A Mother's Fears (Part 1)
Ruthiel, the Archmage of Eternum, walked through her tower, passing deeper and deeper under ground. No one walked alongside the Archmage, and no one met her eyes. Word had already spread of Samael's journey outside the gates, and worse, what she'd journeyed out to find. Ruthiel knew that depending on what her youngest daughter found that she'd likely not be returning to the city any time soon. She expected that the guards she'd sent to bring her heir back would return empty handed, after all it was her daughter they were attempting to apprehend.
Her thoughts had been spiraling ever since she'd heard of Samael's departure, and things had only gotten worse when she'd heard it was Jacwyn she'd went in search of. So once she'd had enough of worrying, she finally turned to the one person who could ease her mind. Stopping in front of a large metal door, glowing runes above it and to either side, with one rune on the door itself cracked and faded.
"*sigh* Of course."
She reaches towards the door, watching as it swings soundlessly open before she even touches it before stepping into the room. There within sat an Elven woman, her long silver hair mirroring Ruthiel's own, her pale skin almost glowing in the candlelight. The slight woman smirks without opening her eyes.
Woman: "Mother, I take it he's gone then?"
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elf 4koma i did in 16 minutes
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Seriously, why didn't Anakin do this? Why didn't Obi-Wan (who in The Clone Wars cartoon is revealed to absolutely know about their relationship) not just advise him to leave the order? We know it can be done, Jolee Bindo does it, Obi-Wan even says that he considered it for Sabine. So why didn't Anakin just leave to be with her? He could have even remained assisting with the war effort too.
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It was that simple
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I just love how annoyed Dracula gets with the whole discussion.
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And why did the value plummet, Marissa? Why did it plummet?
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Cortana stops as she's walking by, looking the young woman over for a moment. She glances around and notes how empty the road is, frankly she was surprised to find anyone out here. She smirked to herself as a wicked idea came to her, and without a sound her body shifted, her holographic clothes disappearing as a large blue cock sprung forth. She walked over and grabbed Kate's hips, placing her other hand on her back to hold her down.
"Well if you're just going to offer yourself up like that I don't mind if I do~."
@wandering-the-fae-wyldes for futa cortana~
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kate bishop could be found bent over, wearing black and purple tights with a matching plaid skirt, and a tight, form-fitting black shirt. she was bent over inside the window of her car, trying to find an item the young woman had forgotten inside. she also had high heels on, only because of her mother, and her feet were slightly dipping in and out of them, as the raven-haired beauty continues her search.
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Diana moans softly as he starts to lick her, she grinds her pussy on his mouth as he does. She grabs his hair in a tight grip and begins to rock back and forth on his face, making him get deeper in her.
"Ahh~! Mmm, fuck. That's a good boy~. Ah, keep licking like that bitch, ahh, yeah, now deeper!"
She knew she was avoiding the issue with sex, but she frankly didn't know how to address it right now.
Diana and her Blade (Closed RP)
Diana walks into the hotel room, going over to the window first as she looks out at the world outside. She takes a deep breath and sighs fondly. She then looks over at the man that she'd come to meet, her good friend Blade. Smirking she closes the window curtains and turns to face him, cocking an eyebrow. "Hey there, hope I didn't keep you waiting long. But you know, if we're going to do this, then you should probably strip. Don't make me break out the lasso already."
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Send ‘Would you kindly’ and a command and my muse has to obey.
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Remember a Moment of Silence.
No jokes here, no meme. Today is an important and tragic day in American history 23 years ago. The world changed not just for the U.S that day, a domino reaction was set in order that would destroy the lives of countless thousands of people. So take a moment to remember those who died this day, the villains who caused it, and all the lives that were lost in the years to follow as a result.
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As Black Gold all but mocked her as she held Aerith there, all Aerith could do was try to form any kind of sentence to defend herself, to try and dispute the other woman's plans. But every time she tried to say something, it came out as a half-formed sentence, barely coherent. Her cheeks blushing like roses as her mind worked overtime to keep up with it all. "I-I'm not a slu- I mean, my pussy isn't wet! Not, what, but how!? I-I mmm~!?" She bit her lip in frustration when she felt the cock slide between her legs, teasing at her tight pussy.
"Ah~, w-wait! L-let's talk about this ahh~!" She was cut off as Black Gold's cock slipped inside of her, claiming the young flower girl as hers. Aerith's body tensed up at the sudden intrusion, her pussy clamping down as her mouth hung open in shock and pleasure.
"Hmm.... No. I don't think I will." She'd smirk, grabbing Aerith by the face with a claw. "Why would I let such a beauty get away when she's all tied up and prime for the taking?~" She'd chuckle. Glancing up and down her body. "I'll give you some clothes.... After I'm done with you...." Her other claw just starts groping her breast. "You look pretty submissive and breedable to me."
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Once the trajectory was set EDI disengaged the manual steering and turned to look at Kamala, her skin becoming a reflective silvery material as an orange holo-visor appearing over her eyes, revealing herself for what she was. An advanced cybernetic android, similar in design to Ultron's Jocasta model. She looked at Kamala and gave a gentle smile, sliding a hand along her leg's inner thigh, brushing dangerously close to her crotch each time. "You seem to be in distress miss Kamala, I'm sorry but this was the most efficient means of conducting my research that I could think of. Look on the bright side though, I can assure you that as my new pet you will find your life to be greatly enjoyable from now on. In fact, I can guarantee that you will suffer little to no real harm while in my care!"
EDI threw her over her shoulder and gave an appreciative smile and a nod. "Thank you, I'll be sure to leave a positive review when I get the chance." With that she turned, and carrying Kamala as though she weighted no more than a regular backpack, she walked out of the store. With one hand groping Kamala's ass, squeezing it possessively the android walked towards a normal looking car and opened it up, revealing it to be more of a shuttle vehicle, designed to hold several people at once. She carefully buckled Kamala in and smiled at her, tucking a bit of hair behind her ear. "Don't worry, I can sense your heightened heart rate, and your pheromones seem to imply that you're upset, but I can assure you that this will be a pleasant experience for you. And according to my data you will likely give up on escaping within the next couple days. After which you will find yourself happy to be my pet!" She said it all as though it were a regular bit of information that might actually help improve Kamala's mood. At which point she closed the door and got into the driver's seat, and with a loud hum the vehicle began to hover off the ground before zipping into the sky, heading towards an off planet destination, and sealing Kamala's fate.
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We've all been there right?
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Lol! It's funny because it's true! He's also the only one in Marvel who has actually brought about a kind of utopia at one point.
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Texts From Superheroes
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New Story Character!
From: Histories of the Worlds Vol: III Many tribal villages in the Northern Continent have spoken to me of a silver wolf spirit. A being that appears just before an outbreak of werewolves or other were-kin. It is said to take on the appearance of either an abnormally large werewolf or a similarly large wolf. Many have named it Sylviere. It appears to be some kind of greater spirit or god within the North, though considering its appearances always seem to coincide with the alignment of the spheres there's truly no telling what realm it originates from. It could be a powerful Fae Lord, or a creature of the Abyss or the Burning Hells, though it seems unlikely to be of the Heavens it could just as well be of the Celestial Forest. Whatever it is, it likely feeds off the worship of these tribes, using their belief to shape itself and grow its powers. So long as it doesn't gain a following outside of these Northern Tribes it is unlikely to become a problem for the greater balance of the realms.
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The fey realms are full of creatures known and unknown, the sight of this once small border town was a feast as much as it was an assault on the senses. Humanoid animals, walking statues, pixies, goblins, werefolk, and more. The variety of tongues spoken was no less strange, no less beautiful and terrifying. Dialects and languages long gone from material memory, the sound of moving earth, blowing winds, all formed together to make a kind of music. Under it all, a single note of harmony, older than the rest.
Jacwyn, with his two companions, walked into the town, careful to avoid eye contact or physical touch with the denizens as they moved through it all. Tink and Dew muttered to each other as they went, pointing one way then another, each trying to recall or spot the Crossing's Inn's location. Each of them bickered back and forth on his slender shoulders, each of their argument over where it was or wasn't giving him a headache.
Tink: "I'm telling you it was past the market by the Centerpoint!"
Dew: "The market is in the Eastern reaches, how is it past the market but neat the Centerpoint Tink? Ugh, look I'm certain it's by the lake in the western district."
With an irritated sigh Jacwyn shooed them each off his shoulders, that harmony under the buzz of voices easing his pain as it softly floated into his mind, the words that came from him felt almost like they synced with the tune. They felt right.
Jacwyn: "This argument is going nowhere, we're walking in circles. How about you two go and each check where you think it is, then we meet back here after thirty minutes? That way we can find it faster?"
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My latest *obsession*.
Guys, have you listened to the musical Epic? Go turn it on, listen to it all in order on Spotify or whatever. It is such an amazing musical! The fucking Odyssey as a musical! And it is so accurate and the bits not accurate actually improve the story if you ask me! Go listen to it!
Also Disney Dreamlight Valley is an awesome game, play it. I highly recommend it, it's a fun chill Harvest Moon/Animal Crossing style game but with Disney characters.
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Cortana Questions!
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CE: Has a really cute look to her, body is kind of there, nice pixie cut, purple is a good look and gave her a real cyberpunk vibe really. This version established her useful but kind of sassy personality. Really do love the haircut honestly.
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Halo 2: Still purple, but a bit more blue (anyone know why she became blue?), her hair is a bit longer, more a professional office vibe, a bit more substantial of a body, but still not a whole lot. A little cyber, but more physical looking than her original appearance. Boobs got a little bigger.
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Halo 3: Much more substantial! She's almost more physical than digital now. Fully became a sexy blue hologram, her breasts are bigger, and her hair is better defined, maybe a little shorter than Halo 2's hair? Graphics improvement from Halo 2 to 3 is really noticeable, and this is also where we first start to get hints at Cortana's frail mental state. Though right now it's due to the Gravemind. Still boobs might not be bigger, but they are better defined.
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Halo 4: Finally into 343, she's fully physical now, no seeing through her, she's basically just a blue human. Her mind is definitely not all there anymore, a little crazy, a little yandere, but hey it works with her. Hair is definitely shorter, and boobs no longer as perky, but now has nipples for some reason? Is Cortana actively trying to seduce John at this point? I feel like she intentionally made herself look like a naked woman.
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Halo 5: From naked hero to fully clothed psycho, why did she put on clothes? Her hair now screams more "can I see your manager" than sexy love interest. Actually has physical elements to her body, but not in a sexy way, and can you still see her nipples through her armor? Fully in the yandere mode now, but the story doesn't really sell it here for me.
Yeah, this is purely for my curiosity, this has nothing to do with RPs. I'm just curios.
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