warrenpeverell · 10 years
"I do not," he breathed, laughing once, shortly, before he kissed her again. He stood up slowly, without breaking their lips apart and sat next to her on the bed, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her closer. He kissed her once more on the lips, sighing against her mouth as he loosened his grip slightly. He kissed her forehead, holding back a smile.
Warren pulled her against him, knowing she wouldn't relax into him while he was winning unless he made her. He rubbed his chin against her head, humming as he thought, content to sit there for as long as she would let him, which knowing Paxton, might not be as long as he might want. 
He took a deep breath, looking her in the eye as he moved to stand. "You never know, Pax," he started, sending her a crooked smile. "You might just have fun," he winked as he moved away from the bed, pulling the chair back in front of her and looking at her expectantly. He knew she'd rather have as little of his help as possible - Paxton was nothing if not stubborn - but he wanted her to be sure he was here for anything she might need.
Midnight Memories || Paxton Wolfe & Warren Peverell
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warrenpeverell · 10 years
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warrenpeverell · 10 years
Then tell her that, man. I mean... I don't know her, but if what you say is true, and from what she's been through....I'm just saying I'd be shutting people out if I were her, too.
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Damn straight we are. Hah, yeah, from that damn Poltergeist...anyway, he'll have to let us at some point, even if it's not....now.
Another Drink
I’m trying but she won’t even look at me. I just feel like I need to take care of her. 
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Eh, not sure, although we are some of his top Aurors, I’ve never taken time off, and you only had to because of that, was it a collarbone injury? I’m not saying that he will let us, but we have a strong argument against him, so I’m saying that it’s more likely to agree. 
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warrenpeverell · 10 years
Just...I don't know if she needs space, give her space. Let her know you're there for her, but....it seems complicated. Just talk to her. Not about her brother, or the Howler, or the war, just....talk like a friend.
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Hah, yeah other things...I...do you think he would go for something like that?
Another Drink
I don’t know what to do, that’s the problem! I was never good at making friends, War, that was your thing.
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Yes, among…other things. I’m up for it. Should we call Henry up, or-?
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warrenpeverell · 10 years
I...no? That's usually your solution. I don't know, Wes, but I'm trying. You can't get mad at me for that. Tell me what you need, I'll...I'll help.
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Yeah, together. Las Vegas, isn't that the place with all the casinos? Hey, I'm down. A week of bar hopping sounds nice right about now.
Another Drink
How could you help me here? Huh? Throw some booze on it and call it good? 
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I didn’t really like this place the first time ‘round so this is almost worse. Like together? We could take a pilgrimage to Las Vegas, I heard that place is the shit. 
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warrenpeverell · 10 years
I...fine, I just....wanted to try...?
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 Yeah, I know the feeling. I feel like I'm....back at school we're here so much. That'd be nice, then maybe we could...take a vacation or something. For once.
Another Drink
Yeah, well…things are…complicated. You can’t really help here.
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I wish I could get out of here once and a while. I can’t remember the last time I wasn’t working. We are ready for it, well I am anyway. I’m reading to take them down and stop them once and for all. 
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warrenpeverell · 10 years
I'm....sorry? I was just...trying to help.
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Yeah, I know the feeling. They're always planning, we just need to be ready for it this time.
Another Drink
Well, don’t
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I-I don’t exactly like being here…memories, you know? But I don’t like how quiet it is either, the serenity seems to sick out. They must be planning something big. 
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warrenpeverell · 10 years
Alright, sorry, whatever. I was just thinking out loud.
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It's alright, I guess. I can't decide whether I like how quiet it's been or whether it makes me nervous. You?
Another Drink
Don’t talk about her like that, she’s not what you think she is!  You-you don’t know her like I do. 
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Yeah, whatever. How are you holding up here? You know, mentally and all. 
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warrenpeverell · 10 years
I dunno, man, take it up with her. Maybe she's just...a Slytherin.
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Fine. -shrugs- I mean, we get up, go to work, and then go home and just kinda crash. Nothing too exciting.
Another Drink
Yes, but I also see that its stupid. She shouldn’t just do this because of some rumor. 
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Oh, shut up!…But yes, just her. So, how are you and Pax? You know, considering she’s living on your couch and all. 
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warrenpeverell · 10 years
He watched as she thought, trying not to grin as her expression darkened. He was certain she knew exactly what he was doing, but he was also certain that wouldn't change the fact that she'd eventually give in. Plus, it was more fun for him this way. Warren knew that if she was going to come with him- and she was going to go with him- there really weren't many alternatives. Not to a muggle store anyway.
Warren sighed slightly, releasing her hands and moving his to run the length of her arms softly. He raked his eyes over her face, pouting slightly as he tried to win her over, knowing it wouldn't take too much effort. The hardest part was not smiling, not giving in and laughing, giving her whatever she wanted. He was happier that morning than he could remember feeling in months.
He gently grabbed her chin, turning her face back to him as he met her eyes again, leaning in closer and kissing her lips softly, letting one hand come to rest against her cheek. He pushed her hair back with his other hand, kissing her once more before resting his forehead against hers. "Please?" He whispered.
Midnight Memories || Paxton Wolfe & Warren Peverell
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warrenpeverell · 10 years
No, it was just because you two have a history. She'd probably talk to you before she'd talk to me. Well, maybe not now. Look, I'm just saying. You can see where she's coming from, can't you? 
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So, it's just the one then?
Another Drink
Oh, so now its a good thing that she refuses to talk to me, because I do recall you wanted me to be the one to talk to her. That’s because they’re little cunts. 
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I don’t like him. He seems like trouble. I don’t know, I don’t keep up with student’s and their lovers. 
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warrenpeverell · 10 years
Huh. Can you blame her? I don't know, seems like the students will make rumors no matter what, though.
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The Slytherin kid? I don't really know him. Haven't they been together for a while, though?
Another Drink
Yeah, well, I know that. She is just not talking to me! She thinks it will provoke more rumors about the two of us. That, honestly I don’t know if I would call him her “boyfriend” per say, he just causes drama for the poor girl. 
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warrenpeverell · 10 years
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warrenpeverell · 10 years
No, but I'm pretty sure it's obvious she's not pregnant, dude. Plus, she's got  boyfriend or whatever.
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Another Drink
Easy for you to say, they haven’t said anything about you knocking up a student!
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warrenpeverell · 10 years
"No you don't," he said lightly, not worried in the slightest by her words as he caught the pillow she threw at him. He blew her a kiss, winking once as he tossed it back onto the bed and continued rummaging through his closet, ignoring her arguments about the wheelchair as he hummed to himself.
Warren could feel her eyes on him, something he was glad she stopped trying to hide. He'd noticed it before, in fact, that's why he could always tell when she was watching. Because he'd spent so long trying to pay attention to it. He smiled to himself while his back was turned to her.
"Rude," he tsked, turning around to face her, holding up the two shirts. "Fine. Grey, then." Warren nodded once, placing the white back into his closet and pulling the soft grey v-neck over his head and adjusting it as it fell against his chest. "Goes better with my eyes," he grinned, fixing his hair from where the shirt had messed it up as it pulled against his head. 
He made his way slowly back to the bed, pushing the chair slightly further as he knelt in front of Paxton's place on the bed and grabbed her hand lightly, glancing down at their fingers as he sighed slightly. He wiped the grin from his face, and putting his best puppy eyed expression in place, glanced up through his lashes at her. "I just don't want to be away from you," he said quietly, blinking once.
Midnight Memories || Paxton Wolfe & Warren Peverell
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warrenpeverell · 10 years
Lighten up, Wes. They're obviously not true anyway.
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Another Drink
Obviously the twats have nothing better to do, so they enhance their lives by spreading bullshit.
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warrenpeverell · 10 years
Warren found an old pair of jeans, the last in his drawer, and scoffed slightly. Guess it was time to do laundry. He'd been so distracted lately, let so much slip by. He shrugged, shaking his head. That was over, now. On to bigger and better things. He glanced over at Paxton, trying to hide his smile as he watched her struggle with her pants. He leaned his shoulder against his dresser, shaking with suppressed laughter.
"Congratulations," he said coolly, throwing a grin her way as she straightened on his bed. He chuckled once, winking at Paxton. He turned back, rummaging through his half empty closet, trying to find a shirt. "Oh, I have a plan, don't worry about that," he answered without looking back at her. He wasn't exactly sure she'd like it, but it's not like she could even really argue. Or get up and walk away.
He quickly shed his pajama bottoms and pulled on his jeans, tossing the discarded pair into the middle of the floor and pointing his wand at it. He murmured a spell softly, watching as they transformed into a wheelchair, seated right next to Paxton. After all, he couldn't carry her the whole time, as much as he might prefer it. He turned back, positive he wouldn't need to see her reaction to get her opinion.
Warren continued to flip through his clothes, clicking his tongue lightly. "Grey or white?" He asked over his shoulder, moving back and forth between two nearly identical shirts, intent on ignoring his spellwork.
Midnight Memories || Paxton Wolfe & Warren Peverell
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