After mulling over it for the past few months I’ve come to the decision to archive this blog. You can find the bat and me over here and I have every intention of continuing any established thread I have with partners who want to continue writing with me.  
This is to mainly help clear my dash a bit and to help me figure out who’s still active and who actually want to interact with me. Hope to see some you on the flipside!
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After mulling over it for the past few months I’ve come to the decision to archive this blog. You can find the bat and me over here and I have every intention of continuing any established thread I have with partners who want to continue writing with me.  
This is to mainly help clear my dash a bit and to help me figure out who’s still active and who actually want to interact with me. Hope to see some you on the flipside!
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After mulling over it for the past few months I’ve come to the decision to archive this blog. You can find the bat and me over here and I have every intention of continuing any established thread I have with partners who want to continue writing with me.  
This is to mainly help clear my dash a bit and to help me figure out who’s still active and who actually want to interact with me. Hope to see some you on the flipside!
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His embrace received a small squeak from the tiny queen, Victoria not expecting such a greeting.  In fact, she was entirely unused to such affection, so few people in her life actually allowed to touch her, let alone any who would hug her.  For a moment, as he spoke, she stiffened in his arms, but she quickly melted, not quite wrapping her arms about him in return but all but.  Frankly, she drank the action up like a cat would cream, attempting to imprint it in her mind.
Her arm tucked in his, she found herself wondering why he would not see their actions as such.  “Because you adapted your plans to my schedule, of course…”  She could be grateful for such things, could she not?  Or was that simply to be expected?  So caught up in her own worrying thoughts, she barely heard his question, clearly nervous with more people to meet.  “Victoria, I vastly prefer Victoria.”
The former prince smiled softly when the young woman made a small noise of surprise when he hugged her, "Forgive me if I made you uncomfortable with the hug cel mic." He said as they started heading inside. "You will not want for affection with us since we all have lacked such in our early years but if but we want to be comfortable above anything else."
Vlad nodded when his cousin said she preferred Victoria and shook his head good-naturedly when she brought up how they must have adapted to her schedule, "Nonsense cel mic, we always make time for the sovereign and our family." He stopped for a moment when they got to the door of the family dining room where their shared ancestor and uncle were waiting to meet Victoria and welcome her into the family. "Take a moment cel mic, I know you're nervous but remember that the men waiting in there are former soldiers and a physician above anything else. Our grandfather is actually still in scrubs from his last shift at the ER he works at."  
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❝ Happy Birthday, Vlad. ❞ He hummed, leaning back in his chair after casting a furtive glance in the direction of his office door. ❝ Sorry I couldn't come 'round or call earlier.. and I hope I'm not interrupting anything. ❞
"Thank you, Daniel," Vlad said with a smile as he sat down after closing the door to his office in the security building of their shared grandfather and uncle's estate. "And don't worry about it, I know how busy you are and I know out of all of us you and I are not the closest. I'm just happy to hear from you."
The vampire gave his cousin a knowing smile, "And you got me at a good time, not to worry. How are you?"
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There was no sense in trying to sneak up and surprise him. Instead Elsa made sure her gift was the surprise. She placed the neatly wrapped gift on his desk with a note wishing him the best of birthdays. A cloak of the finest, softest wool in Arendelle made a fine cloak that would keep the sun off of him.
The former prince of Wallachia had cocked his head in surprise when he found the package on his desk when he had gone into his office with correspondence he had to work on and broke into a huge smile when he read the note before opening the package. He had put the things he had to work on down before going to find his many times' great-aunt with his gift to her since they shared the day.
"Thank you for the gift." He said when he finally found her. "And unlike most of my kind, the sun does not bother me. I still have my soul." The vampire smiled kindly as he held out a small box. "To represent your ties to the House of Drăculești since my uncle does not need to hide his true name anymore."
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Today is this guy’s birthday (All we know about the historical Vlad is that he was born in November or December 1431 so I picked today :) ) today so please feel free to send things to help me spoil my bat.
I’m free today so I’m please like this post if you want a birthday themed starter.
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Just a little heads up for you all! I have my Botox injections on the 18th so dad and I will be heading up to Seattle tomorrow and staying with my mum’s family until the 29th. I will be bringing my laptop with me but I don’t know how often I will be around. This is technically the second Christmas without my mum but considering she passed so close to it we were all still in shock.
I’d love to get some new stuff going so this is also a starter/plotting call. Give this a like and I will get in contact with you during the week or when I get home!
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It didn't take Vlad former Prince of Wallachia to find his young distant cousin Daniel Harrow when their shared ancestor couldn't find him when dinner had been made but was very careful to make sure that he looked like every other human by the lake. He smiled softly and moved to sit cross-legged on the dock when he saw Dan practicing his rowing and waited for his cousin to come in.
While he waited the vampire couldn't help but see a memory from his own teen years in the 1450s while he and his younger brother were hostages of the Ottoman Empire. He looked down at the ring he always wore and thought back to the day it had brought to him in Edirne, "Te-am făcut mândru de tata?" He whispered as he looked up at the setting Australian sun.
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reblog this if you are open to plotting family connection aus with your muse.
frequently, a roleplayer is unable to stray from their idea of their muse’s family for either the sake characterisation or their comfort, and it can be easy to assume the same applies to everyone unless otherwise stated. please reblog this post if this is not the case with you, and you are open with roleplaying in scenarios where my muse is yours sibling, child, parent, cousin, etc, whether through biological ties or not.   ( and if you are okay with only some of them, or everything except x or y, feel free to specify that in the tags! )
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Happy Hanukkah to my Jewish followers. May the next several days bring you light and blessings.
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Dear Lord, may I pretty please have some:
Outlander Vikings/The Last Kingdom Medici Wars of the Roses/Tudors Versailles/18th Century Ripper Street Plantagenet Reign
Muses to interact with?
Thank you
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Candle lit for mum tonight considering the veils between worlds are thin. ❤️❤️❤️🙏🏻
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Reblog if your muse can speak more than one language.
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Send '👶' for a glimpse of my muses parenting.
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reblog this if you actually like following me.
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