blog ¡ 6 years
“I do actually. They’re all insignificant. They’re not going to stand out or make a difference in any way. They’re numbers in statistics at best. No one will miss them for more than a few seconds.” She shrugged. She cut their lives short, so she knew for a fact that they wouldn’t ever be able to make a difference now. “No one get whatever they want because they’re all holding themselves back based on laws. They don’t get what they want because they’re scared of the consequences. If they could do what I do, they’d take what they want too. I know how to take what I want. I have the ability to take it. That’s what makes me special.” Daisy scoffed. She doubted he or anyone else knew about the true pain she’d been through. Her whole life was predicted to be full of suffering, but she’d been promised that she’d become one of the greats. She was great now. Screw her suffering.
“They should do what I’m doing then … if they even can.” She was surprised by the transformation, but it was also a dumb move on his part. He was standing right in front of her, so he wasn’t able to get enough distance to build up speed in his charge. He hit her, but she grabbed onto his horn, pulling herself up off the ground to make sure she didn’t get dragged. She was winded by the impact, but she still held on tight. “Big mistake, she muttered, once she got her breath back. She sent vibrations through his horn into his entire body, letting him feel a 7 on the Richter scale inside his whole body.
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Gar couldn’t listen to the woman’s crazy rantings. She was a nutball. It was pathetic. People mattered. People cared. Maybe not about him but they cared. He was proud of the hit but suddenly she was on top of him and before he could transform again he felt her make something happen. Then suddenly everything hurt and then it went black. Lying on the floor, nearly every bone broken, Gar lost consciousness.
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walkingzooman-blog ¡ 6 years
“I’m only hurting the people who get in my way,” she pointed out. She didn’t hurt everyone she met, and she didn’t do it without reason. Well, the people she’d killed along with Kilgrave just for kicks had been for almost no reason, but killing for fun was still a legitimate reason. “I do deserve everything I want,” she snapped, and she really did deserve it. “I’ve been through constant hell my whole life. I have had every terrible thing happen to me, and people like this never batted an eye at my suffering. Now the shoe’s on the other foot. I have every right to take what I want.” She scoffed. “You can’t let me? I’d like to see you try to stop me.”
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“So you matter more than they do?” He tried to reason. He had read about Quake. He’d respected her. He loved superheroes and she had been one. But clearly she wasn’t the person he had thought she was. It was sad. Seeing someone who had sounded so good being so bad. He wondered what had happened to make her so wrong. “Why? No one gets everything they want what makes you special?” He asked “Everyone goes through shit. Some people go through it all the time. No one gets it taken care of and not everyone gets their booboos kissed. Suck it up buttercup.” He said. His life had been shit too. That didn’t make him evil. “I will.” He insisted and turned into a rhino charging at her.
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walkingzooman-blog ¡ 6 years
She hadn’t meant to be away for so long. This thing inside her, the demon, was pressing into her mind and scratching at her soul. Something was happening to her, and the day she spent off to search for answers turned into weeks, months even. When she returned the air was colder, a new danger running rampant through the streets, and she could almost feel her skin vibrating with the energy of pure fear. Raven walked through the streets, stalling. She should go home, contact Garfield and Dick and Koriand’r…but she couldn’t not yet.
Suddenly, a voice broke her from her thoughts. “Garfield? I……I. Hi.” 
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Gar looked at Raven not really sure what to do or how to react. Losing her and Cy at the same time to some unknown missions had been really hard on him. He wondered if it was that fear stuff everyone was dealing with. It hadn’t affected him, he didn’t know why. But maybe this was it. “Are you... Are you really here? Is this.... Are you gonna leave again? What are you doing here?” He asked not sure what to go with first. He was happy to see her. He just didn’t know what to do about it.
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Blackbird Singing in the Dead of Night||Raven
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walkingzooman-blog ¡ 6 years
“You can’t let me hurt anyone else?” She asked incredulously, chuckling at how sure of himself he seemed. She nodded to the two inhumans, indicating for them to leave. It wasn’t their fight, and they’d just get in her way. “Let me tell you something. I only hurt the people who get in the way of what I want. There’s a certain way to go about getting what you want when you’re as capable as me. If you want it, take it, and if you can’t take it, break it. If you care about your health, you don’t get in the way of that. Think about it like this. I saved New York from the things in that building. Yes, I killed some civilians in the process, but they were just collateral. In return, I got guns pointed at me, simply because people don’t like that I’m different. They never trust you when you’re different. You understand. They try to kill you for it, so you have to use self defense. Then you get labeled as a villain, and who’s word can you really trust these days?”
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“This isn’t about the building.” He said simply. And it wasn’t. She’d hurt people there but every hero had felt that. That moment where they had lost someone. They had tried to protect someone and failed. He’d had it. Everyone had. It sucked. But that wasn’t why he was going after her. “But you didn’t stop there! You’re hurting people right now. And you need to stop but you’re talking... your talking like a villain. You’re talking like you deserve anything and everything you want and you’re hurting people to get it. I can’t let you do that.” He tried to explain. He knew some people blamed her for the deaths, he didn’t. What he blamed her for was what she was doing right now. Going after people because she could and she was strong enough. That was what he fought.
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walkingzooman-blog ¡ 6 years
Daisy’s crime’s had become more public now. More people knew about what she’d done. More people knew how she’d destroyed that bank, murdered those S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, and killed just about anyone else who got in her way or inconvenienced her. She’d been recruiting those with powers to her side and encouraging them to behave as she did. She was drawing more attention to herself, which meant some people thought they were supposed to knock her down a few pegs. No one was successful, and she’s already murdered a few who had tried. 
Now, a little green boy was confronting her. She recognized him from before, when she’d just been a little kid, but he wouldn’t recognize her. She smiled down at him, her heels giving her height over him. Two inhumans she’d trained herself flanked her on both sides, but they were smart enough not to butt into her affairs. “So, you looking for a fight?” She could see it in his eyes. He thought of himself as a hero standing up to a big bad.
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Gar growled looking up at the woman. “No.” He said simply. Because he didn’t want to fight. “But I can’t let you hurt anyone else. It’s not going to happen.” He insisted crouching. “So that’s what’s gonna happen.” He explained. “I won’t let you keep doing this to people.” He said tensed waiting to attack.
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walkingzooman-blog ¡ 6 years
Blackbird Singing in the Dead of Night||Raven
Gar didn’t know why he hadn’t been affected by the mist. Maybe it was because of the cure his parents had given him. Maybe it was all the years he had of fighting bad guys and dealing with this stuff. Maybe it was because he didn’t have much more to be afraid of other than losing his already lost family. Either way he was walking around the streets helping people when he noticed something, someone. It was weird seeing that cloak. He knew that cloak. He ran after it instantly “RAVEN?!” He called out shocked and confused. Was she here? Was she real? Was she back? She couldn’t be. He missed her.
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walkingzooman-blog ¡ 6 years
        “…. Sure, cowboy,” she half-chuckled, the faintest bit of a smile crossing onto her cheeks. Close enough, she figured. “Self-therapy is either the best or worst thing to do to yourself. Though, takes real conviction to go take care of your problems with your bare hands.” She stood there for a second, avoiding the look of the other and just stewing in her smoke… She grumbled at herself before tossing the smoldering paper on the ground, crushing them under a boot heel. “If you know relatively where you live, I’ll walk you there. Or I can get you a night at a hotel, your choice.”
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Gar smiled whens he laughed. He made someone laugh. That was always nice. He liked being funny. Being funny was better than anything else. “That’s probably true.” He smiled “I think claws and teeth are better than hands.” He said smiling. He liked being an animal. He was cute when he was an animal. He watched her crush her cigarette and tilted his head. “That would be nice. I can show you near where I live I think. I’ll remember.” He said trying to be more positive. He was pretty sure he knew where home was. “Thanks for walking with me! You’re so nice.” He slurred. “What’s your name?”
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Night Music||Open Starter
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walkingzooman-blog ¡ 6 years
She smiled as he held up his arm, tried to explain himself. Green skin was pretty weird, but… ‘Ur not a jerk. & Not the weirdest i’ve seen,’ she wrote on the pad, turning to a new page. ‘I used to live in Gotham,’ she continued, by way of explanation. She nodded at his word, that one singular word that meant so much to her. ‘I wasn’t, before I met her. But she changed my entire life.’  
He kept speaking, and she listened – she was good at listening. She could hear the sorrow hiding just beneath the awkwardness, the grief he felt. And it pulled at something inside her. ‘I’m sorry,’ she wrote, offering him a small smile. She paused moment, chewing on the cap of her pen. She wondered why his families had gone, why they left him. But she knew enough about abandonment not to ask. ‘U can hang out here anytime u want. I could show u all the cool places.’ 
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Gar smiled “Thanks... Really? That’s surprising.” He said before he read the next page. “Ooooh! I have a friend from there. That place does sound really weird.” He agreed smirking. “Really? That sounds... amazing.” He admitted. “She adopted you?” He asked curious. He always wondered what it was like having someone care about enough to choose to keep you. It sounded kinda amazing to him. He would love a mother.
He smirked “It’s ok you don’t have to be sorry. I’m fine.” He insisted. He’d been telling himself that a lot lately. He wanted to be fine. He wanted to not care that everyone had left again. He wasn’t fine, he did care. “That would be awesome! I’d love to hang out here. You seem pretty great.” He complimented with a smile.
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Oliver Twist||Jenna
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walkingzooman-blog ¡ 6 years
She gave Gar a soft smile. He always seemed to enjoy the crowds, and Kara loved being around people, but… lately it had all just been too much. Nodding, she walked more towards the edge of the party, still able to enjoy the music but not so overwhelming. “So, who wins… Hulk or Captain America?” She showed off her store-bought shield with a smirk.
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Gar followed her as they walked to the edge. Gar liked crowds because he liked disappearing. Large groups of people and dark lights meant that no one got a good enough look at him to see him as different. It was hard. He was confident, or at least he pretended to be confident in what he looked like but the green still got to him sometimes. He laughed “Depends if it’s real or us cause you’d totally win but I feel like Hulk might.” He said brightly.
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Haunting Halloween||Event
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walkingzooman-blog ¡ 6 years
His eyes widened as he saw the other change before his eyes. But before he had a chance to answer, he was told to follow along him. “Anything you say, cat, he replied as he began to fly, turning on his back and looking over at Gar as if to outdo him
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Gar laughed looking at the other guy. It was nice. He instantly took the challenge and turned into a peregrine Falcon and took off. He took off into the air flying “So now that you got help you have a plan?” He asked brightly flying.
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walkingzooman-blog ¡ 6 years
“Oh, sure, a twelve year old drunk off his ass on a Tuesday, you’re absolutely fine,” Bucky drawled. He gave a little shrug. “Just because you don’t think they need or want your protection doesn’t mean that’s true,” he said. “And in any case, take it from me – the bad guys don’t care about who is protecting who, they take what they want. They don’t care who they have to hurt to do that.” He rolled his eyes. “Good for you, Dr. Doolittle. Do you want to wander around by yourself or do you want to go grab some coffee?”
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Gar huffed “I’m not 12! I’m 21.” He growled and then hesitated for a second thinking. “Wait.... I’m 22.” He realized sadly. He’d missed his birthday. He’d forgotten it in everything. He hadn’t done anything. He had been alone and no one noticed. “I’m 22.” He said again sobering a bit. He had been having fun why did it have to pick now? “They don’t need me. They’re just fine. And I’m fine too.” He insisted stubbornly. “I’m great! The best.” He said reaching desperately for that fake confidence he used to be so good at. “I know that I’ve dealt with them all my life!” He insisted “But I can handle them just fine.” He insisted. “Coffee... Could be good.” He said hopeful. He liked coffee.
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Night Music||Open Starter
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walkingzooman-blog ¡ 6 years
you will always be alone
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“I... I... no I won’t! Will I?”
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walkingzooman-blog ¡ 6 years
“One hundred percent,” Bucky assured him. He raised his eyebrows as the boy responded to him so crossly, a shrug lifting his shoulders. “Take it from me, kid, you can’t always protect the people you want to protect, so I’d just be careful what you say, that’s all.” He snorted. “Okay, I’m sure that made sense to you,” he said. “Let’s get you some coffee or something before you become vodka.”
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Gar pouted thinking over the word but let it go. He shrugged “I don’t got anyone to prrtct so ‘m fine.” He insisted stubbornly. No one wanted him around. He didn’t need to protect Kori, she could take care of herself. The people he worked with and protected were gone and the ones who were here pushed him away. He was a freak and no one wanted him. That was what it came down to. He had no family because he was all wrong for one. “Mmmm I can do that?! That would be cool! But I can’t become things only aminals.” He said smirking.
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Night Music||Open Starter
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walkingzooman-blog ¡ 6 years
Mari chuckled softly moving to the dance floor with the other smiling. He was glad that Gar seemed to be smiling a bit more. “ Wolfman is definitely a classic” he paused thinking for a moment, “ I think my favorite is Dracula, lived in the shadows yet still believed in true love” 
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Gar nodded “Yeah he is. And he’s freaking cool.” He said with a smirk. “I mean come on he’s a wolf and a man. How can you be more badass?” He pointed out. Gar was also wolf and man when he wanted to be. But it was a little different. “Oooh That is a good one. Plus the blood drinking and all the girls.” He smiled. “Dracula is pretty cool. At least when I read his comics he was.”
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Haunting Halloween||Event
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walkingzooman-blog ¡ 6 years
Jenna pointed at him, then held up two fingers – rudimentary sign language. Clint had taught her some things, but it was hard to find people and time to practice it. She shook her head, shrugging, then gave him a long look while he stammered out his explanation. ‘It’s OK,’ she wrote on the pad. ‘I know what u mean.’ Sort of, anyway. But she had a feeling if she asked him to explain further he might trip over his tongue some more, and that likely wasn’t going to get better the more he drank. Besides, she could tell he meant well. He was… sort of sweet. ‘Very very cool,’ she continued, writing underneath her other words, the notepad sitting between them. She tapped her pen against her fingers while she listened, chewing on the inside of her cheek. ‘I was like that before, too.’ she wrote. ‘My ‘mom’ isn’t really my mom. She’s more like a found-mom. But once I found her, I wasn’t alone anymore. Not ever. Maybe u’ll find someone like that, too.’
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Gar smirked and nodded understanding the little motion. He supposed you didn’t have to know every sign to understand a lot of sign language. Somethings sure, but most stuff seemed pretty self explanatory. He smirked and sighed “Good cause... I didn’t want to be a jerk.” he admitted smirking sheepishly. “I just... think different is good. It’s nice sometimes. I’m... different too.” He smirked holding up his arm as explanation. “Lucky.” He smirked. And she was. It wasn’t jealousy that made him say that, his words held no bite or envy. It was more an observation. She had someone who cared about her, who wouldn’t leave. It was good to have, or so he imagined. “Really?!” He asked reading her note. “That....... That sounds....” He didn’t know how to finish. It sounded like everything he ever wanted. He’d had it with the Titans, with his family, but his family left. “I tried... They..... They left.” He explained awkwardly. “Twice.” He added with a sigh. “I mean it’s fine it’s whatever. It just... Ya know. But thanks. It’s cool you have that.”
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Oliver Twist||Jenna
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