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Been on that drawing grind
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The wind blew gently through the air, rustling the grass as if it were a green ocean. A white she-cat with a golden leg limped across the grass, her tail dragged behind her and brought along some of the brown, dead leaf-fall leaves. Her skinny form staggered towards the last place she could seek warmth; HighClan. After her twolegs had abandonded her, she had no other place to go than the three clans that resided around her area. ShoreClan and HollowClan would not take her in. The memory filled her with bitter resentment, motivating her to push forward.
With a final push, she made it to HighClan territory. She collapsed on the soft grass. She struggled to stay awake, it wasn’t far until she made it to HighClan camp. The scent was strongest on a hill, how could she climb a hill in this state? She allowed herself to blackout.
Perhaps I’ll be accepted into whatever awaits me after death.
“Wake up!”
The she-cat woke with a start when she felt a sharp pain in her tail. Craning her neck to look over, she spotted a tiny kit batting at her tail with it’s thorn-sharp claws unsheathed. She let out a weak hiss before laying her head back down. She noticed she didn’t lay her head on cold grass, but instead soft, warm moss.
“Wha..?” She managed to croak out.
“Bouncekit, leave her alone.” A black tom with white stripes padded into view with a couple of leaves in his mouth.
“Who are you? Where am I?” The she-cat tried to sit up before the black tom pushed her down with a paw.
“I’m called Lighteningstripe, and you’re in HighClan’s medicine den.”
“HighClan!” The she-cat gasped. “I need to speak to your leader at once!”
“Woah woah, chill.” Lighteningstripe meowed as he set his bundle of leaves down. “You’re in a terrible condition, you to at least sleep first.” He flicked his tail. “Bouncekit, go back to Darklake.”
“Okay!” The small kit bounced out of the medicine den.
“Here.” Lighteningstripe placed a couple small blue berries at the She-cat’s feet. “Eat these, it’ll get your strength up.”
The she-cat gulped down the berries without a second thought. She trusted this tom completely despite just meeting him moments ago. He was a medicine cat, after all. Besides, he didn’t send her away, but took her in to care for her. This cat reminded her of her father. The thought filled her with warmth.
“I can get Waspstar now, if you really need to speak to him so urgently.”
“I do, thanks.” The she-cat struggled to sit up. Lighteningstripe allowed her to this time. “Before you go out..” She trailed off.
“Yes?” Lighteningstripe stopped at the exit of the den.
“My name is Goldy.” She meowed.
“It’s nice to meet you, Goldy.” Lighteningstripe nodded. “I’ll go fetch Waspstar now.”
Not too long after, Lighteningstripe padded back in with a powerful looking yellow tom with black stripes beside him. Goldy’s eyes widened, that must be Waspstar. He certainly looked like a leader, that was for sure.
“You needed to speak to me?” Waspstar sat down, his tail curled around his paws. He was oddly graceful for such a muscular cat. “How are you feeling, by the way? My patrol found you passed out on our territory.”
“Fine, now.” Goldy purred. “Thank you. You’ve been more passionate than the other clans, and I’ve only just met you.”
“Ah, what about ShoreClan and HollowClan?”
Goldy began to explain how her twolegs had abandoned her on the side of a thunderpath. She told how she doesn’t know how to hunt, so she’s been starving, living off of twoleg scraps. Her tail twitched with irritation as she explained how HollowClan and ShoreClan had turned her away.
“So, I was wondering if I could be part of the Clan.”
Lighteningstripe and Waspstar exchanged glances. “It’s awfully close to Leaf-bare.” Waspstar began carefully.
“That’s what the other Clans said!” Goldy’s fur bristled, “Will you turn me away too? Please, say you won’t!” Her mew was desperate. She already took a liking to the Clan, and she’s only met two of them. “I know prey is scarce in this..Leaf-bare you speak of, ShoreClan told me! But..I can help hunt!”
“Very well.” Waspstar nodded. “I’ll hold a ceramony for you soon after Lighteningstripe gives the okay that you’re well enough to move around.”
“Thank you!” Goldy’s meow was almost incomprehensible with the volume and intensity of her purr. “You won’t regret it, I’ll make sure.”
But the other Clans might.
Waspstar nodded and padded out the den, his striped tail dissapearing behind the leaves of the den, which Goldy only just now noticed was a hollowed out bush. Were the other dens like this? She was excited to find out.
“I think you’re free to go out.” Lighteningstripe meowed. “Be careful, though. Don’t push yourself. If you feel tired, come back to the medicine den.”
“Okay!” Goldy padded out the den, immediately bombarded with many new smells. It didn’t overwhelm her, it excited her. This was her new home, and soon she’d blend in with the scents. She’d be part of Highclan.
HighClan is the superior Clan. She decided. They must be sent from a higher being.
“All cats old enough to climb the hills gather around Flatstump for a Clan meeting!”
Goldy almost rushed to sit with the other cats who swarmed around Waspstar sitting on a wide stump with another cat, but she remembered Lighteningstripe’s warning to take it easy. She slowly padded over, her paws itching.
“As you may know, we found an injured cat on our territory and took her in. We have decided she’ll become a full member of HighClan.”
“Where does she come from?”
“Will she be like, a daylight warrior?”
Goldy raised her head at the murmers, she was the center of attention.
“Hey, uhh-” Waspstar cut himself off. “Ah, I don’t think I caught your name.”
“Goldy!” She yowled above the crowd.
“Goldy.” Waspstar dipped his head. “Step forward.”
Goldy padded forward, aware of the eyes on her. Everycat was interested in her. She sat at infront of Flatstump, her tail twitching in excitement.
“Goldy, from this day fourth you shall be known as Goldfoot.”
“Goldfoot! Goldfoot!”
They’re cheering for me! She thought with pride.
“We will all work together to show you the ways of clan life! Meeting dismissed.”
I’m a warrior of HighClan. ShoreClan and HollowClan better watch out. She thought as she flicked her ear. There was sinister meeting behind her words that she hadn’t spoken outloud, as innocent as it sounded. This would go beyond regular Clan rivalry.
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HighClan information
Prey: rodents, small birds
Predators: birds of prey
Camp: HighClan camp is on a hill next to a large Twolegplace.
Strengths: HighClan cats have many hiding spots under their camp and they often take in loners or kittypets so they have more paws.
Weaknesses: living so close to Twolegplace can be dangerous.
Outside areas: Dustyhollow: a hollow in the ground used for training battle moves, it’s full of dusty dirt Hunting grounds: located pretty much anywhere they can find prey Large twolegplace: as it sounds, lots of kittypets or rogues may join the clan from here, and they are welcome. Cats may also find twoleg food in the garbage here. Hilltunnels: tunnels underneath their camp; cats may use this to house the sick or for hiding when a battle happens
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HollowClan information
Prey: fish, Reptiles, occasionally mice if they can find it
Predators: Foxes, mostly.
Camp: the HollowClan camp is in a cave near a narrow stream that sometimes holds fish.
Strengths: their camp is protected from wind and most predators due to being in a cave.
Weaknesses: HollowClan cats do not feel comftorable in open space, which can prove to be a battle disadvantage
Outside areas: Battlerocks: the training grounds, on a rocky area. Hunting grounds: as it sounds, it is located by the stream. Small Twolegplace: a few small houses far enough away from camp. Streampool: a small pool that the stream runs into as if a tiny waterfall
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ShoreClan info
Prey: crabs, fish, other things they can find on the beachside.
Predators: birds of prey and even sharks if a cat swims out too far.
Camp: the ShoreClan camp is on a slightly elevated piece of land to protect cats from high tide.
Strenghts: it is easy for ShoreClan cats to get through difficult terrain due to living on sand.
Weaknesses: living by the ocean can be dangerous if a cat falls in.
Outside areas: Training cave - training area, cats train in the cave for practice fighting in places beyond their comfort zone, and outside the cave for regular training. Hunting grounds - as it sounds, it’s located by the shoreline. Greenleaf place - a cabin that twolegs go to stay for summer Sun hollow - a hollowed out sand pit that the sun shines on. Cats usually rest here and find crabs hiding in it
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Leader: Tinystar - small tabby ginger she-cat with gray splotches. Deputy: Smokewhisker - smoky gray tom who’s paws fade to a darker gray. Medicine cat: Echoshine - brown she-cat with white markings. (Apprentice: Silverpaw)
Warriors: Eaglepatch - white she-cat with distinctive brown wing shapes on both of her sides. (Apprentice: Dawnpaw) Duskstream - brown tabby tom with white splotches. Silentcrow - mute black she-cat with a single white patch on her forehead. Dappledturtle - tortoiseshell she-cat. Tallspirit - small tuxedo tom. (Apprentice: Applepaw) Bluerose - silver she-cat who looks blue in certain lighting. Twigbreeze - cream tom with light brown markings.
Apprentices: Silverpaw - silver she-cat with white speckles. Dawnpaw - orange tabby tom with a white flame pattern on his chest. Applepaw - brown tabby tom with a white tail-tip.
Queens: Beakfrost - brown she-cat with cream markings. (Kits: Hollykit - black she-kit Whalekit - blue-gray tom Snowkit - white she-kit )
Elders: Brownfeather - cream tom with brown markings. Speckleblaze - white she-cat with orange speckles.
Leader: Runningstar - large black tom with a distinctive white face. Deputy: Marigoldspot - white tom with orange splotches. Medicine cat: Slugfern - fluffy white and silver she-cat. Mosspoppy - orange tabby she-cat with white spots.
Warriors: Longwhisker - pale ginger tom with white and black markings who has unusually long whiskers. Rainsnout - gray tabby tom with a raindrop marking on his face. Riverleaf - unusually colored blue and green she-cat. Ashberry - dark gray almost black tom with a white muzzle. (Apprentice: Crystalpaw) Softflower - pale cream tabby she-cat. Rosethorn - fluffy white she-cat with brown points. Redclaw - reddish-brown tom with black markings. (Apprentice: Mudpaw) Thistlespike - black she-cat.
Apprentices: Crystalpaw - white she-cat. Mudpaw - cream tom with brown splotches.
Queens: Dawnriver - orange she-cat with white wave-like markings. (Kits: Honeykit, Stormkit) Dayshadow - black she-cat (Kits: Beetlekit, Spinkit)
Elders: Yellowfur - golden tom. Tangledwillow - longhaired gray she-cat. Firecloud - orange tabby tom with white patches.
Leader: Waspstar - yellow tom with black stripes. Deputy: Lilacfrost - gray she-cat who looks purple in some lighting. Medicine cat: Lighteningstripe - black tom with white stripes.
Warriors: Goldfoot - white she-cat with one gold color leg. Spiderfang - black tom. (Apprentice: Whiskerpaw) Dovefeather - fluffy white she-cat with gray markings. Stormstripe - gray tabby she-cat with a white belly. (Apprentice: Talonpaw) Poppystream - orange tabby she-cat with white paws. Bluecloud - White tom.
Daylight warriors: Summerleap - Golden tom with a distinctive orange face. (Apprentice: Storkpaw) Whiskerpaw - white and gray tom. Venusdapple - dilute tortoiseshell she-cat.
Apprentices: Talonpaw - brown tabby tom with a white belly and long claws. Storkpaw - white tom with black legs and tail.
Queens: Darklake - dark gray-blue she-cat. (Kits: Bouncekit)
Elders: Skysight - white tom with unusual light blue eyes.
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Warriors - Shattered Worlds: Red Mist
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Note! I did not draw the cats. I used transparent cat images from google and edited them to look like my ocs.
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