warflcwer ยท 26 days
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"Just, promise me that next time you'll eat something, anything. It will make me happy," Adam hoped that his nagging only came across as concern. Adam had always taken on the role of protector and carer to those around him, no matter if they were family, friends or lover. "I also know the way to get what I want is by using food," his words came with a teasing manner, a smirk forming on his lips. Even though the two had only been together for a couple of years, Adam felt like it had been a lifetime, as if they knew each other better than anything. As Eleanor's hand reached out across the table, Adam turned his palm upside, intertwining their fingers together. His love language had always been touch and so he always appreciated it whenever Eleanor reached out to him. Even when he didn't say anything, she always seemed to know when he needed it. He nodded to her question, "drinking, taking drugs, she told me she had just got out of prison. She's only just gotten out and has gone straight back to her old ways. Liz has known she's been in New York for weeks now. I just don't want Scarlett taking advantage of her. I know Liz wants to do the right thing but she'll just get hurt again." Adam suddenly felt guilty for bringing this up when it had supposed to be a peaceful breakfast. The server came over with the coffees as Adam thanked them with a smile, before the two of them finally ordered their food. "Sorry, you don't want to hear about my family problems."
"I know... I was just so exhausted that I didn't even think about eating to be honest," she admitted with a small shrug. Eleanor knew the responsible thing would've been to eat something then sleep but she figured she had a good excuse not to be responsible this time. She flashed him her winning smile when he said he didn't mind sharing his breakfast with her. "You're too good to me," she said. "You're making me fall in love with you all over again. You know the way to my heart is food." Eleanor propped her elbows up on the table then rested her chin in her hands as she listened to Adam. "Oh good, I'm glad she's doing well," she said. The conversation reminded her that she needed to check in with her own sister. She hasn't spoken to her in a couple of days but they've both been busy with work. As Adam started to fidget with his thumbs, Eleanor realized there was something he wanted to say but was having trouble figuring out how to say it. So she reached out, placed a hand on his and rubbed his knuckles softly. When he started to talk about his other sister, Eleanor figured that's what had him worked up. "Oh really?" she asked. She knew Scarlett was a sensitive topic for Adam so Eleanor chose her words carefully. "She was in a bar? So, she's drinking again?"
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warflcwer ยท 26 days
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"Thank god," Adam laughed along with the stranger, "after I said it I quickly realised that maybe that was just your resting face." Maybe the way he had worded it hadn't been the best way, as some people might have been offended. "Another one?" Adam questioned, before shaking his head lightly, "try another few." The male thanked the bartender as the now full glass was placed in front of him. Adam gestured for another of whatever the other man had been drinking, adding it to his tab. As the bartender nodding, now walking off to make the drink, Adam turned to face the stranger, "I'm Adam by the way." He held out his hand, the professional side to Adam forcing him to offer a handshake. "I hope that your reason for drinking isn't too bad."
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โ€”life had been nothing but good to him, for the most part, lately, excluding some work related issues that either had to do with the nature of the call they were responding to and the way it triggered him, or concerning his inability to obey orders that didn't find him agreeable, hence he was bound to end up getting in trouble for. in truth, he had nothing to complain about; expecting his first babies with a woman he loves and absolutely adores should be enough for him to feel nothing short of lucky, happy, and excited. which he does, of course, yet the feeling that it shouldn't be this way was also ever present, looming beneath the surface, ready to emerge. their last call had triggered it, and though Ryan isn't generally very fond of drinking, especially not when he was in such a mood, it had seemed like a good idea when he left the station.ย 
"that obvious?" he laughed, a sound void of any true emotion, when the other man spoke. "you seem like you could use another one as well..." he noted, and there was no ill intention in his words or tone.ย 
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warflcwer ยท 26 days
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"I've been around enough drug addicts and alcoholics in my career to know more than you'd think." That had been another reason why Adam was as tough on his sister as he was. He had seen it all, watching addicts throwing up all night as their bodies pushed the substances out of their bodies. Seen organs fail, witnessed them die when they weren't high enough on the organ donation list. Adam didn't want to get that phone call, he didn't want to see Scarlett's life choices destroy his family. "People who pump drugs into your body Scarlett do not like you. Did you ever think that we're hard on you because we want what's best for you? These people only tolerate you because they can sell their drugs to you, because you'll join them in ruining your lives. Do you really think they'd still be there if you got sober? We love you because you're family." Adam wanted to be nice, he wanted to welcome her back with open arms but they had both done this dance before. The fact that she had gotten sober but then just threw all her hard work down the drain didn't give him much hope. "Of course you did," Adam let out a defeated sigh as Scarlett revealed her prison time, the wisp of grey in his hair was a clear indication of the stress that his younger sisters put him through. Hearing Scarlett start to bring his job into it caused the male to laugh, shaking his head in protest. "No, you out of anyone has no right to drag me down because I worked hard for what I have. Don't act like I was just handed this job. Nobody forced you to live like this, no one is stopping you from turning your life around but you. You could have done something with the degree you have but you chose not to. The way your life has turned out is all on you. If New York is too expensive for you I suggest you find a different state to live in."
"My antics? Please. You haven't been around me, what would you know?" she asked. Scarlett knew she was a mess, and she knew it probably wrecked her family seeing her constantly falling back into the struggle, but she didn't care. "I was sober for nine years after mom forced me into rehab when I was seventeen," she said. "Just because it didn't last doesn't mean we can erase that I had my shit together. I got a degree and had a good job, but it's not like you would ever give me credit for that," she stated. "And I said almost a decade. Not a full decade. But why would I contact you guys? For this? Lectures on my life choices? The speeches about being a let down, being an embarrassment? No. I chose to surround myself with people who actually liked me, sorry that wasn't you." Scarlett sighed. "Since you're already judging, sure, let's do this. I was in prison for a couple years. When I left Texas, my boyfriend and I moved and we were dealing drugs. Hardcore dealing for a long time, and then we got busted. I did my time and was let out not long before I got here to New York," she told him. "And now I've got a job waiting tables, as I couch surf from place to place and hit up shelters and motels because this city is fucking expensive. Trying to save up for a shoebox to live in," she said. "We can't all be fancy ass surgeons with perfect lives, Adam. We can't all be the golden child who's hoisted onto a pedestal just for existing like you are."
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warflcwer ยท 1 month
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"Of course, thank you," Emmett was grateful for Kian, giving them a friendly pat on the back as he walked passed. Emmett always felt bad enough for just dropping in on Kian's business when they were always so busy. So it was also why Emmett insisted on paying full price for the service each and every time, with a generous tip. The older male had never been a fan of the whole family discount thing. Emmett took a seat as he removed his tie, undoing the first few buttons to give his smart attire a more casual feel. "When do you finish work today? Your mom is working late and so I was wondering if you wanted to grab a drink or even go out for dinner."
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"I know the feeling." Considering things that were going on at the moment in the celeb world, that could almost be classed as unusual, but Kian had their clients all booked in and that was that. It certainly wasn't the time of year for drop-ins, at least, it wasn't for anyone other than Emmett โ€”- they were used to that, though. "Certainly do. You alright grabbing a seat for five minutes first?" There were a few things they needed to sort first, and then they'd be straight to it. They never minded trying to find time for the other man, it was just one of those things that came hand in hand with their relationship.
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warflcwer ยท 1 month
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"I think, it would start in the shower, just because there's a lot more room for activities." His words came with a devilish smirk, despite being a little vague it was very clear on what he was talking about. "Then, it would be a full night focusing on you, I think you could do with a little stress relief." If there was one thing that Emmett enjoyed more than a woman going down on him, it was pleasing his wife and Emmett was never shy to do so. The male had a high sex drive, which luckily was always matched by Andrea.
Her lips on his neck was distracting but happily welcomed. His already firm grip on her waist had tightened even more, holding her slim body as close to his as physically possible. Emmett had a feeling they wouldn't make it to eating dinner first. Her words brought yet another smirk into his lips, Emmett's head glancing down to look at her, lust swirled into his dark eyes. "Then how about we work up an appetite first? I'm not even that hungry anyway." Emmett definitely was hungry, the large man always was. But, his need for his wife outweighed food right now. Emmett shifted their bodies around until Andrea was now laid on the couch, arms still snaked around her. Emmett's body hovered over hers as his lips pressed firmly against hers in a passionate, needy kiss.
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โ€œoh, you know i did.โ€ her words were paired with a wide, mischievous smile. it was true โ€” andrea wasnโ€™t the type of person that anybody in their right mind would dare cross. as polished and gentle as she was on the surface, she was a shark in the courtroom and had quite the fierce bite if pushed.
the mere mention of a distraction provoked her to raise a brow with interest, the smile that sat firmly on her features turning into a smirk. โ€œmm, iโ€™d like thatโ€ฆ any ideas on how youโ€™ll distract me?โ€ the question was more rhetorical than anything else, her voice laced with desire. she already knew the answer, but she enjoyed hearing her husband smooth talk her.
โ€œbut youโ€™re right. staying is definitely more appealing when you it like thatโ€ฆ plus, i want you all to myself.โ€ she replied softly, leaning in a little closer to pepper kisses against his jawline, trailing down his neck until she heard his next question, causing her to pull back momentarily in a bid to ponder. โ€œyou pick. i donโ€™t care what it is. honestly, the only thing on my mind right now is you.โ€
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warflcwer ยท 1 month
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While Adam was a huge lover of art, having collected pieces ever since his early twenties, the surgeon felt like he wasn't exactly qualified to be judging artists in their specialty. He stared at each piece that they were supposed to be picking a winner from, trying his best to keep up the poker face. While this was a competition, Adam didn't want it to be known if he wasn't a fan of one of them. There had been a few that were too simple for him, the male had never really understood modern art. In his opinion, not every piece of artwork needed a deep meaning. As the blonde next to him spoke, Adam glanced over at the canvas she was talking about, an amused smile forming on his lips. "I can tell, I'm feeling all the deep emotions coming from you as you stare at it," Adam spoke sarcastically, hoping that she would catch on. "Have you even seen one that is a clear winner yet?"
who: Adam Russo (@warflcwer)
where: Student Scholarship Showcase, Haze Gallery
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Tapping her pencil against the ballot in her hand, Sherri wondered exactly how judgmental she was supposed to be here. There was a two thousand dollar scholarship on the line, so she supposed pretty judgy, but with a criteria of picking the piece of art that "impacted" her the most, she wasn't sure. Take, for instance, the painting she was currently staring at: a wannabe Jackson Pollock with it's collection of black splatter paint across a white canvas, a few blood red dots randomly intertwined the only thing of note. What was she supposed to make of this? "I think this painting is going to change my life." She deadpanned to the man to the right
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warflcwer ยท 1 month
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As Eleanor revealed when she last ate, Adam lifted his head to look at her with a concerned glance on his face. "Babe. You should have eaten something before you fell asleep," Adam didn't want to come across like he was telling her what to do, his words had come from a place of love and worry. Sometimes Adam cared a little too much to those in his life, it was a trait that often annoyed his sisters. "Since you haven't eaten in so long, you can have whatever you want, even if it means sharing my breakfast with you," his smirked over at the redhead in a teasing manner, finally putting the menu away. "She's doing good," Adam confirmed as Eleanor asked about his youngest sister, "it was nice to be able to spend time with her." Adam was a busy guy and so whenever he got the chance to spend time with those he loved, he took advantage. Adam fidgeted with his thumbs for a second, debating on whether or not to tell Eleanor about Scarlett. "I also saw Scarlett at the bar, turns out she's decided to take up residence in New York, out of everywhere she could have gone."
Eleanor blushed a little bit when he asked about the last time she ate. She wasn't actually embarrassed but she couldn't help the rosiness of her cheeks. Looking up at him, she smiled softly. "I think it was like five p.m. yesterday," she admitted. She was up all night in surgery for hours and when she got out, she went straight to sleep. She hadn't even thought about food until Adam suggested it. Looking back at the menu, she perused it before looking back up at him. "Pancakes sound good. I think I'm going to get an omelette though," she said. "Maybe with some toast? And maybe I can sneak a piece of your pancakes?" She shrugged when she finished and looked over at the server as they passed their table. "So," she started, eyes settling on Adam. "How's Liz doing? I know you guys planned to meet up over the weekend."
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warflcwer ยท 1 month
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"Oh course it's snacks," Adam declared with a grin, lowering the grocery bag, "would I really show up empty handed?" Adam walked past her as he swiftly slipped off his boots by the entrance. The surgeon had to admit that he was often lazy in his own home when it came to removing his shoes. Maybe if he had carpet anywhere in the house it would be a different story. "So, how have you been?" Adam questioned as he followed them further into the home. He placed the bag of her favourite snacks on the side, allowing her to do whatever she wanted with it.
Marina had taken a bit of time to warm up to her sister's boyfriend. He was a good guy, but she was protective. When he asked to stop by, on his own, she wasn't really sure what he wanted, but she was willing to hear him out, whatever it was. Hearing the doorbell, she crinkled her nose slightly. She hated doorbells. She hated hearing people knock too, however, so there was no winning when people came over unless they stood outside and yelled or texted her. Seeing Adam holding up a bag, she nodded. "Bribery will get you far," she said. "I hope it's snacks," she said, letting him inside. "Leave your shoes at the door," she added, before making her way back in further. She hated when people wore their shoes in the house.
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warflcwer ยท 1 month
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As the vendor confirmed that he was the artist, Adam smiled politely before looking back at the piece. "It's amazing, you're incredibly talented," the surgeon compliment, his eyes still studying the artwork. The fact that it was called home only drew Adam more to it. Even though it wasn't something he and his girlfriend had discussed yet, eventually the two were bound to move in together. Adam pictured it framed, hanging in their hallway as the first piece brought to celebrate the moment. "Do you have anything else that has a similar vibe? Something that could be hung with it?"
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The last thing Oliver ever wanted to do when someone was busy looking was interrupt them, but he needed to try and find his confidence sooner or later or he'd get nowhere with this. "I am," he answered the other man with a nod of his head. "This one was painted three years ago." And was one of his favorites actually, it held a lot of meaning โ€”- there were a couple of versions now and it was one he'd made sure to produce as a print as well. Letting it go completely would have broken his heart. "It's simply titled 'home' and that's what it represents. It brings together everything that makes me feel at home."
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warflcwer ยท 1 month
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"Oh I wouldn't tell a soul, it would be our little secret," it had all been wishful thinking. The two were top of their specialties, causing them to be in high demand. Yet Adam wouldn't have it any other way. As they both sat down in their given booth, Adam thanked the server with a polite smile. His legs stretched out as far as they would go, pressing against Eleanor's under the table. Any touch was better than nothing. With the menu in hand, Adam began to scan through the breakfast menu until he heard Eleanor's stomach. Glancing up in amusement, Adam couldn't help but laugh, "when was the last time you actually ate something?" The male questioned as he placed the menu down, arms now resting on the table. "I'm thinking pancakes, with all the toppings, what about you?" Adam's attention was quickly grabbed by the server as they walked past their table, "excuse me, could we please start with two coffees? Thank you."
"You promise?" she asked jokingly but it sure was tempting. A night together with no interruptions sounded like music to Eleanor's ears. They would spend most nights together at his or her place or even at the hospital when they were both on-call but most of those nights ended with one of them being pulled into surgery. "I'd like that," she said, a smile settling onto her lips as they approached the cafe. When Adam opened the door for her, she crossed in front of him into the restaurant. They were greeted by the server then escorted over to a booth. She sat down across from him although she wanted to sit by him and bask in his presence, however she settled with linking their feet together under the table. Eleanor's stomach growled and she laughed a little to herself before looking up at Adam. "I didn't realize I was actually hungry," she admitted, looking over the menu at the various items. "What were you thinking about getting?"
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warflcwer ยท 1 month
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"You what?" Adam questioned in shock, despite hearing his sister's words clearly. "You should have told me," even though it didn't take much for Adam to lose his cool, with Elizabeth it was different. He rarely got mad at her, and even now as she revealed the sighting of their sister weeks ago, he kept calm. That was until the youngest carried on talking. "Elizabeth," Adam used her full name as he closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose for a second. "She's not going to learn if you just keep bailing her out. You have to be careful because you don't know what kind of company she's keeping. The last thing you need is her owing a drug dealer money and then they find out where you live. People like that will do whatever it takes to get their money back." Adam hated casting one sister out in order to protect the other, but Scarlett had chosen her life and so the rest of his family, his girlfriend were his priorities now. "You should have called me, I could have had her sober up for the night at the hospital. I just don't want you getting caught up in all of this, it's my job to protect you." Adam had already failed with one sister, he wasn't going to do it again. "Have you spoken to her since?"
Liz didn't believe it was her at first either... she hadn't seen her in twelve years before that day and Scarlett didn't look like herself at all. She wasn't the vibrant young woman that Liz left in Austin... She was a shell of herself. She sipped her coffee as she thought about how she wanted to answer her brother's question. She was about to answer him when he continued speaking. What he was saying was true but there was this huge part of Liz that genuinely wanted to help her sister. Now, Liz felt kind of bad... Though she wanted to see Scarlett well, she was afraid of disappointing Adam. She felt like she was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Setting her mug down on the island, she looked up at her brother and decided she'd be completely honest with him. "I actually ran into her a few weeks ago..." she admitted. "I just, I didn't say anything to you about it because I didn't know how long she'd be in town for. I thought she was just passing through." She considered her next words before she said them, knowing that they'll disappoint Adam. "I, um, well... She called me in the middle of the night a couple of weeks ago asking if I could come get her from a bar because the bartender took her keys and kicked her out, threatening to call the cops if she didn't leave," she explained cautiously, staring into her coffee mug as she spoke. "I went to pick her up and she told me she was staying in a shelter... and like, the shelter wasn't letting anyone in at this time of night... I didn't want her sleeping on the streets and I know what you're going to say... but I kind of invited her to stay at my house that night." Finally looking up at Adam, she could already see the disappointment on his face. "I'm sorry... I just, I didn't know what else to do."
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warflcwer ยท 1 month
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Emmett pulled back from the embrace, arms folding across his chest as dark eyes began to wonder over the salon. It seemed quiet, which was to be expected at this time of the day, as well as this close to closing. Normally, the business was thriving, something that Emmett couldn't be more prouder of when it came to their step child. "I can imagine. I'm good, surprisingly it's been a quieter day than usual." It wasn't often that Emmett had an easy day in his line of work, so he was grateful whenever it happened. "I was wondering if you had time to sort this mess out for me?" Emmett gestured towards his unruly beard, "I'm sorry for just dropping in without a word, so I can come back another time if you don't have the time."
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There wasn't too long to go until closing when Emmett walked in, but Kian was expecting him and greeted the older man with a smile and nod of their head. It was nothing unusual and, in fact, at this point, it was very much classed as a regular occurrence. Everyone at the salon knew each and every member of Kian's family, no matter how long they'd been a part of it ( Henry especially, of course, he'd spent enough time there after school ). "Evening," they greeted him with a bright smile, returning the embrace. "Doing well. It's been a busy day. How're things?"
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warflcwer ยท 1 month
who: Xochitl Reyes ( @sweetnxthngs )
where: Emmett's office floor
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It had been mid morning by the time Emmett had stepped out of the elevator, onto the top floor of the office complex. Usually, Emmett was one of the first, wasting no time as he glued himself to the desk for hours on end. This morning had been different, what with many early, in person meetings that he couldn't miss. With his brown leather bag in one hand, Emmett smiled as he greeted the reception at the front desk. Walking down the hallway, Emmett noticed a door open that lead to what was once used a meeting room. Now, the space had transitioned into a community room for those who needed it. Usually, he found Xochitl there, a young activist who Emmett happily welcomed into his space. With all the great work they did, Emmett knew the least he could do to help was provide not only Xochitl, but the entire group a safe space to work. Standing in the door way, Emmett smiled as he saw them, "good morning, I didn't except to see you here today, working on anything fun?"
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warflcwer ยท 1 month
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It wasn't often that Emmett ventured outside of Manhattan. Most of the time his work could be done via his office, thankful that most meetings these days could be done over of a video call. Today, however, Emmett had been dealing with a difficult business owner, who had been reluctant to sign off on the deal with his dying company. In order to sweet talk the older male into giving up his business, Emmett had found himself in Queens, meeting up with them in their chosen establishment - a bakery. The meeting hadn't lasted long before the guy had walked out, leaving Emmett agitated with still half a coffee left. The male pinched the bridge of his nose, his eyes closed before hearing a voice talking to him. Looking up at the woman, Emmett flashed a polite smile, "of course," he spoke with a strong, British accent. "Sorry, let me just clear all of this out of the way," even though Emmett had only taken up half of the table, he still gathered up the paperwork quickly, sliding the bundle into his leather laptop bag.
OPEN STARTER @bhqextras LOCATION: bake my day
Stephanie walked into the little cafรฉ, noticing there seemed to be not a single available place to sit, she started to feel her anxiety rise. Bake My Day was kind of her "safe-place" since she moved to Queens, it was also the place she usually worked off-hours and where she liked to read a book and relax with a caramel latte and a pastry.
She roamed around the room, with some hope she could find a place to sitโ€ฆ and well, there was oneโ€ฆ but someone was ocupying half of the table and she wasn't brave enough to ask if they could share the tableโ€ฆ
"Hey, do you mind if sit here?"
She asked, because maybe, she was brave enough to ask such a simple question.
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warflcwer ยท 1 month
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Hearing that she hopefully would be off work for the entire evening made Adam smile. While he would have no issues if she did end up getting called into work, he hoped that her pager wouldn't go off. "I won't tell anyone if you decide to turn off your pager, we deserve a night together without one of us getting called back in." While sometimes that was tempting, it had merely been a joke. "I should finish at six, as long as I don't get anymore surgeries or none of them over run." While he should have already started work, technically he was only on call, with no surgeries scheduled until the late morning. "I can come over as soon as I'm done?" Since getting together, the couple had alternated between each other's homes. These days the only times they weren't sleeping in the same bed was if one had a night shift. It was getting to the point where Adam was starting to think about moving in together. Adam opened the door to the cafรฉ, letting go of Eleanor's hand as he let her enter first.
As they walked in step out of the hospital and onto city streets towards the cafe, Eleanor looked over at him with a soft smile on her lips. It was rare that she ever frowned when around Adam. He always knew how to make her smile even after really hard days at the hospital. "I'm actually off at noon unless an emergency surgery comes in," she explained. "So, yeah. I think actually seeing me tonight is definitely in the cards for you." Eleanor was actually planning on surprising him with a date night tonight. She had made a late dinner reservation at his favorite restaurant and bought tickets to a movie showing at the local theater. She also made reservations at Glazed Finish for a late pottery session just in case he opted out of dinner and a movie. "What time are you off tonight?" she asked just to make sure she didn't have to push back the reservations.
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warflcwer ยท 1 month
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"Did they?" Emmett questioned as he studied the interior yet again, only now realising that it was in fact different. He wouldn't admit it to the woman, but he hadn't exactly been sober in his life when he last visited this place. So his memory of the decor was a little hazy. His attention went back to the woman with a soft smile, "I don't blame you, there isn't many places in the States that actually know how to make a proper cuppa." Emmett was being stereotypically British, but he didn't care. "Are you one of these tea drinkers who has all the herbals and fruity teas?" Despite his words seeming judgemental, the smile on his lips showed he was only teasing.
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Ana knew that the gentleman now sitting opposite her probably didn't want to talk, yet she still found herself attempting to continue the conversation. She didn't want to be rude, even though the act itself was probably making her come across as rude โ€”- he more than likely wanted to be left alone. "They did it up a couple of years back," she commented lightly in response. She still wasn't entirely taken with it, truth be told, but it was still one of her favourite places. Once she became attached to somewhere ( or someone if she was being honest ), it was difficult to shake it. "I'll keep coming anywhere I can get a good cup of tea, though."
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warflcwer ยท 1 month
who: Marina Takei ( @somethingexquisite )
where: Marina's home
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With a variety of chocolate in a bag, Adam killed the engine. The male had been thankful that Marina had said yes when asked if he could stop by. The sweet treat had been her favourite, almost acting like a bribe for what he was about to ask her. As he headed for the front door, Adam couldn't help but feel the nerves start to kick in. Once he told Marina his plans, there was no taking it back. Not like Adam wanted to, he was more than ready to take the next step when it came to Eleanor. But that didn't stop the doubt for creeping in. What if Eleanor wasn't ready? What if Marina thought it was a terrible idea and would refuse to help? Before his thoughts began to spiral, Adam rung the doorbell, waiting for Marina to answer. "I come with gifts," Adam beamed as he held up the bag as soon as the door opened.
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