Last April 13-14, 2019 all TVL students had a tour at Laguna and Quezon. 
It was such a fun experience, it was my first time to have an overnight with my friends. Although this trip was for a  school activity, but still it was so much fun to be with my friends as we explore and try and learn new things. 
Our first stop was at San Pablo Cathedral, the structure of the church is just so beautiful. Then we went to visit Lake Sampaloc. In Lake Sampaloc you can do a lot of things there like you can rent a bike for 20 pesos, or take photos at the beautiful sights, or even enjoy some good food since there are some food stalls around. You can also see the famous “Tilapia Monument” where a lot of tourists are taking photos at. Even though I did not know how to drive a bike, one of my friends, Kriska let me “angkas” while she was driving. Oh and of course we took a lot of photos in there.
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This is me posing outside the cute little restaurant that they have. I just love the designs because it was so summery and yes, coconut tree made me feel the summery vibe even more.
After that, we went to grab some lunch at Casa San Pablo. Inside the venue (the place where we are going to eat) it looks like there is a debut that is going to happen because of the decorations, it was cute though.
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Here we are taking a photo first before eating.
After enjoying our lunch, we went outside to explore the Casa San Pablo. It was such a beautiful place, they have a beautiful pool where the water is so clean and I love how there are a lot of flowers and trees around.
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I love this photo so much because it gives me a summery vibe.
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After that, we went to the Rodillas Yema Cake at Tayabas. I love their Yema Cake, I love how its not too sweet and they have different flavors. But I still go for the classic yema cake.
Then we went to Basilika Minore St. Michael de Archangel. When we went there, there’s actually a wedding that is happening and our tour guide mentioned that Basilika Minore St. Michael de Archangel has the longest aisle. And it has the oldest clock at the upper right side.
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After visiting this beautiful church, we went to the Kalye Budin where there are a lot of stuff you can buy to give to your family and friends as your pasalubong. And their specialty is Budin which is a yummy rice cake!
We went straight to Batis Aramin where we would stay at. We had our dinner first, then there’s a seminar and cooking demo about the Quezon Cuisine. After that, my friends and I and our classmates went straight to the swimming pool. It was such a fun night, all of us are just laughing and just having a great time and enjoying each other’s company.
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Here’s me and my friends inside our room!
Then the next day, we woke up at around 6:30 AM and we prepared to have our buffet breakfast. After that, we all went back to our room to prepare for the trekking to Kamay ni Jesus.
It was all worth the tiring trekking when we reach the top and saw this huge statue of Jesus. 
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After the tiring trekking that we had, we went around the Kamay ni Jesus to buy some souvenirs and to see the other beautiful sights that are in there.
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After that, we went straight to Kamayan sa Palaisdaan to have our lunch.
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Then, we visit the Old Church of Liliw and we went to the Tsinelas stores where there are a lot of different kinds of tsinelas that they are selling for a lower price.
I learned so many things during this tour. I tried different stuff and I enjoyed every single thing that happened on this tour. This is going to be our last outing that we are all together, the TVL22 so this tour meant so much to me because even though I have only been with them for 2 years, still I learned so many things from them and we made such a beautiful memories that I will forever remember those good and fun days. 
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