wallaceeast · 11 years
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He doesn't really know how to work the controls but he's trying, definitely trying! He almost beat me once it was great. He missed you though, lots. He cried a lot, I think. I don't know. He'll be excited to see you. He kind of played, he stepped on the buttons a lot... What'd it say?
Okay good. He has? That’s awesome, I always like to encourage him.. like he’s not the fastest but he’ll get there some day, I think at least. He played with you? Are you sure? He’d never played mario cart with me before.. Oh.. You don’t? Well.. you can just delete it then, yeah?
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wallaceeast · 11 years
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It's okay, I guess. I just- don't go anywhere without me again okay?
I missed you too, sorry, I thought you got my message.. I didn’t mean to like worry you or anything, Wall-e..
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wallaceeast · 11 years
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I know Roger I just, I missed you a lot okay.
No no, bonjour is hello, Wall-e.
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wallaceeast · 11 years
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Speedy is fine, don't worry. He's been working on his racing skills and what not. I still beat him at mario-cart though. And did you? You know I never check my voicemails!
I don’t.. I don’t think I was gone that long..? I did leave you a message though didn’t I..?! I swear I did.. I said I’d be back today, yeah? Is Speedy alright?
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wallaceeast · 11 years
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Bonjour?! More like Bonwherehaveyoubeenialmostlostmyfricklefrickisweartogodrogerspade
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wallaceeast · 11 years
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You leave for like ten years without a note or anyTHING AND THIS IS WHAT YOU COME BACK WITH ROGER SPADE.
Is it possible to make a smoothie with just frozen fruit?
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wallaceeast · 11 years
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That's pretty mint, though.
Yknow.. Getting condoms for Christmas from your uncle is literally the most awkward thing..
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wallaceeast · 11 years
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It's 2014 are you ready for the best year of your life.
So, if I put on some of those glasses, can we pretend that 2013’s over and we’re moving forward already?
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wallaceeast · 11 years
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It's never too late to let Jesus Christ into your heart, Benji.
My grandmother gave me a plate of cookies with crosses on them and a note that said ‘it’s not too late to love Jesus’. Thanks Gram, means a lot.
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wallaceeast · 11 years
I haven't talked to my best friend in almost three weeks I'm not okay right now.
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wallaceeast · 11 years
I'm not going to take into account inactivity for the next week or so due to the holidays being chaotic and what not, seriously guys it's really okay so don't stress it at all, i've been very inactive on the main and what not the event was suppose to end yesterday and we were suppose to be at the spade's for a great christmas setting event but I've just been so frazzled with family and what not :)
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wallaceeast · 11 years
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I... Roger, who told you that? Why'd they tell you that?
You’re not supposed to ask that, Wall-E.. They promised you wouldn’t ask me that..
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wallaceeast · 11 years
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wallaceeast · 11 years
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Did uhm, Madelyn and I ever date? Roger please, don't lie to me.
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Okay, yeah, I mean, I can try my best to remember for you. What do you wanna know?
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wallaceeast · 11 years
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I never once blamed you, not one single time did I ever get angry with you to the point of hating you. I always understood, I don't know Josh. I was in your shoes once before, in middle school. I let soccer get to my head and I left people behind because I thought I was better than them. I never judged you because I was you.
You called right before your accident. I was with Cole playing video games and Leanne was there. And you called me. I heard your screams and the line went dead….Like how I felt inside after hearing that.I can still see Leanne’s face asking me what happened. How do I tell my sister that the kids I basically tormented could have been…dead? I always cared I just never showed it. You should’ve hated me, I was a twat, I violated Erica at that party, I let being on the football team get to my head and whenever you tried to help…I pushed you away.
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wallaceeast · 11 years
Did you hear about Boston? She had a pretty interesting conversation with Josh.
I know they fought, that's all... Why?
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wallaceeast · 11 years
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From what I remember, I never hated you, Lyle. Not once, not one single time in our entire... Whatever the fuck it was. And yes, I remember now. I remember everything. From the first birthday to the moments just before the accident. I went to dinner tonight with Madelyn and, it got triggered and I- I never hated you, I understood you. I got angry with you, but I never once hated you.
You hated me once, Wally. I’m sure if you dig deep enough you can hate me again.Then you won’t have to deal with this and you’ll be happy and everything will be better and we can go on about our lives. I just..I dont know anymore Wally. I just don’t fucking know anymore. And I normally know everything, but for the first time, i don’t know what to think, to say, to feel, i’m numb all around. I haven’t felt this way since - I wish I didn’t lie either.
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