wanderlustphatty · 2 years
Deities and their Tarot Cards (Long Post)
I’ve heard of Pagans being contacted by their gods via certain Tarot Cards, so I wanted to do a deep dive and outline which Cards are associated with which Gods. Hopefully this can help you tell which God is reaching out to you :)
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Major Arcana
The Fool: Pan, Zeus, Dionysus, Loki, Hermes
The Magician: Hermes, Thoth, Odin,
The High Priestess: Hekate, Selene, Isis, Artemis, Freya, Ganesha, Tsukiyomi
The Empress: Aphrodite, Hera, Freya, Frigg, Isis, Hathor, Durga, Astarte, Demeter, Ishtar The Emperor: Zeus, Lugh, Odin, Horus, Ares, Osiris, Ra
The Hierophant: Osiris, Athena, Thoth, Seshat, Ogma, Horus, Apollo, Hermes, Odin, Brigid, Saraswati, Ganesha
The Lovers: Aengus Og, Aphrodite, Frigg, Rhea, Gaia, Demeter, Inanna, Ishtar, Parvati, Hathor, Isis, Brigid, Freya, Osiris, Cernunnos, Freyr, Dionysus, Pan The Chariot: Thor, The Morrigan, Nike, Athena, Astarte, Inanna, Ishtar, Anat, Freya, Bast, Durga, Odin, Horus, Sobek, Ares, Apollo, Set, Bellona
Justice: Lugh, Aengus Og, The Morrigan, Nemesis, Inanna, Themis, Ma’at, Nike, Athena, Zeus, Forseti
Strength: Thor, Hestia, Athena, Sekhmet, Bast, Macha, Brigid, Danu, Isis, The Virgin Mary, Bast, Sekhmet, The Dagda, Lugh
The Hermit: Odin, Isis, Hestia, Persephone, Hades, Hekate, Cerridwen, Brigid, The Muses, Saraswati, Hermes, Ogma, Odin
Wheel of Fortune: Zeus, Hathor, Isis, The Dagda, The Moirai, Maat, Arianhrod
The Hanged Man: Odin, Artemis, Osiris, Persephone, Inanna, Ishtar, Buddha, Jesus
Death: Persephone, Inanna, Ereshkigal, Isis, Nephtys, Izanami, Hel, Freya, Hades, Seth, Anubis, Osiris, Manannan Mac Lir, Odin, Thanatos, The Morrigan, Morana
Temperance: Artemis, Isis, Nepthys, Iris, Ma’at, Hebe, Apollo, Vishnu
The Devil: Dionysus, Pan, Set, Lilith, The Morrigan, Banshees, Baba Yaga, Lucifer, Baphomet, Satan, Veles, The Horned God
The Tower: Kali, Ares, Pele, Sekhmet, Hel, The Morrigan, Sedna, Anat, Ceres, Chernobog, Shiva
The Star: Aphrodite, Thoth, Hermes, Ishtar, Astrea, Isis, Arianhrod, The Virgin Mary, Inanna, Nuit, Isis, Nodens, Zorya
The Moon: Artemis, Hekate, Rhiannon, Cerridwen, Selene, Isis, Phoebe, Mani, Thoth, Arianhrod, Tsukiyomi, Chang-e
The Sun: Lugh, Apollo, Kupala, Helios, Brigid, Sol, Artemis, Athena, Aine, Bast, Sekhmet, Freyr, Horus, Aten, Ra, Agni
Judgement: Persephone, Ma’at, Osiris, Hephaestus, Isis, Kuan Yin, Horus, Hades
The World: Aengus Og, Demeter, The Dagda, Isis, Gaia, Cernunnos, Green Man
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The Suits
Suit of Swords: The Morrigan, Freya, Hades, Odin, Athena, Hel
Suit of Wands: Lugh, Hephaestus, Ares, Bellona, Pele, Aine, Brigid, Apollo
Suit of Pentacles: Gaia, Demeter, Macha, Freyr
Suit of Cups: Poseidon, Aphrodite, Isis, Boann, Hera, Hathor
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King of Pentacles: The Horned God, Freyr, Pan, Cernunnos, The Dagda
King of Cups: Lugh, Poseidon, Manannan Mac Lir, Njord, Apollo
King of Swords: Odin, Tyr, Zeus, Hermes, Horus
King of Wands: Ares, The Dagda, Zeus, Apollo
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Queen of Pentacles: Hekate, Gaia, Eostre, Aine, Artemis, Ceres, Demeter
Queen of Cups: Aphrodite, Venus, Hera
Queen of Swords: The Morrigan, Freya, Athena, Themis
Queen of Wands: Brigid, Hestia, Bellona, Aine
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Knight of Pentacles: Athena, Athena, Macha, Persephone, Lugh, Artemis, Demeter, Ceres
Knight of Cups: Aphrodite, Boann, Isis, Hathor
Knight of Swords: Badb, The Morrigan, Athena, Hermes, Nemain
Knight of Wands: Apollo, Brigid, Bellona, Lugh
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Page of Pentacles: Athena, Apollo, Lugh, Pan, The Muses, Hathor
Page of Cups: Aphrodite, Lada
Page of Swords: The Morrigan, Freya, Odin, Athena, Nike, Bellona
Page of Wands: Artemis, Apollo, Brigid, Athena
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wanderlustphatty · 2 years
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I found a great article about Egg Cleansing. Just in case you don’t want to click on the link or it, unfortunately, gets removed here is the low-down. 
Keep reading
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wanderlustphatty · 2 years
Hayley Atwell Gif Hunt Part 2
Under the cut thereare ### gifs of Hayley Atwell, best known for her role as Agent Peggy Carter.  None of these are mine, but please like/reblog if you use them!
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wanderlustphatty · 2 years
Major Arcana and the Gods and Goddesses🌙
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I’m only covering Egyptian, Roman, and Greek Gods and Goddesses here, so if you have more to add, feel free!
0. The Fool➡️Uranus
Egyptian: Harpakhered, Bes, Shu
Roman: Pan, Silvanus, Aeolus
Greek: Pan, Aeolas, Zeus
1. The Magician➡️Mercury
Egyptian: Ptah, Thoth
Roman: Mercury
Greek: Hermes
2. High Priestess➡️Moon
Egyptian: Isis (as priestess), Khonsu
Roman: Ceres, Luna, Diana
Greek: Demeter, Selene, Artemis, Hecate
3. The Empress➡️Venus
Egyptian: Mut, Isis (as mother), Hathor
Roman: Juno, Venus
Greek: Hera, Aphrodite
4. The Emperor➡️Aries
Egyptian: Amon, Horus, Khnum 
Roman: Jupiter, Mars, Minerva
Greek: Zeus, Aries, Athena
5. The Hierophant➡️Taurus
Egyptian: Osiris, Serapis
Roman: Liber Pater
Greek: Dionysos Zagreus
6. The Lovers➡️Gemini
Egyptian: Isis & Osiris, The Merti
Roman: Venus & Mars, Janus
Greek: Eros & Psyche, Aphrodite & Ares, Castor & Pollux
7. The Chariot➡️Cancer
Egyptian: Khepera
Roman: Apollo
Greek: Apollo
8. Strength➡️ Leo
Egyptian: Sekhet, Bast
Roman: Hercules, Vesta
Greek: Heracles, Hestia
9. The Hermit➡️Virgo
Egyptian: Atum
Roman: Saturn, Vesta, Proserpina
Greek: Cronos, Persephone, Astraea
10. The Wheel➡️Jupiter
Egyptian: Amoun
Roman: Jupiter, Fortuna
Greek: Zeus, Tyche
11. Justice➡️Libra
Egyptian: Maat
Roman: Minerva
Greek: Themis, Athena
12. Hanged Man➡️Neptune
Egyptian: Osiris, Nu, Tefnut, Mut 
Roman: Liber Pater, Neptune
Greek: Adonis, Poseidon, Dionysus
13. Death➡️Scorpio
Egyptian: Anubis, Nephthys
Roman: Pluto, Mars
Greek: Thanatos, Ares, Hades
14. Temperance➡️Sagittarius
Egyptian: Neith
Roman: Diana
Greek: Artemis, Chiron, Iris, Hermaphroditus
15. The Devil➡️Capricorn
Egyptian: Set, Apep, Min
Roman: Faunus, Bacchus
Greek: Priapus, Pan
16. The Tower➡️Mars
Egyptian: Horus, Montu
Roman: Mars
Greek: Ares
17. The Star➡️Aquarius
Egyptian: Sothis, Hor Wer
Roman: Juventas, Juno, Venus
Greek: Hebe, Ganymede, Astraea, Aphrodite
18. The Moon➡️Pisces
Egyptian: Khonsu, Anubis
Roman: Luna, Diana, Neptune
Greek: Selene, Artemis, Hecate, Poseidon
19. The Sun➡️Sun
Egyptian: Ra
Roman: Sol, Apollo
Greek: Helios, Apollo
20. Judgment➡️Pluto
Egyptian: Neith, Neter, Heka, Osiris, Aten
Roman: Vulcan
Greek: Hephaestus
21. The World➡️Saturn
Egyptian: Ptah, Geb
Roman: Saturn, Tellus, Ceres
Greek: Chronos, Gaea, Demeter
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wanderlustphatty · 3 years
Sorry yall! I'll be back soon!
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wanderlustphatty · 3 years
Hey everyone. I just wanted to give a quick update. I've been sick (and still am), but I'm working on a part 2 for distracted when I have energy. Thank you all for being patient with me, and I super lost those of you who have messaged, followed, etc. You guys are amazing. 💛 In the meantime, you can read Distracted here. Feel free to read it and give me feedback!
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wanderlustphatty · 3 years
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wanderlustphatty · 3 years
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wanderlustphatty · 3 years
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Source: This
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wanderlustphatty · 3 years
I just wanna feel important & never doubt someone’s intentions with me.
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wanderlustphatty · 3 years
I am tired and I want to hold hands
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wanderlustphatty · 3 years
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One more animated drawing!
The original illustration was done for a children’s storybook Kissa Kiiskinen sankarina ja muita satuja (written by Pertti Pietarinen, illustrations Ulla Thynell, book published by Aurinko Kustannus earlier this year).
(Kirja saatavilla mm. täältä tai minulta tilattuna, ulla.thynell at gmail.com.) :)
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wanderlustphatty · 3 years
y'all think about love?
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wanderlustphatty · 3 years
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🍂🌧Autumn Rain 🌧 🍂 gifs (edits) made by me :)
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wanderlustphatty · 3 years
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“You’ve ruined me, Persephone. Forgive the fuck out of me if I want to return the favor.”
Hades x Persephone - Neon Gods Moodboard
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wanderlustphatty · 3 years
hello this blog is pro-choice xx
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wanderlustphatty · 3 years
you cannot please everyone...
...and that's a fact.
however much we may want to do right by every single person in our life and keep them all happy, it's almost impossible to do so.
something you do is bound to rub someone the wrong way, however clean your conscience may be and that's how it is. the best way to go about it is to try and keep yourself happy with your actions.
as long as your actions are not intentionally hurtful to someone, the ones who truly care for you will support you no matter what. prioritise yourself ✨
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