warp-wars · 3 months
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hey, guys! I just wanted to introduce a character... Axel! axel is an axolotl-like person, but unlike an axolotl, he's super smart (ya, axolotls are dumb as bricks). he has gauntlets that can shift into any type of tool, but he mostly uses the drill. he doesn't brag, unless he did something super cool, and even then he won't brag too much that's all axel has to share, have a good day!
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warp-wars · 3 months
hello, I wasn't sure what to put for the first message on this new blog, so I'm just making a quick intro. warp wars is a little game I've wanted to make for months, it's a fighting game but has bits from gacha games, as I love both of these game genres. I'm not even done with stuff like the full list of characters, story, and I'm nowhere near the coding, but I hope I can pull it off one day! so until that day, I'll just drop stuff for this, and probably take ideas you give me (if you do). so... ya! I hope you enjoy what's to come :)
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