wanderhome-collection · 5 months
Happy Solo Wanderhome Wednesday!
I'm naming this the first official Solo Wanderhome Wednesday. Tell me about your solo game, ask me questions about how to do a solo game, talk to me about your journey!
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wanderhome-collection · 5 months
Dice based Kith generator-
Roll once to determine which table to use, and again to pick a number from that table-
1 Rodent: 1: mouse/rat 2: mole 3: rabbit/hare 4: porcupine 5: beaver 6: squirrel
2 other large mammal: 1: large dog/wolf/coyotes/wild dog 2: elephant/tapir/rhino 3: lion/tiger/leopard 4: bear 5: hyena 6: anteater
3 other small mammal: 1: housecat 2: toy dog 3: bat 4: fox 5: possum/raccoon 6: mustelids/weasels
4 birds: 1: sparrow/finch 2: peacock/turkey/chicken 3: robin/dove/pigeon 4: eagle/hawk 5: heron/stork 6: vulture/buzzard
5 bovid: 1: deer/goat 2: llama/alpaca 3: caribou/reindeer/moose 4: horse/zebra 5: ox/buffalo 6: donkey/mule
6 amphibian/reptile: 1: salamander 2: newt 3: frog/toad 4: turtle 5: lizard 6: alligator/crocodile/caiman
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wanderhome-collection · 6 months
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Got to play Wanderhome with friends! Such a cute, wholesome game (that's definitely not gonna make you cry about it), just had to draw my character Ephie, cute little baby menace <3
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wanderhome-collection · 6 months
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(The Arc of the Year by Juho Choi for Wanderhome)
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wanderhome-collection · 6 months
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a shepherd hard at work
[ID: a digital drawing of a white sheep stood on two legs, dressed in brown cloaks and scarves and wearing a pair of brown leather boots. they stand in the middle of a grassy meadow and hold a shepherd’s crook in their left hand. two bees are flying next to them, and more bees can be seen across the field. the scene is sunny and white clouds are scattered throughout a blue sky. End ID]
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wanderhome-collection · 6 months
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The latest and final addition to the Caravan Wanderhome Party - Ward! All character pages have been completed.
A Vagabond, he hails from the same homeland as Amalthea and hides a past. He is a Liar and a Traitor...at least that's what he believes himself to be.
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wanderhome-collection · 6 months
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his laugh sounds like this
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wanderhome-collection · 6 months
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This is Evelyn, I love him.
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wanderhome-collection · 6 months
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Wanderhome Blade 🧡
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wanderhome-collection · 6 months
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My lady cat knight is in pursuit of her greatest accomplishment yet…
Becoming everyone’s grandmother!
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wanderhome-collection · 6 months
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my wanderhome character 😼 her name is Thaalia & she is a dancer
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wanderhome-collection · 6 months
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drew my friend @cadoodledoodleydoo's wanderhome oc, sunny!
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wanderhome-collection · 6 months
Our Hæth: A Wanderhome ARG
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Ok so if you are any sort of game designer, whether that be a programmer for a mobile app, an artist for an indie TTRPG, or a top-tier producer at a AAA-game studio, you should read Reality is Broken by Jane McGonigal, it inspires you to make games that don’t just form digital communities or entertain, but allow a deeper connection to your real life.
And one game that I think, with a twist, could really fit McGonigal’s idea is Wanderhome, the excellent pastoral RPG by tumblr’s very own @jdragsky . This game is beautiful, simple, and a tool for telling these lovely stories about anthropomorphic travelers exploring a recovering society and finding themselves along the way.
Now, let me introduce my idea, tentatively titled Our Hæth: A Wanderhome ARG.
You make a Wanderhome character, just like in a typical game. You also make a separate Wanderhome profile that represents yourself. (this can be your actual Wanderhome character if you want to take on an alternate persona). This secondary Wanderhome character doesn't actually travel the Hæth. They represent your journey in the real world. Your second character's playbook should fit yourself and what you hope to get from this experience. My secondary character will be a Peddler, because I want to grow my personal career.
Then you get connected to a Hæth. These are shared worlds/servers that begin like all Wanderhome games (at the start of Tillsoil very soon after the end of the war) and progress from there. You can start with other players or begin on your own and find others later.
When you wish to travel to a new area, instead of randomly deciding what it should be, you base it on your current location. It can be as simple as your bedroom or as grand as the Great Wall of China! I’ll show you what I mean with where I am now.
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A beautiful pond, right? Let’s turn it into a spot in the Hæth! Our first nature is based on a literal take of the area. I’m by a pond, so the first nature will be Lake! The second nature is more metaphorical; based on what you know about your location, choose a nature that describes its personality. A lot goes on around this pond, so I’ll pick Carnival. The third nature should describe the place as it is when you arrive. The calm nature of the pond today means the third nature is Field. Build the location with the rules of each nature, combined with the traits of the season, and you’ve made a Place!
In Our Hæth, each location is permanently saved into the world you created it in. If other players want to visit this location rather than create a new one, they’ll replace the third nature and the seasonal traits and set off! They can see what you’ve written about the place and the adventures you’ve had here. If you know them in real life, you can share what the real-world inspiration is. If not, you can discuss as much about it as you feel comfortable sharing.
Once you're in a Place, great! Start playing Wanderhome. If you're alone, write down what your traveler does in this place. If you're with friends, get together in person and roleplay it out, or chat together over Discord or your online forum of choice. Their characters may travel with you for a while or your paths may diverge and reconnect later. Just remember what happens so you can share it as part of your character's story. When you make a Kith, go through the regular Kith creation process and add them to your Hæth. If other players visit this Place later, they may meet your kith and will want to know what happened.
The other big ARG element of this version of Wanderhome comes with using tokens. When your character does something to create a token, you need to do something to make a token in real life. Have a list of what different actions in Wanderhome mean for you in real life. For example, when my character Camper gives away something he holds dear, that means I have to complete some professional networking. Your token action should be challenging or good for you. Change your token action as your challenges and needs change. Make them fit your life and your goals.
Take a break to complete your token action, or write it down for after the session. You won't be able to spend your real-world token until you complete your task. Once that's done, the next time your character spends a token, you can spend one too! Your token rewards are something positive to reward yourself for putting in the effort and caring for yourself, your relationships, or the world. In my Hæth, when Camper keeps someone safe from the difficulties of the world, I get to take a nap rather than work!
The months can change in small groups when you agree to change them. In bigger groups, you may set a real-world date for the change in the months. Ask the month's question to yourself and your Wanderhome character. Consider your answer a "yes" regardless of which one of you says so. When the time comes for the seasons to change, set up a party with others in your Hæth or throw your own private celebration. Just as the holiday marks a moment of personal growth for your character, take a major step forward with your own goals. As Camper celebrates the new year, I'm going to start searching for a summer internship. I'll adapt my token actions and rewards as needed, and I'll continue playing.
So long as you have Wanderhome, you can play this game. You can keep track of your Hæth in a notebook, on a google doc, whatever. My perfect version of this project would be a little website where players can join different Hæths, watch their world grow on a virtual map, see all the information neatly organized online, and connect to a wide range of people in the Wanderhome community.
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wanderhome-collection · 6 months
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Late night cat doodling
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wanderhome-collection · 6 months
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I’ve been preparing for a Redwall-inspired ttrpg one shot and have done nothing but think about cozy little woodland critters and their silly little adventures.
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the summer nights ahead of you ✷࿐
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Autumnal commission -  The Wild Boar Foodtruck
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