warriorofmiqote · 4 years
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#Final Fantasy XIV #thancred Waters #Warrior of Light
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warriorofmiqote · 4 years
igeyorhm: the bonding has begun. It could take weeks, or even years.
Lahabrea: we’ll need chairs
igeyorhm: dark chairs
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warriorofmiqote · 4 years
Lahabrea: I want to get rid of all disease plaguing mankind and replace them with worse ones.
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warriorofmiqote · 4 years
Emet-Selch: *saves the Warrior of light from the Fauth* There, I saved your life now I can go back to ruining it.
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warriorofmiqote · 4 years
Emet-Selch: you know that little voice in your head that tells you to do the right thing? I’m the guy yelling over it. Yeah, I’m the guy that makes you feel good about doing bad things.
WoL: so you’re like a terrible friend?
Emet-Selch: I never said I’m your friend.
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warriorofmiqote · 4 years
WoL: *uses a spell to throw Nero through a window*
Nero: Why did you throw me and not him!? *points at Cid*
WoL: cause I respect him and you’re the most annoying thing I have ever met. I was actually hoping you would have died from that.
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warriorofmiqote · 4 years
Retainer vocate: and why do you want this specific retainer?
Estinien: *in mind* don’t say revenge, don’t say revenge!
Estinien: Revenge
*mind*: that’s it I’m out of here
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warriorofmiqote · 4 years
Arenvald: *mother abused and neglected him for being half Garlean and tried to cut his “third-eye” out then abandoned him*
Sadly, I doubt the Padjal will ever be playable since they're eternally children. And the dev team has stated that, with all the shite WoL goes through in MSQ, putting a child through that would be unsavory. Not to mention all the ERP that goes on.
Square: Padjal are eternally children! (Even though they're very long lived beings with much wisdom and can speak with the elementals)
Kan-E-Senna: *is a Padjal leader and has wisdom despite her physical appearance*
Square: it would be a terrible thing to put them through that!!!
Nanamo: *became Sultana at like... Age 10 and became a political puppet*
Riol: *her own mother tried to kill her*
Square: UwU that would be unsavory
Yotsuyu: *her whole childhood exists*
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warriorofmiqote · 4 years
Y’shtola: don’t let your anger consume you.
Estinien: shut up cat
*gets consumed by anger and becomes Nidhogg*
Y’shtola: I told him.
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warriorofmiqote · 4 years
“Emet-Selch! I have a few words I would wish to speak with you about!” That voice that he loved so dearly did not sound happy at all. The pounding on the door only confirmed she was mad. Smiling to himself The Architect stood from his seat, walking over to the door. Upon opening it he was met with a white mask. “It’s nice to see you again Sif. What does my dear love wish to discuss about?” He purred at her. He knew why she was here but he wanted to push her a bit more. “You know why! That spot I had asked to be reserved for my garden was overruled by someone!” “Oh no!” He made a show of his false shock. “My poor dear who would do such a thing?” He knew who it was but he wanted her to say it. “You jerk! Hyth told me you went in this morning and out bought my claim!” She almost hissed at him. In his mind this was cute to him. The smallest of their kind snapping at him. This was almost a guilty pleasure to watch her get mad at him. Emet-Selch only offered her a smile and shrug before stepping back to his desk. “Did our dear friend also tell you what it was?” He pulled out something from his desk. “No he didn’t.” She glared behind her mask at her ‘love’. He smiled at her before handing her the papers. “It was meant as a surprise and I know you don’t come see me since you’re always too busy making new flowers but...” taking the papers she looked at them, her eyes widening behind the mask. “You reserved the place for a greenhouse?!” He nodded to Sif “for your more delicate plants, since you always seem sad when they pass.” He smirked at her the moment she looked up at him in shock, noticing the tears running out from under her mask. “Why didn’t you tell me?” She choked out, causing him to smile more. He knew more than anyone her plants meant everything to her, as if they were her children. “My dear Sif, you always seem to cry too much, it’s unbecoming.” He purred at her.
“Why does this place make want to me cry?” The Ascian’s train of memories came to a halt as he saw the Warrior of light approach him. Emet-Selch looked at the large greenhouse before him before looking back at them. Tears began forming at the edge of their eyes as they continued to look at the large building. “Come now” he sighed, rolling his eyes. “Must you cry so much? It’s unbecoming of you, hero.”
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warriorofmiqote · 4 years
The opposite of untitled goose game
Papalymo: you need to stop doing weird things. going out might help WoL: i went to the park today Papalymo: there you go! i hope you got something from that WoL: yeah, i did WoL: *opens their bag* this duck
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warriorofmiqote · 4 years
I want a cutscene of him being chased and really annoyed that they kept finding him
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“In my defense, they are surprisingly tenacious.”
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warriorofmiqote · 4 years
To people that think it’s okay to bully someone into suicide and think “I won’t get in trouble I’m anon” you’re a freaking jerk and I hope you get stopped.
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warriorofmiqote · 4 years
WoL: what if we hide a fake Nidhogg eye in Estinien’s room?
Alphinaud: that’s a horrible idea! Why would even do that?!
WoL: *gets on linkpearl* Red sword abort the mission!
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warriorofmiqote · 4 years
Or so he says
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I guess that means Thancred has no recollection of getting the everloving shite kicked out of him at the Praetorium.
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warriorofmiqote · 4 years
Estinien: the next thing that comes out of her mouth will be idiotic, watch!
WoL: Estinien
Estinien: *looks at Haurchefant*
Haurchefant: I must agree that is very idiotic.
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warriorofmiqote · 4 years
WoL: *on LinkShell* Ryne sweetie I think I may have broken Thancred.
Ryne: will be okay?! What happened?!
WoL: I accidentally called him “daddy”. He’s on the ground. I don’t know if he’s laughing or crying. Please send Urianger!
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