Our leader vote is underway! The polls have opened, and our members are casting their votes now for who will lead our future clans! Voting ends on June 20th, and leaders will be announced on the 21st! If you join the server in that time frame you are absolutely welcome to cast your vote as well, your vote will be weighed just as heavily as the members we have currently!
Our Website | Our Server | Our Toyhou.se World
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Our First Time Skip!
We've just had our first time skip! The plot is rolling, that cats are cating, and the Whispers and Screams are about to start Whispering and Screaming louder than before!
Join us as we start our first paw steps towards building the clans, because this moon will see our cats coming together then splitting apart again into three territories! Will you live in the Forest, where prey is plentiful and dangers are few? The Meadows, where the wide open fields give way to a new sense of freedom and adventure? Or the Hills, where predators are few and each hilltop leaves you feeling closer to the heavens than you ever have before? We can't wait to meet you and your characters!
Our Website | Our Server | Our Toyhou.se World
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Our first time skip/age up will be happening on June 6th, with the next New Moon! Timeskips happen here every Full Moon, and every New Moon, and once the clans form these time skips will be accompanied by a gathering as well! Once the clans get set up and healers/seers are chosen as well, half moon gatherings to commune with StarClan will happen on the irl Half Moon too! This upcoming time skip will have our kittypets and loners officially answering the Whispers call and beginning to gather near the pink tree pond just outside the village! This will be the official kick off of our first major arc, as the current Whispers and Screams plot is a sort of lead up event as we all get situated in the server! Visit our website for more information on the server, as well as the link to our server which can be found at the bottom of the site!
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A new group has popped up in the sewers of our village!
The Fireflies are a group of rogues who operate fairly similarly to a normal clan, though are far more militant in how they run and more accepting of non-members existing in their space. Run by Chancy, a molly who escaped a much more abusive gang in the past alongside other characters within the server, The Fireflies take care of their own and help anyone in need.
The Fireflies will be an ally the the clans as they begin to form, helping to set borders and map out territories. They'll be a loose guide on how the clans structure themselves, with the leader/deputy hierarchy. While the new clans will have help from ancient StarClan cats as well in their development, seeing the effectiveness of the hierarchy in action will serve as a huge boost in confidence for it working! The Fireflies are actively recruiting members as we gear up to really get our plot going and will play an active role in how the next couple plots develop!
For more information on the fireflies, please visit their site!
For more information on New Beginnings as well as the invitation link, please visit our site as well!
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What's this? A website for a discord roleplay server where we have even more information about the server itself?
I love this server a normal amount, that's why we've now got a website set up through Google sites! We've got information on our current Whispers and Screams events, allegiances, all of our servers rules, as well as information on how to rank up irp! It was made as a tool to help us spread information about the server easier, and provide an easy to navigate place in the future to read all that's happened so far in the story! The site will be updated every week right as we switch into Wednesday, so it'll always be kept up to date for as long as the server runs!
At the bottom of the site, you'll find a link to the discord, a link to our world on toyhouse, and a link to this blog!
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The party is just getting started...
The clans have yet to form, the cats have yet to gather to the Whispers call, yet events have already begun to stir into motion. The stars have begun to shine brighter, signaling the start of something new to those who have the knowledge and skill to notice it. Will your cat see the signs and gather as well?
Join us on discord as we come together and form our clans! It's been 30 years since the old clans of the region died out, and now Whispers invade cats dreams, coaxing them out into the wilderness to reclaim the old and forgotten territories.
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"The wind calls us in our dreams, tells us to settle the land outside the village. Will you join us?"
The clans of this region long ago wiped each other out, completely ending the reign of the clans over the wilderness. In the time between then and now, twolegs have settled near the old territories, bringing kittypets and strays with them as they expanded. No cats remember or know of the old clans, but there's a wind that vists some in their dreams, soetimes with a voice and sometimes bringing visions, but everytimr bringing the same message.
"Feel the wind, find the pink blossoms, find your destiny near the gentle shores."
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New Beginnings is a fresh start for the clans. Start out as a kittypet or a stray and help us to slowly build the clans from the ground up. Currently there *are no* clans to join, but our cats will be coming together irp to form them as the story progresses. High ranks will be chosen via server vote as they become needed in the story. We'll be piecing together our own warrior and healer codes also through server vote from member suggestions at key plot points.
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What we offer:
✦ A real chance to affect the course of the story and plot
✦ A safe space for lgbtq+ members
✦ A fairly unique baseline for lore, with the chance for your characters to build and affect the long-term lore as generations come and go
✦ Tupper for ease of roleplay (usage is not required to rp, but is there for members who prefer it!)
✦ A chance to rank up irp
This server is 18+ and does an activity check every other month. Activity checks will be announced and added to the server events up to two weeks before they happen. Exceptions to these checks can and absolutely will be made, just dm a member of the staff if you need an exception and we'll be more than happy to oblige!
We're very excited to see you there, and can't wait to explore this story with you!
Join us on discord!
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