wayefinder · 4 years
[ ♒︎ ] – ❝I’ve never been ice skating before. I’m... Kind-of excited, actually.❞
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This was something normal people did-- People who didn’t have to hop from world to world in order to protect them from the Darkness. The Land of Departure didn’t have anything like this skating rink-- In fact, snow was quite a rarity there to begin with. Any other World she had visited was only temporary, never long enough to truly explore or appreciate what they had to offer... Which was why it had been so strange, living in Spirale for so long.
Perhaps that was why she had leapt at the chance to go ice skating during this festival. It was new, and the colorful lights which trailed behind the skaters all the more enticed her to try. After choosing her color-- Blue, of course-- She had proceeded to the rink.
Gripping onto the side railing, the young woman’s brow creased as she eased onto the ice. It was slippery, and a brief flicker of doubt flashed across her mind as she carefully guided herself to a steady point on the wall. This was going to take practice.
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wayefinder · 4 years
[ ♒︎ ] –  ❝This star map... I don’t think I’ve seen anything like it.❞
Enraptured by the glow of the stars and planets surrounding them, the young woman reached out, fingers brushing the underside of a world she did not recognize. It moved just out of reach, the slight momentum caused by her touch gently rotating the softly-glowing entity. Though aware she wasn’t necessarily alone here in the star garden, the comment was mostly to herself-- Despite having been to more than her share of different worlds, she was in awe of the scope of this creation.
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       ❝I wonder if they’ve included our worlds among these, too?❞
@ressusciters​ / SPIRALEFES!
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wayefinder · 4 years
[ ♒︎ ] – Cotes’ redesign had been a bit jarring, to say the least. More than a few of her favorite places had disappeared along with the transformation, and Aqua had found it someone difficult to adjust. It was strange walking out of her home into a district she didn’t recognize, but perhaps it wasn’t all bad. The fairies, at least, were interesting, and had even put on their own event for the festival.
Aqua had decided to partake in the treasure hunt despite not being too keen on being turned into a fox should she be unsuccessful. While she could be tenacious in her own right, she also figured it might be better to have a partner so as to reduce the odds of failure-- And therefore had approached another young woman, who also appeared to have entered the forest on her own.
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         ❝Would you like to join me for the treasure hunt? Two heads are better than one.❞
@dongbaek-kkot​ / SPIRALEFES!
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wayefinder · 4 years
[ ♒︎ ] – Picking up a set of pencils, Aqua eyed them warily as she lifted them to her nose, inhaling as to try and determine their scent. They didn’t smell like regular pencils... But that didn’t mean much, did it? For all she knew she could be biting into a hunk of wood!
Taking one, the young woman lifted it to her mouth and experimentally ( yet gently ) bit down on the end. As expected, it didn’t break off upon applying pressure, and instead the taste of wood filled her mouth. Feeling slightly foolish, Aqua sighed, looking to another girl nearby.
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        ❝Have you found any actual candy yet? Somehow I keep getting the real objects.❞
@nextlayton​ / SPIRALEFES!
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wayefinder · 4 years
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here’s a small little starter call for SpiraleFes that i’ll be capping at 3 for now!
while i work on these, also, if i owe you anything in terms of replies (that you’d like to continue) and its been more than a couple weeks please im me and let me know! my brain has been very scrambled this past month and i’d like to get back on track :’)
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wayefinder · 4 years
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( smacks the helmet of her keyblade armor ) this baby can fit so much tragic backstory in it
resident keyblade master and guardian of the realm of light, at your service. evildoers beware!
definitely the big sister type. will make sure you’re taking care of yourself whether you like it or not
baking is her hobby and she Will bring you some
will also put others’ happiness before her own like it’s going out of style
she kinda doomed herself to darkness in order to save her closest friends, so let that speak for itself about how deeply she cares for people & things
is no stranger to hopping between different worlds, so at least winding up here isn’t too mind-boggling
carries the weight of her past failures and fears heavily on her shoulders, but tries not to let it get in the way!
except. maybe. in the middle of an important battle. it’s fine
please be her friend, she’s been through a lot & needs a hug
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wayefinder · 4 years
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wayefinder · 4 years
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        ❝I’m pretty sure there used to be a lot more cherry blossom trees around here...❞
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wayefinder · 4 years
         ❝Have I actually been here before, long ago...?❞ These memories are so fresh, but logically... They’re from nearly two decades ago. The places where they’re supposed to fit in her mind and in her heart are jumbled, like a child attempting to shuffle a deck of cards. An ache was beginning to spread across her skull, dull and persistent. Aqua’s hand trembled only slightly as she pressed her fingers to her temples in an attempt to relieve the pain. Similarly, the feeling in her heart would not subside-- Bittersweet, as if she were now looking at Spirale through a lens of nostalgia. Of having been here before, in a happier time, like so many other places.
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         ❝I can’t... I don’t understand. I would have remembered.❞
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wayefinder · 4 years
[ ♒︎ ] – The last thing Aqua had expected when following this almost-hidden trail was to find a meadow, stretching upwards and outwards and overlooking the sea. It was peaceful here, though possessed of some melancholy, as if lifted out of the pages of a storybook. The girl found that it reminded her of home, the familiarity of it almost overwhelming despite never having visited before. She’d situated herself in the grass, a safe distance from the overlook, simply admiring all which she could take in. For once, she felt the general sense of unease subsiding.
The second to last thing Aqua had expected to find here was... A cat. At first startled by the creatures appearance, she had not yet taken note of anyone else who might have accompanied it, simply surprised that such an obviously well-loved thing was wandering apparently by itself.
Still, it was cute. Regal and refined, mostly, but cute! Whoever owned it clearly had expensive tastes, judging by the collar it wore. Extending a hand towards it, Aqua patiently waited for it to approach-- Yet her head snapped up at the sound of yet another person coming forth.
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         ❝Is someone there?❞ Aqua called, brow furrowing as she lowered her hand and craned her neck to get a good look at whoever might be coming up the rise.
@cdavre​ / PROXY!
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wayefinder · 4 years
[ ♒︎ ] – With all this time spent in a new place, Aqua had started to get worried about missing out on her training. Given that magic seemed to be out of the question... Maybe practicing her swordsmanship would do some good. She wasn’t as strong as Terra-- Who knows how far ahead he might have gotten while she was gone?
The only issue was that she hadn’t a clue where exactly she was permitted to practice. Thus Aqua had sought out someone who looked like they might, and this man-- Fully armored, with two sabres at that-- Fit the bill. He looked like a knight, almost, and the younger girl had to work up a bit of courage to approach him.
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          ❝Pardon me,❞ she began, clearing her throat. Ever the polite one, even when she was a bit nervous.  ❝I noticed your weapons, and was hoping you knew of a place where I could practice with mine.❞
@soviireign​ / PROXY!
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wayefinder · 4 years
He grasped her hand firmly and used it to lift himself up. Dimitri dusted his legs off, unsure how much foliage got relocated onto his uniform. 
“Keyblade…? I’m not familiar with such a weapon, actually. The mages I know usually use tomes or Levin Swords….,”  Finally pleased with his inspection he straightened up. Hm, she was around the age of a normal academy student, but like many others here, not dressed for such a position. He got a look at the blade in her free hand–it definitely didn’t seem like much in terms of a blade, with its zigzagging edge.
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It only vaguely looked like a key, too. He likely wouldn’t have made the connection unless she told him. He scratched his chin. “The shape seems similar enough, though! I know there’s a lot of arcane crystals used in the construction of Levin Swords, but the shape seems to be conductive to magic…could you tell me more?”
He cleared his throat, realizing he had forgotten something. “Pardon my manners, I am Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd from ….well, Faerghus.” He gave a quick waist bow. “You need not answer my queries unless you want.”
[ ♒︎ ] –  Noticing the attention he was giving her blade, Aqua held it up a bit more clearly until he was satisfied. She didn’t blame him for the curiosity, given the relative rarity of such a weapon, and she herself was unfamiliar with the use of tomes or... Levin Swords. 
❝Well, they’re not very common anymore... Or at least, that’s what my Master told me. They tend to choose their wielders and are a bit... Picky.❞  
Warmly the girl smiled at the other boy-- Dimitri, he said his name was. He certainly seemed eager to help despite not knowing much about her weapon or magic at all, something which Aqua was grateful for. It was nice to meet a friendly face after such a long period of uncertainty. But his mention of Faerghus caused questions of her own to stir. From what she had gathered, this world was named Spirale, not Faerghus. So he wasn’t from this world, either. Just how many other people and worlds were affected? And was this not really a test from her Master after all?
Those questions could wait. Though a bit awkwardly, she mimicked his bow in return-- Was that customary here? 
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❝Nice to meet you, Dimitri. I’m Aqua, from the Land of Departure. And don’t worry-- I don’t mind answering your questions.❞ A pause, before she continued.  ❝I might ask you some, too, though. Like... What exactly is a Levin Sword? Is that a kind of weapon from your World-- Um, Faerghus?❞
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wayefinder · 4 years
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MOBILE DATING GAME MEME platonic edition
@yunmeng-pride​​ said: route start!
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route start: What are you giving me that look for? That guy was not going to fight you fairly. I saw the look in his eye. You shouldn’t be so reckless. route switch: Sometimes peoples paths diverge...
menu interface, poke A: What is it? menu interface, poke B: Good to see you again. menu interface, poke (repeatedly): I didn’t realize you could be this pushy... menu interface, poke max ♥: You look like something’s on your mind. Should I put on some tea?
completed scene, +♥: There’s a lot that’s happened to me in the past, and most of it wasn’t pleasant. There have been promises I couldn’t keep right away due to things outside of my control. But... I promise to stand by you, Jiang Wanyin. No matter what happens, I’ll have your back. completed scene, -♥:  Jiang... I’m sorry. I’m not sure you’d understand, even if you let me explain it to you. But... You won’t let me do even that. So I think I’ll be going. 
gift (neutral): How kind of you... Thanks. gift (disliked): Are you sure you’ve been listening to me when we talk? gift (liked): You really got this for me? I don’t know what to say-- Except thank you. Truly. gift (their birthday): You remembered my birthday? I wasn’t expecting that. Not that I don’t have faith in you--
birthday: Here-- It’s a wayfinder. It’s something I make for the friends who mean a lot to me... A good luck charm, so that no matter where we go, we’re never really that far apart. I figured that now would be a good time to give it to you. Now... Who wants cake? ( Received violet wayfinder from Aqua! )
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wayefinder · 4 years
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yearning from a safe distance; endless midnights of your mind being clouded with whoever it is you want to hold; catching small glimpses of the love you wish to have through flitting moments of smiling and gentle glances. you attract longing. whether that be your own yearning or a person yearning for your heart, longing surrounds you and encompasses the entirety of your life. you breathe and the people around you smile, taking second glances, feeling their breath catch in their throat. flowers grow to the direction of you. the sun rises to smile at you and wish you good morning. you attract ladybugs, butterflies, bumblebees, and all the insects that seem to flutter too fast to catch. there's no need for you to catch them, they just want to be there with you. you are a forcefield, a magnet for those who you've wrapped around your finger, perhaps unknowingly. 
you ... are longing personified.
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wayefinder · 4 years
[ ♒︎ ] –  A strong sense of familiarity crept up Aqua’s spine as she laid eyes upon the other, and along with it a lingering tinge of danger. Her heart yielded no answers despite the young apprentice looking inwards for a connection, which should have existed-- It was fleeting, difficult to grasp, and the more she tried to take hold of it, the further it would slip away. Just what had been done to her when she’d arrived on this World? 
These questions still swirled in her head as she paused in her movements, a puzzled expression contorting her features. His shoulder had rather forcefully jammed into her own, knocking her off balance and into another citizen on the sidewalk. That hadn’t been on purpose, had it? 
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          ❝Please watch where you’re going,❞ she began as she righted herself and turned to face the boy, rubbing at her now-sore shoulder. She’d rather avoid confrontation if possible, but something was nagging at her about the whole situation. Nevertheless, her tone was only mildly annoyed for the moment, lacking in any recognition. ❝...Or at least say ‘excuse me’.❞
@shroudedark​ / PROXY!
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wayefinder · 4 years
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Pokemon Team Ask Meme
@dongbaek-kkot​​ said: ice !
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NINETALES (Alola ver.) - Careful FROSLASS - Calm FROSMOTH - Hardy GLACEON - Bold VANILLISH - Naughty CUBCHOO - Serious
trainer card maker found here!
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wayefinder · 4 years
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Pokemon Team Ask Meme
anonymous said: water type!
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