waterchild-blog1 · 7 years
❝ Can’t get rid of the fear of the water unless you learn what it’s like to drown, right? if you know what it’s like to drown you’ll force yourself to learn to swim. on the other hand, you’re becoming a real life hero. you’re gonna need a name to go with that herodum. ❞
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❛  well, that didn’t work for the boy since all did was try to grab on to anything that would keep him above surface then trying to swim. and what kind of name would you suggest?  ❜
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waterchild-blog1 · 7 years
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waterchild-blog1 · 7 years
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waterchild-blog1 · 7 years
“Who did this? I’m going to need names.”
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❛  Matthew Francis, he signed his son up for ten swim lessions. he said he would come back tomorrow.  ❜ was it to continue the swim lessions or get a new swim instructor? she didn’t know.  ❛  my boss said he could handle it ---  ❜
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waterchild-blog1 · 7 years
❛  so a father today decided to throw their son in the ocean because he believed that he was lying, and proceeded to watch his son drown. then got mad at me when i saved him ❜
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waterchild-blog1 · 7 years
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“Sure have, I have a couple here actually. My boss’s crush on me is actually a bit concerning, but I can handle myself.” Marie glanced up at the clock, “Like a half hour, why? You got something planned?”
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Ariel made a face before laughing. ❛  is he at least a little attractive?  ❜ she teased as she wiggled her eyebrows. another laugh escaped her lips before she shook her head.  ❛  maybe ...  ❜ she dragged out the word before offering marie a grin.
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waterchild-blog1 · 7 years
“Thank you! I’ll definitely try that when I can for now I think i’ll end up borrowing my boyfriends jacket .”
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❛  I’m glad i can help in some way  ❜ she offered a smile. 
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waterchild-blog1 · 7 years
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waterchild-blog1 · 7 years
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“You wouldn’t happen to know how to get coffee stains out of sweaters would you? I-I accidentally got iced coffee all over my favorite sweater..”
❛  rubbing the stain a few times under cold water should do the trick. if not just add some detergent to it for a few minutes and that should work.  ❜
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waterchild-blog1 · 7 years
Noah often strolled along Main Street strumming his ukulele. He did this for several reasons. One, he liked to torture himself by smelling the food from the restaurants. Two, he liked to think he provided a rustic charm and ambiance to the town of Charming. And three, the occasional tip or two didn’t hurt. He spotted someone who made the mistake of glancing slightly in his direction so he did a grapevine in their direction, 
      “♪Wise men say, only fools rush in, but I can’t help falling in love with you….♫”
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This wouldn’t have been the first time she heard the man walk around town with his ukulele. she also remembered him from siren’s song. but hearing him walking around town with ukulele never failed to bring a smile on her face. it reminded her of a much simpler time when she was younger, and how much she missed singing. her eyes grew wide when she realize he was heading towards her direction, feeling her cheeks turn red. ❛  oh,  ❜ she spoke in a quiet tone as a nervous chuckle left her lips. she pressed her lips together as she listened to him sing, only speaking again once he was done.  ❛  i admire your singing  ❜
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waterchild-blog1 · 7 years
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“Oh my gosh, I’m so excited about Easter! There’re so many cute and colorful treats, and my personal favorite: peeps. They even have peep oreos and they’re EVERYTHING! Have you tried them??”
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Hearing the excitement in the girls voice caused ariel to smile. ❛  i have, the peep oreos are amazing! but i’m the biggest fan of the chocolate rabbit  ❜
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waterchild-blog1 · 7 years
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FULL NAME: ariel lachlan
AGE: 24
BIRTH DATE: october 14th 
GENDER: female
CURRENT LIVING CONDITIONS: charming, california
OCCUPATION: swim instructor and lifeguard at the shore
PARENTS: athena lachlan ( deceased ) & triton lachlan
SIBLINGS: attina, alana, adella, aquata, arista, andrina
BODY BUILD: slender
TATTOOS + PIERCINGS: cartilage piercing 
NOTABLE PHYSICAL TRAITS: she has long, thick, red hair.
PHOBIAS: being told something is impossible
INTELLIGENCE: graduated with a master degree in marine biology
LIKES: ocean, sea creatures, music, singing, dancing, adventure, freedom, anything to do with fun
DISLIKES: rules that don’t make sense, violence
POSITIVE TRAITS: adventurous, determined, free-spirited, curious, kind, witty 
NEGATIVE TRAITS: impulsive, stubborn, rebellious, mischevious 
the lachlan family owns the mermaid marina at the shore of charming, california. it is open to anyone in town, or visitors. they can leave their boat there or rent one. by triton’s rules, the lachlan family is no longer allowed to sail into the ocean on their boat. ariel knows not to borrow a boat from their marina since last time she tried the employees told her father. ariel doesn’t know that sailing out into the ocean was the reason her mother died. triton doesn’t talk about her at all, always avoiding any questioans ariel had. attina was the only one to talk about her, but only to tell her the good memories about her mother. not the questions she wants to be answered. she wonders if her mothers death have to do something with their family boat. since it’s the two, well three, subjects her father avoids at all cost.
after athena passed, triton had sebastian to help him with the girls. as well as mostly relying on attina to step up as the older sibling and take care/watch over her younger siblings. more so ariel, since she was the one to constantly cause trouble more than anyone else. reputation was big in the family, well mostly for triton. and he wasn’t going to have their reputation be damaged by ariel’s reckless behavior. he made sure sebastian keep a close eye on her.
the only sister that seemed to show any kind of interest in ariel’s urge of adventure, which comes to a shock to ariel since she is more of stick-by-the-rules type personality. ariel adore her older sisters and would do anything to protect them, but she knows they would never understand her. the only common thing they enjoy is music. since ariel was young she took a special interest in the piano, begging to have piano lessons. music was once a big part of the family, but now ariel doesn’t play on the piano as much as she used to. but whenever she has free time, or in the mood, she’ll go back to pay a few songs.
seeing how her father started to tighten his leash on her, ariel started to “follow” his rules. doing the best she can to be the “perfect” daughter he wants her to be, but sneaking out late at night to fulfill her needs for adventure. luckily sebastian was a heavy sleeper and triton was never really home much. 
ariel study and graduated college with a master degree in marine biology. her plan is to be able to work for awhile, get some experience before going back to school to get her PhD. after she graduated she sent out applications for jobs out of town.
ariel never believed the rumors about crossing the town line, but her father did. he never told her why he did she thought it was some kind of lie to keep people inside the town. there was no reason for anyone to not be able to leave a town, she refused to believe it. she won’t accept that she’s stuck in this small town since she believes she is meant for more than what this town has to offer.
as a graduation present, ariel got a kings charles cavalier spaniel dog and named him spot. 
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waterchild-blog1 · 7 years
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“I might be at work, but that doesn’t mean I can’t also use the time to socialize? It’s not like my boss minds, and besides today is slow.”
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❛  just wanted to make sure, there are some crazy bosses out there. ever read some of the horror stories about ‘em?  ❜ the redhead raised an eyebrow. she’d guess her father’s employees would sure have stories about him.  ❛  what time do you get off your shift?  ❜
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waterchild-blog1 · 7 years
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If only I could make him understand. I just don’t see things the way he does. I just don’t see how a world that makes such wonderful things could be bad. (insp)
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waterchild-blog1 · 7 years
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❛ can you imagine what’d happen if dad found out? ❜
❛ he’s never here ❜
❛ don’t get cute with me ❜
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waterchild-blog1 · 7 years
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waterchild-blog1 · 7 years
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who says that my dreams have to stay just my dreams? 
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