waterdanced · 7 months
hi friends.
a bit ago i moved all my muses to my multifandom multimuse, including demyx. i just kiiiiiinda forgot to say anything at all about it here.
give me a follow over there if you're up for it and want to keep writing with this guy. if not, no hard feelings—it's been real.
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waterdanced · 1 year
i take back what i said on luxord about ganondorf. instead i might fuck around and delve into the horror rpc.
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waterdanced · 1 year
alright, folks, strap in for another theory rambling from syd: demyx edition
what we know about demyx:
not much
(that's, like, partially facetious but also true. all we really know is that he's connected to some ancient keyblade legacy. on top of that, though, there are some observations we can make:)
his death in kh2 has him in a weird pillar of light only shared slightly with xigbar
i trust him when he says he's not a scientist
his title is the melodious nocturne in en and nocturnal poem in jp
his element is water, which has been heavily associated with darkness as a metaphor in kingdom hearts
now, let's set aside demyx for a second to discuss the master of masters — and no, this theory isn't one of those theories about them being the same or whatever. i have taste.
the landi lodge on youtube posits that the master of masters may very well be light itself, and i'm inclined to agree; the fact that he says "the truth is what you see with your eyes, not what you hear," only for the screen to flash with light when his name is blanked from being heard is almost evidence enough, but compound that with my outdated theory about him being kingdom hearts itself... i feel it makes sense. what we also know about the master of masters is that he once had friends in a time long ago who fell in another keyblade war, and darkness is his long-time enemy.
there is also a lot of christian imagery going into mom and the foretellers, given the seven deadly sins and whatnot. i promise this is relevant.
one more important detail: one of the thirteen true darknesses is currently unaccounted for.
now, let's get back to demyx and what i think about him:
let's take one possibility for his true name, edym, and consider that it's an alternative spelling of adam. adam was created by god, famously known as a being of light.
let's consider that edym — possibly like luxu, possibly like the foretellers, if you let me be very insane — may very well have been a creation of the master of masters in an era long past. they may be connected in a way without being the same person. consider edym as a prototype replica (which would work narratively given all his talking points and plot involving the replicas), maybe even with, somehow, a piece of the master in him to kickstart his existence — sort of similar to the concept of a nobody. it would explain his light pillar at death, and it would explain his haha, yeah, no dismissal of being a scientist. it would also explain his ancient keyblade legacy. it might even explain why he knows nobodies do have hearts, which no one is aware of canonically.
consider him one of mom's original friends, thought lost in the war. consider him becoming a vessel for the missing darkness and how that would be such a painful insult and personal attack to the master of masters while also explaining his affinity for water, so often linked to darkness. it would also explain the nocturne/nocturnal part of his titles, given that nothing else about demyx really fits that description whereas most of the others at least fit who they're assigned to.
there is also the fact that vexen comments about "men like us, men of science," when speaking to demyx... which is certainly not accurate for vexen's perception of demyx. but consider that vexen/even has displayed a very sharp intuition before in being able to tell that ventus is a heart of pure light, so perhaps he's picking up on something about demyx's past and true nature.
this would all even, in a way similar to how xigbar set off mom-similarity warning bells in others before that reveal, explain what similarities are there between demyx and the master.
i've talked about my theories for luxord and how those would put him around the missing link era, but i don't think mom's original era would be mentioned if it wouldn't also be relevant. demyx having a personal connection to the master of masters would add another layer to the way he's often seen with xigbar, as well.
and all this said, demyx could still very well have ended up quadratum, thus making him a duo with luxord still despite being from different eras.
i hope all of this makes sense. i could definitely spend more time on it to make it more cohesive, but... this is what y'all get.
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waterdanced · 1 year
been suddenly thinking about the demyx as darkness theory and what that must be like when it comes to light...
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waterdanced · 1 year
i guess the master of masters is making a comeback. was about time, anyway.
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waterdanced · 1 year
the thing with demyx is: he's pretty much a loner but it's so easy to get him to go to bat for you, even if only temporarily. he doesn't like to get involved, but he'll throw himself into the middle of things if talked to the right way.
he'll bail almost instantly and leave you to fend for yourself as soon as it gets too heavy, but hey. he was there for the start.
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waterdanced · 1 year
back on this blog because i've been thinking of his time as edym in quatratum specifically
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waterdanced · 1 year
@burserks said: #great awesome cool btw where are the mission reports.
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"aaaahhhhh, yeah, about that. uh —" this isn't good. "i totally turned them in already, dude. don't tell me you lost 'em." he's somehow managed to put the :( emoticon in his voice. he is also very full of shit.
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waterdanced · 1 year
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whatever, dude. it's the weed day so no one can bring him and his mullet down.
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waterdanced · 1 year
thanks for getting me kicked to the couch. :/
how's this MY fault?!?!?!??! YOU said you weren't gonna back me up, so I think you had it coming
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waterdanced · 1 year
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"yeaaahhh, let's go, mullet crew!!"
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waterdanced · 2 years
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" where's everyone going?? bingo?? "
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waterdanced · 2 years
@empxrical asked: “ fun fact about academic books that i learned in college is that no one has ever enjoyed writing OR reading an academic paper. ” this is a lie. he enjoys them. occasionally.
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the fact that this is a topic of conversation at all has edym feeling the life sapped out of him. what a drag. not that the conversation's as much of a drag as the swimming mess of words put together in the least understandable way possible in front of him. he's sitting on a chair in the castle of radiant garden, but to call it sitting is doing a disservice to the concept of sitting; he's got his legs kicked up over the back of it, his head near the ground.
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" sooooo they're still being written this way... why exactly?? " you'd think they'd just make it easier on everyone involved in the process instead of keeping it practically illegible. he sighs and holds the paper out to even. " you wanna read this one, dude?? i'm not making heads or tails of it, and i don't see that changing no matter how long i stare at it. "
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waterdanced · 2 years
started out at the back of the show i've had enough of being part of the crowd
so much for making a plan i'm just gonna dive in and do it loud
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waterdanced · 2 years
don't get me started on xion and demyx through my theory/hc lens of demyx being what is ostensibly the first replica ever ok
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waterdanced · 2 years
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babe new hot word of the day just dropped
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waterdanced · 2 years
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