wanbru8-blog1 · 6 years
Straight Talk Learning How To Read The Bible
When you realize the names and the truth of words used were changed to control and or deceive a people.  Learning to read the word of Elohim (God) in a manner that never was taught to us. Is an enlightenment of reality that invokes another level of truth and serenity.
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wanbru8-blog1 · 6 years
Straight Talk You Can Fix What Is Broken
Living in a world fractured and broken you can fix what is broken, Venture to learn the truth and govern yourself to make a difference. Brokenness is not the plan for life. It's the non truth designed for some beleive they can't fix. Best believe you can fix it. You weren't created to be broken.
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wanbru8-blog1 · 6 years
Straight Talk Provision For The Vision
God will proivide that which is needed for the Vision. God is the source and everything else is a resource. Whatever is needed God will supply and bring to life the vision thru his provision. Trust in his process having faith will bring about the provision needed.
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wanbru8-blog1 · 6 years
Straight Talk Teach Me Church How to Have A Relationship
Teaching one how to have a realtionship with God rather than a membership seat in a pew would further advance ones life to their full potenial/purpose.
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wanbru8-blog1 · 6 years
Straight Talk What's Worse Living The Lie or Belieivng It
When the world is built on lies. The day will come when truth will awaken its citizens. Learning the truth is an effort of the mindset and one must be ready to accept and endure to forgive and live on as the truth unfolds itself.
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wanbru8-blog1 · 6 years
Straight Talk What's Worse Living The Lie or Belieivng It
When the world is built on lies. The day will come when truth will awaken its citizens. Learning the truth is an effort of the mindset and one must be ready to accept and endure to forgive and live on as the truth infolds itself.
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wanbru8-blog1 · 6 years
Straight Talk Fulfilling Your Assigment
God has given you an assignment; a mission/positon to which you are assigned. Your position in life is distinct in its mission and God has perfectly equipped you to succeed in it. Knowing what your assignment is will help you draw the focus on your purpose to be all you can be in it.
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wanbru8-blog1 · 6 years
Straight Talk Be Steadfast In Your Well Doing In Life
When making commitments, applying for, signing up be it a job, a membership, a relationship etc. Be steadfast in your character, that is Loyal, relialbe, dependable, trust-worthy and all the postive characteristics you can be. Always giving 100% of your best self. Trust that God will always have your back in the valley and on the mountain top. Serve God and not money.
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wanbru8-blog1 · 6 years
Straight Talk The Joy Of The Lord Is My Strength Once you realize who you are and learn to tame your mind for the good of who God created you to be. The Joy of the Lord becomes your Strength in weaponry.
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wanbru8-blog1 · 6 years
Staight Talk "When Life Overwhelms What Do You Do"
You better dig deep down in the bed of your soul and fight back. Realize that Greater is God in you then the enemy of the world. You will be tried by the very essence of who you are. Just make sure you know whoms you are. For I am a child of God.
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wanbru8-blog1 · 6 years
Straight Talk Trust In God and Not Your Gov't  
 When you realize your Gov't can not be trusted. You better learn to Trust in God. Cause the quote the Gov't uses in God we trust is a Lie.SHOW MORE
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wanbru8-blog1 · 6 years
Straight Talk "Stop Talking About It and Be About It"
In life we should walk the walk and not talk so much.  Whatever you endeavor to do or be make efforts and carry them out. Life and time waits on no one.
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wanbru8-blog1 · 6 years
Straight Talk 'Let Your Spirit Stand Up and Make Your Flesh Lay Down'
Let your Spirit person be the foreunner in your relationship with Yaweh (God).  Deny your flesh and keep it under subjecton.
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wanbru8-blog1 · 6 years
Straight Talk "Who Are You"
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wanbru8-blog1 · 6 years
Straight Talk "Who Are You"
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wanbru8-blog1 · 6 years
Straight Talk " Wake Up & Prepare Your Family "
Time is know to start prepping for what could or is to come.  Food, cash, ammuntion and supplies in the event of Marshall law or power outage. Most important set your salvation straight. Repent and set yourself in right standing with God. Faith not fear!
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wanbru8-blog1 · 6 years
Straight Talk "You Got the Power" To Open Your Gov't
We as a nation of people that proclaim to know God need to begin to pray, Stop bickering and complaining. If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 
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