Benefits of Water Jet Cutting.
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A waterjet also referred to as a water jet cutter, is a machine used to cut a wide range of materials using a stream of high-pressure water. There are two types of waterjets, an abrasive jet, and a pure waterjet. The latter uses water only in its process while the former uses a mixture of water and an added abrasive such as granite. The abrasive jet is able to cut through harder materials than the pure waterjet. The principle behind the operations of a waterjet is that of using high-pressure water from a pump focused through a small nozzle. The small nozzle ensures the pressure is much greater.  For more info on Waterjet Cutting, click here. There are two types of pumps used to create the high pressure in waterjets; an intensifier pump and a direct drive pump also known as a crankshaft pump. Each of these pumps has both advantages and disadvantages. The direct drive pump, which uses a plunger to push water through the high-pressure tubing, is simpler but is high maintenance. On the other hand, the more complex intensifier pump which uses hydraulic oil to push its plungers is more expensive but has a lower maintenance cost in the long run. When it comes to the nozzle, an orifice focuses the water into a thin beam which ejects high-pressure water out cutting the material it is directed to. In abrasive jets, the abrasive material is added at the nozzle, just before ejection. Waterjet cutting has a wide range of applications ranging from industrial uses, aerospace and mining, fabrication of machine parts being the main use. Temperature-sensitive materials are cut using this method because of the 'cold cutting' ability of waterjets. Cold cutting refers to how this method does not generate a lot of heat as compared to other cutting methods. Cutting intricate and complex details can be achieved using this method due to the small and effective nozzle. Waterjets are also environmentally friendly because they reduce the amount of scrap material produced. They also provide very little smoke, airborne dust particles, fumes, and contaminants.  Visit www.flowwaterjet.com to learn more about Waterjet Cutting. This helps improve the health conditions of its operators. When dealing with meat and bones, there is a reduced risk of contamination since there's no contact with other media like blades. Waterjet cutting also ensures materials are cut without interfering with their internal structure. This method is also faster than most cutting methods. There are manufacturers all around the world who sell waterjets. There are also different sizes and different pressures available depending on the needs. I hope this was helpful and now you know more about waterjet cutting. Learn more from https://www.reference.com/hobbies-games/cut-glass-68a188c30c4d1ba4?aq=Water+Jet+Cutter&qo=cdpArticles.
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Ways through Which Waterjet Cutting is Advantageous.
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Waterjet cutting is a technological idea in which water that is under high-pressure is used for cutting of materials. The cutting is achieved through the use of a waterjet cutting machine. The waterjet cutting technology can be categorized as either pure or abrasive. Pure involves the use of water to cut through soft materials whereas abrasive involves the use of water and other abrasive material which helps in the acceleration of the cutting stream. The use of waterjet cutting technology is beneficial in several ways and therefore should be embraced. To discover more about Waterjet Cutting, visit here. The article herein will, therefore, discuss some of the ways through which waterjet cutting is advantageous. One of the advantages that you will enjoy by adopting the waterjet technology is that you can cut wide range materials. The versatility of the machine is the primary reason why it is recommended for industrial purposes. Some of the materials that you can cut using the technology include rubber, glass, and ceramics among others. Furthermore, if you adopt the use of abrasive waterjet cutting, you will be able to cut materials of up to 200 mm in thickness. Therefore, if you intend to cut a wide range of materials, then the most suitable machine to buy is the waterjet cutting machine. The other advantage of the technology is that it is not affected by heat since it is regarded as a cold cutting method. It, therefore, means that you will not have to worry about an accident that might arise because of high temperatures. The need for safety precautions will be reduced as there are no risks involves. Besides, the use of water makes it a clean cutting method. The other available cutting methods are usually characterized by distortion of the materials which is not the case when it comes to waterjet cutting technology.  For more info on Waterjet Cutting, click www.flowwaterjet.com. The distortion is usually contributed by heat. The last advantage of the waterjet cutting machine is that you will not require additional finishing process. The cutting outcome is usually precise and smooth, and that explains why you do not have to worry about the finishing process. It, therefore, helps in saving time since the cutting process is fast. Moreover, you will not have to worry about hazardous waste which comes in the form of fumes and gases. It will, therefore, help you in protecting the environment from damage by some of the gases produced. It is therefore evident that waterjet cutting is beneficial in several ways. Learn more from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crgujRcyhhE.
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Creative Uses of Waterjet Cutting.
Do you think water could slice a fragile material such as a piece of cake or a refined material such as steel slabs? Have you tried imagining a bone surgery being done through the use of water as a cutting equipment? When a jet of water is pressurized up to 50,000 PSI, it becomes a powerful slicing and cutting tool that is useful in a lot of applications. Also, waterjet is useful for drilling holes or perforating a material. The best part here is it is considered as more efficient than the other heat-based cutting techniques like the plasma and lasers cutting. The technology behind in the waterjet cutting is using a high pressure water flow or a mixture of water and abrasives to cut a broad collection of materials. Since 1970, this phenomenal cutting technology has been used.  Read more about Waterjet Cutting from www.flowwaterjet.com. It was mainly used for cutting a wood-fiber tubes back in those days. It became a much preferred cold-cutting method right after it was invented. There are five major benefits of waterjet over the traditional cutting. First, it's dustless. Second, there's no toxic gases being released in the atmosphere. Third, it can be slowed or stopped in between the method with no damage done to the material. Fourth, it is functional on any point or part of the material. Lastly, it's isothermal. Nowadays, there are a lot of industries that incorporate the technology in the waterjet cutting. For instance the field of aerospace where there are a lot of incredible operations involvement that uses waterjet for cutting, reaming, and shaping tight-tolerance yet complex aerospace components. Also in the mining industry, powerful waterjets are used increasinly for drilling and cutting rocks. Moreover, waterjets are used in coal mines too. They are both cost-effective and efficient. It is useful for a hygienically cutting fruits, vegetables, meats and other products like cakes and breads.  To learn more about Waterjet Cutting, visit water jet cutting company. A reduction of the food contamination is possible since there's no mechanical contact involved. Waterjets are so fine that it quickly cuts the material that doesn't make it wet or damp. A great number of worldwide establishments and institutions are conducting a higher research in the science of water jets as it is popularity is increasing. Hence, this method is meant to be useful and efficient in the long run. With its advancements, it can also prove to be a much better substitute to conventionally used cutting techniques. Learn more from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_jet_cutter.
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