wandmaking · 2 years
ft. lorcan
“But you look absolutely delicious, love,” Lorcan grinned, their eyes roaming over Kenji’s costume, taking their chin between Lorcan’s thumb and forefinger, “Thank you for indulging me,” The vampire places a small kiss to their lips in appreciation. At the suggestion of going somewhere else, Lorcan takes a look around them, the once secluded Shrieking Shack becoming overrun by children. Lorcan shutters at the thought–by Gods were they getting old! “An excellent idea,” They rub Kenji’s shoulders in an attempt to give them warmth, though it was difficult for the vampire with their cold skin and the inability to feel the chilly weather. Perhaps they will have to be more mindful of Kenji’s mortality in the future. “Anywhere you have in mind?” They smirk.
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"i’m sure i won’t look so delicious once i’ve turned into a human icecube,” kenji responded with a laugh as they made a point of rubbing their hands together. “you’re welcome,” they were quick to return lorcan’s kiss, though the close proximity to their partner did nothing to warm them up. “we could go back to my apartment - i’m sure we could find plenty of things to do there.”
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wandmaking · 2 years
ft. seamus
𝐅𝐓. :    open.     (   @startertms​​   ) 𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 :    could  be  either  midnight  on  diagon  alley   or   the  shrieking  shack.
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‘     Oh,   shit.   Trouble  in  paradise.     ’          Elbow  nudges  the  person  beside  him  to  garner    (   rather  rudely,   but  when  has  Seamus  ever  stopped  to  think  before  acting?   )    their  attention  while  head  bops  towards  the  free  show    :    two  people  in  heated  debate,   face  to  face,   arms  flailing.   A  night  like  this  was  ALWAYS  going  to  end  in  disaster  for  someone,   he  supposes.   How  different  for  him  to  be  the  onlooker  rather  than  the  instigator  this  time,   bark  of  laughter  erupting  loudly  as  one  finally  throws  their  drink  over  the  other.          ‘     Wicked  waste,   tha’  is.     ’          Doesn’t  stop  him  being  endlessly  amused,   however,   that  boyish  smirk  growing  wider.          ‘     Alright.    —    ‘M  placing  bets  now.   What  d’ye  think  they  did?   And,   more  importantly,   which  one  of  us  is  gonna  be  the  bold  bastard  brave  enough  to  go  ask?     ’
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"it feels wrong to watch,” kenji commented, though it was worth mentioning that they had yet to look away from the scene unfolding in front of them. it was like a trainwreck - they couldn’t bring themselves to look away. “but it’s so entertaining,” they added, this time their words barely above a whisper. “you’re more than welcome to ask them, but i don’t want to get involved,” kenji finally turned to look at seamus as they addressed him. 
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wandmaking · 2 years
what is ur favorite wand wood
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“that’s actually a very interesting question. i’ve had the opportunity to work with many different wand woods. but i think i’d have to say cherry. my wand is made from a beautiful japanese cherry. it’s a very popular wand wood amongst mahoutokoro students too.”
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wandmaking · 2 years
location: the shrieking shack participants: hayashi kenji & lorcan d’eath ( @lmortem​ )
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“i can’t believe i let you talking me into this costume,” kenji laughed as they looked at their boyfriend, “i’m absolutely freezing!” they added, this time making a point of rubbing their arms as an exaggerated brr left their lips. “are you sure you don’t want to go somewhere else? somewhere that’s possibly a tad warmer? or even more private?” this suggestion came with a raised eyebrow as they titled their head to the side before leaning against lorcan.
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wandmaking · 2 years
❛  you  can’t  just  ‘nope’  this  away !  ‘nope’  is  not  a  viable  plan .    ❜ @antigonai​
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“well,” kenji started their response before pausing abruptly as they decided that perhaps they aught to think about what they wanted to say. though, it did seem rather silly to put so much thought into their words when they’d put so little into their plan. “you’re certainly welcome to think that,” they spoke slowly, their eyes narrowed as they looked at antigone, “but i happen to think it’s a perfectly fine plan,” this was followed by a nervous laugh, “you’re more than welcome to pitch your own solution,” they added as they turned to survey the mess on the ground. 
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wandmaking · 2 years
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♑:  is my muse an optimist or a pessimist?
i do think kenji falls squarely between the two - which would make them a realist. they do try very hard to remain optimistic, but worrying comes more naturally to them. 
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wandmaking · 2 years
ft. lorcan
The corners of the vampire’s mouth twitches and Lorcan is beaming when they meet Kenji’s gaze.  “Only a year, you say?” Lorcan echoes and ponders Kenji’s remark, having lived many lifetimes already, they have forgotten what it must feel like to the wix before them. For a brief moment, they wonder what it would be like to be with Kenji for an eternity–what bliss! Lorcan interlocks their fingers, bringing their hands up to the vampire’s lips. There on the back of Kenji’s hand, Lorcan lays a kiss. “And many more there shall be, my sweet,” Their gaze sweeps the room, taking in the sights. “We could get a drink… or we can explore and find a place to make out. The Ministry is an awfully big place.” 
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“you haven’t grown tired of me, have you?” kenji asked with a laugh, though there was a part of them that genuinely wanted to know lorcan’s answer to the question. they certainly hadn’t grown tired of the vampire, but they realized they had very different concepts of time. “good,” kenji smiled, their cheeks turning a rosy red color. “perhaps we could take our drinks with us while we explore?” he suggested. 
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wandmaking · 2 years
ft. wren
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she already knows all that, of course ( had paid enough attention in care of magical creatures to have heard the basic facts they give, before ), but since kenji is being so kind as to explain pocky’s situation, wren makes the conscious choice not to say as much to them. she remains apprehensive even with their encouragement, but she doesn’t think it very nice to pull back her hand once it’s already been offered. the bowtruckle, for his part, examines her index finger with what looks to be great interest, and wren looks to kenji with widened eyes, “is that good?“
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“usually pocky will let you know if he’s uncomfortable,” kenji explained. it wasn’t until after they said it, that it occurred to them that they should’ve provided some sort of warning before hand. it was too late now. fortunately, pocky was in a good mood. “he’s happy,” they nodded, enthusiastically, “you can pick him up, he’ll just climb around your hand.”
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wandmaking · 2 years
ft. george
“tell me about it,”     george hits the button.     “i’ve only started to work out what’s what cause i started visiting my dad here.     i could probably walk you somewhere,     if you need it?”
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“i’m afraid i’ll probably never get a lay of the land,” they laughed, “they’d aught to hand out maps,” they smiled, “if you could just point me to the atrium that would be lovely. i should probably find my partner.”
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wandmaking · 2 years
ft. george
location:     ministry of magic,     /     anywhere else with a lift. 
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brown baggie of pastries are swapped with swiftness from left hand to right.     george darts his arm out,     and the closing lift’s doors again wrench open.     “you can get this one,     —     i’m going up,     too.”
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“thank you,” kenji smiled as they stepped into the elevator behind george. “i’ll let you press the button. i have a tendency to get horribly lost.”
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wandmaking · 2 years
location: the ministry of magic participants: hayashi kenji & lorcan d’eath ( @lmortem​ )
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“i can’t believe it’s only been a year since our first gala,” kenji couldn’t help but laugh as they turned towards their date. “it feels like a lifetime has passed,” they smiled, this time reaching for lorcan’s hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. “i look forward to attending many more,” they added, "what would you like to do first?”
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wandmaking · 2 years
ft. dionisia
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dionisia wished, for a moment or five, she had insisted to hande that she let dionisia buy them both tickets to tier three. but the invite to buy them had gone unanswered in favor of tier two’s, something about actually enjoying herself once becoming the argument she settled with. tier three, in the years she’d gone, had been almost suffocating, with the schmoozing and the small talk and the almost falling asleep in their seats. but, anything over this, she thought as she nodded along and smiled. “i’m admittedly much more interested in flora than fauna.” beyond their interactions with plants and their affects on ecosystems, she didn’t care at all abt hippogriffs. they were cute sure. but plenty of things were cute. “oh, i don’t know. these things can really go anyway.”
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kenji smiled, “i’m a fan of both, if i’m honest,” they explained, “i’m a wandmaker by trade so i’ve developed a familiarity with both flora and fauna,” they continued their explanation, clearly excited to be having this conversation. “that’s where my reservations lie,” they sighed, “i know a small bet wont hurt me in the long run but i can’t help but worry it’ll spiral out of control,” this statement was spoken with a laugh, an attempt to lessen the seriousness of the conversation.
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wandmaking · 2 years
ft. josephine
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josephine’s   standing   close   enough   that   she   overhears   the   comment   –––––   and   really,   she’s   thankful   for   the   distraction.   hippogriff   racing  has   never  been   an  interest  of  hers  (  there’s   a   part   of   her   that  thinks  it   rather  inhumane  )  but  she  does  agree:  they   are   fascinating. “  i  think  there’s  a  certain  algorithm  you  could   use  to  predict  a   winner,  but  don’t  ask  me  what  it   is,  ”  josephine  jokes.  she  moves  a  little   closer  to  the  stranger  ,  “  oh,  i’m   not   necessarily  interested  in  a  winner  but   if   i   had  to  choose,  i’d   say  …  shadow  of   the   moon  ,  maybe  ?  he   seems   like   an  underdog.   and   you  ? ”
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“an algorithm would make sense,” kenji responded with a small nod as they slowly wrapped their head around the concept. “i could probably come up with something,” they continued, almost as if they were seriously considering the idea. they’d never been an exceptional mathematics student, but they weren’t terrible. “shadow of the moon is a lovely name,” they switched tones with this comment, a small smile appearing on their face. 
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wandmaking · 2 years
location: tier 2 participants: hayashi kenji & open ( @startertms​ )
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“hippogriffs are such fascinating creatures, aren’t they?” kenji sounded almost wishful as they spoke, a wide smile spread across their face as their eyes remained fixed on the parade in front of them. and while their statement wasn’t made to any particular person, it was clearly not made towards themselves. “i would love to spend time studying them,” they continued, “perhaps then i might stand a chance at predicting the outcome of the race,” they laughed as they ultimately turned towards whoever had the misfortune of standing next to them. “who do you want to win?”
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wandmaking · 2 years
ft. wren
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she doesn’t say anything - nothing to even confirm that she’s hanging onto every word - but make no mistake, she’s watching their every move intently. care of magical creatures class was the only time that wren had ever even seen a bowtruckle in person and professor hagrid hadn’t pulled any of those from his pocket ( idly, she wonders if he’d agree with this one’s living arrangements ). “hello, pocky,” she reaches out with her index finger since the creature was so small, going for a makeshift handshake as if that were perfectly normal form, “they have no reason to trust me. what if i scare them?”
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"bowtruckles are an interesting species- they’re territorial by nature,” they explained, “especially when they’re around their home trees,” they chose to look up at wren, “but pocky has gotten used to being around humans. he can still be a little temperamental, but usually he will takes any frustrations out on me,” they laughed, “as long as you’re quiet and let him get used to you, you’ll be best friends within no time.”
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wandmaking · 2 years
ft. lorcan
Lorcan presses their lips together to stop their grin from spreading, Kenji’s hand in theirs, warm flesh against icy cold. If Lorcan was alive, they’d surely be blushing. “I have not, sadly. The trip would have been too tedious. I almost had lost the satchel with my homeland soil in it once. Ever since, trips outside the country have been anxiety inducing. But I think I’m ready now to see new sights.” A pause, a slight purse of their lips, considering asking the question Lorcan knows is on both their minds. Relationships were always difficult due to their immortality, not to mention the way Lorcan can shift between being attached and becoming detached all too quickly. Besides, it wasn’t exactly easy to ask someone what they’re looking for, but– “Look at us. Planning on running away together when we have yet to establish what we are. I’m having a fabulous time with you, babe. But one’s got to know.” 
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kenji found themselves nodding, though they really couldn’t relate to what lorcan was saying, they wanted to show that they at least, sort of understood. “surely there’s got to be a sort of charm that could keep you losing it,” they ultimately responded, their eyebrows furrowed as they racked their brain for a charm. kenji could feel their face turning red as they heard lorcan’s question. they’d be lying if they said they hadn’t spent a considerable amount of time thinking about what they were - but that didn’t mean they had an answer. “i don’t know,” they whispered, gently biting the inside of their lip, “i’d love to be something more,” they ultimately replied, with a smile. “i just want to be together.”
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wandmaking · 2 years
prying q: 15
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15. Do they have a favorite joke, or a favorite kind of joke? If so, what?
kenji is the type of person who will laugh at pretty much any joke, but they’ve definitely got a preference for knock-knock jokes and silly puns. 
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