wanderer-guardian · 9 years
The bag’s progress goes entirely unnoticed by the Kid. Which is unfortunate, but he don’t know that. He’s still looking at the stone, but only for a few seconds. Then he puts it away, tucked into one of his many little pockets. The tools are too big for those. 
Kid used to carry all kinds of things. Pieces of Caelondia, of the Old World. But nowadays...
Lunch. She’s stuttered a bit, but that don’t bother the Kid any. He knows the feeling. And anyways, he’s got to think of a place to eat, and fast. He don’t know too many, and where do you even take a girl out to eat, anyways?
 Wait, does that make this a date? Is he on a date now? Kid’s never been on a date. Is he? Feels strange. And it feels the same as anything else, too. Maybe it only feel strange because he expects it to. Maybe it -
How about pizza? 
Classy, Kid. Worked for you real well last time, too.
Wait, had that been a date? Because...
{closed} a mosaic, of polished caricatures.
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wanderer-guardian · 9 years
Oh, come on, now. Did people just think that he was supposed to be a child? Some poor little boy who needed protecting? Frankly, it was annoying. Irritating. He had a mortar, for crying out loud, and a warhammer.
His time on the Wall hadn’t been that inherently demeaning. 
On the other hand, once he took a second to think about it... he could follow her, then when he got a chance, bring down whatever ‘sanctuary’ she thought she was leading him to. That should deal a crippling blow to this City. Or, at the very least, a moderate blow to this part of it.
Which meant people would be killed. Some of whom would be innocent. Most of them likely injured, or trying to help the injured. But it’d help his side of the war, wouldn’t it?
He didn’t want to... but he’d have to.
“I’m just the Kid.” All right, then, he’d follow her. He shoulder his weapons  not easy when one of them had been taken off a naval bombardment ship - and nodded to the blue-haired lady. Tried to make himself look a bit smaller and more vulnerable (ha, ha). “Uh... yeah. Just get me somewhere safer. Please?”
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Edis’s eyes were adjusting to the world around her. It was the Nightmare Realm all over again, people fighting, the strong destroying the weak. It was no difference from what her kin would expect. But nothing prepared her for what was to come.
Making her way through the second sector she merely began to watch the chaos coming from and that is when she met the ‘child’. Moving toward the being she would speak in a soft tone:
“Are you alright? Do you need a sanctuary?”
She could not help it, she was worried about the little one, for her she just needed to protect as much lives as possible. The beauty of her sanctuary was it was unknown, no one really wanted to destroy a burlesque, but they had to leave to Sector 3 soon. She smiled to him more as she spoke again to him:
“Follow me, you’re safe with me now… I’m Edis by the way, you’re?”
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wanderer-guardian · 9 years
The Kid nods. He’s seen a few nasty people in this City. And things that maybe aren’t people, but that’s not new for him. But even with the hammer, he’s a bit outmatched. 
Too bad he doesn’t have the rest of his Arsenal. Not anymore.
Know the feeling. Gotta try, though.
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“Yes, as much as I don’t particularly care to admit it. It’s why I don’t have my proper weapon at this particular moment. Though, even with my proper weapon, I imagine I would have a hard time dealing with some of the opponents in this city… Many of them are incredibly powerful, perhaps too much so for me.”
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wanderer-guardian · 9 years
The Kid considers that carefully. There’s not a lot of spots, to be honest. Now, it took the two of them a while to get up here. The saboteur could’ve stopped along any care along the way, in that time. Except maybe the first two that Will and the Kid had passed through, so that ruled them out.  And there was nobody coming the other way, so they couldn’t have passed by.
Unless they sat to the side, waited until the Kid and Will went to the next car, and then kept going further down the train.
The Kid rubs his forehead. There’s just no way to track the guy down. Only way to spot ‘em is if they get lucky enough to spot a knife, or somethin’.
No way to know. 
Will gave a nod. It would make sense for whomever to have done this to take a hostage and flee to another part of the train. However, that still didn’t tell them where the person and said hostage were at. If only he had his full team, then he could simply send them out to various parts of the train, thus making their search all the more easier.
Sadly, it was just the three of them, and that would have to do. For now.
“…I do not know,” he said, frowning lightly. “Where do you think they would be most likely to hide?”
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wanderer-guardian · 9 years
Sort of. But Caelondia’s gone now. The Ura are in shambles, and they might not live much longer, anyways. Besides, they aren’t the Kid’s people. They’re Zuld’s, and Zia’s. But neither of them lives among their kind anymore. They’re up and out with Rucks. Just the four of them
And now it’s just the three of them.
If this place was safer, the Kid would wan ‘em around. But it ain’t. It’s about as dangerous out here as the Wilds ever were, and this ain’t the place for them. maybe they’d come here, maybe they’d be safe. But the Kid don’t want to risk it.
Not the place for friends.
It was a rather frank response. One that seemed to just accept the fact. Was it already a sense of defeat without a chance of going against the system? Well, Shalem might not be in a position to fight against anything like that, but the response was rather bleak.
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“… Is there nothing back for you where you’re from that you’d wouldn’t care if you stayed here? Is there nothing at all?”
How could Shalem know what there could be? For all he could know, everything could be even worse, and this in comparison was better. But even still, to be held against your will? It wasn’t exactly a favorable situation either way.
But that was Shalem’s take on the whole situation. He would have to understand that there existed other perspectives.
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wanderer-guardian · 9 years
Guess it’s joke time. Kid can’t say he’s heard too many of ‘em Not real jokes, anyways. Plenty of insults and the like. But Not a real joke, not in a long time now.
Can’t say he’s ever exactly been good at figuring them out, either. Hell, he barely even knew what pizza was. Only knew about it cause of that time will Will. Mushrooms, at least, they had in Caelondia. But he can’t say he can make a guess worthwhile.
Well, there’s no point in trying, then. And besides, people don’t want their jokes to be guessed right. So the Kid only shrugs (somethin’ he’s been doin’ a lot lately). What?
Sp☻iler Alert He Dies At The End
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wanderer-guardian · 9 years
Guess so. The Kid can only shrugs again. He’s just glad to have a real weapon again. Especially this one. New here?
“I’d imagine so… After all, hammers and axes are among the heaviest weapons you can use, and you seem to be brandishing it no problem.”
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wanderer-guardian · 9 years
The Kid look ‘round at his Cael Hammer - good to have his oldest friend back - then back to the blue-hair guy. Sure, the hammer’s big, but it’s not really any bigger than he is. Kid’s a full-size man, and he’s got a full-size warhammer. 
Wasn’t bad.
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“I’m amazed that someone of your stature can wield a weapon of that size. Your training must have been top notch.”
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wanderer-guardian · 9 years
More likely holding a hostage. Somebody who could slice through a moving engine belt ain’t too likely to be a hostage. Could be somebody else’s pawn, maybe. Somebody more powerful, using a third party. But it don’t sound too likely. 
If the guy’s off the train, he could be anywhere by now. Every second they stay here, they’re gettin’ further away. Could be off in any direction, on a crowded street. Almost on hope of ever finding the guy (or gal).
On the other hand, if they’re on the train, they must have another plan. Otherwise, why stay on?
Which way?
Will follows after Kid, making sure to stick close, but not too much in order to leave a comfortable amount of space between them. However, the train made this feat a bit difficult, prompting Will to lag behind as the other searched.
Once they made it to and looked into the next compartment, Kid spoke up upon finding no one there. “…you think they’re being held hostage somewhere, or have fled the train?” he asked, hoping to clarify the others words a bit. If they fled the train, it would only make sense that they would be off of it. If they were in the back, then they could either be hiding, or be held captive.
Either way, it looked like both would have to go back there.
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wanderer-guardian · 9 years
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wanderer-guardian · 9 years
No, that’s not the name his parents gave him. The Kid’s his new name. But the old one don’t matter anymore. Ain’t nobody left who knows his real name but him, and some days, even he forgets it. 
The Kid’s the name he got on the Wall, first as an insult, then as respect.
Kid the Mime? Now, there’s a thought. A bad one. Kid might not talk a lot, but come on. He’s not that bad, is he? Not like it really matters. He’s not gonna go around mimin’ things. Gotta admit, though, it sounds kinda... unique. Still not happening.
He can’t really say he’s got a favorite ice cream, either. Ain’t really had enough to decide. He’s had more of it since he got put in this city than the entire rest of his life before. And that’s hardly sayin’ a thing. Six scoops... sounds positively ridiculous. Sounds like a complete waste. Sounds good.
Sp☻iler Alert He Dies At The End
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wanderer-guardian · 9 years
All right. If he says he’s going, then the Kid ain’t gonna stop him. Could be handy to have somebody else around. The Kid ain’t really had someone else before, but now... 
So the Kid checks the next compartment first, but it’s the front of the train, the control room. It’s just as empty as the last compartment. That ain’t good, either. There’s seats for two people to be here, keeping the train going, and neither of ‘em’s here. Could be that the train runs itself, with the Scientists. No way to know for sure.
So, now, that leaves two options. Only two other places the saboteur could possibly be. Off the train, or back there.
Someone stopped the train? But why? Did they wish to rob the people inside, or was it something far worse? What did the person, or people who did this have to gain from such vandalism?
Will looked as Kid said he was going to go after them. “I’ll go with you.” He didn’t want to leave his companion alone, and he had nothing better to do, anyway.
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wanderer-guardian · 9 years
Kid’s still learnin’ more and more places in this City he hasn’t been to yet. It’s a big place. Maybe not as big as all of Caelondia, but then, the Kid never got to see most of that. Not until the Calamity, and then, most of it was gone.
So he’s been wanderin’ round all over the place, when he hears some strange sounds in an alley. Can’t pin it down, so he goes to check it out. Probably nothin’, he figures, and he’s right. Some wannabe big, scary guy, and all he’s doin’ is chucking some pebbles at some cans.
Must be even more bored than the Kid is. 
Bored enough to offer a challenge to some stranger. Kid thinks about it for a few moments. Never been all that much of a thrower - not until he learned how to handle the macete and the pike right. Then he learned real quick. Now, a pebble, that’s tricky. Too small to have any balance, and you can’t throw it the same.
Seems to the Kid like a waste of time. But then, if there’s one thing he’s learned (and he’s learned a lot), ya never know what might save your life.
So the Kid nods.Digs around in one of his pockets, comes up with a few quarters and a dime. Well, he said coins, didn’t he? 
Ding. Ding.
Two bottles fell off a wall in a makeshift shooting gallery in a dingy alleyway of Hive. ‘Gallery’ was almost an overstatement. It was a bunch of cans and bottles lined up on a half-broken wall and a spare poster with the unfortunate model on it pin-cushioned by thrown steak knives like a dartboard. Real ‘fun at the fair’ material.
Taskmaster jiggled a few pebbles in his hand and fired off a few more between his thumb and forefinger. Once again they hit dead in the middle of the cans with enough force to knock them right off the wall. Two cans. Three. Now a bottle.
Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding.
Still got it. 
As he was basking in his own glory the merc noticed someone has slipped into his little training ground. huh, could lead to something. He scooped up some more rocks and walked over to the newcomer, leaning in as his mask’s grin bared all in a mimic of his own smug sense of showmanship.
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“Like what ya see eh, Slick? Picked it up from an ol’ drinking buddy of mine. Even after a few bottles the guy had enough to give me a few pointers.” he imitated chugging a bottle to paint the picture even further; “Pretty impressive, yeah? I think I could even beat him sober now! Maybe if you want a few pointers… I miiight be willin’ ta part with ‘em for a few coins. What d’ya say? Unless you think you can beat me?”
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wanderer-guardian · 9 years
Kid thinks about that for a few moments. Don’t seem to him like he can get back anytime soon. Course, you can’t ever know for sure. Not really. But that makes him wonder - does he want to go back home?
Ain’t much for him back there. Just his only three friends. He misses them, all right. Wants to be with ‘em. But he don’t want them here. This ain’t the place for anybody, let alone a bunch of people who can’t fight.
He don’t want to go home, cause there ain’t one. And he don’t want his friends here, cause they wouldn’t last long.
In the end, all the Kid can do is shrug again. Does it matter?
Must have been quite the story, considering how this kid was responding. But Shalem was a bit glad to learn a bit more. Even if it was just something of a short personal story. Information went far when used enough.
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“I can only imagine that your time in this city must be rather jarring for you. But then again, who isn’t it jarring for? You ever think you’ll be able to go back?”
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wanderer-guardian · 9 years
Somebody stopped this train. There’s definitely no way the Kid can fix this. He’s done some interestin’ stuff, made some great repairs and upgrades. But he’d needed materials for that; fragments of the old world. Here, nothin’ to do.
Nothing except what he had to do. Gotta find the guy.
Could be dangerous. The Kid don’t care. He’s been out of the fight ever since he got here. Felt good, sure. Now he just feels restless.
By the time the psychic caught up with them, the two were in the engine room. He was first greeted with an odd stench, cringing before making his way over to where Kid was.
Natu, sensing his master, flew away from Kid and over to Will, settling atop his head. He let out a small chirp, both in greeting and to alert the other of Will’s arrival.
Once Natu was securely atop his head, Will made his way over to Kid. “Did you find anything?” he asked, peering over his shoulder to notice the cut belts. “…how did this happen?”
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wanderer-guardian · 9 years
Oh, that’s just what the Kid wants. Gonna go get some ice cream, some luxury he’d never had a chance at back home, with some criminal. Some criminal proud ‘bout it. What would the Marshals say?
Don’t really matter, Kid realizes. She can call herself a criminal. Doesn’t make her one. She can say what she wants. So until she commits some crime, there’s nothin’ he can do. Nothing he should do.
And what would he do? Whack some poor lady on the head, and... what? he don’t know where the jails are.
Nice to meet ya. He just shrugs. Feels a little uncomfortable. It’s not a new feelin’. He introduces himself as the Kid.
That’s about all he can say, so he sets off for the ice cream shop he saw earlier. Not far, not far at all.
Sp☻iler Alert He Dies At The End
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wanderer-guardian · 9 years
The Kid just snorts. “Not here for a fight. But if you want one, I’m game.”
He hasn’t had a real fight since he got to this odd city. He doesn’t really want to... but he misses it, too. And that’s why he’s here - us or them.
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          ❝ And what do you want? I hope for your sake it’s not a FIGHT you’re after! Unless you’re into that kind of thing—getting beat down, I mean. Masochism’s kind of popular lately… ❞
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