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Source, but the artist is also on tumblr. She said:
Yesterday, I also completed all of the banners for my personal home page. This is the second banner, featuring Spartos from Magi. When I first drew the thumbnail, I had a different vision for it, but it still came out very nice. I like that he is a mysterious character. We will never know what his vessel was or how it worked...
*gross sobbing because it’s true*
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Source, but the artist is also on tumblr. I hope she releases a larger version! We need more Kugelmugel art!
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Wow, I've never hit "unfollow" on a BITCH quite as fast as Anna. She can keep her limited mind set to herself and everyone else who thinks inside that tiny box of mediocrity.
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I would also like to add, if you ignored all of us then, you can go back to ignoring us now. If our opinions didn’t matter then, then they shouldn’t suddenly start mattering to you all of a sudden.
Let's just remember a few things!
Don’t you just love when people to defend Kou siblings bring Sinbad’s connection to David?
This is a bit tiresome, but look. When Sinbad gets hate all over the place, called the ultimate evil and his fans insulted, where were you defending the gray morality?
Magi fans had proven countless times that they are discourteous towards my favorite characters.  
I do not feel it calls for any defense that that discourtesy is returned. 
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Okay, so I'm a new webcomics reader.
More like, I WAS a new reader, but now I’m not anymore.
I joined this site called tapastic and I found this sweet adventure comic that I couldn't wait to read through. The trouble was, it was still new and there were only a few pages of it available and the creator only posts one page once in a while. Bare in mind, I’m new, so I thought that was weird, extremely amateur, and almost a little creepy, so I dropped that story for a really sexy romance comic that seemed longer. Much to my shock, that creator also only posts one page once in a while. I dropped that one too.
So I decided to look for a new title by I browsing the forums for recommendations, but instead I found out that this one page thing is actually something all creators do? Apparently it helps them rack up views and likes or whatever. 
I wish I had never read that forum. Finding out that creators value their stats over everything else makes me feel abused as a reader. All I wanted was to just read a good, consistent story!
If this is how the webcomics subculture works, I'm just gunna forget it and stick to professional comics.
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Request for pinkcrest! Sorry for the wait!
Don’t forget to support.
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Request for somewherebytheseaside! Sorry for the long wait!
Don’t forget to support.
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Too bad I only could fit one Italian into this picture. This song needed three.
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*pimps out latvia*
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I can see it being a Nutella commercial or just a chocolate commeriial in general.
TBH this sounds like a commercial song. I half expect to be sold a soda or a smart phone or a flashy car with a fancy logo by the end of it.
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I enjoyed this~
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This one hit me hard in the feels….
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Another self-empowering song
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Now that I've discovered Classy Doll, my doll plans have been ruined. I still want the same heads I've always wanted, but now I'm scared how they'll look on the Class Doll bodies. ARRGGG!
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Liked this one more than I expected too!
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