wardenesstm-blog · 5 years
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Lady Lilith Dante Gabriel Rossetti Oil on canvas Delaware Art Museum, Wilmington, US  1872 - 1873
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wardenesstm-blog · 5 years
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The Queen in the North
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wardenesstm-blog · 5 years
When the knife’s at your throat…                                                       die spitting in their face. 
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wardenesstm-blog · 5 years
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Bertalan Székely - 8 May 1835 - 21 August 1910, Hungaria - “VÖRÖS HAJÚ LEÁNY” (1875) 
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wardenesstm-blog · 5 years
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wardenesstm-blog · 5 years
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The Accolade (detail). 1901. Edmund Blair Leighton
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wardenesstm-blog · 5 years
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wardenesstm-blog · 5 years
This has been on my mind for long but I’m gonna do this - please reblog this if you’re comfortable with pre-establishing relationships. I do not mean “met at the grocery store two weeks ago” or “have a common friend”, but rather stuff like “have been best friends since kindergrden”, “go for a beer every friday”, “friends with benefits”, “dated in highschool”, “hate each other’s guts because -insert reason-”  etc. Something meaningful (but not necessarily shippy) and I mean with muns/characters you have not interacted with, because I cannot believe I am the only one who prefers jumping right into the heart of the human interaction.
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wardenesstm-blog · 5 years
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            ❝  we are POWERLESS.
                                                                      we are  P O W E R L E S S.  ❞
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wardenesstm-blog · 5 years
she shivers beneath her thick furs and resists the urge to nestle into them, instead spine remains perfectly straight and head unbowed. she suspects the northerners have never seen someone who looks like her, judging from how they stare, and if they are to stare, arlis decides she’ll at least stand proud. she is not a martell, no, but she is dorne and what is dorne if not unbowed? 
gloved hands are clasped together politely at her waist when the lady stark approaches and arlis finds she nearly blinks with surprise. she’s grown since king’s landing, now more a woman than a girl, though the last few remaining vestiges of youth still cling to her lovely face. the world has been unkind to sansa stark, if what she’s heard of the bolton bastard has proven true. she’d pitied here then, back in king’s landing, to be surrounded by so many who wished her harm, and she would pity her now, but judging by her gait and gaze, arlis suspects sansa stark does not need pity. 
“my lady,” head dips respectfully and a small smile appears upon sharp features, “you are kind to offer such courtesy. one day, perhaps, we in dorne might be able to return such courtesy when this war has ended.” 
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“i am glad to see you free of king’s landing and the lannisters,” a pause as she considers the dwarf and shrugs loosely, “well, almost all of the lannisters.” 
“It would be a  P L E A S U R E  to see your beautiful land. As much traveling as I’ve done over the recent years, I never was able to pay  D O R N E  a visit.” Sansa smiles then, a genuine if rare expression on the Northwoman’s face. “I used to  d r e a m  of Dorne when I was a little girl. It seemed like a fairytale for true with your princes and princesses.” And their succession rules. Sansa was never so dull as to ignore what those rules of succession MEANT. If the rest of the seven kingdoms followed the laws of Dorne, it would be she who ruled Winterfell after her father and brother’s passing. As it is, of course, Sansa RESPECTS her brother Jon’s position, even if she might disagree with some of his decisions. 
“I am glad to be free, my lady.”  F i n a l l y . She offers a polite nod. Free of the Lannisters, free of the Boltons, free of Littlefinger. “Lord Tyrion is  A G R E E A B L E ,” comments Sansa, glancing in her former husband’s direction. “After Myrcella and Tommen...I might say he’s the most  D E C E N T  of all the Lannisters.”
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There’s a little pause, and then Sansa speaks up once more: “I was SORRY to hear of the destruction of the Great House Martell. I suppose Dorne will need a new ruling HOUSE?”
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wardenesstm-blog · 5 years
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wardenesstm-blog · 5 years
Some deeds are done by doing nothing.
    – mary, queen of scots ;; accepting
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“ W i s e  words, but I’m not certain this is a time for doing nothing.” The clench of Sansa’s jaw was minute, her expression blank, but her words were sharp and cold. “My brother is held captive for ridding the kingdom of a tyrant. Tell me, where is the  j u s t i c e ?”
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wardenesstm-blog · 5 years
I'm not going to let them take you.- harry the arse
     – mary, queen of scots ;; accepting
“Harrold  W A I T –don’t do anything stupid.” The last thing Sansa needs is for Harry the Heir to do something  h e r o i c  and idiotic and get himself killed. She softens her tone, reaching out to gingerly brush her fingers across his arm. “Don’t leave me alone.  P L E A S E .”
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wardenesstm-blog · 5 years
Mary Queen of Scots 2013
Tomorrow there will no longer be two queens in ___.
I find I bear you no grudge.
I know you are as powerless to change your role, as I have been to change mine.
l am frightened, Your Majesty.
Don't be.
I thank you for staying with me.
I'm not going to let them take you.
I will protect you.
For you must be allowed to have your own life.
You will be the queen, they never let me be.
When I think back ___ years ago in ___, I realize neither of us had an easy start in life.
I could barely move my tiny hands, yet politics was already clawing at my unsuspecting soul.
Pay attention, give me your hand.
Hold your dress.
Concentrate, keep your head up, look straight ahead.
Mine was not' a very settled upbringing.
As you must know your father was so determined I should marry his sickly son he sent troops to ransack my country.
Many ___ lost their lives in my rough wooing as an infant queen.
When I was being carted from one stronghold to another, sometimes I couldn't tell whether what I was seeing was real or a nightmare.
Farewell, my child, and may God grant you safe passage to a more peaceful land.
They will protect you.
You are feverish again.
That's good, my dear, the fever will take away your fear!
The only way my mother could protect me was to dispatch me overseas.
Overnight' my destiny changed.
Packed off like precious merchandise to spend a lifetime with another mysterious bridegroom.
It's lucky for you I took that' boat'.
If I'd have stayed, you wouldn't be sitting on the ___ throne today.
What is your name?
But which one is the Queen?
I can kill just by moving my finger.
Come back.
Come and look!
She is dead.
She is Queen now...
l am the Queen.
That's impossible.
You should have said so right away.
And there you will stay.
Why do you laugh?
I thought we were cousins.
I will reply to her immediately.
We will be the best sisters in the world.
I shall send her my portrait.
Better yet, let me go and meet her in person.
We understand each other, she and I.
We are like twins.
You cannot address her as Queen.
That woman is a bastard.
Have you forgotten what the ___ have done to your country?
They burned and destroyed it.
It is frightful to think that I was the cause of a war.
Do not succumb to your womanly instincts and kindness, do not let them cloud your reason.
There can be no dialogue with that... that pretender to the Throne.
When she dies, you shall be the ___ Queen.
Why should she die?
You and you alone can restore the true faith in that blasphemous land.
Carrying three crowns is a grave responsibility, but impossible as long as that illegitimate heretic is alive.
She has to go.
I will not crush her, I will win her over.
A delightful conundrum.
But not everyone here approves of me consorting with a foreign power.
I have been advised that my claim for the ___ crown is based on legitimate descent.
Accordingly, I am having the ___ coat of arms added to my royal portraits.
You need not' fear for your person.
I have no wish to disturb you.
But if you do ever respond to me, you should address me as Queen of ___, ___ and ___.
What an enchanting voice.
You are charming.
You make me tremble.
Come up and join us.
That hurts.
Tomorrow I will join the hunt.
Isn't it a little too early?
I feel strong again.
For the first time this year, I will lead the hunt.
I am confident that I still have a life to discover.
You of all people will appreciate that once born a queen, one must be a master of one 's own destiny.
If I can no longer be Queen of ___, I am still and will remain Queen of ___.
Let us sing our song.
It's so cold here and my subjects seem to hate their Queen.
That is because your subjects don't know their Queen yet and the Queen has to get used to sharper blades.
How does my cousin do it?
You cannot simply behead everyone who contradicts you!
I could throw ___ into the dungeons, but that would merely make matters worse.
Tolerance can easily be misinterpreted, Your Majesty.
At least you're beautiful.
She is really ugly, they say.
Even if they do write erotic sonnets about her...
No wonder! She has no husband, but countless lovers!
And she's seven inches shorter than you are.
And look at my bump.
Mine is worse.
Come closer.
My heart and my pride have just been stabbed by this rabble-rouser.
I'm frightened, dear cousin.
Why do men of god seem so afraid of women?
___ and ___ living in peace, guided by the example of our sisterly unify.
Oh, I wish I'd seen her face to face.
Believe me, she is as curious about you as you are about her.
Does she really bathe in warm milk?
Is it true she has bad breath?
They say she beats her lovers.
Off you go, ladies, we wish to discuss political matters.
I promise to divulge more gossip later.
Could you perhaps suggest the prospect of a meeting between the two Queens?
She extends to you any help you may need in making preparations for a future match.
I wonder who she will recommend to be my husband.
What of her empty matrimonial bed, your Majesty?
At least, you know what it's like to be married.
I'm delighted to hear you are interested in the possibility of me marrying again.
I 'm rather excited at the prospect of receiving a queue of young suitors.
Alas, I seem to lack the good fortune to meet any man capable of stirring my blood or touching my heart.
Have I not the right to choose whoever I want.
I, too, shall be free, free to stand by my own choices.
I must confess I'm not completely satisfied with my new husband.
I'm worried about his extreme views.
Likewise I hope I can count on you to disarm my treacherous lords and stifle their fanatical plots against me.
The heir to both of our kingdoms is growing safely within me.
Above all, it will heal this country's wounds.
Mama will do everything.
l am a prisoner now.
The child of this traitor is growing within me
and I do not know how to bring it to safety.
How will I know when I'm really in labour?
How can I possibly maintain a pose as serene and confident as you, when inside I feel like screaming?
You cannot know what it feels like to be a mother surrounded by vipers.
Maybe you are right' never to marry.
You can be absolutely certain that the future King will be in good hands.
In my end will be my beginning.
I have a healthy son and a secure future.
I'm besieged by a new force that I do not know how to meet.
Should I surrender or should I resist?
Can I count on my ancestors?
I have found something I never dared hope for.
I know everyone will turn against me and condemn me.
Don't call it sin.
It is true I conceived a child with my husband.
I've always had to make my own decisions and act on my own instincts.
I've been waiting all my life for a man like you.
For him I have risked dignity and conscience, for his sake I have come to regard my friends as less than nothing. For his sake I would fain
renounce the world, I would gladly die that he might rise.
It pleases me to see my husband suffer.
His very being has repelled me for so long now. But how can a wife get rid of a husband?
Careful - the people want to punish you for what you've done.
Some deeds are done by doing nothing.
I'm pregnant.
I know you must resent my sudden marriage, but surely you will appreciate that a pregnant queen must be married to the father of her child.
You cannot imagine the anger and desperation I feel to have my new husband blamed for the murder of my previous one, but I can declare that we are innocent a hundred times and there will still be slanderous voices condemning us.
To fight them would be madness, Your Majesty.
I have no wish to fight them.
They must submit to the Royal Lion and there will be peace again in ___.
There will be no single combat, no negotiations, only surrender.
You must send him away. You have no other option.
I lose count of the springs and the winters.
Has she killed me already?
I am actually more alive than she is.
She can do it! She can chop off the crown.
But she is the crowned sovereign now, and I am just a poor woman, without a crown, a country.
I can't bear it any longer I wish she would kill me.
Two great Queens, caught in a deadly stalemate. In an endless purgatory.
No way out, until one of you fades away.
This could go on forever.
Please don't leave me alone!
Don't hesitate to do what has to be done.
I would only be too pleased to get out of this bed and face your headsman.
And when that secret moment finally comes, will you then have the courage to face me?
With or without you by my side, I long for a new, for the chance to return to my beginning.
Oh, my dear ___, I would be deeply grateful for a sharp ace.
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wardenesstm-blog · 5 years
Ned and Cat in the afterlife when they realize their kids brought home the gold
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wardenesstm-blog · 5 years
,....i know i should change my url because it’s no longer relevant lmao but
not today
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wardenesstm-blog · 5 years
I am curious
Is this what the leaks said was going to happen
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