Abandoned!Shadowclan AU
This AU is a favourite of mine! I actually have some progress in writing it.
What if Starclan really had abandoned Shadowclan, like Sol claimed?
This AU is pretty simple in concept
Due to Brokenstar and Tigerstar, Starclan deems Shadowclan as unable to ever have a good leadership. Thus, Blackstar never actually received his nine lives. No other cat, aside from Littlecloud, knows.
Blackstar, despite wanting to just have him and his clan leave the lake altogether, knew he couldn’t without causing a major uproar.
However, at a Gathering, a comment from a Thunderclan apprentice caused him to briefly snap; the weighted feeling of knowing he isn’t truly a leader, isn’t truly the leader of a Starclan-officiated clan anymore pressured him. He was already close to just blurting out what had happened moons ago*, and this just caused it to come out sooner than he was ready for.
Shadowclan disappeared in the following days.
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Soul Control AU
Here's an older one of mine. This was one of my first true AUs, and I still want to do something with it.
TW: Manipulation
If this topic triggers you, please don't click below.
SO. This AU is something I want to write one day, but I haven't written an outline for it yet.
Manipulation is a terrible thing to experience, but the damage done can be healed; partially, at the very least.
In this AU, manipulation doesn't stop at mental. It can reach into spiritual manipulation, which is far more dangerous, as the manipulator is now able to shape their victim's soul however they want. Spirits are the only beings capable of manipulating the soul.
Two spirits manipulating a single soul is known as a Doubling.
Seeing the now-named Blackstar's views and beliefs shifting from their own, Brokenstar and Tigerstar take it into their paws to force his beliefs back into their own.
So yeah. I hope you enjoy that little summary.
If you want to present ideas or to ask a question, send in an Ask!
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Black Song AU
This AU is also one of my most beloved, and I can’t wait to share it with you all.
This fic will contain: depression, suicidal thoughts, attempted suicide, and PTSD. Recovery and healing from past traumas will be the main focus of this AU. If any of these topics trigger you, please do not read either below OR the fic (when it eventually comes out).
Now...onto the basics.
This AU will feature Blackfoot resigning his position as leader and becoming a medicine cat under Littlecloud. This will take place after Tigerstar’s death. Everything before still happens like in canon (ex: the Bonehill scene, Brokenstar’s reign, the Bloodclan battle, etc.), but will very quickly swerve into a complete divergence of it.
Blackfoot still becomes Blackstar, but this is short-lived. The stress of being suddenly thrown into the position of leadership nearly had him keeling over mentally, due to the messes he has to clean up.
He spends most of his free time reflecting on his past actions, finding himself being hit by guilt like a ton of bricks to the head. His mental state wasn’t entirely healthy in the first place, and becoming leader just added more stress and pressure onto that.
Eventually, the pressure and stress become too much, and he finds himself being forced to resign the position to someone else by Littlecloud. Blackstar would protest, feeling he has to take it upon him and him alone to clean up his former leaders’ messes (especially since he took direct part in them). Littlecloud stated that being in the position was clearly too stressful; that he could still help clean it up as a regular warrior.
Blackstar stiffened, suddenly feeling sick. As a warrior? He thought, thinking of his time as one. All he could remember was the violence and bloodshed he caused. Had he ever done anything good as a warrior? He couldn’t think of anything, but he could start now..
He looked back to Littlecloud when he felt him nudge his shoulder, looking concerned at his suddenly disgusted face.
“...do you want to talk about whatever is on your mind?” Littlecloud asked, after a moment’s hesitation.
“...” Blackstar remained quiet, still thinking. He supposed he could resign his position and become a regular warrior again, but why does calling himself a warrior feel so wrong? Why does he suddenly feel so disgusted? Was it because of his previous actions?
He thought of everything he had done, and wondered if he was ever a true warrior at all. A true clan warrior would never steal kits; a true warrior would never murder in cold blood. A true warrior would have never followed two tyrants in a row. A true warrior would have never spilled blood so shamelessly, so guiltlessly.
Thinking of spilling more blood made him feel sick to his stomach.
“I...don’t think I can be a warrior at all.”
I hope you enjoyed that.
Black’s med cat name is secret for now :)
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Song of the Stars AU
This AU is one of my most beloved, and I strive to actually begin posting it on Ao3.
This one is actually going to be a huge surprise, so most information about it will stay secret until then.
However, I will tell you what the main ships are: BlackFire (Blackstar/Firestar), and KestrelJay (Kestrelflight/Jayfeather)
This AU will divert from canon heavily, with only a few major canon events still remaining.
AS A TREAT, HERE ARE THE BOOK NAMES OF THE FIRST ARC: Loyalty Frostbite Isle of Dreams Ghosts of the Past Born Without a Heart Blackout
PROGRESS W/ DEVELOPMENT: Outlining chapter 2
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AU Masterlist
This list will include all of my own AUs; that way, people can find them quicker and not have to endlessly scroll through other aus or tags lol
Click below to see the list!!
Song of the Stars
Black Song
Soul Control
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