wallposter-posts · 1 year
Controlling the Fatty...
I’m starting to like this. This power I have over you. The ways I can make you squirm. Make you feel. Make you eat. And if I’m not mistaken, I think you’re starting to like it too, fatboy.
It’s gotten so easy to push you around. Every poke and prod, every pinch is another reminder of how easy you are to control…how littleself-control you have. Even the little glances…the side-eye, aimed at your big wobbling belly, the smirk I give you when I see you struggling to stretch your shirt over your belly button. It’s all so easy to push you around, fatty. And it’s only getting easier as you widen.
There are so many little…accidents. More now than ever before. You’re so easy to bump into, fatty. All that greedy, endless stuffing has taken its toll on that thing you used to call your “body.” That big, blubbing tub of lard you struggle to carry around all day. Your fat cells have stretched themselves as big as they can handle, rapidly ballooning every overblown fat deposit on your chubby fatboy physique. Your love handles have swelled, your tubby tummy has swelled, your juicy, jiggly fatboy tits have gotten plumper, riper, milkier…bouncier by the day! Those thundering thighs…those widening melons of dough that burst and heave behind you…it’s all gotten too big for you to manage! You’re always bumping into things! Always knocking things over! Always getting in the way…rubbing up against things around you when you don’t even mean to!
It’s kind of funny to watch, as you waddle and squirm. As your juicy thighs rub. As your gut gets caught on the edge of the table as you pathetically attempt to reach out across, to grab as much garbage as you can to stuff as deeply down your throat as possible! The way your fat legs wriggle below your outrageous ass as you struggle to reach for the next bite, too stupid and greedy to notice that I set it farther out of reach every day, just to watch your roll-covered body struggle more during each stuffing! Just to watch you squirm! You’ve gotten so easy to fuck with, fatboy! So easy to tease!
That big body of yours that softens and expands around your once-slim, once-handsome frame…it even bumps into me. I never make it easy on you, fatboy. I have a right to take up space just like you do. And you’re always trying to squeeze your obese, thick, lardy ass by me. You’re so soft…so squeezable. It’s so funny watching how flustered you get as you excuse yourself, trying to sneak yourself by me, trying to keep your fat gut from bumping me, your fat ass from rubbing up against me. Watching your fat face turn crimson as your love handle rakes against my hip.
You embarrass yourself all the time fatty. Stuffing yourself until you can’t hold anymore. Leaning back and belching. Looking like an over-puffed blowfish! Frightened you’re going to pop! And when I ask you if you need another bite, you barely have the capacity to say ‘no.’ When you aren’t looking, I knock something off the table…blame it on your greedy, lardy ass, make you pick it up. You do. And inevitably, I hear the sound of your huffing…how difficult it is to bend down, to fight against your blimped-up belly! Hearing you groan, struggling to get up. Or the sound of you ripping through your clothes. The seam of your pants splitting right up your ass!
But it’s gotten so bad now, you pathetic fat fuck, that I can just poke you around. Make you do my bidding. You’re so sensitive now, fatty. I love the way you blush as I shove my finger as deeply into your wiggly tummy as I can! How you whimper as I slide my finger down your gut, letting it rest in your deepening gut button, fearful about what I’ll do next! The way you gasp in surprise as I squeeze your doughy love handles—both at the same time—when you aren’t looking, when you least expect it…when you’re too busy stuffing your fat face to notice me sneaking up on you. When I grab both love handles with my hands and squeeze! Making you wriggle and dance like a marionette puppet as you try to shake me off! Pinching your soft, sensitive nipples as I shake your girlish moobs! Prodding your shifting, swaying ass as I teasingly demand that you waddle your fat buttocks faster!
The comments I make. That “your face is really filling out…” that “your arms are looking thicker, man! It’s just too bad it’s all fat and no muscle!” that “you’re kinda looking thicker than a snicker dude…maybe I’ll throw you a pity fuck from time to time.” The whisperings you pretend you can’t hear. “Fat fuck,” “piglet,” “greedy feedee,” “tub of blubber!” The way I watch your handsome, fattening face for a reaction. Words unspoken, conveyed only through my cocky smile…what the fuck are you gonna do about it, piggy?
Yeah, you’re easy to control. But beyond that, you’re a fatboy through and through. For all my teasing, all my relentless pinching and poking and prodding, you always fall for it! All the snacks I keep for you. All the candy bars. All the cupcakes. All the twinkies wrapped in plastic. It only takes me offering one for you to melt into a gluttonous chub! For those thick, plushy fatboy cheeks to start to glisten with excitement! The way you jiggle as you smile, your fatboy brain taking over, a plump puppy willing to do anything, wagging his imaginary tale as he leaks and drools for the treats I offer him, wetting himself from the anticipation of stuffing himself silly! You’ll do anything for me, fatboy, to get your plump sausage-like fingers on these snacks I waggle in front of your piggish face! You’ll do whatever I want you to do; the truffle shuffle, entertain me by waddling around with your chub, get your fat body onto your hands and knees and let me use you as a foot cushion! Just so you can stuff yourself beyond belief!  It’s so shameful, fatboy! So embarrassing! But it’s so much fun to watch you expand and explode! So worth having complete and total control over your fatboy body…over your fatboy mind…
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wallposter-posts · 2 years
Sound On 🐷 🔊
After a trip to the all you can eat 🐷🐷
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wallposter-posts · 3 years
Jiggles and a short stuffing… this piggy’s feeling ravenous 🐷🥵
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wallposter-posts · 3 years
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I’m so swollen, my god. 🥵 The heaviness of letting my stomach hang out, all the way out... not only does it feel so taboo, it feels amazingly cumbersome. Bouncy and uncomfortable in the most intoxicating way, and I’m out of my mind within seconds.
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wallposter-posts · 3 years
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wallposter-posts · 3 years
Rip shirt 👋🏼🐷
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wallposter-posts · 3 years
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One of my favorite transformations ever! He went from twink to superchub!
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wallposter-posts · 3 years
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can you tell my feeder boyfriend loves my belly? 🥴🤤
i love having my growing fat belly played with 🤤
full video on my OF 😈
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wallposter-posts · 3 years
GUYS.. LOOK AT HOW FUCKIN FAT I AM! I had abs 3 years ago.. holy fuck. Share this and make me FATTER
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wallposter-posts · 4 years
Belly play with a fatty panda
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wallposter-posts · 4 years
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wallposter-posts · 4 years
Video is so much better than a gif. Really. I know I should be concerned about all that huffing and puffing (and I am), but…
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wallposter-posts · 4 years
I'm not that fat right ?!?!?!
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wallposter-posts · 4 years
You might not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
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wallposter-posts · 5 years
Reblog Fat Spell
Your fate is sealed. With each reblog you will grow fatter. There is no reversal. Caution to those who are unsure. DO YOU WANT TO BECOME A SUPERCHUB HOG….well then reblog to cast and never go back.
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wallposter-posts · 5 years
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wallposter-posts · 5 years
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