waytooinvestd · 2 years
many problems are caused by the mindset that the world is divided into good people and bad people and the bad people can be "found out" and removed, eventually leading to a utopia containing only good people.
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waytooinvestd · 2 years
Plantito Joon 🌱
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waytooinvestd · 2 years
As a child were you the “I’m an alien and I don’t understand human things” neurodivergent or the “I’m not supposed to be here I’m actually supposed to get whisked away to another world where I’m the chosen one” neurodivergent
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waytooinvestd · 2 years
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You are in danger too. We need a plan before we go.
LITTLE WOMEN 작은 아씨들 (2022) Episode 9
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waytooinvestd · 2 years
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I choose to believe Do-il got this for her as a gift because it was her birthday the day before. I know I'm right.
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waytooinvestd · 2 years
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LITTLE WOMEN 작은 아씨들 (2022) Choi “🤡” Do-il
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waytooinvestd · 2 years
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 •  [ 2 / ∞ ] Star Wars - Episode II: Attack of the Clones (2002) COSTUME DESIGNER: Trisha Biggar
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waytooinvestd · 2 years
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barriss offee in star wars: the clone wars (2008) and star wars: stories of jedi and sith (2022)
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waytooinvestd · 2 years
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waytooinvestd · 2 years
I am reading Attack of the Clones novelization and while most of it follows the movie word for word there are some parts that have never made it into the movie, and the part that describes the mess that is Anakin Skywalker from the moment Obi-Wan jumps out the window
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until Anakin finds a speeder
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is one of the most hilarious things.
He's trying to go through things, he forgets what the layout of the building he is in looks like... Just look at this:
“See to her!” was all that Anakin explained as he scrambled past them, running full out for the turbolift.
Anakin was in no mood to wait for a turbolift. Out came his lightsaber, and with a single well-placed thrust the Padawan had the doors open, though the turbolift car was nowhere near his floor. Anakin didn’t even pause long enough to discern if it was above him or below, he just leapt into the shaft, catching hold of one of the supporting poles, and spinning downward. His mind whirled, trying to remember the layout of the building, and which levels held the various docking bays.
Suddenly a feeling through the Force alerted him to danger.
“Yikes!” he yelled as he looked down to see the turbolift racing up at him.
Grabbing on tighter to the pole, he held his open palm downward, then sent a tremendous Force push below to propel himself back up the shaft, keeping him ahead of the lift with sufficient speed for him to reorient himself and land, sprawled, atop the speeding car.
So basically he jumped down a turbolift shaft without looking and ended up a pancake on top of the turbolift.
Again, whipping out his lightsaber, he stabbed it through the catch on the lift’s top hatch. Ignoring the shrieks from the car’s occupants below, Anakin pulled open the hatch, grabbed the edge as he shut off his blade, then somersaulted into the car.
“Docking bay level?” he asked the pair of stunned Senators, a Sullustan and a human.
“Next is sixty-something,” but Anakin slammed the brake button, and when that didn’t work fast enough for him, he reached into the Force again and grabbed at the braking mechanisms, forcing them even more tightly into place.
All three went off the floor with the sudden stop, the Sullustan landing hard.
He used the Force to stop a turbolift which was already stopping because what are a few broken bones of Senators when Obi-Wan is in danger.
Anakin banged on the door, yelling for it to open. A hand on his shoulder slowed him, and he turned to see the human Senator step by, one finger held up in a gesture bidding the eager young Jedi to wait.
The Senator pushed a button, clearly marked on the panel, and the turbolift door slid open.
But what happens when you Force stop a turbolift? It doesn't align with the floor.
With a shrug and a sheepish smile, Anakin had to fall to his belly and squeeze through the opening to drop to the to the hallway below. He ran frantically, left and then right, finally spotting a balcony adjacent to the parking garage. Out he ran, then vaulted over a rail, dropping to a line of parked speeders. One yellow, snub-nosed speeder was open, so he jumped in, firing it up and zooming away, off the platform and then up, up, heading for the line of traffic flowing high above.
He tried to get his bearings as he rose. What side of the building was he now on? And which side had Obi-Wan flown away from? And what angle had the fleeing probe droid taken?
As he tried to sort it all out, Anakin realized that only one of two things could possibly put him on Obi-Wan’s trail, dumb luck or …
The Padawan fell into the Force yet again, searching for the sensation that he could identify as his Jedi Master.
Of course Anakin couldn't think but he can always sense his Master :)
WHY didn't this make it into the movie 😭 It would have made this exchange even funnier
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Forgot how to human, more like it.
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waytooinvestd · 2 years
When Vader’s helmet is cracked open and Obi-Wan pauses, lowering his saber, and saying his name, “Anakin.” I am a wreck again. It’s one thing to intellectually know that this is what Anakin Skywalker became, but this is also the moment Obi-Wan probably feels his friend the most.  This is the last ember of Anakin Skywalker about to try to absolve Obi-Wan of his guilt, this is the last remaining sliver of him, not just Anakin’s face, but in Anakin’s mind, his heart, his soul. They are connected through the Force, they feel each others thoughts and emotions, so for Obi-Wan this is the moment he most truly feels Anakin Skywalker.  This is the last moment he has hope that his friend is still alive somewhere in there. Everything up to this has been fury and seething anger from Vader, nothing kind or good remaining of Anakin, it’s all been attempts to try to make Obi-Wan suffer with him, to try to burn Obi-Wan’s love for him into hate. Up to this point, it’s still hard to accept that Anakin and Vader are the same.  But in this moment.  This moment.  When his mask is cracked open and he sees Obi-Wan with his own eyes, there’s a glimmer of Anakin Skywalker, one that’s there just long enough to say it wasn’t Obi-Wan’s fault. And Vader lets it happen, so that Obi-Wan’s love for Anakin will be reignited just to be torn down, burnt to ash, and all that will be left is for Obi-Wan to hate Vader. Anakin shines through for one more moment, to reach Obi-Wan one last time, to absolve him, and Vader lets it happen just long enough that he can make Obi-Wan watch Anakin Skywalker die again. And Obi-Wan feels every moment of it in his own heart, but also through the Force, feels Anakin’s and Vader’s feelings along with him, watches the light of his friend be murdered. That’s why he pauses when he sees Anakin’s face again, because it’s not just his face, it’s the last bit of good in this person he loved so much, it’s the moment he truly feels his friend again.  And then Darth Vader murders that friend right in front of him.
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waytooinvestd · 2 years
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hashtag hayden confirmed
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waytooinvestd · 2 years
Rogue One and Obi-Wan Kenobi are perfect examples of how you can add an impactful middle to stories that already have a beginning and end, subsequently making those original stories more layered in the process. In this essay I will—
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waytooinvestd · 2 years
Obi wan: "Well I wasn't going to give you a blaster Leia, you're 10"
Leia, the moment she turns 11: "BLASTER TIME"
Obi: "NO"
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waytooinvestd · 2 years
The way Vaderkin’s voice subtly breaks when he says, “Anakin is gone. I am what remains.” like I am in tears over the way that line is delivered, it’s both a pledge to the dark once more, the monster refusing to be anything but a monster, but also a lamentation for what he is, that he knows he cannot break free of the dark, it’s sorrowful because he doesn’t want to be this, he’s in pain and he hates himself more than anyone.  It is not a triumphant moment of the dark side, it’s a cry for what he has become.
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waytooinvestd · 2 years
When you want an Obi Wan Kenobi season 2 despite the show ending perfectly
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waytooinvestd · 2 years
idk for me the fight on the death star is more meaningful now bc it shows how far obi wan has come. in kenobi he traumatized and emotional and broken & runs away from vader. after ten years without practice and without using the force he really is weak. vader easily over powers him, and lets him live. in a new hope obi wan has found balance and healed, and after matching him in battle, let’s vader kill him. that is, of course, after sparing one last glance towards the children he’s watched grow protected for the last twenty years.
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