warblercaptain · 26 days
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                  I’m captain of the warblers now, and I’m tired of playing nice.
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warblercaptain · 3 months
ooc: i would personally like to thank hollywood for only ever using two types of uniforms the 90s and 2000s one (princess diaries, gilmore girls jonas) and the one in glee and every show since. because it makes my life so much easier when they put smirking boys in said uniforms to go #aesthetic LOL
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warblercaptain · 3 months
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warblercaptain · 4 months
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                  I’m captain of the warblers now, and I’m tired of playing nice.
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warblercaptain · 5 months
ooc: i love grant but him saying sebastian was probably bi because he the actor decided to have chemistry with everyone on set to get more screentime? not it. seb is gay have a lovely day.
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warblercaptain · 6 months
ooc: y'all grant lost jett recently... and fuck me i am crying. i remember when he got jett. anyways give your pet a hug tonight, and go show grant some love.
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warblercaptain · 7 months
i wish i was better at telling people how i really feel.
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warblercaptain · 8 months
ooc: so in a rwrb verse (mind you it would literally just be my regular verse but bare with me) when in paris sebastian definitely knew the british royal family including henry... when he moved because of moving in with his dad he definitely got to meet alex a few times. he definitely has met both of them and probably runs in a few social circles with them both like going to events and such. lowkey think that both alex and henry knew something was going on with sebastian and his mom's side of the family before the divorce probably henry more in the know than alex though
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warblercaptain · 9 months
there's still a lot of work to be done.
i'm not finished with it yet.
i can't give up just yet.
there's nothing noble about working yourself to death.
you think i can't handle this myself?
there's not enough hours in the day.
i realize you think you have to do this.
working like this helps me think.
i'll sleep when i'm dead.
your work ethic scares me sometimes.
i don't need your help.
do you ever sleep?
they need me.
no matter how hard you work, it won't bring them back.
do you realize how crazy that sounds?
i'm not stopping until this is done.
you need to slow down.
i feel like i'm wasting my life.
have you ever taken a vacation?
i can handle this on my own.
i'm nothing without my work.
you're going to get sick if you keep going like this.
you've proven your point.
you're going to work yourself to death.
there are worse ways to spend a life.
you can't keep going at this pace.
i don't have time to rest.
it needs to be done.
do you have any healthy coping mechanisms, by any chance?
there's no time to waste.
i think it's time for you to take a break.
everything was going great until you stopped me.
i can't sleep yet. not until this is done.
i'm the only one who can do this.
at least let me help you.
if i just focus on my work, i don't have to think about anything else.
i'm not asking you to take a break, i'm telling you.
did you really have to interrupt like that?
i'm not budging.
it's my life's work.
you're not going to convince me otherwise.
when was the last time you slept?
i'll help you finish the job if you promise to get some rest.
you're practically falling asleep standing up.
you can finish this in the morning.
let me get you to bed.
don't you get it? it's over!
working yourself to death isn't going to fix anything.
if i don't do it, no one else will.
i wish you would take some time to rest.
i'm not taking a break, if that's what you're asking.
you just broke my concentration, thank you very much.
i'm not going to bed.
i don't know how to quit.
they're counting on me.
too many people rely on me.
i can't disappoint them.
you need a vacation.
i wish you would just listen to me and slow down.
your eye bags have eye bags.
all right, that's it. i'm putting my foot down.
no more excuses.
what do you get out of this? this overworking thing?
without my work... i'm nothing.
no one else is going to step in.
i don't care about me. i care about them.
we have unfinished business.
if i stop now, it'll be like giving up.
i'm a perfectionist. it's in my nature.
better to pour myself into my work than something else.
i wish you would go easy on yourself.
this is very unhealthy.
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warblercaptain · 9 months
ooc: thinking about the weird thing i have where like the warblers who all have solos and stuff i more or less assign them a warbler song that is theirs that encompasses their time as a warbler and what they do as a warbler...
like for me for blaine its raise your glass because tbh teenage dream is literally step touches and i can't, raise your glass just fits who blaine is and what he did for the warblers
for sebastian its glad you came because of the double entendre but it just for me encompasses not only what sebastian did for the warblers but how the warblers were viewed for his main season.
nick special shoutout is uptown girl because of the fact that their were two featured parts along with his solo which is practically unheard of and not done in the warblers ever ya know. glee struggled with doing more than duets if it wasn't a musical number with different parts so the fact that it was managed idk it just tells me alot about how the warblers could be with nick at the counsel table.
i couldn't think of one for kurt cause like my self imposed rules were it had to be a warblers song, and a song we associate with the warblers so. that ruled out blackbird cause i view that as a solo song for kurt and his story line, and i wasn't gonna stick kurt with candles he deserves better. if you guys can think of one i would be appreciative.
hunter was harder for me because i didn't necessarily want to give him live while we're young cause it is more sebastian's song and you can tell because it has that Sebastian energy to it, despite the dance moves being hunter, but whistle seemed too odd a choice despite it being an oxymoron to hunter's earlier lines in the season. but i went with live while we're young because it expands on hunter's time as a warbler and what he did and the "high" of what he did.
for the newbies i got nothing cause i really stopped watching the show religiously after season 3 and in season 4 tuned in for the warblers. so i got nothing for the newbies but if you guys have anything i am here for suggestions.
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warblercaptain · 9 months
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So I have made many posts about the school of Dalton and Crawford Country Day, but those are more general to how I view the school uniforms and culture and such. This headcanon is about Dalton's lacrosse team. For reference sports teams at Dalton have the mascot of the Eagle, Crawford has a Hawk, Coed events have a raptor that is typically an owl depending on event, and the Warblers and Hummingbirds are the mascots of the schools competitive and award winning show choirs. If they were to join they would be the Song Birds.
Now onto lacrosse. Part of the reason Sebastian even ended up at Dalton is because of the prestige of their lacrosse team. Sebastian played the sport in France, and was exceedingly good at it. He was already being talked about to play in a professional manner of some sort.
Upon his parent's divorce and his decision to live with his father, the lesser of the two evils, Dalton became the obvious option. It was close to his dad's home in Ohio, and centrally located. Additionally Dalton had a rigorous academic program that appealed to Sebastian's father.
But the lacrosse in the end was the kicker. Not the Warblers, though they were very much an added bonus. Upon seeing the success of the lacrosse team it was essentially a done deal, and Sebastian after a few viewings by Dalton coaches was allowed to be on the team. It was all very political. The thing is, Sebastian was in a different league compared to his Dalton team mates.
Sebastian came to Dalton with a decent lacrosse team. He left transforming the program with the help of coaches to a multi national champion title holding lacrosse team to go on to play at college in Sebastian's lawyer verse, or to play recreationally in New York in his Broadway star verse which ends up making a recreation team almost go pro.
Sebastian takes this same approach with the Warblers. But this headcanon is about lacrosse. Sebastian became the youngest lacrosse captain in Dalton history. He was not only picked by the coaches but after a few summer sessions the team also voted him into the position because Sebastian had natural charisma that made him a good leader, but none of them could really argue Sebastian was better at the sport than they were.
Upon graduating from Dalton, Sebastian was given the Dalton Athletic Talent Award which went to the most promising student athlete at Dalton. Sebastian having signed on to Harvard's lacrosse team at the beginning of his senior year, and his straight A's plus the Warblers among other things he participated in also added to him getting the award over other student athletes. But it was pretty much accepted that Sebastian deserved the award. As the student as a whole was looked at when it recipient was decided not just how well they performed in a sport. It is one of the more prestigious awards from Dalton to be given out.
Sebastian's name went on a plaque in the trophy cases at the school, along with the various other awards from different competitions and tournaments that teams competed in. His own award for winning was personalized to him and was a bronze lacrosse player with his name, the year, and the award name on its inscription.
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warblercaptain · 9 months
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                  I’m captain of the warblers now, and I’m tired of playing nice.
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warblercaptain · 1 year
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✧. ┊ NOT THE BOY NEXT DOOR . . . . indie & semi-selective interp of GLEE's KURT HUMMEL by emily . . . also featuring crossover, alternate universe & indie superhero verses
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warblercaptain · 1 year
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                  I’m captain of the warblers now, and I’m tired of playing nice.
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warblercaptain · 1 year
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Sebastian’s first and last lines were about the thing he did the most and best; supporting Blaine.
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warblercaptain · 1 year
ooc: is it weird to say sebastian does not really find women beautiful? like he'll say he likes their personality, them as people, but like if he is going to compliment a woman it will never be on their appearance. like does this make sense?
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warblercaptain · 1 year
ooc: @porcelainperformer made a HG comment here are my thoughts for that based on the characters in glee i write
seb = finnick (i’d apologize but i am not sorry)... tho i’d like for him to live LOL (and if i had my way he’s nick’s partner... or blaine’s depending on the situation :D)
rory = probably an avox that helps at the end OR someone killed in the games OR if by some chance he wasn’t killed he’s a victor absolutely known for volunteering in place of seamus his brother
nick = a victor by pure chance and the games favoring his abilities. he was likely a favorite purely based on his sweet nature but ability to rise when called for it.
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