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men that annoy women to the point of anger and screaming and then laugh because they think its funny are uh fucking demons
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Don't kill yourself, please.
If you’re suffering from depression and are looking for a sign to not go through with ending your life, this is it. This is the sign. We care.
If you see this on your dash, reblog it. You could save a life.
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You. Me. Sex. Now.
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Kauai (a Hawaiian island, if you didn’t know) is currently experiencing historic flooding, which has also caused landslides. They got around 30 inches of rain in one day, where the previous record was only 12. Not only is this affecting the people living on the island, but it’s also hurting the reefs. More than 450 people had to be evacuated, human objects, like boats, have been thrown into the reefs, and I haven’t seen anything on the news about it. Please spread the word and donate if you can, this is a major crisis and it should not be downplayed and ignored.
Sources:  x, x (The second link has donation resources)
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Ur energy will always overcome ur appearance
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hugging me from behind and kissing my neck at the same time is a good way to melt my heart
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worship her body no matter what size it is
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girls with dark armpits and dark inner thighs are cool & beautiful. girls with stretch marks are cool & beautiful. girls with self harm scars are cool & beautiful. girls with acne scars are cool & beautiful. girls with different pigmented patches of skin are cool & beautiful. 
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Relationships are about helping each other grow and that involves emotional labor on both parts both big and small things. If you know your partner has some sort of anxiety issue or w/e sending “hey i’ll be busy today i’ll text you when i can love you” will literally absolve so many issues in less than 30 seconds. But you freaks up here seem to think that caring about someone and catering to them (to a certain degree) is weird and unhealthy. And you wonder why you have no good relationships romantic or platonic. 
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