warstorys · 6 years
hi there! if you like lgbt media & are feeling the lack of disabled characters on tv, please watch special when it airs on netfix on april 12th. it was created, written by and stars a gay man with cerebral palsy; there will only be eight episodes, and it’s being criminally underpromoted by netflix. it’s a semi-autobiographical comedy, and it looks so funny and unflinching. it has sex scenes starring the aforementioned gay disabled lead! his name is ryan o’connell btw! it stars other gay actors, puts a woman of color in a prominent role speaking about her own experiences, and you guys, it just looks so fucking promising. i would hate to see this show tank because nobody watched it.
watch the dang trailer too
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warstorys · 6 years
nobody asked but
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warstorys · 6 years
nsfw go down on fraaaaaaaaaaank
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warstorys · 6 years
i hope everyone is having a nice evening
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warstorys · 6 years
accessibility in the age of customisable blogs & formatting is a nightmare directly from hell that we’re rarely awesome at - but people who over-format their posts ( i’m talking like ... quadruple spacing, fonts at various sizes but predominantly in subsmall ) have never given a damn about accessibility in their lives and then some of them have the gall to get upset if someone needs to change their post just to make it readable. and that’s not good
thanks to the nature of dashboard & the fact we can view posts in a dashboard style it’s by and large possible to avoid having any major readability problems because of someone’s theme - which doesn’t mean we don’t all need to work on it, but it’s a problem that has options for resolution.
but people’s formatting in the posts themselves can only by dealt with by editing the posts themselves, or copy-pasting them into another program altogether, at which point if they’re spaced weirdly more editing will still be needed to make it readable. people need to stop choosing to format the text of the posts themselves to be as ‘aesthetic’ and unreadable as possible - i promise it doesn’t improve the quality of your writing. that will speak for itself
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warstorys · 6 years
i love frank ships and he deserves happiness so i am always quietly looking for more but the real facts are that curtis and frank invented romance.
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warstorys · 6 years
‘ you know good and goddamn well what is that. how you gonna start actin’ like you’re older than me, huh? ’
not that it’s the first time that’s happened, either, but still - curtis shakes his head, stranded in a familiar stretch between amused and exasperated, huff of breath buzzing at his teeth, lips. ( still, all contented under the warmth of frank’s palm, he’d be lying if he said he wanted frank to move or close off, too. )
“ ah, blame the kid. she aged me. y’know. ” he has grey hairs starting to creep in at the temple and everything. ( it’s a fond ribbing, absolutely - as if he’d rather be anywhere than in this odd, live place with something that shakily looks like a patched-together family. )
fingers squeezing curt’s knee, his grin settling into a warmly crooked line. “ you wanna be my old man ? i’ll let you grouse more, how about it. ”
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warstorys · 6 years
‘ that was really wild stuff considering you were asleep for , what , like… ninety-nine percent of it ? ’
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          “ mhm. yea. at least ninety-nine. ” sucking air through his teeth: “ i got a real learned talent for sleeping through your bullshit. ” sniff: “ glad you seem a little less bullshit these days. ”
the haunting of hill house / accepting / @jeebys
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warstorys · 6 years
fun date idea: hold my hand and comfort me while i bleed out in the back seat of a stolen car
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warstorys · 6 years
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Veronica Roth, Insurgent
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warstorys · 6 years
‘ you’re saying it was an accident , so you accidentally put your hand through a mirror ? ’
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         he exhales like a bull, nostrils flaring, hand that isn’t speckled with splinters and blood reaching up to press into the lines of his furrowed brow. “ yeah. no. ” no, that’s not it, punching the mirror wasn’t the accident; the accident was - something else. the mirror, cracked and with stray pieces fallen out of the frame, looks like it. 
frank knows what he wants to say, and the words feel like something just beyond arm’s reach, and he can’t pick them up and puzzle them into the right order. stumbling around the trenches and hills of his own head like this pisses frank off, so - so badly, and that’s, it, the accident. “ y’know, uh, losing my - shit. ” that’s the accident. he’s an asshole more often than he means to be. “ that was it. ”
the haunting of hill house / accepting / @metuere.
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warstorys · 6 years
i have something to say 
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warstorys · 6 years
sure wish a dinah madani blog existed that didn’t make me absolutely raging furious but y’all all wanna ship her with billy huh ...
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warstorys · 6 years
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warstorys · 6 years
*   warning   :   may  contain  spoilers  for  episodes  one  through  ten .
‘  if  you  were  me ,  you  wouldn’t  be  such  a  fucking  asshole .  ’
‘  the  world  out  there  has  teeth  and  it  is  hungry  and  it  is  stupid  and  it eats  and  eats  mindlessly .  ’
‘  you  listen  to  your  gut .  even  if  it  makes  them  hate  you .  ’
‘  i  am  a  dream  and  so  are  you  and  so  are  we .  ’
‘  you  are  a  looker ,  aren’t  you ?  ’
‘  honey ,  someone’s  in  the  house .  ’
‘  i’m  dreaming ,  right ?  ’
‘  i  just  need  a  little  time  away .  it’s  nothing  more  than  that .  ’
‘  you’re  saying  it  was  an  accident ,  so  you  accidentally  put  your  hand  through  a  mirror ?  ’
‘  i’m  scared .  that’s  all  i  am .  there  is  nothing  else .  i’m  only  scared .  ’
‘  do  you  think  there’s  something  wrong  with  me ?  like ,  really  wrong ?  ’
‘  it’s  alright ,  sugar .  it’s  just  a  dream  —  just  a  screaming  meemie .  ’
‘  we  yield  to  it  or  we  fight  it ,  but  we  cannot  meet  it  halfway .  ’
‘  i  seldom  am  well  behaved .  ’
‘  i  enjoyed  the  conversation ,  but  i’m  gonna  say  goodnight .  ’
‘  did  you  just  punch  me  in  the  boob ?  ’
‘  just  enjoy  me .  i’m  loving  you .  ’
‘  i  wouldn’t  have  changed  a  thing .  i  need  you  to  know  that .  ’
‘  forgiveness  is  warm  like  a  tear  on  a  cheek .  ’
‘  i  loved  you  completely  and  you  loved  me  the  same .  ’
‘  that’s  all .  the  rest  is  confetti .  ’
‘  forgive  a  girl  for  being  lonely .  ’
‘  there’s  nothing  sadder  than  a  cold  bed .  ’
‘  journey’s  end  when  lovers  meet .  ’
‘  journeys  don’t  end ,  not  if  you  love  someone .  they  don’t  end  at  all .  ’
‘  probably  best  you  didn’t  say  anything  to  them .  ’
‘  i’m  asking  you  to  love  me  hard  for  the  next  few  minutes .  ’
‘  i’m  gonna  jump  and  i’m  asking  you  to  hold  my  hand  while  i’m  falling .  ’
‘  i  have  something  that  i  have  to  tell  you ,  but  i  need  you  to  remember  when  i  do  that  i  love  you .  ’
‘  i  wish  i  would’ve  loved  you  better .  ’
‘  pandas  don’t  like  macaroni .  ’
‘  i’m  just  floating  in  this  ocean  of  nothing  and  i  wonder  if  this  is  it ,  this  is  what  death  is .  ’
‘  i  wonder  if  this  is  what  death  is ,  just  out  there  in  the  darkness ,  just  darkness  and  numbness  and  alone .  ’
‘  i  wondered  if  that’s  what  they  felt ,  just  numb  and  nothing  and  alone .  ’
‘  he  was  a  light  in  the  darkness .  he  was  a  life  preserver  in  the  ocean .  ’  
‘  i  reached  for  him  because  i  had  to  feel  something .  i  had  to  feel  anything .  ’
‘  god ,  i’m  so  glad  i  did  it  though .  thank  god  it  worked .  ’
‘  i  felt  scared .  so  fucking  scared .  ’
‘  honestly  i  had  to  do  it  because  it  felt  better  than  feeling  nothing .  ’
‘  that  thorough  fucking  shame  was  so  much  better  than  that  horrible  empty  feeling .  ’
‘  you  have  to  live .  ’
‘  i  don’t —  i  don’t  know  how  to  do  this  without  you .  ’
‘  i  learned  a  secret  :  there  is  no  without .  i  am  not  gone .  i  am  scattered  into  so  many  pieces ,  sprinkled  on  your  life  like  new  snow .  ’
‘  when  we  die ,  we  turn  into  stories  and  every  time  someone  tells  one  of  those  stories  it’s  like  we’re  still  here .  ’
‘  we’re  all  stories  in  the  end .  ’
‘  you’re  supposed  to  protect  me ,  but  you  say  the  meanest  things  to  me  when  i  try  to  tell  you  things .  ’
‘  that  was  really  wild  stuff .  ’
‘  that  was  really  wild  stuff  considering  you  were  asleep  for ,  what ,  like…  ninety-nine  percent  of  it ?  ’
‘  i’m  sorry .  i  should  have  made  more  of  an  effort  with  you .  ’
‘  you  tried  the  best  that  you  could .  i  should’ve  met  you  halfway .  ’
‘  people  fuck  up .  i  guess  you  don’t  get  that  —  you  really  don’t  get  it  until  you  fuck  up .  really  fuck  up .  ’
‘  i  felt…  nothing .  just  nothing .  and  it  spread  everywhere  in  me ,  this  nothing ,  until  i  couldn’t  feel  anything  anymore .  i  was  just  this  dark ,  empty  black  hole .   ’
‘  i  felt  nothing  and  so  i  drank  and  i  drank  and  nothing  worked .  i  couldn’t  feel  anything .  ’
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warstorys · 6 years
‘ mm. dunno if it counts as borrowing, anymore. ’
once, sure, when frank was - a ghost or a shadow on the edge of the group, but now, when frank shares his table and his kitchen and his bed – it’s taken a different shape. more sharing, there, and curtis settles, lets their shoulders rest neatly, comfortably, together.
( he’s only halfway paying attention to the article, now, but that doesn’t bother him much. )
a brow arches, in any case, gaze flicked sidelong. all humoured, all warm: ‘ space, on the other hand. you manspread like it’s your job, huh. ’
curtis settles near to him and something warm uncurls in frank’s stomach and aches. it isn’t a bad feeling. it’s a present one. “ guess it doesn’t, ” he says, voice a quiet rumble, hand dropping to rest comfortable and affectionate on curtis’ knee. 
( yeah, he doesn’t feel much like a ghost anymore. or - not so much, anyway. he breathes in these spaces with a man that he doesn’t just care about but lets himself care about. makes him all feel a little less ashen. being with curtis isn’t the thing that makes frank feel alive for the first time in years, but it helps. the faint feeling that they deserve their twenty years waiting is — )
he gives curtis a grin on the right side of shit-eating, nudges his knees further apart, sinks into the couch. “ you don’t want me gettin comfy - ? ” dry snort, although his tone is similarly good humoured: “ fuckin’ manspreading, what is that. ”
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warstorys · 6 years
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@zapp87​ requested: Frank Castle + coffee
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