wangbinghua · 3 months
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划船在星星上 - Episode 2: Mengmeng Grows Wings (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1431423270-%E5%88%92%E8%88%B9%E5%9C%A8%E6%98%9F%E6%98%9F%E4%B8%8A-episode-2-mengmeng-grows-wings?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Wangbinghua I wrote a children's fantasy novel under the pen name Wang Yunwen at the end of 2018. At that time, I only wrote a few dozen chapters and did not have time to continue. Now I am going to continue writing it and hope everyone will support it! Thank you all!""Meng Meng" is beloved by her parents, but she stopped growing since the age of 5. Later, she grew beautiful wings but was chased by many people. Eventually, she moved into the palace under the protection of the king and queen. However, one day, the queen lost her sight. Determined to find a cure for the queen's eye disease according to the queen's dream, she flew to the Milky Way and arrived at the "Love Kingdom" where she found her siblings and learned magic from "Meow Grandma". Finally, she defeated the "Demon Kingdom" and brought back the cure for the queen. At the same time, Meng Meng learned "Love Magic" in the Love Kingdom and, with her siblings from the Love Kingdom, traveled to over 100 planets on a magical spaceship, spreading love throughout the universe. In the end, Meng Meng even touched the heart of the cosmic goddess "Auntie Mengmengdah" and fulfilled her wish by taking her parents to the Milky Way to watch the "Love Magic Performance".
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wangbinghua · 11 months
If someone says this is simple, and then many people say it is simple, I do not understand, if someone tells me that this is difficult, not necessarily understand, persuade to give up, I may understand.
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wangbinghua · 1 year
Winter health care pays attention to “removing the cold and warming up”. You must carefully protect yourself on weekdays, pay attention to keeping your head, feet, and neck warm, avoid cold wind, avoid cold water, and avoid raw and cold food. The way to keep in good health is more expensive than keeping warm from the cold.
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wangbinghua · 1 year
We should pay attention to adjusting our lifestyle to be healthier, more self-disciplined, read more, learn more, and enhance health awareness. Abandon the idea that “it’s better to believe what you have than to believe what you don’t have”, and strengthen your ability to distinguish right from wrong. At the same time, pay more attention to the people around you to prevent them from falling into misunderstandings.
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wangbinghua · 1 year
In autumn and winter, many people will encounter minor problems such as a dry, itchy throat and cough. Today I will give you a tip: use some common food to boil water to drink; it is very effective! 
1. Boil radish in water for digestion and expectoration; 
2. Boil Chinese yam in water to relieve cough and invigorate qi; 
3. Boil water with ebony plums, promoting body fluid and benefiting the lungs.
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wangbinghua · 1 year
When the weather is cold, people’s appetites will become stronger, and in addition to eating supplements in the autumn and winter, the burden on the stomach and intestines will inevitably increase. At this time, you might as well cook porridge with some seasonal ingredients. For example, taro, yam, and hawthorn can not only nourish the spleen and stomach, but also nourish qi and blood.
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wangbinghua · 1 year
Nutrition experts said that yams and taro are indispensable for health preservation in the autumn. On the one hand, it can nourish the Qi and strengthen the body; on the other hand, as a staple food, it can also prevent obesity.
Yam, “Ambassador of stomach protection”; Potato: “weight loss helper”; Konjac: "Guardian against disease”; Jerusalem artichoke—natural insulin”.
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wangbinghua · 1 year
Autumn is a period of high incidence of flu and colds. After autumn, eat these kinds of fruits often, and the effect of preventing colds and treating coughs is good!
1. Natural cough medicine — pear;
2. Natural cold medicine — orange;
3. Natural lipid-lowering drug — hawthorn;
4. Natural antidiarrheal medicine — apple; 
5. Natural moistening lung medicine—sugar cane
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wangbinghua · 1 year
Winter is a good season for health preservation; you should eat more vegetables.
Cabbage: anti-aging, beauty and skin care;
Broccoli: powerful anti-cancer effect;
White radish: remove stagnation and help digestion;
Fennel: promoting qi and relieving pain, invigorating the stomach and dispelling cold.
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wangbinghua · 1 year
Winter is a good season for health preservation; you should eat more vegetables.
1. Kidney-strengthening plants: okra; 2. Prevention of colds: lettuce and cauliflower; 3. No acne on the face: lettuce and bitter gourd; 4. Prevent getting angry: spinach and tomato; 5. Digestion aid: pickled cabbage, pickled for a long time.
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wangbinghua · 1 year
Common winter diseases should be prevented in this way:
1. Cardiovascular disease: exercise moderately and avoid strenuous exercise; 2. Skin diseases: supplement vitamins, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits; 3. Cold: Regularly ventilate the room and adjust the diet.
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wangbinghua · 1 year
Pressing and rubbing the Baihui acupoint often can promote yang and replenish qi, disperse wind and cold, warm meridian and collaterals, promote yang and solidify, soothe the nerves and help sleep, calm the liver and relieve wind, clear away heat and resuscitate, refresh the mind, and cannot absorb blood when qi is deficient. The disease effect is better.
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wangbinghua · 1 year
Will you pick the time to eat fruit?
1. Hawthorn should not be eaten in the morning, especially those with weak spleens and stomachs; 2. Eat grapefruit after breakfast to wake up your brain; 3. Red dates are best eaten before meals to supplement vitamin C; 4. Peaches can also be eaten before meals, which is good for nutrient absorption. 5. Pineapple can be eaten after lunch, which can relieve greasiness.
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wangbinghua · 1 year
It is beneficial to eat more of these three kinds of foods:
1. Yogurt: helps digest food and enhance immunity; 2. Mushrooms: resist cancer, resist aging of body functions; 3. Fungus: nourishing qi and blood, promoting blood circulation, and removing blood stasis
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wangbinghua · 1 year
Hyperlipidemia is most afraid of these foods:
1. Onions: relax blood vessels and reduce blood viscosity; 2. Kelp: can reduce the content of serum cholesterol and triglycerides; 3. Cauliflower: low fat content, high dietary fiber content; 4. Mung bean sprouts: A lot of vitamin C can help remove garbage from the body.
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wangbinghua · 1 year
There are many benefits to eating sweet potatoes, including:
1. Laxatives and detoxification! 
2. Lose weight! 3. Enhance the body’s immunity! 
4. Auxiliary step-down! 5. Anti-aging! 
6. Protect the cardiovascular system! 7. Help control blood sugar! 
8. Anti-cancer and anti-cancer!
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wangbinghua · 1 year
Longevity “first dish”: soybean sprouts; Longevity: “first meat—cuttlefish; Longevity: “the first miscellaneous grain—sweet potato; The first “food medicine” for longevity is yam; Longevity, “the first supplement” — wolfberry; Longevity is “the first fruit—the pear.
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