wallachiandragon · 9 months
I wouldn't normally make a post like this but I'm getting pretty desperate. My friend of over twenty years helped me set up a GoFundMe and I'm just trying to get the word out. Even if you can't donate please share!
In mid-March, I had to be transferred to a hospital in Vancouver Washington due to a bowel obstruction that was so bad I was probably forty-eight hours away from dying. Three surgeries, nineteen days and a drain tube later I was transferred to a rehab facility where my stay was largely covered by my insurance until the last two weeks in July. They didn’t tell me my insurance ran out until mid August and by then I owed them over a thousand dollars but was told they were applying for a grant to help pay it down and wasn’t really given a deadline as to when I needed to start paying it down.
That leads up today when the financial person comes in with a past due notice and a 'we’re going to have to tell the place we’re trying to get you into that you’re not paying your bills' warning. My house has been auctioned off so I can’t go home to my father and I’ve been told it’s going to be at least another month before I can make the move into the supported living house up in the Seattle/Shoreline area.
I’m currently paying four hundred dollars a day for a shared room in this facility so every penny raised is going to be going to just the past due bill that I was handed today. PLEASE, PLEASE help me if you can because I’m basically starting over again with only a few boxes of belongings I managed to get my father to throw together.
I’m not even sure I’m ever going to see my father again to be honest considering he’s likely to end up homeless on the beach and is in my opinion not in touch with reality anymore. I've spent most of the day on the phone trying to find something or somewhere for him to go only to be told there’s really nothing so I’m really not going to be surprised if he’s going to be going the way of my mother and that’s been giving me nightmares.
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wallachiandragon · 1 year
Vlad was taking a rare moment to himself just after dark and was smiling softly to himself as the colony of bats that roosted near the Wall began to circle around him as soon as he came out into the estate's courtyard, "Hello my friends." He said in an older version of Romanian before raising a hand so any of the creatures could land on it.
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wallachiandragon · 1 year
Sorry, I've been so silent. Things have been quite tough for me lately. I'm currently in a rehab facility due to yet another emergency surgery and my house is up for auction so I will be eventually moving into an adult family home.
That won't be for a while though and the good thing is I have my laptop and internet access. I've missed writing like heck and I have plenty of muse so please hit me up if you want to write or even chat.
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wallachiandragon · 2 years
Reblog this if you like seeing me on your dash
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wallachiandragon · 2 years
Reblog this if you like seeing me on your dash
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wallachiandragon · 2 years
cell phone headcanons
send me “#” for cell phone headcanons about our muses including:                              - what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone                              - what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone                              - what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone                              - my muse’s last text to your muse
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wallachiandragon · 3 years
Tired. The flight from Langley after endless debriefings had been long and rough, if only because he hadn’t felt particularly well when he’d boarded the plane.. thanks solely to the severe allergic reaction he’d had hours prior to the debriefings. ( He had no intentions of letting on, though. No, he’d keep that shit to himself. )
After a shower, shave and yet another massive dose of Benadryl, he’d started feeling.. a little more like himself. So he’d decided to head out onto the grounds, not really having any particular destination in mind; he’d just wanted to get out. He just needed to move. It didn’t really matter how, or where, or what he did.. so long as he was moving.
❝ — Oh, that’s brutal. ❞ He’d followed Vlad and the horses to the stable after having caught sight of them - not too terribly close though, he hadn’t wanted to startle them. — Stepping over to one side of the massive stable doorway, he leaned casually against one side and tucked his hands into the pockets of his jacket. ❝ Kinda looks like you never stood a chance, ❞ he mused, a brow arching as he watched his cousin and the foal. ❝ What’ve you got in your pocket, anyway? Sugar cubes? Apples?? ❞
It was extremely rare for someone to get anywhere near the former Voivode without him realizing it but Paul was a fellow supernatural being and it had been a more then busy month of traveling for their grandfather's royal duties. "Oh this little one is only a few weeks old so he's exclusively getting his food from mummy." He said before giving the foal a good scratch and gently guiding him back to his mum before getting up and going over to his cousin. "Grandfather's going to strong-arm you as soon as he gets a look at you. What did you have a reaction to?"
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wallachiandragon · 3 years
lad smiled softly as he gently guided a couple of foals back into Camboglanna's stables with their mums and gently laid fresh bedding down for them, "Cheeky little devil you are." He said as one of the foals rubbed against him and started searching his pockets. "You're definitely sired by my grandfather's stallion. Kostya's line has always been a little thieves."
The vampire smiled again and began to gently rub the little black's ears. It always amazed him that young animals found him a comfort rather then something to fear and he let the little horse push him onto a bale of hay, "Well you don't hesitate to take what you want."
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wallachiandragon · 3 years
She had forgone the typical trousers and simple cotton shirts she’d insisted upon wearing since they’d taken her away from the Asylum. For the first time in months, she’d felt comfortable enough to slip on an equally simple cotton dress - with long, flowing sleeves and skirts that ghosted along the floor as she walked. Her hair, freshly washed and thoroughly brushed, hung loose. She looked more feminine now than she had.. in so long she couldn’t quite remember, and instead of being frightened by the notion, she was rather pleased with it. She’d embraced it, fully.
Not only that, but her mood had improved a great deal. Her thoughts weren’t quite as dark or fraught with tension and fear as they had been lately.. She didn’t quite feel like sitting or laying about in her room in complete silence. Not now. Not today. – It was rather cold in her room, thus she’d eased a cloak from her closet and had fastened it comfortably around her shoulders before moving to stand before her window, watching the snow fall for a few moments whilst trying to decide where she would venture off to.. and who she would bestow the gift of her company - if they would have it - on.
A thought occured to her then, and it put an immediate end to her contemplation. She no longer needed to wonder, nor did she need to waste any more of her time staring out her window; she turned on her heel, her feet bare against the frigid stone - still not quite comfortable with the idea of shoes, despite the cold - and all but bounded off to her door, which she pulled open and peeked around it in a manner that was quite child-like indeed, before slipping out and closing it behind herself.
❝ – Oh, ❞ He’d caught her very much unawares, as was customary of him.. but she quickly forgave him for it. ( After all, she reminded herself, she had come to see him. Why should she be bothered about how it came to pass? ) ❝ I am indeed. ❞ She replied, lowering her hand and stepping back. ❝ You should have come and asked me to help. I would have been more than happy to. ❞
The vampire winced slightly as he opened the door to his apartments and led Helena into the main room, "There will be plenty of wood in your apartments in a few minutes but please make yourself comfortable by the fire if you are up to having some company. It is nice to see you out of your room and as a cousin speaking to a cousin you look quite lovely in that dress. You should show it to our grandfather sometime. He was working off memory color wise but he made that in the hopes of blending the type of clothing you're comfortable with and wanting to give you something special."
"Would you like something to drink?" Vlad asked as he discreetly made up a drink for himself containing a powerful pain medication their grandfather developed for him, wine and the donated human blood their grandfather made sure was in fresh supply for those who needed it. "I am quite good at making a pot of tea on the fire. Or I also have wine and a brandy from Romania called Țuică. If you chose alcohol I will of course make sure you are safe at all times and will walk you back to your room."
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wallachiandragon · 3 years
It was a winter day where snow was coming down at nearly blizzard intensity so it was the job of the vampires to bring in the wood needed to keep the fires going in the occupied apartments and the hospital so both Vlad and Nicholas were bringing in huge bundles only a supernatural being could lift, "I will bring in the rest of them." Nichols said to his cousin's grandson when Vlad had to brace himself against the wall of the storage hall with one hand and have the other on his lower back in order to straighten up from unloading the weight. "Your back has clearly had enough."
"Thank you." Vlad said as he leaned more heavily into the wall for a moment to shift his bodyweight in order to take pressure off his spine. Both vampires spoke each other's languages so they were simply speaking in their own. "I did not lift that carefully enough and the cold is not helping."
"Despite what we are we both have limits and no one judges anyone if someone is at there's." The Low Countries/Welsh vampire said with a smile as he took off his gloves. "Besides my cousin would have my head if I didn't stop you now."
They both chuckled then considering the picture that statement formed in their minds and Vlad felt stable enough to let go of the wall, take his gloves off and put them on the shelf, "I will leave you to it then." He said before keeping a hand on his lower back as he started in the direction of his apartments.
The voivode had just turned the last corner when pain made him stop for a moment and was pleasantly surprised to see his cousin Helena out of her room and just about to knock on his door from the looks of it, "Hello." Vlad said with a smile. "Here I am if you are looking for me. I was helping get some wood in."
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wallachiandragon · 3 years
❝ Sweeeeeeeet!! ❞ As though she were an actual five year old, she clapped excitedly, bouncing in her spot on the window ledge for a moment. ❝ Uhhh, since like.. ❞ She paused, her lips pursing and her gaze darting up toward the ceiling for a beat. ❝ forever. ❞ With that her gaze lowered and made its way back over to her cousin. ❝ – I know some peeps think that’s like a stereotypical.. inherent Goth thing that just comes with bein’ Goth, but I’ve dug them since WAAAAAYYYYY before my Gothness came out in full, hardcore force. Y'know, kinda like skulls and all that good stuff. ❞
Wait.. was he saying what she thought he was saying?! ❝ Oh, awesomness!! ❞ She chirped loudly, leaping back down off the ledge - her heavy boots hitting the floor with a lot more force than she could have anticipated. ❝ So uh, you sure you don’t mind? Like, you’re not too super busy?? ❞
"It will keep for a while and I've been sitting a bit too long." Vlad said as he came around the desk and put an arm around his young cousin as they headed down the halls. He then smiled when he remembered Harley as a child and asking several times to see his vampiric side and wanting to meet bats, wolves and other creatures vampires had a special connection to. "I remember now, it took quite some time for your mum and dad to understand it wasn't anything sinister."
The vampire led the way out into one of the castle gardens and smiled as a colony of bats appeared on the horizon before raising his arms slightly as the animals began to circle him and Harley, "Cup your hands and hold them up Dragon mic."
Because he was the head of his grandfather's security team and quiet by nature Vlad often kept to himself but the family knew as long as he wasn't working on something vital he like their grandfather would drop everything to spend time with them, "Bats are everywhere Dragon mic." He said when Harley came into his office he was given at Windsor and hopped on the window ledge.
"Since when have you been interested in my children?" He asked as he stretched his back as he stood up. Like their grandfather, he had broken his back but his injury had been due to his fully armored stallion falling and rolling over him during battle when he was human. "It's best to do this outside since we're guests here."
❝ Sweeeeeeeet!! ❞ As though she were an actual five year old, she clapped excitedly, bouncing in her spot on the window ledge for a moment. ❝ Uhhh, since like.. ❞ She paused, her lips pursing and her gaze darting up toward the ceiling for a beat. ❝ forever. ❞ With that her gaze lowered and made its way back over to her cousin. ❝ -- I know some peeps think that's like a stereotypical.. inherent Goth thing that just comes with bein' Goth, but I've dug them since WAAAAAYYYYY before my Gothness came out in full, hardcore force. Y'know, kinda like skulls and all that good stuff. ❞
Wait.. was he saying what she thought he was saying?! ❝ Oh, awesomness!! ❞ She chirped loudly, leaping back down off the ledge - her heavy boots hitting the floor with a lot more force than she could have anticipated. ❝ So uh, you sure you don't mind? Like, you're not too super busy?? ❞
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wallachiandragon · 3 years
[ Harley~ ] ❝ Bats, ❞ Out of nowhere, completely unnnounced, uninvited and probably altogether unexpected, she chirped her excitement as she vaulted herself up onto the window ledge at his side. ❝ I wanna pet one. ❞ Just as she'd like to hang out with him for a bit.. but he had, thusfar, been keeping to himself and she hadn't been able to figure out a way to draw him out of his seclusion, until she'd clipped a bat-shaped bow into her hair. ❝ Are there any around here?? ❞
Because he was the head of his grandfather's security team and quiet by nature Vlad often kept to himself but the family knew as long as he wasn't working on something vital he like their grandfather would drop everything to spend time with them, "Bats are everywhere Dragon mic." He said when Harley came into his office he was given at Windsor and hopped on the window ledge.
"Since when have you been interested in my children?" He asked as he stretched his back as he stood up. Like their grandfather, he had broken his back but his injury had been due to his fully armored stallion falling and rolling over him during battle when he was human. "It's best to do this outside since we're guests here."
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wallachiandragon · 3 years
I don’t normally make posts like this but I’d really like to get more interaction with my muses. So... I have to work today but feel free to send me stuff. Just tell me where you did it.
IM me on discord or at draconigena440 :)
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wallachiandragon · 3 years
Tumblr media
Reminder: Ramadan starts evening April 13 2021 and ends evening May 12 2021 (x)
This picture was taken from @jeonsnotes on instagram (x) with permission.
Feel free to reblog this and use this if your account involves swearing and/or sexual activity (including smut).
I have included some information regarding Ramadan from @jeonsnotes (which I will link at the end) below the readmore. Many thanks to @papillonsgf​ for bringing this to my attentions!
Keep reading
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wallachiandragon · 4 years
Out of Wallachia (Out of Character) :
Hey, my lovelies! Sorry, I suddenly dropped off the earth for a bit, I've been in the hospital and only was able to have my dad bring my laptop and some other stuff yesterday. My gallbladder journey started a little after midnight on the 14th and I ended up going to Ocean Beach hospital via ambulance. They determined my gallbladder was extremely inflamed due to stones so I was admitted with the hopes of rest, pain control and antibiotics would calm everything down but a day and a half later the surgeon realized I needed a complicated surgery in order to have my gallbladder removed so I was transferred to Peace Health Southwest Medical Center in Vancouver.
Because of my gastric bypass they couldn't just take my gallbladder out so I needed the care of a bariatric surgeon and three procedures in one n the 17th I was in surgery for over six hours and everything went well but it was a hard first few days pain wise and just getting my body back to somewhat normal. On Monday I was accepted into Inpatient Rehabilitation.
Speaking of the phone, my dad just got me a new one so not everything has been synced yet so I don't have all my contacts and really won't until I get home. Please bear with me if you try to call or message me and I can't get back to you right away. The program here is at least three hours of physical and occupational therapy a day I think five or six days a week so I will get on and chat when I can.
I love and miss you all! I had stones in my gallbladder and the bile duct so from what the surgeons said I was quite sick for a while without even knowing it. Chatting, plotting and writing will happen if I can get the muses to get in line but as you know they’re as frigging stubborn as their mun so we will see. Also the wifi here won’t let discord on my laptop update if you can’t reach me on there leave a message @draconigena440 and I’ll get back to you.
I’m so sorry if I had anyone worried but I’m now gallbladder free and on the road to recovery. Getting into an Inpatient Rehabilitation program is something I’ve wanted since my mum passed away so being where I am is a small dream come true and I’m finally focusing on me and my future wellbeing a little for the first time in a LONG time.
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wallachiandragon · 4 years
“My name is Mirena.” She nodded. “And yes that is my father.” She allowed her ankle to be wrapped, before moving to try to get on the horse. “Perhaps you could help me?” She asked nervously.
Once along the journey she could not help but let her curiosity get the better of her. “Do you like being home?” She asked curiously. “And if you do not mind my asking, where have you been all this time?”
"Pleasure to meet you Lady Mirena." Vlad said with a smile that made his gray green eyes sparkle with the honesty his grandfather and uncle were known and respected for as he gently kissed the back of the young lady's hand and then helped her up and over to his horse. He then quickly mounted the stallion and got Mirena comfortably across the saddle with his uncle's help.
Vladimir wrapped up Sasha's hoof and then both he and Artur kept their distance in order to give Vlad and Mirena some privacy, "I have missed  Wallachia and my people greatly." The seventeen year old said before his eyes became very distant as he forced himself to think of his years as a hostage and child solider in the Ottoman Sultan's army. "My younger full brother and I were sent to Edirne and the court of Murad II where I quickly became one of his child soldiers. He and Mehmed want me to rule in their names but I have no intention of doing so. Hence why we were on our way to meet with your father."
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wallachiandragon · 4 years
Continued from HERE: 
Artur looked around the area as his brother gently started exam Mirena's ankle, "She lost a shoe." The bear said as he came over with the shoe in his mouth.
Vlad then dismounted and moved to take a look at the mare's feet and found one of her back hooves was a bit bruised, "This is Vlad." Vladimir said with a smile. "Voivode of Wallachia, we were actually on the way to meet your father."
"Hello." The young Dracula said with a smile as he moved to sit next to Mirena and offered a hand in friendship. "I have only been home a few weeks and my grandfather and uncle are helping me to get to get to know my people. You are John Hunyadi's daughter?"
Vladimir smiled softly as he got up to get something out of his saddlebag and only did so when his back was to the two since he was hoping that Vlad and Mirena would be drawn to each other and that was happening if the color of cheeks was any indication, "Your ankle is badly sprained." He said as he returned to the two and began to wrap her ankle.
"The mare has a bruised hoof." Vlad said to his grandfather before returning his gaze to Mirena and gave her a happy lops. "Since we are bound for your father's you can ride with me."
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