Time to do some witchy shit, do dah, do dah.
Bitch won't get away with it, oh de do dah day.
Gonna hex all night, gonna hex all day.
Bet that bastard's gonna have a bad time;
karma's gonna join in the fray.
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Stressy depressy big fat messy
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A magic we can all do better with.
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Witchcraft Books by Bree NicGarran
Grovedaughter Witchery: Practical Spellcraft
For the witch whose town is devoid of occult shops and covens, learning the craft can be a daunting task indeed. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways for a budding practitioner to make a start.
Stroll down the forest path with Bree NicGarran, author of The Sisters Grimmoire, and discover the surprising ways you can practice your craft with commonplace items from the supermarket and the craft store. Build a travel kit for on-the-go magic. Create your own spells from scratch with a step-by-step guide. Learn how to make your own witch webs and magical powders. Uncover the secrets of walnut charms and witchballs and much, much more. Every page carries tricks of the trade and homegrown charms from the files of the Grovedaughter herself.
From besoms to banishings to a bit of good advice, Grovedaughter Witchery is the ideal book for any witch with an inclination toward a practical, no-frills approach to witchcraft.
The Sisters Grimmoire: Spells & Charms For Your Happily Ever After
Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, Who’s the cleverest witch of them all?
With the spells in this book, it just might be you!
Inspired by the well-known works of The Brothers Grimm, this volume boasts over sixty original spells lovingly crafted from favorite fairy tales, along with helpful spellcrafting instructions and several indices to aid you in your journey. All of this is wrapped up with useful chapter forewords discussing the various themes within the tales, some insight into the creative process, and a bit of discussion on ethics and the usage of magic.
Whether you’re ready to yell “All Heads Off But Mine,” looking to turn your luck around with some Buried Coins, or just wanting to show the world What Big Teeth you have, there is sure to be a spell within these pages that is exactly what you’ve been looking for.
After all, who couldn’t use a bit of Happily Ever After?
Pestlework: A Book of Magical Powders & Oils
From the author of Grovedaughter Witchery comes a volume of potions and powders for all occasions, suitable to enhance the craft of any practitioner.
Old standards like Banishing Powder and Blessing Oil meet new classics like Dream Dust and Stargazer Wishing Oil. Need to rid your house of a troublesome spirit? Try a sprinkle of Ghost-Be-Gone Powder. Looking for a way to get your zest back after spellwork? Brim With Vim Vitality Oil might be just the thing. Over 200 original formulae await you within these pages, along with helpful hints, safety tips, and detailed instructions for creating your own magical powders and oils.
Collected for the first time in a single volume, these recipes are the product of twelve years of experience and much experimentation. While magic is never a guarantor of success, the potions within these pages just might give your spells the edge you need.
Visit my Amazon Author Page for listings and book reviews! You can also visit my Wordpress shop to order books and other witchy goodies directly from me. (All orders billed through Paypal. Nominal shipping charges will apply.)
Make sure you check out my podcast, Hex Positive, on your favorite podcatcher app! (Part of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.)
If you own a shop and would like to carry my titles, please contact me at [email protected] for wholesale information.
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Bahahahahahahahaha I’m deceased
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art by @phantomas99
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Not me spending almost $20 on a tiny piece of phenacite - hard to find crystal…. Ow
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I don’t care if I lose a thousand followers overnight, but if you think “tranny” or “shemale” are remotely acceptable ways to refer to a transgender person, please unfollow me.
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Reblog if you genuinely support asexuals
It terrifies me that there’s so much raging passion in the lgbt+ community that insist on marginalizing asexuals and implying that asexuals don’t deserve to have safe spaces. There’s still so much acephobia so I just wanna know which blogs are genuinely supportive and a safe space for asexuals
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Tumblr can you not with this shit?  I’m serious, who gives a fuck about nudity when people are using this platform to legitimately broadcast hate, violence, racism, and more bullshit this world doesn’t need?  Give me my titties and remove the shit please.
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Take Back Your Power, Witch.
I see you sitting in that corner, now we shall pull you out.  You power hasn’t deserted you.  It’s time to reclaim it. Go somewhere outside where you can safely light a bonfire.  Throw salt and sage into it as you chant: Powerless I will never be I call my power back to me I take it back from my despair my power’s left the darkness there I now reclaim it, it’s my own and as I hold it, it has grown I am a Witch, this is my power and I reclaim it at this hour Bask in your reclaimed power and celebrate. Remember this:  Your power NEVER left you, Witch. It was waiting for reclamation all this time. Possess it as it moves.
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I can’t remember where I found this, so my apologies if it’s yours and you’ve not been credited - message me and I’ll remedy that, or remove it if you wish.
But this picture genuinely sums up my thoughts about people judging others for their path - please stop doing that.  Just because you have different ideas about how to approach the craft doesn’t mean you need to get all cocky know it all on others.  Mind your own craft and let others do their thing.
I arrived where I am, in the very eclectic world of Pagan Witchcraft (which is a very damn vague tag let’s be honest), by starting with Wicca.  It sparked my interested, tugged my heart into a realm it had never been in before.  It encouraged my imagination, my creativity, my love for the written and spoken word, my love for music, my love for animals, my love for Nature.  I developed my own path my own way, and that’s really as it should be.  I only work with a coven during holidays like Beltaine and Samhain, and even during those, I’m pretty off-in-the-woods-on-my-own.
I learned that if you decide to stop learning, all you’re encouraging is your inner stagnation.  So keep learning, about other paths, about your own, about things that have nothing to do with you, about life, about love, about history.  You’ll never know everything, that’s just a fact.  But you will become more open-hearted, more well-rounded, and you’ll be able to acknowledge others without judgment.  This is what we need in this world, not “My path is superior.”
Give yourself the room to learn and grow.  You benefit yourself, as well as those around you, and Mother Earth to boot.
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Cleansing, Consecrating & Charging
To cleanse an object is just as the word implies—you are cleaning it. The difference is, you’re not cleaning it on a physical level (though you can certainly do that first). What you’re attempting to do is ‘clean’ it on a spiritual level—on an energy level.
Cleansing disassociates items with their past vibrations. Sitting in a factory or store, people handling it, being transported, sitting on a shelf in your room gathering dust—items pick up various bits of energy. You want to wipe the vibrational slate clean to attune it with your own energies, or those conducive to your goal.
There are several ways to cleanse an object:
Burn a cleansing incense like sage, and run the object through the smoke
Bury it in the earth for a while, or in a bowl of salt/dirt/cornmeal
Soak it in salt water, or sprinkle/spray it
Hold it for a while under running water
Wave it over a candle flame, or actually put it into the fire
Sweep away negativity with a besom (blessed broom)
Be practical about it— you don’t want to soak metal in salt water overnight or you’ll rust it; you don’t want to put a fabric pouch of herbs anywhere near fire. Use your judgment. But it’s a good practice to get into to cleanse new things before using them for spiritual purposes, or to occasionally cleanse things like your jewelry, crystals, divination or altar tools, especially if they’ve been used a lot, or sitting unused for a while.
Consecrating an object is to make it sacred through some minor rite or act of blessing. I only do it to my main ritual tools used in the circle. For almost everything else, just cleansing is enough. Some ways to consecrate an item include:
simply say a prayer over it and dedicate the use of the tool to your Gods
If you keep oils that are cleansed, charged and consecrated, you can anoint an object with those oils and blessing symbols.
If you work a lot with the four elements you may wish to consecrate it by Air, Earth, Fire and Water in ritual: run it through incense smoke, sprinkle some salt on it, pass it over a fire flame and sprinkle some water on it.
You can consecrate anything—you can consecrate all your tools, your jewelry, even the ground on which you hold your rituals, but do remember this: once consecrated, the item is sacred, and should be treated as such.
Charging something is empowering it with energy. You might just imbue it with positive energy, or charge it so its energies are aligned with some specific purpose. For example, in candle magic, I always charge the candle to align it with the purpose of the spell.
Charging requires raising a bit of energy and directing it into the object. Once again, the method you choose can largely depend on your preferences or on the item you’re charging.
Rub candles with oil repeatedly
Dance, chant, meditate, etc. to raise power then pour that energy in
Put the object out under the sun all day to charge it with solar power*
Put the object out under the full moon all night to charge it with lunar power*
Use the energy you have accumulated in your tools**
Lay the item on a healthy crystal for a day or a few days so it will absorb energy
Like consecrating, charging isn’t always necessary. For example, I wouldn’t charge all my jewelry just because I’m wearing it; most I would just cleanse. If I primarily use a piece for ritual, I’d cleanse and consecrate it. If I wanted to use it as an amulet or talisman, I’d charge it.
*The sun, moon and crystals can both cleanse and charge the item at once.
**When you finish a ritual and draw up the circle, ground, etc., it’s a good idea to pour most of that residual energy into your tools—your athame, your pentacle, wand and such. This keeps them charged and ready to use, and empowers them enough so that they can charge other items.
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