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reita is so cute, feel like crying, that male fan shouting his name, reita’s voice broken… and these monsters LOL
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So a lot of us were right, it is the member's birth flowers.
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The question is what are the birth flowers? The Western calender is different from the Japanese calender and when I checked 3 different Japanese sites they said different things.
Until they tell us it is basically a choose your own adventure (meaning) so come with me as I definitely guess the wrong flowers and will look like a fool later on 🤡. I used a combination of Japanese and Western meanings.
URUHA [June 9th]
Sweet Pea - Tender memories, departure, delicate joy, sensitivity and gratitude. Can also mean loyalty and friendship. In older eras people gave this flower as a sign of thanks for hospitality.
Gaura - Intelligent and Determined
Aster - Reflection and Fond Memories. "I will never forget you."
Godetia - Unconditional Love, a charming and enthusiastic person.
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REITA [May 27th]
Mayweed- Joy of Bringing People Together, A Happy Heart, Deep Affection, Path towards Love
Calanthe- Renewal, Fresh Start, Humility, Humble Love, Resilience (because it grows in the colder months)
Columbine- A lively heart
Japanese Snowbell- Glamourous, Keeping a Promise and Heaven (Columbine ans this looks like none of the flowers on the shirt but I included it cause Reita fans might take comfort in the meanings.)
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AOI [January 20th]
Dendrodium - Self assured, refined, charming
Japanese cornel - Strong willed
Calendula,Daffodil and Black Eyed Susan are also his flowers but they look nothing like the flowers on the shirt.
He also has sweet pea so WHO IS THE ACTUAL SWEET PEA IN THE BAND?
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RUKI [February 1st]
Freesia- Pure love, preserverence, thoughtfulness & end of hard times.
Daisy- Love hidden in the heart, true love, trust, fortune when it comes to Love
Plum Blossoms- Clear mind, nobility, innocence and loyalty.
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Now Kai (October 28th) f**king has me stumped.
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Cause these are ALL DIFFERENT FLOWERS FOR OCTOBER OR OCT 28TH. So my guesses are:
Mallow flower - Guardian, resilience (grows in a time where other flowers wither), courage
Cornflower - Hope or giving hope
Doudan Azalea - Vividness, coming into one's own.
St John's Wart flower - Light, driving away darkness
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My guess:
Reita (Top Row left) - Calanthe
Aoi (Top Middle) - Cornel
Ruki (Top Right) - Freesia or Plum Blossom
Uruha (Bottom Left) - Gaura
Kai - (Bottom Right) - Cornflower
Idk man
Some Sources:
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15th Anniversary
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The colour of never giving up
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reita and uruha, childhood friends with the same dream, and together made it came true, that dream is called the gazette...
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